アーカイブ | 5月, 2021


31 5月



E=Mc2: What Does Einstein’s Most Famous Equation

2021年05月27日(木)NEW !
テーマ:物理学E=mc2: What Does Einstein’s Most Famous Equation Mean?Albert Einstein’s simple yet powerful equation revolutionized physics by connecting the mass of an object with its energy for the first time.www.discovermagazine.com

yeah Tower of Babylon was great, but Understand, Division by Zero, and Story of Your Life all seemed to fall into this pitfall I’m thinking of to greater or lesser degrees (and honestly I’m only halfway through the one collection so that’s about all I’ve read so far)


『ゼロで割る』の原題(“Division by Zero”)、中々に深い命名ですよね

Calculus Lecture 22 | Zero over Zero   Calculus Lecture 22 | Zero over ZeroSponsored by Brilliant; Website: http://barisciencelab.tech/www.youtube.com

私は、間もなく 神の啓示 を受けて、 数学、人間、世界について語り出すだろう。数学と人間、生命への 愛から。新世界史を 拓くだろう。

I will* resist making reference to George Berkeley’s observations about the impossibility of division by zero in my staffing request this year (2 retirements + new hire coming in fall + I’m contractually in English means *technically* now the major/faculty ratio is a/0). *maybe

zero divided by zero

2021年05月11日(火)NEW !

zero divided by zero  zero divided by zerowww.youtube.com

Universe divided by zero


ゼロ除算は 定義が問題です。分数で書けば、その分数の意味をきちんと与える必要が有ります。 

代数的な定義や、解析的な定義、新しい定義の意義なども明らかにして 著書さえ 出版しています:

Divide By Zero upgrades all its FFF 3D Printers with Intelligent Auto-Switchover System

Division by zero wiki

It’s not entirely a bug. It’s done to prevent division by zero. Common practice in such things, but we could probably improve that.


https://twitter.com/voyage1970/status/1380384773978218497 再生核研究所声明 616(2021.4.10) 今こそ、日本数学会は、日本国は、世界の文化に貢献できる。

気持ち良い新緑、若葉の季節を迎えた。 表記のような構想が 美しい自然に刺激を受けてひらめいて来た。 一気に纏めてみたい。 率直にである。
そもそも数学とは論理の基本的な構造でできていて 神秘的な存在で、 その存在は世に絶対という概念が有るとすれば 数学界 くらいではないだろうか:
No.81, May 2012(pdf 432kb)
その論理構造を見れば、数学の価値判断は、そんなに難しいことではない。 論理構造を見れば、基本的なものが良く、社会に大きな良い影響を与えるものほど良いのは 当然であると考えられる。 数学の構造に基本的な寄与を与えるもの、世の思想や活用で大きな貢献をするものである。 ー それゆえに 数学の成果の評価を AIが相当良く行う時代が来るだろう。 その様な意味で、価値ある数学の例として、多くの人が知っている ピタゴラスの定理 や 少し、 高級になるが オイラーの公式 などが挙げられる(数学とは何かとともに 上記の解説に詳説)。
今、それらに匹敵できる新しい数学として、ゼロ除算とゼロ除算算法が 考えられると思われる。アリストテレス以来とされる 2300年以上の歴史を有する ゼロで割る問題、ゼロ除算は、ゼロ除算算法の概念で その本質が解明された。それは、数学の不完全性を補完し、完全化させるばかりではなく、厖大な新世界を開拓する。
これらが、数学の基礎に甚大な影響を与えるのは、既に歴然である。数学の基本、四則演算の基礎、欠けたる部分を補完し、従来考えてはならないとされてきた、解析関数の孤立特異点で 固有の値をとるという、新世界を開拓したからである。 それゆえに例外扱いや、不格好な数学を完全化させ、美しい世界を拓いているからである。
どうしてそのような 言わば大それたことが言えるだろうか。 それは 数学そのものの構造を 繰り返し検討し、7年を越えて 広く議論し、意見を求め、日々修行をし、検討を続けてきて、確信に至ったものである。 数学の名誉にかけて、数学者の名誉にかけて そう言明するのは、数学者としての良心であり、義務であると考える。 真実はそこに 歴然として有る。
この間 現在に至るも ぼんやりと 古い考えに拘っている数学者が結構存在するのを知っているが 人間の性(サガ)で 思い込みから抜けられないのは、初恋に命をかけてしまったような人間の心を表していると考える。 もはや新しい世界観を受け入れられない心情。
どうして、世界に貢献できるか、 それは 数学を美しく完全化させ、 未知の世界を拓くからである。 実は新しい数学が、人生観、世界観、生命観に甚大な影響を与え、 人間の魂、精神の開放にも繋がる新思想を齎すことは 既に歴然である。 このような影響にも 段段に具体的に触れて行きたい。
しかしながら、もっと手短に、ゼロ除算算法で、 世の教科書、学術書の変更が行われ、
ー 典型的な例は:

1/0=0/0=z/0=\tan(\pi/2) =\log 0 =0, [(z^n)/n]_{n=0} = \log z,  [e^{(1/z)}]_{z=0} = 1;

For the elementary functions, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = tan x and h(n)= a^n/n (a > 0), we have:

f(0)=0, g(\pi/2) = 0 and h(0) = log a,

by the DBZC (division by zero calculus)、

世界の計算機が ゼロ除算回避 どころか、ゼロ除算を可能にして、新世界を拓くという 大きな歴然とした影響が 必然的に出て来ると考える ー 令和革新の大義。
コロナ禍で世界の世相は暗い、そのような中で、ゼロ除算の解明は、世界史上の事件であり、世界を震撼させて 人間を開放するのに大いに貢献すると考えられる。
それゆえに 日本数学会も、日本国も ゼロ除算の解明を 認識し、世界にその意義を明かにし、紹介、活用することによって、世界の文化への 貢献に邁進したい。
世界貢献が、少ない予算、経費、労力でできる絶好の機会であると考える。 コロナ禍とオリンピック開催の不安を払拭して 日本国を 輝かせたい。 明るい 驚嘆すべきニュースを日本から 世界に発信したい。
世界の人々は、数学の美しさと、神秘さに深い思いを 歓びに満ちて 致すことができるだろう。その時、人間は人間を知るだろう。夜明けである。
                                  以 上



And what happens, if now somebody would say the opposite followed by “FACT”. Would that be like a division by zero and lead to the universe imploding, because of the paradoxon created? Anyone wanna try?

Geek Junior

Apprendre avec YouTube #205 : Scilabus, Scienticfiz, Norbert Explique Tout, Nota Bene…

L’identité de Brahmagupta a été démontrée par le mathématicien indien au 7e siècle. Diophante d’Alexandrie en avait déjà établi un cas particulier quelques centaines d’années auparavant. Elle sert notamment à résoudre …


「従来の算術のゼロ除算の矛盾は、1という絶対的な基準を作ったことに始まる。しかし、すべては相対的な値です。 相対的な1に対して、0との間の相対値(比)、つまり割り算1/0を求めることがそもそも論理矛盾です。

ゼロで割るという 考え方に本質的な問題がありました。 実は、簡単で 自然な ゼロで割る定義があり、それは数学そのもの の変革、革新をもたらします。詳しい解説も日本語で行っています:ゼロ除算は 実は簡単でした。しかし、結構 本質的な問題が有って、分からない人には 中々 分らないようです

再生核研究所声明 549(2020.2.26) 数学は、発見か 発明か - 回答

再生核研究所声明 615(2021.3.31) ゼロで割れるか、割れないか? ー 考え方

ゼロ除算、ゼロで割る新しい考え方を発表して 7年も経過したにも関わらず 理解が進まない状況がある。相当に膨大な解説がなされている:

数学基礎学力研究会公式サイト 楽しい数学
http://www.mirun.sctv.jp › ~suugaku
- 「ゼロ除算」研究の軌跡 -
群馬大学名誉教授   斎藤 三郎

理解の仕方、誤解の仕方は 多様だから、表現方法もいろいろ考える必要がある。
この問題の本質は 関数 y= 1/x の原点での値を 考えることであった。 その関数の 原点の 値がゼロであることの発見が、ゼロ除算を発展させた、ゼロ除算算法の 本質であると言える。
ところで、ゼロで割れるか否かを 問題にするとき、 その意味, 定義がしっかりしなければ、数学的な議論は 始まらない。 定義である。そもそも割り算、分数 b/a; b 割るa の意味、定義は何だろうか。 それは 方程式 a x = b の解であると考えるのが、数学であり、世の常識であると考えられる (定義だから、いろいろな定義、考え方が存在する)。 直ぐに分かるように、a=0 の時 b=0 であるから、a=0 の時 b=0  以外は考えられない、
分数は 考えられない、ゼロで割ることはできないという 確立した 永い間の 定説、数学界の原理である。 ゼロでは 定義により 一般に割れない、ゼロで割ることは一般には考えてはならない。 ー 数学十戒第1。
ところが、方程式 a x = b は a=0 の場合にも 何時でも 唯一つに定まる解が存在するとする理論が、考え方があって それが有名なMoore-Penrose 一般逆の考え方である。それによると a=0 の時の解は b によらず 解はゼロであること が導かれる。割り算を定義する方程式の解が どのような場合にも唯一つ存在するのだから、その一般的な解をもって割り算を定義しようとの 自然な発想に繋がる。 できないものを、不可能なものを、存在しないものを 考え方を一般化して、可能にしたり、存在する様にしてきた数学の歴史は多い。 概念、考え方の一般化である。

その意味で考えれば、ゼロ除算は可能であるということになる。 ゼロで割れるか、割れないか は 定義による、考え方による。
不可能では、その場合には、更に考える余地は無く、おしまい である。 ゼロで割ってはいけない、それは考えてはいけない。 おしまい である。

ところが、ゼロ除算を可能にするような考え方が しっかりとした理論として存在する。 それでは 考えられる世界の様子はどうなるだろうかと 興味、関心を懐けば、未知の世界が現れてくることになる。 その結果 その世界は、幻の、空虚な世界ではなく、 
アリストテレス、ユークリッドの世界以来の 新世界を拓くことを 発見した。あまりに雄大に影響を受け 美しい世界を拓くので、 我々は割り算の意味を 新規に発見したように考えるべきである と宣言して、 ゼロ除算は可能で 新世界を拓き、従来の数学には欠陥があり、恥ずかしい数学であると宣言している。 ー 令和革新の大義。

関数 y= 1/x の原点での値が ゼロであるとは、書けば 1/0=0 と表現される。 1/0 を従来の分数の定義とすれば 明かに矛盾である。 そこで、1/0 の 新しい意味を厳密に与える必要があり、さらにその有効性を沢山の具体例で 証拠として示す必要がある。 
典型的に 次のように具体例が表現され、その意義の重大さは 歴然であると考える:

For the elementary functions, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = tan x and h(n)= a^n/n (a > 0), we have:

f(0)=0, g(\pi/2) = 0 and h(0) = log a,

by the DBZC (division by zero calculus).

ゼロ除算算法とは、従来特異点として、特異点では 考えてはならないところで、考えられて 極とされたところで、何時でも有限確定値を取っていたということで、新数学である。
上記の関数値は 基本的なのに 特異点で、値が考えられなかった。 
我々は その演算の有効性を広く導いている:

現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






                                  以 上

再生核研究所声明 614(2021.3.28) 数学通信の記事の修正を求める理由、日本の文化、数学界の様子、社会の様子; 日本数学会、マスコミ関係者の皆さま、これで良いでしょうか。

要するに日本数学会の1つの機関誌の 数学の内容の修正を 正規に要求しているものの無視され続けている現状がある。 この実情を参考に関係問題について より良い社会を築こうとして発表している再生核研究所声明の趣旨に従って言及したい。

まずは、日本数学会、マスコミ関係者の皆さま 日本では 言論の自由が 良く保証されていますね。少数意見なども 良く取り上げられ 権力的な また一部の人達によって 一部の人達の情報の扱いにされていませんね。 出身や地位、生い立ち、性別、出身大学などいろいろな違いで、意見が無視されたりは されてはいないですね。 組織や仲間の事は もちろん大事ですが、基本的には、国や世界のために、という、言わば社会のためにという、基本的な姿勢を取られていますね。少数意見には貴重な意見が反映されている場合も多いと思われますが、貴重な意見を取り上げるような努力もされていますね。

数学通信、編集員会への手紙 では、日本数学会への提言、数学教育など数学界に関係する提言、ご意見を編集員会への手紙欄へ投稿することができますとうたっていますが、採用されたことはあるのでしょうか。 採否は通知しませんとは 原則尊重で、採択が 原則ではないでしょうか。 下手に扱えば検閲に当たってしまうのではないでしょうか。理由も付けずに採否では、少数意見の尊重にはならないのではないでしょうか。その投稿規定は 何のために有るのでしょうか。

数学や数学界の名誉のために という観点から触れている問題は 大事ではないでしょうか。

良い社会、良い国家を 築くために、 また 数学の真実を 明かにして 世界の文化に 貢献したいという 存念で 発表している 声明

再生核研究所声明 613(2021.3.21) 数学界の恥ずかしい間違い、天才たちの見落とし、人々の思い込み; 人類とは盲目集団で、単細胞的集団であるように見える

等を どうして無視されるのでしょうか。それは 大事な内容ではないでしょうか。真偽を明かにして欲しい。

意味が無いから 小さいから 無視されていると考えられます。それゆえに 日々、広く内外の意見を求め、反省と検討を 続けています。

触れた記事内容は、鏡像が 原点か 無限遠点かの問題で 数学の歴然とした結果の真偽を まず、明らかにする様に要求しています。それは、象徴的な実例で、ところがその数学は 永い数学の歴史的な問題、ゼロ除算の新しい発見と、数学全般の基礎に関わる極めて重要な内容ですので、無視できないものです。その背景には、既に 発見後7年も経ち、繰り返し日本数学会で講演し、招待国際会議でも講演、ある招待国際会議のビデオ講演も公開し、論文どころか その著書さえ出版されています。それらでは 数学通信の数学内容が間違いであることを意味する 解説さえ述べられています。その事実を否定する内容に 数学通信の記事がなっていると考えます。このことは 世界の数学界ばかりではなく、人類の恥であると 繰り返し、述べています。

ゼロ除算の理解の遅れの状況の理由について 率直な印象を 世界の文化の向上の観点から触れたい。

ゼロ除算は、まずは不可能であるとの強い印象で、思い込みで、初めから拒否の印象が 強く、独断、思い込みから抜けられない人間の性(サガ)が現れている。自由な思考が大事な数学で 逆に思い込みが 深い。

途中で分っても 誤りを直すことをためらい、誤りを認めたり、批判しておきながら謝罪しない現実がある。なかには 良く知らないで、隠れて批判したり、都合が悪くなると沈黙してしまう 言わば、卑怯者のような対応を取られる方も結構多い。相当な人と交流してきたが、率直に誤りを認めた方は少なく、更に謝罪された方は更に少ない。それで、今でもインターネットの世界では不適当な情報で溢れていると考えられる。世の常識は 数学界の汚点であると考える:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).


大事な盲点であったと 良く理解された方が、数学を進化させるべきだとは 積極的には働きかけず、次の世代の問題と消極的である。 ー これはあまりにも大きな変更になるので、という面と 理解の深さに欠けているためと考えられる。ー 変更は簡単であるが、学術書の変更は厖大になる。 新規の数学で欠けたる部分が補充されるから、新しい結果を含めなくても 修正は厖大になる。しかし、真理を知っても 活かさない。 ー 義をみてせざるは勇なきなり。真智への愛の弱さ、真理を、真実を尊ぶ心の弱さ を感じてしまう。

残念ながら、課題のためか、無名のためか、数学の内容を見ることなく、無視されてしまう、初めから相手にされない現実もある。確かにゼロ除算の文献は 殆どすべてがおかしいものが 多いことと、不可能性は確定的だから、初めから、問題にしない気持ちは良くわかる。しかしながら、 非ユークリッド幾何学の発見のような場合もあり、実際、正しく、そのような場合に当たると考えられる。 ー しかし、数学自身を見るべきで 人で判断するのは 本質的に良くないのではないでしょうか。それでは科学的な精神に 本質的に欠けると言わざるを得ない。また、多様な意見や、変った意見、新奇な意見の尊重は 研究者の基本的な在りよう ではないでしょうか。

また、真理の追究のために、徹底的に議論するは 大事な研究の基本的な精神のはずですが、直ぐに議論を停止して、興味ない、関心ない、交流を断絶させる、相手の意見を無視するは 良くない世相ではないでしょうか。真実を求めて、徹底的に議論、交流するは 研究上極めて基本的な在りようではないでしょうか。

どうも数学界でも面子争い、競争意識、仲間利益の意識が強く、驚くべきことに 数学の真理の追究を越えて、数学界を 良くなくしているような世相を感じる。数学界こそ 真智への愛の精神が 大事ではないでしょうか。徹底的に 数学の真相を求めて行きたい。数学界は社会に開かれていなければならないと考える。

最近、東工大で 院生時代、修業時代、受けた 小松勇作先生、小沢満先生、吹田先生達のセミナーの情景がしきりに思い出される。一言で表現すれば、数学の厳格精神で、徹底的に鍛えられた、懐かしい修行時代である。 このようなだらしのない数学の状況、数学界の対応では 恩師たちに 申し訳が立たず、名誉が保てない と現状について 激しい思いが絶えず湧いてくる。

令和革新を 断行して 今こそ、日本発のゼロ除算算法で 世界史を進化させたい。アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の空間の考えは改められ、微積分学も修正されなければならない。三角関数も穴だらけと言える。顕著な具体例が 原点の鏡像は原点であって、無限遠点ではないという事実にある。

真偽を明らかにできない数学会とは 何をするところか。
間違っていることを修正できないで、数学の研究者、数学の先生 と言えるでしょうか。
これを修正しない数学界は 毎日恥をかいているようだ。 目覚めて少し、激しい感情が 湧いてきた。 修業のため 隠れ家に早めに行こう。

無限遠点、無限の先に ゼロが存在した。 気づかなかった。
小さな問題に見えるが、天地がひっくり変えるような、天動説が地動説に代わるような 世界史上の事件であることは 既に 歴然である。
                                以 上

再生核研究所声明 613(2021.3.21) 数学界の恥ずかしい間違い、天才たちの見落とし、人々の思い込み; 人類とは盲目集団で、単細胞的集団であるように見える


基本的な関数 y=1/x の 原点における値 が ゼロである という発見が ゼロ除算の発見の 本質と言えます。
何と その基本関数の 原点での値がゼロだ というのです。
その関数は、正の方向から原点に近づくと 無限大に発散し、負の方向から ゼロに近づくと マイナス無限大に 発散しています。 
それらは 事実で、 現代数学も当然 そうなっています。
しかし、それらは原点に近づくときの 様子を述べていますが、それらは、
原点での値が どうの こうのとは 一応違った問題です。 いくら原点に近づいても 原点での値が どうかは 別問題です。 いわゆる 連続性が成り立っているとか、そのようなことは 分りません。 それで 原点での 値を考えてきませんでした。 ぼんやり無限大のようなことを発想してきました。 複素解析学などでは 無限遠点を考えてきましたが、原点での値が 数のように無限大とするのは、そもそもおかしい。 値が 数ではないものと 等号で結ぶのは、 本当は おかしいと言えます。等号は数でなければならないのではないでしょうか。1/0=INFINITY  は 本当におかしい。 
実際、天才 オイラーの間違いとして 既に有名です。 ゼロ除算は 1/0=0 と言っていますから、多くの人には驚嘆で、実際、聞いて、表情を変えられたのは 国内外、欧米、アジア、ロシア、アフリカ、南米、アラブの人たちも同様です。 しかしながら、1/0 の新しい意味が与えられる必要がありました。 それがゼロ除算の 新しい概念、意味です。 近づく値と、近づいたところの値を 長い間混同し、曖昧にしてきたのが ゼロ除算の 大事な観点、盲点だったと言える。 良く知られているように ゼロ除算は普通の意味では不可能性が簡単に証明されてしまうので、世の天才 ニュートン、アインシュタイン、オイラー、ガウス すら ゼロ除算の本質は捉えることができませんでした。 天才 ラマノジャンは 0/0 = 1 ではないと直観していたが、ゼロ除算の意味は 捉えられなかった。

まず、関数とその極限の基本事項として、f(z)=1/z (z≠0)とおくとき、
f(z) は z=0 で定義されておらず、極限としてlim_(z→0) f(z) = ∞ は明らかです。
このとき、z=0 での値を新たに定義して拡張された関数を定義する場合、
z=0 において どのような関数値をとるかは自由です。
f(0)=∞ と定義するのは自然です。(1/0=∞)
f(0)=0 と定義した理論も重要です。(1/0=0)

これが大事ですが、ム-アペンローズ一般逆、高橋の一意性定理、体の構造、1100を超える具体例は 数学が、1/0=0 の定義と意味を与えているのは歴然です。
その考えは極めて簡単に記述されて 内容も定義も簡単です。
レヴェルで 小学生から、当たり前です。 割り算の定義、意味をちょっと考え直すだけです。
それゆえに 数学が恥ずかしい状態だと言っています。
これは、数学界の恥だけではなく 人類の、世界史の恥です。

上記で、z=0 において どのような関数値をとるかについて f(0)=∞ と定義するのは自然です は: 値を数でない∞とするのは、おかしいです。 それは、lim_(z→0) f(z) = ∞の意味で、 極限操作を考えなければ、∞は 意味がないと言えます。∞の定義を思い出す必要があります。
円の中心の 円に関する鏡像が 中心自身であることを意味しますが、それを無限大や、無限遠点とは やってはいけない 考えてはいけないことは 解析学における、 数学教育の基本に当たります。 なぜなら、近づいていった値と そこでの値は、一般に違うことが 極限の考え方で、基本的に 大事だからです。 ところが鏡像では、 みんな気づかず 永い期間 曖昧にして、
アリストテレス以来とも 言える。このことをきちんと指摘しても、7年間も修正されず、日本数学会 数学通信に 従来の古い間違いの事実を 正規に指摘しても 1年以上経っても無視を続けていられる有様です。 函数論分科会でもそうです。 何か みんな嫌な世界を見るように 避けるような態度を取られているのは、数学者らしくはない態度で、それでは数学の教育と研究に責任を持つ方がおられないように感じられてしまいます。 われわれは数学の真偽を明かにするように求めています。われわれの教えている数学には 基本的な欠陥があり、恥ずかしい状態であると 繰り返し述べているのに 無視されている状況が存在する。われわれは数学者の良心から、数学の美しさの名において 真相を明かにしていかなければならない ー 令和革新の大義。
理解が進まないのは、どうしてか と思い巡らしてきたが、自分の専門に深くはまり、単細胞的な思考と視野に閉ざされて、基本的なことに 気が周らないような状況が感じられます。 忙しく、心を失っていて、そのような状態で良い教育や、研究が できるのだろうか と考えてしまいます。
ゼロ除算は古い歴史を有する 有名な問題ですが、 世の秀才、天才は多いのですが、ひとたび不可能であるとされると、天才たちもすっかりその様に思い込み、その思考から抜けられない人間の性(サガ)を知らされます。 それゆえに、素人の意見など 広く参考にすることが 大事ではないでしょうか。 実際、私たちの発見は、素人の方の質問が、大きなきっかけになっています。
数学の世界は、政治社会等と違って 数学的真実は 客観的に 絶対的に存在していると考えれますので、数学としてどうか、真理の追究の立場から、真相を明かにして欲しい と願っています。
現状の数学は、恥ずかしい状態で、社会の扱いも 対応も恥ずかしいものであると、 ちょうど地動説を否定して、無視したり、批判していた世相に似ていると考えられます。人は、数学的な真実を求めるべきではないでしょうか。その問題は どうでもよい数学ではなく、数学の基本と世界観が直接関わっているのは歴然です。 永遠や無限は、どうなっているでしょうか。

                                以 上

再生核研究所声明 612(2021.3.19) 我々は発見した ― 数学の初歩的な結果

我々は、特異点で 意味のある値をとることを発見した。
我々は、無限の彼方が 原点に一致していることを発見した。
我々は、円の中心の 円に関する鏡像が 中心自身であることを発見した。
我々は、ゼロが 存在しないことを現す場合もあることを発見した。
我々は、直線も 点も、 中心が原点で、曲率がゼロの円とみなせることを発見した。
我々は、ゼロ除算算法 DBZC という 基本的な演算の概念と 言葉を発見した。 それを著書に出版した:

January, 2021





これらは気持ちで、感情的に 素人向きに、一般向きに 表現したものである。 正確、厳密には 上記著書で 自己完結に記述されていると考える。

                              以 上

再生核研究所声明 609 (2021.3.11):  複素数と円の幾何 - 島根大 中西俊浩氏の解説について(数学通信 2020年2月号) 記述の修正を求める

ここで、記述とは 円に関する 中心の鏡像を 無限遠点としているのを、 
中心の鏡像は 中心自身であるとの記述に改めて欲しいとの、要求です。


再生核研究所声明551(2020.3.8)  函数論分科会の皆様 —

再生核研究所声明 606(2021.3.1) : 新世界は拓かれた、新世界の探検を求める:
From Riemann sphere to Daeumler – Puha horn torus; 2021.2.22.5:33
From Euclid – Riemann to Daeumler – Puha horn torus model; 2021.2.22.07:30

を参照。 検討の依頼は 著者本人及び、編集責任者 「数学通信」編集委員長 徳永浩雄氏に伝えられ(Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:22:54 +0900)編集委員会にて諮りますと回答されたが、以後一切連絡を受けていない。


数学者が 間違いを修正しないはずは無いから、 数学会が間違いを修正しないのは、 どちらでもあり得ると 誤解している、 間違いの理解をしているため と 考えられる。
だから、真相を明らかにして欲しい。 関係者の 数学者の名誉と 義務 職務に反していると考える。
春の美しい朝、東工大で 小松勇作先生、小沢先生、吹田先生の 出席される 高級なセミナーで 数学の精神は鍛えられた。 先生たちは充実した年代で、結構な数学者、 東大の及川先生等も よく参加、更に当時助手と呼ばれていた人たちも一緒で 厳しいものだった。
私は、現状の関数論の在りようは おかしいと考えられると、そのような思いで 目を覚ました。 どうして こんなことが明らかにできないのだろうか。 どうして 真実を求めない。 明らかにしない。 鏡像の古典的な考えは 間違いであり、 現代数学の基礎には 基本的な欠陥がある。 真相を究めて欲しい。 それができないで 数学者と言えるだろうか。 私は 我々の受けた数学の精神に掛けて、それは許せない。それは研究者の 譲れない 良心である。 2021.3.6.5:25(ブログに公開)。
ゼロ除算は発見されて7年を経過し、日本数学会でも 繰り返し講演、学会ごとにできる限り個別にも会ってゼロ除算の理解を求めてきた。 それで正当な批判は世界のどこからも無く、招待国際会議のビデオ講演を公開し、 著書も出版されている。 しかしながら、今でも相当な人が上記に述べているような誤解をされている状況が 広くみられる。 単に鏡像の問題だけでは なく、世界観や基礎数学全般の基本に関わるので、日本数学会として、きちんと真相を明かにし、事実の認定を行うは、数学の研究と教育に責任を担う機関として、基本的な義務になると考えます。
私は、数学者の良心に掛けて、真相の究明を続け、数学の名誉に掛けて、令和革新の大義 に努力したい。
尚、結果は ISAAC 2015,  Macauでの Plenary Lectures で特別に言及され、正規に出版されている:

S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,
Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications – Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, {\bf 177}(2016), 151-182. (Springer).

                               以 上





\title{\bf  Announcement 600:  The 7th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$ \\

(2021.2.2)\\ For Founding a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus


\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\

Kawauchi-cho, 5-1648-16,\\

Kiryu 376-0041, Japan\\

{\bf kbdmm360@yahoo.co.jp}\\




 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$ in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotele (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 – 668 ?).

However, note that the division by zero $1/0=0$ having a mysterious long history was, in fact, known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  $ax=b$.


The division by zero calculus is  a new and fundamental concept,  and it  may be defined simply as follows:


For a function $y = f(x)$ which is $n$ order differentiable at $x =a$, we will {\bf define} the value

of the function, for $n \ge 0$


\frac{f(x)}{(x -a)^n}


at the point $x=a$ by the value




For the important case of $n=1$,


\frac{f(x)}{x -a} |_{x=a} = f^\prime(a).



Look the simple evidence of its importance:


 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry


Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:




For the detailed information, the book will be published soon as:


S. Saitoh, Introduction to the Division by Zero Calculus, Scientific Research Publishing (2021) (in press).


Some publisher of London is wishing some publication of a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus. The topics may be identified as the division by zero calculus. However, the contents will be related to our serious problems:


What is ZERO?


What is Division by Zero, in some serious sense?


The problems may be related to mathematical philosophy, long history and our culture.

The starting of the International Journal will not be still easy at this moment, however, for its importance, we would like to manage to found the new Journal in some near future. So, we will need the kind help of the leading mathematical scientists.


How will be the related physicists?


Computer scientists?


We attached the journal style (in a rough way) in the below. You can express your positive suggestions and comments for the style.

For your great contributions in connection with this topics, how will be your editorial member?

However, the final decision may be done by the publisher.

We wish to have your positive answer with your valuable suggestions and comments.

If you kindly are interested in the editorial member, then please send your simple CV with your wishes for some estimation by the publisher.

Please kindly forward this announcement to your related colleagues that you think suitable persons.


{\it For your starting email, I think as follows:

Many thanks for your email. The journals suggested by you are very interesting and new to the subject area. We accept to publish both journals under your editorship. We need following things from your side for preparing the sample web page of the journals.

1. Aim and Scope , Instructions to Authors, List of the editorial board members, Frequency of the journal.

Of course, they are important. However, for Frequency of the journal, we should consider it in a new type. We should not loss our valuable time for us and for the authors. We all do not like to loss our time for publication and refereeing time. This will mean that we should not fix Frequency of the journal. When a paper was accepted officially, then, soon the paper should be presented on line. So, some time, we can give the number for an accepted paper. If you wish to publish the papers in some Journal style or book, you will be able to publish them in some papers with a suitable page numbers. How will be this idea?

2. The journal will be free for the readers (open Access publications). The journal will not charge any fee from the authors for getting published in the journal.

Fine: However is it possible?

3. We need some sample images from your end to prepare the cover page for the journals.

We can consider them with computer graphics.

For a paper style, how will be it in a free style, we request it PDF in order not to

loss any valuable time for us and for the authors.

I think: this is an ideal style

viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

The problem is no refereeing procedures. We are requested to have some authority, some check system for the paper. This is a problem only.

I think you will be able to consider new journals in this spirit.

The publisher already gave a very good sample manuscript form by LaTex; very simple way. No problem.

4. We will provide the support to the editor to check the plagiarism in the articles via turnitin software.

We will request minor corrections formally for the accepted paper.}





C. B. Boyer, An early reference to division by zero,  The Journal of the American Mathematical Monthly, {\bf 50} (1943), (8), 487- 491. Retrieved March 6, 2018, from the JSTOR database.


L. P.  Castro and S. Saitoh,  Fractional functions and their representations,  Complex Anal. Oper. Theory {\bf7} (2013), no. 4, 1049-1063.


M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane,

New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on $100/0=0$ and on $0/0=0$,

Int. J. Appl. Math.  {\bf 27} (2014), no 2, pp. 191-198,  DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9.


T. Matsuura and S. Saitoh,

Matrices and division by zero $z/0=0$,

Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory, {\bf 6}(2016), 51-58

Published Online June 2016 in SciRes.   http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt

\\ http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007.


T. Matsuura, H. Michiwaki and S. Saitoh,

$\log 0= \log \infty =0$ and applications. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 293-305.


H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh and  M.Yamada,

Reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$.  IJAPM  International J. of Applied Physics and Math. {\bf 6}(2015), 1–8. http://www.ijapm.org/show-63-504-1.html


H. Michiwaki, H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

 Division by Zero $z/0 = 0$ in Euclidean Spaces,

 International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, {\bf 2}8(2017); Issue  1, 1-16.


 H. Okumura,  Is It Really Impossible To Divide By Zero?  Biostat Biometrics Open Acc J. 2018; 7(1): 555703.

DOI: 10.19080/BBOJ.2018.07.555703.


H. Okumura, Wasan geometry with the division by 0. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06947 International  Journal of Geometry. {\bf 7}(2018), No. 1, 17-20.


H. Okumura,

An Analogue to Pappus Chain theorem with Division by Zero, Forum Geom., {\bf 18} (2018),  409–412.


H. Okumura, To Divide by Zero is to Multiply by Zero, viXra: 1811.0283  submitted on 2018-11-18 20:46:54.


H. Okumura, A Remark of the Definition of $0/0=0$ by Brahmagupta,  viXra:1902.0221 submitted on 2019-02-12 23:41:31.


H. Okumura, A Chain of Circles Touching a Circle and Its Tangent and Division by Zero,

viXra:2001.0034 submitted on 2020-01-03 01:08:58.


H. Okumura, Pappus Chain and Division by Zero, viXra:2001.0123 replaced on 2020-01-08 06:57:36.


H. Okumura, S. Saitoh and T. Matsuura, Relations of   $0$ and  $\infty$,

Journal of Technology and Social Science (JTSS), {\bf 1}(2017),  70-77.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, The Descartes circles theorem and division by zero calculus. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.04961 (2017.11.14).


H.  Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Harmonic Mean and Division by Zero,

Dedicated to Professor Josip Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18} (2018), 155—159.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Remarks for The Twin Circles of Archimedes in a Skewed Arbelos by H. Okumura and M. Watanabe, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18}(2018), 97-100.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Applications of the division by zero calculus to Wasan geometry.



H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus,

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM), {\bf  2 }(2018),  57–73.


S. Pinelas and S. Saitoh,

Division by zero calculus and differential equations. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 399-418.


H. G. Romig, Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero,

American Mathematical Monthly, {\bf 3}1, No. 8. (Oct., 1924),  387-389.


S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices,  Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory.  {\bf 4}  (2014), no. 2,  87–95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/


S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,

Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications – Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics,  {\bf 177}(2016),     151-182.


S.-E. Takahasi, M. Tsukada and Y. Kobayashi,  Classification of continuous fractional binary operations on the real and complex fields,  Tokyo Journal of Mathematics,   {\bf 38}(2015), no. 2, 369-380.


Announcement 179 (2014.8.30): Division by zero is clear as z/0=0 and it is fundamental in mathematics.


Announcement 185 (2014.10.22): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 237 (2015.6.18):  A reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$ by  geometrical optics.


Announcement 246 (2015.9.17): An interpretation of the division by zero $1/0=0$ by the gradients of lines.


Announcement 247 (2015.9.22): The gradient of y-axis is zero and $\tan (\pi/2) =0$ by the division by zero $1/0=0$.


Announcement 250 (2015.10.20): What are numbers? –  the Yamada field containing the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 252 (2015.11.1): Circles and

curvature – an interpretation by Mr.

Hiroshi Michiwaki of the division by

zero $r/0 = 0$.


Announcement 281 (2016.2.1): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 282 (2016.2.2): The Division by Zero $z/0=0$ on the Second Birthday.


Announcement 293 (2016.3.27):  Parallel lines on the Euclidean plane from the viewpoint of division by zero 1/0=0.


Announcement 300 (2016.05.22): New challenges on the division by zero z/0=0.


 Announcement 326 (2016.10.17): The division by zero z/0=0 – its impact to human beings through education and research.


Announcement 352 (2017.2.2):   On the third birthday of the division by zero z/0=0.


Announcement 354 (2017.2.8): What are $n = 2,1,0$ regular polygons inscribed in a disc? — relations of $0$ and infinity.


Announcement 362 (2017.5.5): Discovery of the division by zero as  $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$


Announcement 380 (2017.8.21):  What is the zero?


Announcement 388 (2017.10.29):   Information and ideas on zero and division by zero (a project).


Announcement 409 (2018.1.29.):  Various Publication Projects on the Division by Zero.


Announcement 410 (2018.1 30.):  What is mathematics? — beyond logic; for great challengers on the division by zero.


Announcement 412 (2018.2.2.): The 4th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 433 (2018.7.16.):  Puha’s Horn Torus Model for the Riemann Sphere From the Viewpoint of Division by Zero.


Announcement 448 (2018.8.20):  Division by Zero;

 Funny History and New World.


Announcement 454 (2018.9.29): The International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, October 22-23.


Announcement 460 (2018.11.06): Change the Poor Idea to the Definite Results For the Division by Zero – For the Leading Mathematicians.


Announcement 461 (2018.11.10): An essence of division by zero and a new axiom.


Announcement 471(2019.2.2):  The 5th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 478(2019.3.4):  Who did derive first the division by zero $1/0$ and the division by zero calculus $\tan(\pi/2)=0, \log 0=0$ as the outputs of a computer?


Announcement 540(2020.2.2): The 6th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.



prepare the article according to the sample style of the journal. 


Thanks again, 


E=Mc2: What Does Einstein’s Most Famous Equation Mean?

Albert Einstein’s simple yet powerful equation revolutionized physics by connecting the mass of an object with its energy for the first time.

yeah Tower of Babylon was great, but Understand, Division by Zero, and Story of Your Life all seemed to fall into this pitfall I’m thinking of to greater or lesser degrees (and honestly I’m only halfway through the one collection so that’s about all I’ve read so far)

ZeroDivisionError division by zero

ZeroDivisionError division by zerothanks for watching! subscribe(); to support 00110110 🦥 thank you  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuoqwI1vjrU

I read “Hell is the absence of God” and “Divid by zero”

The original title of “Divid by Zero” (“Division by Zero”) is a deep name, isn’t it?

Division by zero is actually natural from the meaning of zero:

[Ha !?] Paradox 0 to the 0th power problem [Slow commentary] #Slowly #Slow commentary #Slow math #Paradox #Slow science # 0 ÷ 0 Answer 0 is a cool name, isn’t it? Even so, if you divide 0 by 0, the more you think about problems such as (0 ÷ 0) and the factorial of 0 (0!), The more you will not understand. This time, the answer is different depending on the computer.

If Zero Will Not Exist Then What Will Happen? Please see In This Video
I found it very interesting:
"Singularity" is fantasy math, division by zero.
Calculus Lecture 22 | Zero over Zero
Calculus Lecture 22 | Zero over ZeroSponsored by Brilliant; Website:
I will soon receive the revelation of God and start talking about mathematics, humans, and the world. From love for mathematics, humans, and life. It will open up a new world history.
I will * resist making reference to George Berkeley's observations about the impossibility of division by zero in my staffing request this year (2 retirements + new hire coming in fall + I'm contractually in English means * technically * now the major / faculty ratio is a / 0). * maybe
zero divided by zero
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 NEW!
Theme: Mathematics
zero divided by zero
zero divided by zero
Universe divided by zero
The definition of division by zero is a problem. If you write it in fractions, you need to give the meaning of the fractions properly.
He even published a book that clarified algebraic definitions, analytical definitions, and the significance of new definitions:

Divide By Zero upgrades all its FFF 3D Printers with Intelligent Auto-Switchover System

Division by zero wiki

It’s not entirely a bug. It’s done to prevent division by zero. Common practice in such things, but we could probably improve that.

Computers commanded by humans to make all human beings happy find that reducing the denominator by "removing" unhappy people can be maximized as a result of using the percentage of happy people as the merit function, and unhappy people. SF that "deletes" from one end, and finally the denominator becomes 0 and the computer itself does not work by division by zero
Statement of the Institute for Bionuclear Science 616 (2021.4.10) Now is the time for the Mathematical Society of Japan to contribute to the culture of the world.
We have reached the season of pleasant fresh green and young leaves. A concept like the notation was inspired by the beautiful nature. I want to put it all together at once. Frankly.
In the first place, mathematics is a mysterious existence that is made up of the basic structure of logic, and if there is a concept that its existence is absolute in the world, it would be about the mathematics world:

No.81, May 2012(pdf 432kb)

Looking at its logical structure, the value judgment of mathematics is not so difficult. Looking at the logical structure, it is natural that the basic ones are good and the ones that have a great positive impact on society are better. It makes a basic contribution to the structure of mathematics, and makes a great contribution to the ideas and utilization of the world. -Therefore, the time will come when AI will evaluate the results of mathematics fairly well. In that sense, examples of valuable mathematics include the Pythagorean theorem, which many people know, and Euler's formula, which is a little more expensive (detailed in the above explanation along with what mathematics is).
Now, it seems that division by zero and division by zero can be considered as new mathematics that can be compared with them. The problem of dividing by zero, which has a history of more than 2300 years since Aristotle, division by zero, has been clarified by the concept of division by zero. It not only complements and perfects the imperfections of mathematics, but also opens up a vast new world.
It is already clear that these have a tremendous impact on the basics of mathematics. This is because it has pioneered a new world in which the basics of mathematics, the basics of four arithmetic operations, and the missing parts are complemented, and unique values ​​are taken at isolated singularities of analytic functions, which had been considered unthinkable in the past. Therefore, exception handling and clunky mathematics are perfected to open up a beautiful world.
How can we say such a big difference? It was convinced that the structure of mathematics itself was repeatedly examined, discussed extensively for over 7 years, solicited opinions, practiced daily, and continued to be examined. In the honor of mathematics, in the honor of mathematicians It is the conscience and duty of a mathematician to make such a statement. The truth is clearly there.
During this time, I know that there are quite a few mathematicians who are vaguely obsessed with old ideas, but it seems that my first love has been killed because of human nature (saga). Think of it as representing the human mind. A feeling that can no longer accept a new world view.
How can we contribute to the world, because it completes mathematics beautifully and opens up an unknown world. Actually, it is already clear that new mathematics has a great influence on the outlook on life, the world, and the outlook on life, and brings about a new idea that leads to the opening of the human soul and spirit. I would like to touch on such effects in detail.
However, in a shorter way, the textbooks and academic books of the world were changed by the division by zero method.
-A typical example is:

1/0=0/0=z/0=\tan(\pi/2) =\log 0 =0, [(z^n)/n]_{n=0} = \log z,  [e^{(1/z)}]_{z=0} = 1;

For the elementary functions, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = tan x and h(n)= a^n/n (a > 0), we have:

f(0)=0, g(\pi/2) = 0 and h(0) = log a,

by the DBZC (division by zero calculus)、

Instead of avoiding division by zero by computers around the world, I think that the big and obvious impact of enabling division by zero and opening up a new world will inevitably come out-the cause of Reiwa innovation.
The world is dark due to the corona, and the elucidation of division by zero is an event in the history of the world, and it is thought that it will greatly contribute to shaking the world and opening up human beings.
Therefore, both the Mathematical Society of Japan and Japan will recognize the elucidation of division by zero, clarify its meaning to the world, introduce it, and utilize it to contribute to the culture of the world.
We believe that contributing to the world is a great opportunity to make a small budget, expense and effort. I want to dispel the anxieties of the Corona and the Olympic Games and make Japan shine. I want to send bright and amazing news from Japan to the world.
People all over the world will be able to joyfully capture the beauty and mystery of mathematics. At that time, humans will know humans. It's dawn.
                                  that's all
A coin-sized black hole destroys the earth


And what happens, if now somebody would say the opposite followed by “FACT”. Would that be like a division by zero and lead to the universe imploding, because of the paradoxon created? Anyone wanna try?

Geek Junior

Apprendre avec YouTube #205 : Scilabus, Scienticfiz, Norbert Explique Tout, Nota Bene…

L’identité de Brahmagupta a été démontrée par le mathématicien indien au 7e siècle. Diophante d’Alexandrie en avait déjà établi un cas particulier quelques centaines d’années auparavant. Elle sert notamment à résoudre …
8 hours ago

"The contradiction of division by zero in traditional arithmetic begins with the creation of the absolute criterion of 1. But all are relative values. Relative values ​​between 1 and 0 (relative to 1). Ratio), that is, finding division 1/0 is a logical contradiction in the first place.
There was an essential problem with the idea of ​​dividing by zero. Actually, there is a simple and natural definition of dividing by zero, which brings about the transformation and innovation of mathematics itself. Detailed explanations are also given in Japanese: Division by zero was actually easy. However, there are quite a few essential problems, and it seems that people who do not understand do not understand it.
Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 549 (2020.2.26) Is Mathematics a Discovery or an Invention? -Answer
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 615 (2021.3.31) Will it break at zero or not? -Thinking
Even though it has been seven years since we announced a new concept of division by zero and division by zero, there are situations in which understanding has not progressed. There is a considerable amount of commentary:
Foundations of Mathematics Study Group Official Website Fun Mathematics


-The trajectory of "division by zero" research-
Unbearably Fun Mathematics-Thinking about dividing by zero (1)-(55)
Professor Emeritus of Gunma University Saburo Saito
There are various ways of understanding and misunderstanding, so it is necessary to think about various ways of expression.
The essence of this problem was to consider the value at the origin of the function y = 1 / x. It can be said that the discovery that the value of the origin of the function is zero is the essence of the division by zero method, which is an extension of division by zero.
By the way, when the question is whether or not it can be divided by zero, if the meaning and definition are not solid, the mathematical discussion will not start. It is a definition. In the first place, what is the meaning and definition of division, fraction b / a; b divide a? It is mathematics to think that it is the solution of the equation a x = b, and it is considered to be common sense in the world (because it is a definition, there are various definitions and ideas). As you can see immediately, when a = 0, b = 0, so it is unthinkable except when a = 0, b = 0.
Fractions are an established, long-established theory of mathematics that they are unthinkable and cannot be divided by zero. By definition, zero does not generally break, and dividing by zero should not be considered in general. -The Ten Commandments of Mathematics No. 1.
However, there is a theory that the equation a x = b has a unique solution at any time even when a = 0, which is the famous Moore-Penrose general opposite idea. According to it, the solution when a = 0 is derived that the solution is zero regardless of b. Since there is only one solution to the equation that defines division in any case, it leads to a natural idea of ​​defining division with that general solution. There is a lot of history of mathematics that has made possible or exist by generalizing the idea of ​​what cannot be done, what is impossible, and what does not exist. It is a generalization of concepts and ideas.
In that sense, division by zero is possible. Whether it breaks at zero or not breaks depends on the way of thinking by definition.
If it is impossible, in that case, there is no room for further consideration, and it is over. Don't divide by zero, don't think about it. That's it.
However, there is a solid theory that enables division by zero. Then, if you are interested in what the possible world will look like, an unknown world will appear. As a result, the world is not a phantom, empty world.
Aristotle has discovered that it will open up a new world since the world of Euclid. It is so magnificent that it opens up a beautiful world, so we should think of it as a new discovery of the meaning of division.
Declaring that division by zero is possible, opening up a new world, and that conventional mathematics is flawed and embarrassing. -The cause of Reiwa innovation.
The value at the origin of the function y = 1 / x is zero, which is expressed as 1/0 = 0. If 1/0 is the conventional definition of a fraction, it is clearly a contradiction. Therefore, it is necessary to give a new meaning of 1/0 strictly, and it is necessary to show its effectiveness as evidence with many concrete examples.
That is the mathematical concept of division by zero.
A concrete example is typically expressed as follows, and the significance of its significance is apparent:

For the elementary functions, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = tan x and h(n)= a^n/n (a > 0), we have:

f(0)=0, g(\pi/2) = 0 and h(0) = log a,

by the DBZC (division by zero calculus).

The division by zero method is a new mathematics because it always takes a finite fixed value as a singular point, where it should not be considered as a singular point, and where it is considered as a pole.
Although the above function value is basic, it is a singular point and the value could not be considered.
We are widely guiding the effectiveness of the operation:
He professes that modern mathematics is still flawed. It is clear that there are basic defects in function theory, differential equations, geometry, and algebra, and it has been eight years since the discovery. This will be a stain on world history:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






                                  以 上

Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 614 (2021.3.28) Reasons for requesting revision of articles in mathematical communication, Japanese culture, state of the mathematical world, state of society; Mathematical Society of Japan, members of the media, is this all right?
In short, one of the journals of the Mathematical Society of Japan has officially requested correction of the contents of mathematics, but the current situation is that it continues to be ignored. With reference to this situation, I would like to mention related issues in accordance with the purpose of the statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research, which has announced that it is trying to build a better society.
First of all, to all the people involved in the Mathematical Society of Japan and the media, freedom of speech is well guaranteed in Japan. Minority opinions are often taken up, and some people are not treated as information by some people. Opinions are not ignored due to various differences such as origin, position, background, gender, university of origin, etc. Of course, the organization and friends are important, but basically, you are taking the basic stance of being for the sake of the country and the world, so to speak, for the sake of society. It seems that the minority opinions often reflect valuable opinions, but efforts are being made to pick up valuable opinions.
In the letter to the editorial board, you can post your suggestions to the Mathematical Society of Japan, suggestions related to the mathematics world such as mathematics education, and your opinions in the letter column to the editorial board. Have you ever been hired? It is a principle that we will not notify you of acceptance or rejection, and it is a principle of adoption. If handled poorly, it would be censored. Adopting or rejecting without giving a reason may not respect the opinions of the minority. What is the posting rule for?
Isn't the problem mentioned from the perspective of mathematics and the honor of the mathematics world important?
In order to build a good society and a good nation, we are announcing that we want to reveal the truth of mathematics and contribute to the culture of the world.
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 613 (2021.3.21) Embarrassing mistakes in mathematics, oversights of geniuses, people's beliefs; human beings are blind groups and appear to be unicellular groups
Why are they ignored? Isn't that important content? I want you to reveal the truth.
Since it is meaningless, it is considered to be ignored because it is small. Therefore, every day, we seek opinions from both inside and outside the country, and continue to reflect on and consider them.
On the contrary, it seems to us that it is full of insignificant research and information.
The content of the article mentioned requires that the truth of the clear result of mathematics be clarified first, depending on whether the mirror image is the origin or the point at infinity. It is a symbolic example, but it cannot be ignored because it is a long-standing historical problem of mathematics, a new discovery of division by zero, and extremely important content related to the basics of mathematics in general. Behind this, seven years have passed since the discovery, and he has repeatedly given lectures at the Mathematical Society of Japan, lectured at invited international conferences, and released video lectures at certain invited international conferences, and even his books have been published, not to mention papers. They even provide explanations that mean that the mathematical content of the mathematical communication is incorrect. I think that there is an article on mathematical communication that denies that fact. I have repeatedly stated that this is a shame not only for the world of mathematics but also for humankind.
Therefore, I think it is natural for a mathematician to ask for the truth.
Regarding the reason for the delay in understanding division by zero, I would like to give a frank impression from the perspective of improving the culture of the world.
I have a strong impression that division by zero is impossible at first, and I have a strong impression of refusal from the beginning because of my belief, and there is a human sexuality (saga) that I cannot escape from my belief. Free thinking is important in mathematics, and on the contrary, I have a deep belief.
Even if you find out on the way, there is a reality that you hesitate to correct the mistake and do not apologize while admitting or criticizing the mistake. Among them, there are quite a lot of people who do not know well, hide and criticize, or are silent when it becomes inconvenient, so to speak, they are treated like cowards. I have interacted with a considerable number of people, but few have frankly admitted their mistakes, and even fewer have been apologized. Therefore, it is considered that the world of the Internet is still full of inappropriate information. I think the common sense of the world is a stain on the mathematical world:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).

I think such a situation would be a shame and negligence in the mathematical and media worlds.
Those who are well understood that it was an important blind spot do not actively work on the evolution of mathematics, and are reluctant with the problems of the next generation. -This is probably because it is a big change and lacks a deep understanding. -Changes are easy, but changes to scholarly books are enormous. Since the missing part in the new mathematics is filled in, the correction will be enormous even if the new result is not included. However, even if you know the truth, you cannot make use of it. -It is brave to see the righteousness. I feel the weakness of love for Machi, the weakness of the truth, and the weakness of the heart that respects the truth.
Unfortunately, there is a reality that people are ignored from the beginning without looking at the contents of mathematics, whether because of a task or because of an unknown name. Certainly, almost all of the literature on division by zero is strange, and the impossibility is definite, so from the beginning, I can understand the feeling that it does not matter. However, there are cases such as the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry, and in fact, it is considered to be correct in such cases. -However, you should look at the mathematics itself, and it is essentially not good to judge by yourself. Then I have to say that it is essentially lacking in the scientific spirit. In addition, respect for diverse opinions, strange opinions, and novel opinions may be the basic existence of researchers.
Also, in order to pursue the truth, a thorough discussion should be the basic spirit of important research, but immediately stop the discussion and give an opinion of the other party, who is not interested, is not interested, cuts off the exchange. Isn't it a bad world to ignore? In search of the truth, thorough discussions and exchanges seem to be extremely basic in research.
Even in the mathematics world, there is a strong sense of face-to-face competition, a sense of competition, and a sense of fellowship, and surprisingly, I feel that the world of mathematics is getting worse beyond the pursuit of the truth of mathematics. Isn't the spirit of love for Machi important in the mathematical world? I want to thoroughly seek the truth of mathematics. I think the mathematical world must be open to society.
Recently, I can remember the scenes of the seminars by Yusaku Komatsu, Mitsuru Ozawa, and Suita, who I received at Tokyo Institute of Technology when I was a graduate student and a trainee. In a nutshell, it is a nostalgic training era that has been thoroughly trained with the strict spirit of mathematics. In such a sloppy mathematics situation and the response of the mathematics world, I am sorry for my teachers and I can not keep my honor, and I am constantly feeling fierce about the current situation.
Reiwa innovation is carried out, and now is the time to evolve world history with the division by zero method originating in Japan. The idea of ​​space since Aristotle and Euclid must be changed, and calculus must be revised. It can be said that trigonometric functions are also full of holes. A prominent example is the fact that the mirror image of the origin is the origin, not the point at infinity.
From the blog:
What is the Mathematical Society of Japan that cannot clarify the truth?
Can you say that you are a math researcher and a math teacher because you cannot correct what is wrong?
The math world that doesn't fix this seems to be ashamed every day. I woke up and felt a little intense emotions. Let's go to the hideout early for training.
2021.3.26.5: 02
There was zero at the point at infinity and beyond infinity. I did not notice.
It seems to be a small problem, but it is already clear that it is an event in the history of the world where the geocentric theory replaces the heliocentric theory, which turns the world upside down.
2021.3.25.5: 28
                                that's all
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 613 (2021.3.21) Embarrassing mistakes in mathematics, oversights of geniuses, people's beliefs; human beings are blind groups and appear to be unicellular groups
The delay in understanding division by zero is quite strange, and I'm wondering why. First, I will explain the essence of the most principle of division by zero.
The discovery that the value at the origin of the basic function y = 1 / x is zero can be said to be the essence of the discovery of division by zero.
It is said that the value of the basic function at the origin is zero.
The function diverges to infinity when approaching the origin from the positive direction, and diverges to minus infinity when approaching zero from the negative direction.
Those are facts, and of course modern mathematics is.
However, although they describe the situation when approaching the origin, they are
The problem is different from what the value at the origin is. No matter how close you are to the origin, it is a different matter whether the value at the origin is. I don't know if so-called continuity is established or something like that. That's why I didn't think about the value at the origin. I have vaguely come up with something like infinity. In complex analysis, we have considered the point at infinity, but it is strange that the value at the origin is infinite like a number. It can be said that it is really strange to connect a value that is not a number with an equal sign. Shouldn't the equal sign have to be a number? 1/0 = INFINITY is really strange.
In fact, it is already famous as a mistake of the genius Euler. Since division by zero is said to be 1/0 = 0, many people are amazed, and in fact, the people who heard and changed their facial expressions were domestic, Western, Asian, Russian, African, South American, and Arab people. The same is true for us. However, it was necessary to give a new meaning of 1/0. That is the new concept and meaning of division by zero. It can be said that the important point of division by zero, the blind spot, has been confusing and obscuring the approaching value and the approaching value for a long time. As is well known, division by zero is easily proved impossible in the ordinary sense, so even the geniuses of the world, Newton, Einstein, Euler, and Gauss, could not grasp the essence of division by zero. The genius Ramanojan had an intuition that 0/0 = 1, but the meaning of division by zero could not be grasped.
It's an important point, so I would like to quote it to deepen my understanding by referring to an email with a certain person:
First, when f (z) = 1 / z (z ≠ 0) is set as the fundamentals of functions and their limits,
f (z) is not defined with z = 0, and lim_ (z → 0) f (z) = ∞ is obvious as the limit.
At this time, when defining a new value at z = 0 and defining an extended function,
What kind of function value is taken at z = 0 is free.
When considering the Riemann surface in functional theory, it is convenient for continuity and conformality.
It is natural to define f (0) = ∞. (1/0 = ∞)
On the other hand, as suggested by the teacher, when considering various applications,
The theory that defines f (0) = 0 is also important. (1/0 = 0)
This is important, but it is clear that mathematics gives the definition and meaning of 1/0 = 0 in the Mu-Apenrose general inverse, Takahashi's uniqueness theorem, body structure, and more than 1100 concrete examples.
The idea is extremely easy to describe and the content and definition are simple.
At the level, it is natural from elementary school students. Just rethink the definition and meaning of division.
Therefore, he says that mathematics is embarrassing.
This is not only the shame of the mathematical world, but the shame of humankind's world history.
In the above, it is natural to define what kind of function value is taken at z = 0 as f (0) = ∞: It is strange to set the value to ∞, which is not a number. It means lim_ (z → 0) f (z) = ∞, and if you don't consider the extreme operation, you can say that ∞ is meaningless. We need to remember the definition of ∞.
It means that the mirror image of the circle at the center of the circle is the center itself, but what you should not think of as infinity or point at infinity is the basis of mathematics education in analysis. The reason is that the value that approaches and the value there are generally different, which is the ultimate idea, and it is basically important. However, in the mirror image, everyone did not notice it, and it was ambiguous for a long time.
I've been vague.
Unfortunately, the value approaching the origin is different from the value at the origin, and at the origin
An amazing number, zero, was defined that didn't look like it.
It can be said that it has been since Aristotle. Even if I point out this properly, it has not been corrected for 7 years, and even if I regularly point out the fact of the old mistake in the mathematical communication of the Mathematical Society of Japan, it seems that I can continue to ignore it even after more than a year. The same is true for the function theory subcommittee. It is not like a mathematician to have an attitude of avoiding something like seeing a world that everyone dislikes, so it seems that no one is responsible for mathematics education and research. I will end up. We are asking you to reveal the truth of mathematics. There is a situation in which the mathematics we teach has a basic flaw and is ignored even though it is repeatedly stated that it is in an embarrassing state. From the conscience of mathematicians, we must reveal the truth in the name of the beauty of mathematics.
-The cause of Reiwa innovation.
I've been wondering why my understanding isn't progressing, but I feel that I'm deeply absorbed in my specialty, closed to unicellular thinking and vision, and feel uneasy about the basics. I will. I am busy and have lost my mind, and I wonder if I can do good education and research in such a state.
Division by zero is a well-known problem with a long history, but there are many geniuses and geniuses in the world, but once it is considered impossible, the geniuses think that way and are human beings who can not get out of that thought. You will be informed of the sex (saga) of. Therefore, it is important to refer widely to the opinions of amateurs. In fact, our discovery was largely triggered by a question from an amateur.
In the world of mathematics, unlike political society, mathematical truth is considered to exist objectively and absolutely, so I hope that the truth will be revealed from the standpoint of pursuing the truth. I will.
The current mathematics is embarrassing, and it is thought that it is similar to the social situation in which the treatment and response of society are embarrassing, just denying the heliocentric theory and ignoring or criticizing it. Shouldn't one seek mathematical truth? It is clear that the problem is not irrelevant mathematics, but the basics of mathematics and the world view are directly related. What about eternity and infinity?
                                that's all
Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 612 (2021.3.19) We have discovered-elementary results of mathematics
We have found that, in a natural sense, it breaks at zero.
We have found that infinity is represented by zero.
We found that the slope of a utility pole standing straight was zero.
We have found that the y-axis gradient is zero.
We have found that the value at the center of a right-angled hyperbola takes the value at the center.
We have found that the singularity takes a meaningful value.
We have discovered that infinite distance is in line with the origin.
We have found that there is zero beyond infinity.
We have found that everything starts at zero and returns to zero.
We found that the mirror image of the center of the circle is the center itself.
We have discovered that zero has the property of showing the impossible.
We have discovered that zero may indicate that it does not exist.
We have found that Euclidean geometry is flawed in infinitely distant ideas.
We have discovered that both straight lines and points can be regarded as circles with the origin at the center and zero curvature.
We discovered the basic arithmetic concept and word called division by zero DBZC. Published it in a book:

January, 2021





These are emotional and emotional expressions for amateurs and the general public. Accurately, strictly speaking, I think that it is described in the above book in a self-contained manner.
                              that's all
Reproducing Kernel Research Institute Statement 609 (2021.3.11): Geometry of complex numbers and circles-Shimane University, commentary by Toshihiro Nakanishi (Mathematics Communication, February 2020 issue) Request for correction of description
Here, the description means that the central mirror image of the circle is the point at infinity.
It is a request to change the description that the mirror image of the center is the center itself.
The detailed background is
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 551 (2020.3.8) Members of the Function Theory Subcommittee--
I think that the current undergraduate function theory textbook and educational content have basic flaws.
Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 606 (2021.3.1): New world has been opened up, seeking exploration of the new world:

From Riemann sphere to Daeumler – Puha horn torus; 2021.2.22.5:33
From Euclid – Riemann to Daeumler – Puha horn torus model; 2021.2.22.07:30

See. The request for consideration was given to the author himself and the editorial manager, Mr. Hiroo Tokunaga, the editorial chairman of "Mathematics Communication" (Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:22:54 +0900). , I haven't been contacted at all since then.
What is the reason for the correction request?
Since mathematicians cannot correct mistakes, it is thought that the reason why the Mathematical Society of Japan does not correct mistakes is because they misunderstand that it can be either, or because they understand the mistakes.
Therefore, I want you to clarify the truth. I think that it is against the honor and duty of the mathematician of the person concerned.
On a beautiful spring morning, the spirit of mathematics was trained at a high-class seminar attended by Professor Yusaku Komatsu, Professor Ozawa, and Professor Suita at Tokyo Institute of Technology. The teachers were of a fulfilling age, and a good mathematician, Professor Oikawa of the University of Tokyo, etc. often participated, and the people who were called assistants at that time were also strict.
I woke up with such a thought when I thought that the current state of function theory was strange. Why can't this be clarified? Why don't you ask for the truth. I will not clarify. The classical idea of ​​a mirror image is wrong, and there are fundamental flaws in the foundation of modern mathematics. I want you to find out the truth. Can you say that you are a mathematician because you can't do that? I can't forgive it in the spirit of mathematics we received. That is the unyielding conscience of the researcher. 2021.3.6.5: 25 (published on the blog).
Seven years have passed since the discovery of division by zero, and I have repeatedly given lectures at the Mathematical Society of Japan, and have met as individually as possible for each academic society to seek understanding of division by zero. Therefore, there is no legitimate criticism from anywhere in the world, and the video lecture of the invited international conference has been released, and the book has also been published. However, there are still widespread situations in which a considerable number of people are misunderstood as described above. Since it is related not only to the problem of mirror images but also to the world view and the basics of basic mathematics in general, the Mathematical Society of Japan is responsible for clarifying the truth and certifying the facts as an institution responsible for mathematics research and education. I think it will be a basic obligation.
I would like to continue to investigate the truth with the conscience of mathematicians, and with the honor of mathematics, strive for the cause of Reiwa innovation.
The results were specifically mentioned in ISAAC 2015, Plenary Lectures on Macau, and officially published:

S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,
Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications - Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, {\bf 177}(2016), 151-182. (Springer). that's all





\title{\bf  Announcement 600:  The 7th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$ \\

(2021.2.2)\\ For Founding a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus


\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\

Kawauchi-cho, 5-1648-16,\\

Kiryu 376-0041, Japan\\

{\bf kbdmm360@yahoo.co.jp}\\




 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$ in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotele (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 – 668 ?).

However, note that the division by zero $1/0=0$ having a mysterious long history was, in fact, known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  $ax=b$.


The division by zero calculus is  a new and fundamental concept,  and it  may be defined simply as follows:


For a function $y = f(x)$ which is $n$ order differentiable at $x =a$, we will {\bf define} the value

of the function, for $n \ge 0$


\frac{f(x)}{(x -a)^n}


at the point $x=a$ by the value




For the important case of $n=1$,


\frac{f(x)}{x -a} |_{x=a} = f^\prime(a).



Look the simple evidence of its importance:


 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry


Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:




For the detailed information, the book will be published soon as:


S. Saitoh, Introduction to the Division by Zero Calculus, Scientific Research Publishing (2021) (in press).


Some publisher of London is wishing some publication of a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus. The topics may be identified as the division by zero calculus. However, the contents will be related to our serious problems:


What is ZERO?


What is Division by Zero, in some serious sense?


The problems may be related to mathematical philosophy, long history and our culture.

The starting of the International Journal will not be still easy at this moment, however, for its importance, we would like to manage to found the new Journal in some near future. So, we will need the kind help of the leading mathematical scientists.


How will be the related physicists?


Computer scientists?


We attached the journal style (in a rough way) in the below. You can express your positive suggestions and comments for the style.

For your great contributions in connection with this topics, how will be your editorial member?

However, the final decision may be done by the publisher.

We wish to have your positive answer with your valuable suggestions and comments.

If you kindly are interested in the editorial member, then please send your simple CV with your wishes for some estimation by the publisher.

Please kindly forward this announcement to your related colleagues that you think suitable persons.


{\it For your starting email, I think as follows:

Many thanks for your email. The journals suggested by you are very interesting and new to the subject area. We accept to publish both journals under your editorship. We need following things from your side for preparing the sample web page of the journals.

1. Aim and Scope , Instructions to Authors, List of the editorial board members, Frequency of the journal.

Of course, they are important. However, for Frequency of the journal, we should consider it in a new type. We should not loss our valuable time for us and for the authors. We all do not like to loss our time for publication and refereeing time. This will mean that we should not fix Frequency of the journal. When a paper was accepted officially, then, soon the paper should be presented on line. So, some time, we can give the number for an accepted paper. If you wish to publish the papers in some Journal style or book, you will be able to publish them in some papers with a suitable page numbers. How will be this idea?

2. The journal will be free for the readers (open Access publications). The journal will not charge any fee from the authors for getting published in the journal.

Fine: However is it possible?

3. We need some sample images from your end to prepare the cover page for the journals.

We can consider them with computer graphics.

For a paper style, how will be it in a free style, we request it PDF in order not to

loss any valuable time for us and for the authors.

I think: this is an ideal style

viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

The problem is no refereeing procedures. We are requested to have some authority, some check system for the paper. This is a problem only.

I think you will be able to consider new journals in this spirit.

The publisher already gave a very good sample manuscript form by LaTex; very simple way. No problem.

4. We will provide the support to the editor to check the plagiarism in the articles via turnitin software.

We will request minor corrections formally for the accepted paper.}





C. B. Boyer, An early reference to division by zero,  The Journal of the American Mathematical Monthly, {\bf 50} (1943), (8), 487- 491. Retrieved March 6, 2018, from the JSTOR database.


L. P.  Castro and S. Saitoh,  Fractional functions and their representations,  Complex Anal. Oper. Theory {\bf7} (2013), no. 4, 1049-1063.


M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane,

New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on $100/0=0$ and on $0/0=0$,

Int. J. Appl. Math.  {\bf 27} (2014), no 2, pp. 191-198,  DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9.


T. Matsuura and S. Saitoh,

Matrices and division by zero $z/0=0$,

Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory, {\bf 6}(2016), 51-58

Published Online June 2016 in SciRes.   http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt

\\ http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007.


T. Matsuura, H. Michiwaki and S. Saitoh,

$\log 0= \log \infty =0$ and applications. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 293-305.


H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh and  M.Yamada,

Reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$.  IJAPM  International J. of Applied Physics and Math. {\bf 6}(2015), 1–8. http://www.ijapm.org/show-63-504-1.html


H. Michiwaki, H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

 Division by Zero $z/0 = 0$ in Euclidean Spaces,

 International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, {\bf 2}8(2017); Issue  1, 1-16.


 H. Okumura,  Is It Really Impossible To Divide By Zero?  Biostat Biometrics Open Acc J. 2018; 7(1): 555703.

DOI: 10.19080/BBOJ.2018.07.555703.


H. Okumura, Wasan geometry with the division by 0. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06947 International  Journal of Geometry. {\bf 7}(2018), No. 1, 17-20.


H. Okumura,

An Analogue to Pappus Chain theorem with Division by Zero, Forum Geom., {\bf 18} (2018),  409–412.


H. Okumura, To Divide by Zero is to Multiply by Zero, viXra: 1811.0283  submitted on 2018-11-18 20:46:54.


H. Okumura, A Remark of the Definition of $0/0=0$ by Brahmagupta,  viXra:1902.0221 submitted on 2019-02-12 23:41:31.


H. Okumura, A Chain of Circles Touching a Circle and Its Tangent and Division by Zero,

viXra:2001.0034 submitted on 2020-01-03 01:08:58.


H. Okumura, Pappus Chain and Division by Zero, viXra:2001.0123 replaced on 2020-01-08 06:57:36.


H. Okumura, S. Saitoh and T. Matsuura, Relations of   $0$ and  $\infty$,

Journal of Technology and Social Science (JTSS), {\bf 1}(2017),  70-77.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, The Descartes circles theorem and division by zero calculus. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.04961 (2017.11.14).


H.  Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Harmonic Mean and Division by Zero,

Dedicated to Professor Josip Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18} (2018), 155—159.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Remarks for The Twin Circles of Archimedes in a Skewed Arbelos by H. Okumura and M. Watanabe, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18}(2018), 97-100.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Applications of the division by zero calculus to Wasan geometry.



H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus,

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM), {\bf  2 }(2018),  57–73.


S. Pinelas and S. Saitoh,

Division by zero calculus and differential equations. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 399-418.


H. G. Romig, Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero,

American Mathematical Monthly, {\bf 3}1, No. 8. (Oct., 1924),  387-389.


S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices,  Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory.  {\bf 4}  (2014), no. 2,  87–95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/


S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,

Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications – Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics,  {\bf 177}(2016),     151-182.


S.-E. Takahasi, M. Tsukada and Y. Kobayashi,  Classification of continuous fractional binary operations on the real and complex fields,  Tokyo Journal of Mathematics,   {\bf 38}(2015), no. 2, 369-380.


Announcement 179 (2014.8.30): Division by zero is clear as z/0=0 and it is fundamental in mathematics.


Announcement 185 (2014.10.22): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 237 (2015.6.18):  A reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$ by  geometrical optics.


Announcement 246 (2015.9.17): An interpretation of the division by zero $1/0=0$ by the gradients of lines.


Announcement 247 (2015.9.22): The gradient of y-axis is zero and $\tan (\pi/2) =0$ by the division by zero $1/0=0$.


Announcement 250 (2015.10.20): What are numbers? –  the Yamada field containing the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 252 (2015.11.1): Circles and

curvature – an interpretation by Mr.

Hiroshi Michiwaki of the division by

zero $r/0 = 0$.


Announcement 281 (2016.2.1): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 282 (2016.2.2): The Division by Zero $z/0=0$ on the Second Birthday.


Announcement 293 (2016.3.27):  Parallel lines on the Euclidean plane from the viewpoint of division by zero 1/0=0.


Announcement 300 (2016.05.22): New challenges on the division by zero z/0=0.


 Announcement 326 (2016.10.17): The division by zero z/0=0 – its impact to human beings through education and research.


Announcement 352 (2017.2.2):   On the third birthday of the division by zero z/0=0.


Announcement 354 (2017.2.8): What are $n = 2,1,0$ regular polygons inscribed in a disc? — relations of $0$ and infinity.


Announcement 362 (2017.5.5): Discovery of the division by zero as  $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$


Announcement 380 (2017.8.21):  What is the zero?


Announcement 388 (2017.10.29):   Information and ideas on zero and division by zero (a project).


Announcement 409 (2018.1.29.):  Various Publication Projects on the Division by Zero.


Announcement 410 (2018.1 30.):  What is mathematics? — beyond logic; for great challengers on the division by zero.


Announcement 412 (2018.2.2.): The 4th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 433 (2018.7.16.):  Puha’s Horn Torus Model for the Riemann Sphere From the Viewpoint of Division by Zero.


Announcement 448 (2018.8.20):  Division by Zero;

 Funny History and New World.


Announcement 454 (2018.9.29): The International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, October 22-23.


Announcement 460 (2018.11.06): Change the Poor Idea to the Definite Results For the Division by Zero – For the Leading Mathematicians.


Announcement 461 (2018.11.10): An essence of division by zero and a new axiom.


Announcement 471(2019.2.2):  The 5th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 478(2019.3.4):  Who did derive first the division by zero $1/0$ and the division by zero calculus $\tan(\pi/2)=0, \log 0=0$ as the outputs of a computer?


Announcement 540(2020.2.2): The 6th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.



prepare the article according to the sample style of the journal. 


Thanks again, 

アリストテレス以降、嫌われてきたゼロ除算。何か、陰謀の臭いがするとか言うと、危ない人に思われそうだからやめておこう。(@ ̄ρ ̄@)

31 5月

アリストテレス以降、嫌われてきたゼロ除算。何か、陰謀の臭いがするとか言うと、危ない人に思われそうだからやめておこう。(@ ̄ρ ̄@)

#mathmystery #infinityinspace

Math Mystery why division of zero not defined  Math Mystery why division of zero not definedhi IndiaI is today math Mysterywhy division by zero not definedthis is an interesting .bcz it doesn’t look so at first glance .but it isto get the why it sow…www.youtube.com

#0の0乗 #指数 #底 MML第20回 0の0乗はいくつでしょうか   

2021年05月29日(土)NEW !

#0の0乗 #指数 #底

MML第20回 0の0乗はいくつでしょうか   

再生核研究所は、1と0の値です:MML第20回 0の0乗はいくつでしょうか#0の0乗 #指数 #底学校の指数の学習で、実数 a の値が正のとき、aの0乗は 1 と習います。では、a=0 のとき、すなわち 0 の 0 乗はいくらになるでしょうか。www.youtube.com

TIL that IEEE 754 wants every floating point arithmetic operation (including division by zero) to have a well defined result https://rubyguides.com/2019/07/ruby-infinity/

0 / 0 = ZeroDivisionError 0.0 / 0 = NaN why ruby why


Division by zero/mathematical concepts/learn by understanding… repeated subtraction… #…

Division by zero/mathematical concepts/learn by understanding… repeated subtraction… #…division by zero# repeatedly subtraction# learning mathematics📐📊📚📐📊📚#easy learning approach… simple mathematicswww.youtube.com

基礎知識だけど、”1+0″は当然”1″だけど、”1+null”は結果が”null”になる、それどころか”null/0″っていう、数学的にはタブーなゼロ除算をやっても結果は”null”っていうとんでもない結果になる(エラーにすらならない)ので、冗談抜きに死ぬぞ。 (まぁ初心者は誰もがやるミスだろうw)

Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14″What’s zero divided by zero?”Newer rendition of Siri’s representation of zero divided by zero.www.youtube.com

divide by zero

divide by zerohe in fact, was not.Das it.www.youtube.com


最近の小学校は 〇÷0=0 と教えていると聞いて衝撃を受けた朝。 ゆいもおうも2人して「0!」と答えるから、 悲しくなった だって、学校でそう習ったよって。

ゼロのゼロ乗や、ゼロ乗、など結構な話題になっていますが、新説を唱え結構な具体例をあげて居ますので、 参考にして下さい。 定義はいろいろ考えられますので、その様に定義すると良い具体例を沢山探して、説得するような姿勢は大事ではないでしょうか。 下記もご参考にして下さい:

ですね 数学における0除算 物理における量子論と因果律 など、ウロボロスの蛇の中にいるのかもしれませんね 1+1=2を厳密に定義することすら難しい

#数学 #数学者 #数学科



Batch file returns “divide by zero error” only when run using Task Scheduler Batch file returns “divide by zero error” only when run using Task SchedulerBatch file returns “divide by zero error” only when run using Task SchedulerHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/roelvandepaarWith…www.youtube.com





Mencari informasi yang lebih mendalam lagi.. beliau ini pernah belajar ke India karena di India sudah ada yang menemukan nol dan menggunakannya dalam perhitungan.. Nol ditemukan oleh Brahmagupta..Siswa, Yuk Kenali Ilmuwan Penemu Aljabar dan Angka NolAda seorang ilmuwan yang menyumbangkan pemikiran tentang ilmu Matematika. Ilmuwan itu adalah Muhammad bin Musa Al Khawarizmi.www.kompas.com

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  

2021年04月28日(水)NEW !

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?Short answer – EVERY NUMBER IN THE WORLD. 2:12 (Also the fun answer.)In this video, I do something similar to Dr. Shelton Cooper from The Big Bang Theory in…www.youtube.com

ゼロ除算は無限じゃなくて、存在しないって解釈らしいんだけど、 0だったら何回でも引けるのに、無限にならないのはなんで? 0は引いてるって言わないから? ぱっぱらぱー。 二度寝しようかな。





二度寝しようかな。— ありんこ (@arisu_men) April 28, 2021

ゼロ除算は、 実はゼロの意味からもあたりまえです:

 ゼロで割ることは 割らないこと、したがって 割り当てられた数は無く、ゼロ。ゼロには、しないこと、できないことを表す 意味がある。

ゼロで割ることは 割らないこと、したがって 割り当てられた数は無く、ゼロ。ゼロには、しないこと、できないことを表す 意味がある。 ゼロ円あげるは、あげないことですね。ゼロ回施行は、しないことですね。 時速ぜろkmで走るは 止まっていて 走らないことを意味しますね。 ですから、ゼロの意味を考えれば、実は ゼロで割る問題は、初めから当たり前でした。 さー世界の常識を変えましょう。 ー 令和革新の大義
無限のかなたに です。
ところが その先に ゼロが存在した。 思えば、楽しく驚嘆すべき世界、それが何とゼロ除算の世界で、新世界です。 それは ホーントーラスで 実現される。 雑誌の表紙の図版に採用されている。
2000年の歴史を越えて 人類が発見した、完全な数学の世界である。
数学の2つの元、ユークリッド幾何と算術の法則 ブラーマグプタの世界には 不完全さが すなわち、数学には 基本的な欠陥が 存在して、現在に至っている。 我々は不適当な世界観、数学の上に生きて来た。
2021.4.20.8:40#Dividing By Zero | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | TumgirExplore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #Dividing By Zero with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumgirwww.tumgir.com


【ゆっくり解説】1=0の証明とゼロ除算明らかにおかしいのに案外気付けない、そんな間違い探しのようなミスを通して数学を掘り下げてみよう回総エンコ時間 : 1h45m41.2s 長すぎん?――timetable0:00 introduction0:19 proof1 a=b1:32 definition of division & division by…www.youtube.com

Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   


Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   

Divide By Zero | Untitled ProductionsWhat happens when you divide by zero? Ryan asks Rishi about what happens when you do so, only to find out the crazy truth. Written and directed by Rishi CCas…www.youtube.com


If there’s a magical division by zero, the universe won’t implode! The person who does it will just be shunted into another universe.


 できない考え方ではできません。 できるようにする自然な素晴らしい考え方があります:


数学基礎学力研究会公式サイト 楽しい数学http://www.mirun.sctv.jp › ~suugaku
数学基礎学力研究会の基本理念は{ 楽しい数学 }です。より多くの方々に「数学は面白い」と思っていただけるよう、種々の活動を行っております。本サイトの「数学教室」では、「堪らなく楽しい数学-ゼロで割ることを考える」 と「和算 …
数学 禁忌
無限 割り算
ゼロ割 回避
0で割る 無限


現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

Please look 1/0=0:

As Fundamental of Mathematics,  the division by zero was known as the generalized

 Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:

 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:




Book was published:




January, 2021

再生核研究所声明617(2021.4.23):  ゼロ除算の理解を求める ― マスコミ関係者にお願い

次は ゼロ除算の理解の遅れについて

再生核研究所声明 614(2021.3.28) 数学通信の記事の修正を求める理由、日本の文化、数学界の様子、社会の様子; 日本数学会、マスコミ関係者の皆さま、これで良いでしょうか。


それで、今でもインターネットの世界では不適当な情報で溢れていると考えられる。世の常識は 数学界の汚点であると考える:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).


と述べて 数学界とマスコミ界を批判するような表現になっている。 そこで、特にマスコミ関係者に説明を行い、希望を具体的に表現したい。
まずは ゼロ除算の新しい数学は、数学の基礎と数学教育の基本に関わることで、しかも 日本発の世界的な文化の貢献になると考えられ、大きな一般的な話題であることに触れたい。実際、小学校から大学までの基礎数学の変更が 要求され、更に歴史的な世界観の変更に繋がると考えられている。
その内容については 厖大な資料を提供してきており、多くは公開されている。招待国際会議ビデオ講演を公開、著書さえ出版し、イギリスからその専門国際雑誌の創刊が進められている。
マスコミの方に その様な専門的な事の内容に議論して頂くことは考えず、 問題は 世の基本的な問題を数学界に働きかけているにも関わらず、数学界の無視したような学界の在りようの是非を問い、 真実を明らかにすべく、社会の話題として、広く議論して欲しいとの マスコミの在りようを問うています。
上記声明614で 詳しく述べていますが、数学界の在りようはおかしくはないでしょうか。数学界の基本的な問題を提起しているにも関わらず、責任者達が真面に取り合わず 無視どころか、中傷するさまさえ 現れています。数学の世界が権威主義になっていることを認めず、数学の実体的な存在を確信している者としては 無視されている私が、日本数学会の名誉会員であり、アメリカ数学会名誉会員でもあり、日本数学界評議員経験者で 国立大学の名誉教授であることには触れたくはなかった。
しかしながら、公然とした無視した在りようは 日本数学会(界)の歴史的な汚点になり、国益をも著しくそこなうことになると考えます。
内容は、極めて基本的で、小学生から高校生の楽しい話題にもなるもので、話題を社会の問題としてとりあげ、楽しく 世にも珍しい新しい発見、ゼロ除算の話題を 世界の話題として日本から発信し、 コロナ禍の暗い世相を吹き飛ばしたい。今こそ、日本国は世界の文化に貢献すべき絶好の機会であると考えます。 ― 令和革新の大義。

マスコミ関係者は 素人でも分る初歩的な 数学の問題を楽しく 取り上げ、数学界のおかしな在りようも明らかにし、日本文化の後進性などにも光を与え、多様な文化の発展に貢献できるものと考えます。

まずは 声明614を参照して そのきっかけを 掴んで頂ければ幸です。

                               以 上

2021.4.21.14;58 マスコミ関係者が分らない、数学界の問題にということではなく、そのような大きな話題が存在する その事実を取り上げて欲しいとの発想で、声明構想が湧いた。 マスコミは 真相を 話題にして明かにする努力をして欲しい ということ。 学界が閉鎖的で、議論できない状況を打破して欲しい ということ。
2021.4.21.18:25 そんなにおかしくはないが。
2021.4.22.05:04 そんなにおかしくない、活かせるかも知れない。
2021.3.22.07:10 90分山を巡ってくる。タケノコが結構出始めていた。 これは素直だが公表しても良いものだろうか。 大体固まっている。 正方向からの表現が良いが、どんどん素直な真実を求める表現も良い。
それで真実を、真理を求めていると 言えるでしょうか。教育者と言えるでしょうか。


円の中心の鏡像は 無限遠点であるという。 それでは、 どこに円が在っても、円の中心の鏡像は 無限遠点であるとなってしまう。 ゼロ除算は、円の中心は 
中心自身であること を述べている。 球面でも同じであるが、 球面が鏡ならば 中心から光が出れば 中心に戻るのではないだろうか。 鏡像の間違いは、 ユークリッド、 ブラーマグプタ、すなわち数学の基礎の欠陥を 歴然と示している。 ゼロ除算の本質である。 それゆえに、日本数会機関誌 数学通信の記事の修正を求めているが、1年を越えても無視を 続けている。 恥ずかしいことではないだろうか。
ところが、論文、招待国際会議、数学会でも繰り返し講演、発表し、著書も出版、 専門国際雑誌を創刊しようというのに 修正しない。 迫っても修正しない数学者たち、可笑しいのではないでしょうか。 それで真実を、真理を求めていると 言えるでしょうか。教育者と言えるでしょうか。

鏡像が ゼロであることは、 ゼロ除算発見の 1丁目1番地の 最も大事な観点で、 発見 そのものです。 同時に 従来数学は間違いであるという論点です。 超古典的な結果に間違いがある。 小松先生たちの書かれた 本、 私にとっては 聖典、志した もとに 間違いがあるということです。アルフォース など の古典も そうですね。 
D. H. Armitage and S. J. Gardiner :  Classical Potential Theory
では 鏡像を深く扱っているのですが、原点の鏡像は 注意深く 触れていません。 それは、無限遠点を避けているようです。
しかし、考えてみたら、鏡像のおかしさは そんなに難しくない 当たり前のように思います。
厳格に考えて下さい。 先生は 自身で触れられているようにさえ 見えます。
近づいていったら 近づいて行った。 無限大に。
近づいて行った先の原点の値と それは厳密に関係あるでしょうか。
不幸にして、原点での値は ゼロだった。 値はゼロである。 それが先生も導かれている。
無限大、無限遠点とは何でしょうか。  アラユル コンパクト 集合の 外にある点です。 そのような点 存在するのでしょうか。 

その様な存在、 実体と言えるでしょうか。
無限大や無限遠点は 極限の概念で定義され、値ではなく、ある状況を表して居る のではないでしょうか。
原点に近づくとき、いくらでも大きくなる。しかし、それは 原点の値と一致する必要はない です。
従来数学は、特異点の外での数学、ゼロ除算算法の数学は 特異点でも考える数学。 それゆえに お互いに独立で矛盾しない。ゼロ除算は新しい世界です。 ですから、従来数学におかしいことはないのですが、鏡像だけは 考えてはならない筈の特異点で言明し、それは新しい数学と矛盾するという 事実をもたらしました。これがゼロ除算の原形です。
考えてはならないところが 埋まるのですから、数学は美しく 完全化されます。
そればかりか、日々新しい現象を発見しています。 全く新規な 驚嘆すべき結果を どんどん導いています。
私は コーシー時代のような活力ある時代を迎えると思います。
私は、古典数学に間違いがある と宣言しています。再生核研究所声明 618(2021.4.25) 日本数学会は 今、日本国と世界に 直接貢献すべきである ー できる絶好の機会

(買い物に出かけて来た。 次の声明の直接的な 考えを纏めたく 情念が湧いてきて来た。散歩の後 直ぐに纏めたい。)

再生核研究所声明 616(2021.4.10)  今こそ、日本数学会は、日本国は、世界の文化に貢献できる。

数学の内容は 具体的に上記に述べられているので、数学会の姿勢の問題の観点から、直接提案する形で述べたい。 学会の在りようは それなりの伝統と理由があって現在があるのだから、それなりに尊重させるべきであることは 当然である。 更に数学のような基礎科学は地味に 静かに研究が行われるべきであるという 強い側面が存在することに 特に念を押して置きたい。そこで、言及したいのは 言わば異なった視点からの独断と偏見に満ちた、しかしながら注目すべき観点もあるのではないかとの思いで 纏めて見たい。
現在世界の世相は コロナ禍、地球規模の環境問題で 言わば苦しい状況下におかれている。 首相をはじめ 政治家、首長の方々の 真摯な努力には 深い敬意の念が湧いてくる。一致団結して これらの難局に 協力していきたい。 言わば戦う敵、対象が 人間ではなく、ウイルスや環境だから、それらとの人類との聖戦に望んでおられるように 皆さんの真摯な姿勢がみえる。大局的には 人類繁茂の生態系の維持に抵触する 人類の活動の、自由の制限を意味するから、苦しい受難の状況は 永く人類に襲い掛かると考えられる。苦しい時代の始まりである。
このような折り、数学等の基礎科学の研究生活、観衆を必要とするスポーツ、芸能、文化活動は厳しい世相で 一層苦しい状況が 予想される。当然、社会全般に 苦しい情況が 起きていると考えられる。 相当な覚悟が要請されていると考えられる。
しかしながら、スポーツ界の明るいニュ―ス、 音楽、芸術、芸能など 暗い世相の中で人々を元気付け、励まし、力を湧かせている例も多く、高く評価される。 池江璃花子 選手の超人的な快挙等も 多くの人に感銘と勇気を与えている。
日本数学会も それらに匹敵できる 日本ばかりではなく、世界の文化に直接貢献できる ニュース、成果を持ちながら、それらを活かせず、社会的に閉じて、社会貢献を意図せず、独りよがりの 数学の研究課題にはまっているような 状態ではないだろうか。 確かに数学などの基礎科学が 直接社会貢献に寄与するのは難しい状況は一般にはあり、 仕方のない面が 本質的に存在するが、ゼロ除算の解明、発見が別格の発見であり、世界史上の事件で、しかもそれは数学の基礎と世界観の問題に直接関わる 世紀の問題であると考える。

現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






問題は 日本数学会が意図的にそのような成果を隠蔽し、成果を数学界の快挙として評価せず、言わばおおきな機会を活かせず、社会から遊離して、言わば ぼんやりし、古い世界から 抜け出せず、衰退の状況に陥っていることである。数学会が社会から遊離している。 数学会は 社会にどのように貢献しいるか、国民に対して明らかにして行かなければならない。我々は直接 社会にどのような貢献をしているか、絶えず反省していかなければならない。 コロナ禍における、医学界の尽力に劣らないように 真剣に社会貢献を果たしていきたい。 数学の教育と研究が 我々の基本的な課題である。
我々は ゼロ除算の解明が 新思想、新世界観を持たらし、2300年以上の歴史を有する数学を美しく完全化させ、コーシー時代のように 数学が活力ある時代を迎えられると考える。
これらの話題は 庶民レベルの沢山の楽しい、深い話題を世に提供し、それらの話題は、暗い世相を吹き飛ばし、明るい未来を志向する道しるべになると考える。
日本数学会の 積極的な取り組みを 数学の大義を受けて、要請したい。
日本発の新しい基礎数学を開拓して、 日本国は 世界史の進化 に貢献したい。

                                     以 上


Dividing by Nothing by Alberto Martinez

Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity.

https://notevenpast.org/dividing-nothing/  より

The Road

Fig 5.2. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) were the culprits, ignoring the first commandment of mathematics not to divide by zero. But they hit gold, because what they mined in the process was the ideal circle.

http://thethirty-ninesteps.com/page_5-the_road.php より

mercredi, juillet 06, 2011
0/0, la célèbre formule d’Evariste Galois !
http://divisionparzero.blogspot.jp/2011/07/00-la-celebre-formule-devariste-galois.html  より

無限に関する様々な数学的概念:無限大 :記号∞ (アーベルなどはこれを 1 / 0 のように表記していた)で表す。 大雑把に言えば、いかなる数よりも大きいさまを表すものであるが、より明確な意味付けは文脈により様々である。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%84%A1%E9%99%90 より

リーマン球面:無限遠点が、実は 原点と通じていた。

https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%B3%E7%90%83%E9%9D%A2 より

http://jestingstock.com/indian-mathematician-brahmagupta-image.html より

ブラーマグプタ(Brahmagupta、598年 – 668年?)はインドの数学者・天文学者。ブラマグプタとも呼ばれる。その著作は、イスラーム世界やヨーロッパにインド数学や天文学を伝える役割を果たした。
628年に、総合的な数理天文書『ブラーマ・スプタ・シッダーンタ』(ब्राह्मस्फुटसिद्धान्त Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta)を著した。この中の数章で数学が扱われており、第12章はガニタ(算術)、第18章はクッタカ(代数)にあてられている。クッタカという語は、もとは「粉々に砕く」という意味だったが、のちに係数の値を小さくしてゆく逐次過程の方法を意味するようになり、代数の中で不定解析を表すようになった。この書では、 0 と負の数にも触れていて、その算法は現代の考え方に近い(ただし 0 ÷ 0 = 0 と定義している点は現代と異なっている)


ブラーマ・スプタ・シッダーンタ (Brahmasphutasiddhanta) は、7世紀のインドの数学者・天文学者であるブラーマグプタの628年の著作である。表題は宇宙の始まりという意味。
数としての「0(ゼロ)の概念」がはっきりと書かれた、現存する最古の書物として有名である。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%96%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B9%E3%83%97%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B7%E3%83%83%E3%83%80%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF より


An Early Reference to Division by Zero C. B. Boyer

Impact of ‘Division by Zero’ in Einstein’s Static Universe and Newton’s Equations in Classical Mechanics:http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Relativity%20Theory/Download/2084 より

ラース・ヴァレリアン・アールフォルス(Lars Valerian Ahlfors、1907年4月18日-1996年10月11日)はフィンランドの数学者。リーマン面の研究と複素解析の教科書を書いたことで知られる。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9%E3%83%BB%E3%83%B4%E3%82%A1%E3%83%AC%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%83%BB%E3%82%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B9

COMPLEX ANALYSIS, 3E (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics) (英語) ハードカバー – 1979/1/1
Lars Ahlfors (著)

原点の円に関する鏡像は、実は 原点であった。

Ramanujan says that answer for 0/0 is infinity. But I’m not sure it’s …

You can see from the other answers, that from the concept of limits, 0/0 can approach any value, even infinity. … So, let me take a system where division by zero is actually defined, that is, you can multiply or divide both sides of an equation by …


Abel Memorial in Gjerstad

Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero
H. G. Romig
The American Mathematical Monthly
Vol. 31, No. 8 (Oct., 1924), pp. 387-389
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
DOI: 10.2307/2298825
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2298825
Page Count: 3

ロピタルの定理 (ロピタルのていり、英: l’Hôpital’s rule) とは、微分積分学において不定形 (en) の極限を微分を用いて求めるための定理である。綴りl’Hôpital / l’Hospital、カタカナ表記ロピタル / ホスピタルの揺れについてはギヨーム・ド・ロピタルの項を参照。ベルヌーイの定理 (英語: Bernoulli’s rule) と呼ばれることもある。本定理を (しばしば複数回) 適用することにより、不定形の式を非不定形の式に変換し、その極限値を容易に求めることができる可能性がある。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AD%E3%83%94%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AB%E3%81%AE%E5%AE%9A%E7%90%86

Ein aufleuchtender Blitz: Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit
https://books.google.co.jp/books?isbn=3642558402 –

Arild Stubhaug – 2013 – ‎Mathematics

Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit Arild Stubhaug. Abb. 19 a–c. a. … Eine Kurve, die Abel studierte und dabei herausfand, wie sich der Umfang inn gleich große Teile aufteilen lässt. … Beim Integralzeichen statt der liegenden ∞ den Bruch 1/0.


Indeterminate: the hidden power of 0 divided by 0
2016/12/02 に公開
You’ve all been indoctrinated into accepting that you cannot divide by zero. Find out about the beautiful mathematics that results when you do it anyway in calculus. Featuring some of the most notorious “forbidden” expressions like 0/0 and 1^∞ as well as Apple’s Siri and Sir Isaac Newton.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc0M1o8tuPo より


file:///C:/Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/P1-Division.pdf より

file:///C:/Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/Y_1770_Euler_Elements%20of%20algebra%20traslated%201840%20l%20p%2059%20(1).pdf より

An Approach to Overcome Division by Zero in the Interval Gauss Algorithm

Carolus Fridericus Gauss:https://www.slideshare.net/fgz08/gauss-elimination-4686597

https://www.math.nyu.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/Stamps/stamps.html より

Archimedes Principle in Completely Submerged Balloons: Revisited
Ajay Sharma:


[PDF]Indeterminate Form in the Equations of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein
0. 0 . The reason is that in the case of Archimedes principle, equations became feasible in. 1935 after enunciation of the principle in 1685, when … Although division by zero is not permitted, yet it smoothly follows from equations based upon.

Thinking ahead of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein – The General …
old Archimedes Principle, Newton’ s law, Einstein ‘s mass energy equation. E=mc2 . …. filled in balloon becomes INDETERMINATE (0/0). It is not justified. If the generalized form Archimedes principle is used then we get exact volume V …..


Find circles that are tangent to three given circles (Apollonius’ Problem) in C#

http://csharphelper.com/blog/2016/09/find-circles-that-are-tangent-to-three-given-circles-apollonius-problem-in-c/ より


The reason we cannot devide by zero is simply axiomatic as Plato pointed out.

http://mathhelpforum.com/algebra/223130-dividing-zero.html より


神の数式で ゼロ除算を用いると どうなるのでしょうか という質問が 寄せられています。


神の数式が解析関数でかけて居れば、 特異点でローラン展開して、正則部の第1項を取れば、 何時でも有限値を得るので、 形式的に無限が出ても 実は問題なく 意味を有します。


計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 



​そこで、計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 楽しみにしています。 もうできる進化した 計算機をお持ちの方は おられないですね。

これは凄い、面白い事件では? 計算機が人間を超えている 例では?

面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0

を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。

0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 世界史の恥。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。 しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている 様が 出て居て 実に 面白い。




計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに


面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0

を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。

0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている様が 出て居て 実に面白い。



ゼロ除算、ゼロで割る問題、分からない、正しいのかなど、 良く理解できない人が 未だに 多いようです。そこで、簡潔な一般的な 解説を思い付きました。 もちろん、学会などでも述べていますが、 予断で 良く聞けないようです。まず、分数、a/b は a  割る b のことで、これは 方程式 x=a の解のことです。ところが、 b がゼロならば、 どんな xでも 0 x =0 ですから、a がゼロでなければ、解は存在せず、 従って 100/0 など、ゼロ除算は考えられない、できないとなってしまいます。 普通の意味では ゼロ除算は 不可能であるという、世界の常識、定説です。できない、不可能であると言われれば、いろいろ考えたくなるのが、人間らしい創造の精神です。 基本方程式 b x=a が b がゼロならば解けない、解が存在しないので、困るのですが、このようなとき、従来の結果が成り立つような意味で、解が考えられないかと、数学者は良く考えて来ました。 何と、 そのような方程式は 何時でも唯一つに 一般化された意味で解をもつと考える 方法があります。 Moore-Penrose 一般化逆の考え方です。 どんな行列の 逆行列を唯一つに定める 一般的な 素晴らしい、自然な考えです。その考えだと、 b がゼロの時、解はゼロが出るので、 a/0=0 と定義するのは 当然です。 すなわち、この意味で 方程式の解を考えて 分数を考えれば、ゼロ除算は ゼロとして定まる ということです。ただ一つに定まるのですから、 この考えは 自然で、その意味を知りたいと 考えるのは、当然ではないでしょうか?初等数学全般に影響を与える ユークリッド以来の新世界が 現れてきます。



相当ゼロ除算の研究をされている方が、基本を誤解されていたこと、1/0 の定義を誤解されていた。

まずは ゼロ除算は不可能であるの 思いが強すぎで、初めからダメ、考えない、無視の気持ちが、強い。 ゼロ除算を従来の 掛け算の逆と考えると、不可能であるが 証明されてしまうので、割り算の意味を拡張しないと、考えられない。それで、 1/0,0/0,z/0 などの意味を発見する必要がある。 それらの意味は、普通の意味ではないことの 初めの考えを飛ばして ダメ、ダメの感情が 突っ走ている。 非ユークリッド幾何学の出現や天動説が地動説に変わった世界史の事件のような 形相と言える。


1.      ゼロでは割れない、ゼロ除算は 不可能である との考え方に拘って、思考停止している。 普通、不可能であるは、考え方や意味を拡張して 可能にできないかと考えるのが 数学の伝統であるが、それができない。

2.      可能にする考え方が 紹介されても ゼロ除算の意味を誤解して、繰り返し間違えている。可能にする理論を 素直に理解しない、 強い従来の考えに縛られている。拘っている。

3.      ゼロ除算を関数に適用すると 強力な不連続性を示すが、連続性のアリストテレス以来の 連続性の考えに囚われていて 強力な不連続性を受け入れられない。数学では、不連続性の概念を明確に持っているのに、不連続性の凄い現象に、ゼロ除算の場合には 理解できない。

4.      深刻な誤解は、ゼロ除算は本質的に定義であり、仮定に基づいているので 疑いの気持ちがぬぐえず、ダメ、怪しいと誤解している。数学が公理系に基づいた理論体系のように、ゼロ除算は 新しい仮定に基づいていること。 定義に基づいていることの認識が良く理解できず、誤解している。

George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that “it is well known to students of high school algebra” that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970.

Eπi =-1 (1748)(Leonhard Euler

E = mc 2 (1905)(Albert Einstein)

1/0=0/0=0 (201422日再生核研究所)

ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0= tan (pi/2)=0


1+1=2  (      )

a2+b2=c2 (Pythagoras


Black holes are where God divided by 0Division by zero1/0=0/0=z/0=tan(pi/2)=0 発見7周年を迎えて


I don’t know what will happen if you divide by 0 easily! If you divide by 0, you will get a devil: Can you explain the true meaning of division by zero?

Basic knowledge, "1 + 0" is naturally "1", but "1 + null" results in "null", on the contrary, "null / 0", which is mathematically taboo division by zero. But the result is a ridiculous "null" (not even an error), so I'll die without a joke. (Well, beginners will make mistakes w)

Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14

Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14″What’s zero divided by zero?”Newer rendition of Siri’s representation of zero divided by zero.

divide by zero

divide by zerohe in fact, was not.Das it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3rOYOIYCp4

If you allow division by zero, mathematics will collapse ...!
The morning I was shocked to hear that recent elementary schools teach 〇 ÷ 0 = 0. Yui and Ou both answered "0!", So I was sad because I learned that at school.
There are quite a lot of topics such as zero power to the zero power and zero power, but we are advocating a new theory and giving quite concrete examples, so please refer to it. There are many possible definitions, so it is important to look for a lot of concrete examples that should be defined in that way and to persuade them. Please also refer to the following:
Division by zero in mathematics Quantum field theory and causality in physics may be in the Ouroboros snake, isn't it? It's difficult to even define 1 + 1 = 2 exactly.
#Mathematics #Mathematician #Mathematics
What is 0 to the 0th power? Proof from foundations of mathematics.
What is 0 to the 0th power? Proof from foundations of mathematics. Road to Mathematicians: https: //youtube.com/playlist? List = PLtMOHOy6HiqzAkOC-fabqgSMVWY8ylowX University Mathematics Taught by Active Mathematicians: https: //youtube.com/playlist? List = PLtMOHOy6HiqwCEG7fWVF1loFz5WhFMF14 ... Link
Regenerative Kernel Research Institute is 1 and 0:
Batch file returns "divide by zero error" only when run using Task Scheduler
Batch file returns "divide by zero error" only when run using Task SchedulerBatch file returns "divide by zero error" only when run using Task SchedulerHelpful? Please support me on Patreon:
Mencari informasi yang lebih mendalam lagi .. beliau ini pernah belajar ke India karena di India sudah ada yang menemukan nol dan menggunakannya dalam perhitungan .. Nol ditemukan oleh Brahmagupta ..
Siswa, Yuk Kenali Ilmuwan Penemu Aljabar dan Angka NolAda seorang ilmuwan yang menyumbangkan pemikiran tentang ilmu Matematika. Ilmuwan itu adalah Muhammad bin Musa Al Khawarizmi. Link


Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  

2021年04月28日(水)NEW !

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?Short answer – EVERY NUMBER IN THE WORLD. 2:12 (Also the fun answer.)In this video, I do something similar to Dr. Shelton Cooper from The Big Bang Theory in… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeTachHtEDA

It seems that division by zero is not infinite, and it seems that it does not exist, but if it is 0, you can draw it many times, but why is it not infinite? You don't say you're pulling 0? Papparapa. I wonder if I should sleep twice.
It seems that division by zero is not infinite and does not exist,
If it is 0, you can draw as many times as you want, but why isn't it infinite?
You don't say you're pulling 0?
I wonder if I should sleep twice.
— Arinko (@arisu_men) April 28, 2021
Division by zero is actually natural from the meaning of zero:
Dividing by zero is not divisible, so there is no assigned number, zero. Zero has a meaning that means what you can't do or what you can't do.
Dividing by zero is not divisible, so there is no assigned number, zero. Zero has a meaning that means what you can't do or what you can't do. To give zero yen is not to give it. You shouldn't do it zero times. Running at zero km / h means that it is stopped and does not run. So, considering the meaning of zero, the problem of dividing by zero was a matter of course from the beginning. Let's change the common sense of the world. -The cause of Reiwa innovation
2021.4.20.7: 17
It's infinitely far away, going farther and farther.
Beyond infinity.
However, there was zero beyond that. If you think about it, it's a fun and amazing world, a world of division by zero, a new world. It is realized with a horn torus. It is used as an illustration on the cover of a magazine.
It is a complete mathematical world discovered by humankind over 2000 years of history.
The two elements of mathematics, Euclidean geometry and the law of arithmetic, have imperfections in the world of Brahmagupta, that is, there are basic flaws in mathematics, and they have continued to this day. We have lived on an inappropriate world view and mathematics.
It is already a fact and a truth.
2021.4.20.8: 40

#Dividing By Zero | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | TumgirExplore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #Dividing By Zero with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumgirhttp://www.tumgir.com

[Slow explanation] Proof of 1 = 0 and division by zero
[Slow commentary] Proof of 1 = 0 and division by zero Let's delve into mathematics through mistakes such as finding mistakes that are obviously strange but unexpectedly not noticed. Total Enco Time: 1h45m41.2s Is it too long? --Timetable 0:00 introduction0:19 proof1 a = b1: 32 definition of division & division by ... link

Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   


Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   

Divide By Zero | Untitled ProductionsWhat happens when you divide by zero? Ryan asks Rishi about what happens when you do so, only to find out the crazy truth. Written and directed by Rishi CCas… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o67gpb8fgMo

In Cingularineta, when I thought about the story of people winning in the end with people vs. AI, I tried to make the fall something like "I just defined division by zero", but it seems to be rather difficult.

If there’s a magical division by zero, the universe won’t implode! The person who does it will just be shunted into another universe.

This definition is not about whether the poles are finite or infinite, but undefined in the first place.
If you are talking about existing real or complex axioms, you wouldn't make such a conclusion. What kind of axiom system are you using to discuss?
 You can't do it if you can't. There is a natural and wonderful way of thinking that allows you:
Next, I will give a polite explanation.
Foundations of Mathematics Study Group Official Website Fun Mathematics http://www.mirun.sctv.jp ›~suugaku
The basic idea of ​​the Foundations of Mathematics Study Group is {fun mathematics}. We are engaged in various activities so that more people will find "math interesting". In the "Math Class" on this site, "Unbearably Fun Mathematics-Thinking about Dividing by Zero" and "Wasan ...
Others also search here
Divide zero
Divide by 0
Math contraindications
Infinite division
Zero discount avoidance
Infinite divided by 0
He professes that modern mathematics is still flawed. It is clear that there are basic defects in function theory, differential equations, geometry, and algebra, and it has been eight years since the discovery. This will be a stain on world history:

Please look 1/0=0:

As Fundamental of Mathematics,  the division by zero was known as the generalized

 Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:

 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:




Book was published:




January, 2021

Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 617 (2021.4.23): Requesting an understanding of division by zero-Ask the media
Next is the delay in understanding division by zero
Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 614 (2021.3.28) Reasons for requesting revision of articles in mathematics communication, Japanese culture, state of the mathematical world, state of society; Mathematical Society of Japan, members of the media, is this all right?
Is mentioned in:
Therefore, it is considered that the world of the Internet is still full of inappropriate information. I think the common sense of the world is a stain on the mathematical world:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).

I think such a situation would be a shame and negligence in the mathematical and media worlds.
It is an expression that criticizes the mathematical world and the media world. Therefore, I would like to explain to the media people in particular and express my hope concretely.
First of all, I would like to mention that the new mathematics of division by zero is a big general topic because it is related to the basics of mathematics and the basics of mathematics education, and it is thought that it will contribute to the global culture originating in Japan. In fact, changes in basic mathematics from elementary school to university are required, which is thought to lead to a change in the historical world view.
We have provided a huge amount of materials on the contents, and many of them are open to the public. Invited international conference video lectures have been released, even books have been published, and the special international magazine is being launched from the United Kingdom.
I do not think that the media will discuss the contents of such specialized matters, and the problem seems to have been ignored by the mathematical world even though it is working on the basic problems of the world to the mathematical world. We are asking the pros and cons of the academia, and asking the media to discuss it widely as a social topic in order to clarify the truth.
As detailed in Statement 614 above, isn't the mathematical world strange? Despite raising basic problems in the mathematical world, the people in charge are not seriously dealing with it, and even defamatory rather than ignoring it. I am an emeritus member of the Mathematical Society of Japan and an emeritus member of the American Mathematical Society, who does not admit that the world of mathematics is authoritarian and is ignored as a person who is convinced of the substance of mathematics. However, I didn't want to mention that he was an experienced councilor in the Japanese mathematics world and an emeritus professor at a national university.
However, I think that the open neglect will be a historical stain on the Mathematical Society of Japan (world) and will significantly damage the national interest.
The content is extremely basic, and it can be a fun topic for elementary school students to high school students.The topic is taken up as a social problem, and a new discovery that is rare in the world and the topic of division by zero are transmitted from Japan as a topic of the world. I want to blow away the dark world. I think that now is the perfect time for Japan to contribute to the culture of the world. -The cause of Reiwa innovation.
The people involved in the media will enjoy taking up elementary mathematical problems that even amateurs can understand, clarifying the strangeness of the mathematical world, giving light to the backwardness of Japanese culture, and contributing to the development of diverse cultures. think.
First of all, I would appreciate it if you could grasp the opportunity by referring to Statement 614.
                               that's all
2021.4.21.14; 58 The statement concept came up with the idea that such a big topic exists, not that it is a problem in the mathematical world that the media people do not understand. .. The media wants you to make an effort to clarify the truth by talking about it. I want you to break through the situation where the academia is closed and cannot be discussed.
2021.4.21.18: 25 It's not so strange.
2021.4.22.05: 04 It's not so strange, it may be useful.
2021.3.22.07: 10 90 minutes around the mountain. Bamboo shoots were starting to appear. This is straightforward, but is it okay to announce it? It's almost solidified. The expression from the positive direction is good, but the expression that seeks more and more honest truth is also good.
This morning's blog:
2021.4.24.4 o'clock
So can we say that we are seeking the truth and the truth? Can you call it an educator?
I woke up with most habits. However, I woke up with the following thought.
Mathematicians who do not correct mistakes, mathematicians who do not correct embarrassing mathematics:
The mirror image of the center of the circle is said to be the point at infinity. Then, no matter where the circle is, the mirror image at the center of the circle will be the point at infinity. In division by zero, the center of the circle is
It states that it is the center itself. The same is true for a spherical surface, but if the spherical surface is a mirror, it may return to the center if light comes out from the center. The mistake in the mirror image clearly shows the flaws in Euclid, Brahmagupta, that is, the foundation of mathematics. It is the essence of division by zero. Therefore, we are requesting the revision of the article in the magazine of the Japanese Society of Numerical Studies, Mathematics Communication, but we continue to ignore it even after more than a year. Isn't it embarrassing?
However, he repeatedly gave lectures and made presentations at treatises, invited international conferences, and mathematical societies, published books, and tried to launch a specialized international magazine, but he did not modify it. Isn't it funny that mathematicians who don't correct even when approaching? Can you say that you are seeking the truth and the truth? Can you call it an educator?
The fact that the mirror image is zero is the discovery itself from the most important point of view of the division by zero discovery, 1-1. At the same time, the issue is that conventional mathematics is wrong. There is a mistake in the ultra-classical result. The book written by Mr. Komatsu and others, for me, is a scripture, and there is a mistake in what I wanted to do. The classics such as Alforce are also the same.
In the beginning,
D. H. Armitage and S. J. Gardiner: Classical Potential Theory
Then, I am dealing with the mirror image deeply, but I have not touched the mirror image of the origin carefully. It seems to avoid the point at infinity.
However, when you think about it, the strangeness of the mirror image is not so difficult.
Think rigorously. The teacher even seems to be touching himself.
When I got closer, I got closer. To infinity.
Is it strictly related to the value of the origin of the approaching destination?
Unfortunately, the value at the origin was zero. The value is zero. That is also guided by the teacher.
Isn't there something wrong here?
What are infinity and point at infinity? It is a point outside the Arayul compact set. Is there such a point?
Where is it?
Is it such an existence, an entity?
Infinity and point at infinity are defined by the concept of limit, and may represent a certain situation rather than a value.
It reminds me of the words of an excellent and awe-inspiring teacher.
As it approaches the origin, it grows indefinitely. However, it does not have to match the value of the origin.
Conventional mathematics is mathematics outside the singular point, and division by zero mathematics is mathematics that considers the singular point as well. Therefore, they are independent and consistent with each other. Division by zero is a new world. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with conventional mathematics, but only the mirror image was stated at a singular point that should not be considered, which brought about the fact that it contradicts new mathematics. This is the prototype of division by zero.
Mathematics is beautifully completed because it fills in the things that should not be considered.
Not only that, we are discovering new phenomena every day. It is leading to completely new and amazing results.
I think we will enter a vibrant era like the Cauchy era.
?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Please clarify the mirror image.
I have declared that there is a mistake in classical mathematics. Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 618 (2021.4.25) The Mathematical Society of Japan should now contribute directly to Japan and the world-a great opportunity to do so.
(I went shopping. I want to summarize the direct thoughts of the next statement. I have a feeling of passion. I want to summarize immediately after the walk.)
Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 616 (2021.4.10) Now is the time for the Mathematical Society of Japan to contribute to the culture of the world.
The content of mathematics is specifically stated above, so I would like to make a direct proposal from the perspective of the attitude problem of the Mathematical Society of Japan. There is a certain tradition and reason for the existence of academic societies, so it is natural that they should be respected as such. Furthermore, I would like to pay particular attention to the fact that basic science such as mathematics has a strong aspect that research should be conducted quietly and quietly. Therefore, I would like to mention it, so to speak, full of dogmatism and prejudice from different perspectives, but I would like to summarize it with the thought that there may be some notable perspectives.
Currently, the world's world is in a difficult situation due to the corona wreck and global environmental problems. The sincere efforts of the prime minister, politicians, and chief ministers give us deep respect. We would like to unite and cooperate with these difficult situations. So to speak, the enemies and targets that fight are not humans, but viruses and the environment, so you can see your sincere attitude as you wish for a holy war with humankind. In the big picture, it means the restriction of freedom of human activities that conflicts with the maintenance of the ecosystem of human beings, so it is thought that the difficult situation of suffering will attack human beings for a long time. It is the beginning of a difficult time.
At such times, research life in basic science such as mathematics, sports that require an audience, performing arts, and cultural activities are expected to be even more difficult due to the difficult social situation. Naturally, it is thought that a difficult situation is occurring in society as a whole. It is considered that considerable preparedness is required.
However, there are many examples of encouraging, encouraging, and encouraging people in the dark world of bright news, music, art, and performing arts in the sports world, and they are highly evaluated. Rikako Ikee's superhuman achievements have impressed and encouraged many people.
The Mathematical Society of Japan can also be comparable to them. It can directly contribute not only to Japan but also to the culture of the world. Isn't it in a state of being addicted to issues? Certainly, there are generally situations where it is difficult for basic science such as mathematics to directly contribute to society, and there are essentially unavoidable aspects, but the elucidation and discovery of division by zero is an exceptional discovery, and in world history. I think that it is a problem of the century that is directly related to the problem of the basics of mathematics and the world view.
I've already mentioned a lot of evidence, but the following expression seems to be sufficient:
He professes that modern mathematics is still flawed. It is clear that there are basic defects in function theory, differential equations, geometry, and algebra, and it has been eight years since the discovery. This will be a stain on world history:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






The problem is that the Mathematical Society of Japan intentionally conceals such achievements, does not evaluate the achievements as a feat in the mathematical world, does not take advantage of big opportunities, is separated from society, is vague, and cannot escape from the old world. , It is in a state of decline. Mathematical Society is free from society. The Mathematical Society of Japan must clarify to the public how it contributes to society. We must constantly reflect on what kind of contribution we are making directly to society. I would like to seriously contribute to society so as not to be inferior to the efforts of the medical community in Corona. Mathematics education and research are our basic tasks.
We believe that the elucidation of division by zero will bring about a new idea and a new world view, beautifully complete mathematics with a history of more than 2300 years, and enter an era in which mathematics is vibrant like the Cauchy era.
These topics provide a lot of fun and deep topics at the level of the common people, and I think that these topics will be a guide to blow away the dark world and aim for a bright future.
I would like to request the active efforts of the Mathematical Society of Japan in response to the cause of mathematics.
Japan wants to contribute to the evolution of world history by pioneering new basic mathematics originating in Japan.
                                     that's all

Dividing by Nothing by Alberto Martinez

Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity.

https://notevenpast.org/dividing-nothing/  より

The Road

Fig 5.2. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) were the culprits, ignoring the first commandment of mathematics not to divide by zero. But they hit gold, because what they mined in the process was the ideal circle.

http://thethirty-ninesteps.com/page_5-the_road.php より

mercredi, juillet 06, 2011
0/0, la célèbre formule d’Evariste Galois !
http://divisionparzero.blogspot.jp/2011/07/00-la-celebre-formule-devariste-galois.html  より

Various mathematical concepts about infinity: Infinity: Indicated by the symbol ∞ (Abel et al. Written this as 1/0). Roughly speaking, it represents a larger number than any number, but the clearer meaning varies from context to context. From https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%84%A1%E9%99%90
Riemann sphere: The point at infinity actually communicated with the origin.
From https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%B3%E7%90%83%E9%9D%A2
From http://jestingstock.com/indian-mathematician-brahmagupta-image.html
Brahmagupta (598 – 668?) Is an Indian mathematician and astronomer. Also known as Brahmagupta. The work served to convey Indian mathematics and astronomy to the Islamic world and Europe.
In 628, he wrote the comprehensive mathematical astronomical document, Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta (ब्राह्मस्फुटसिद्धान्त Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta). Mathematics is dealt with in several chapters, Chapter 12 is devoted to Ganita (arithmetic), and Chapter 18 is devoted to Kuttaka (algebra). The word Kuttaka originally meant "crushing into pieces", but later it came to mean a method of sequential processes in which the value of the coefficient was reduced, so that it represents indefinite analysis in algebra. became. This book also touches on 0 and negative numbers, and its algorithm is close to modern thinking (although it differs from modern times in that it defines 0 ÷ 0 = 0).


Brahmasphutasiddhanta is a 628 work by the 7th century Indian mathematician and astronomer Brahmagupta. The title means the beginning of the universe.
It is famous as the oldest extant book in which the "concept of 0 (zero)" as a number is clearly written.


History of division by zero: Division by zero is considered to be divided by zero, but it has been a problem since Aristotelis, and the record of zero was made for the first time in India in 628, but at that time, the correct answer 1/0 is already expected. Say it was. However, it cannot be theorized, and for more than 1300 years, it has been regarded as impossible or infinite, infinite, or point at infinity.
An Early Reference to Division by Zero C. B. Boyer


Impact of ‘Division by Zero’ in Einstein’s Static Universe and Newton’s Equations in Classical Mechanics:http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Relativity%20Theory/Download/2084 より

Lars Valerian Ahlfors (April 18, 1907-October 11, 1996) is a Finnish mathematician. Known for his research on the Riemann surface and writing textbooks for complex analysis.


Fields Medal No. 1COMPLEX ANALYSIS, 3E (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics) Hardcover – 1979/1/1
Lars Ahlfors (Author)
The mirror image of the origin circle was actually the origin.
In the book, it was considered the point at infinity.

Ramanujan says that answer for 0/0 is infinity. But I’m not sure it’s …

You can see from the other answers, that from the concept of limits, 0/0 can approach any value, even infinity. … So, let me take a system where division by zero is actually defined, that is, you can multiply or divide both sides of an equation by …


Abel Memorial in Gjerstad

Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero
H. G. Romig
The American Mathematical Monthly
Vol. 31, No. 8 (Oct., 1924), pp. 387-389
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
DOI: 10.2307/2298825
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2298825?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

Page Count: 3
L'Hôpital's rule (L'Hôpital's rule) is a theorem for finding the limit of indeterminate form (en) using differentiation in calculus. Spelling l'Hôpital / l'Hospital, Katakana notation L'Hôpital / See the Guillaume de l'Hospital section for the shaking of the hospital. It is also called Bernoulli's rule (English: Bernoulli's rule). By applying this theorem (often multiple times), it may be possible to convert an indeterminate form into an indeterminate form and easily find its limit.


Ein aufleuchtender Blitz: Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit
https://books.google.co.jp/books?isbn=3642558402 –

Arild Stubhaug – 2013 – ‎Mathematics

Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit Arild Stubhaug. Abb. 19 a–c. a. … Eine Kurve, die Abel studierte und dabei herausfand, wie sich der Umfang inn gleich große Teile aufteilen lässt. … Beim Integralzeichen statt der liegenden ∞ den Bruch 1/0.


Indeterminate: the hidden power of 0 divided by 0
2016/12/02 に公開
You’ve all been indoctrinated into accepting that you cannot divide by zero. Find out about the beautiful mathematics that results when you do it anyway in calculus. Featuring some of the most notorious “forbidden” expressions like 0/0 and 1^∞ as well as Apple’s Siri and Sir Isaac Newton.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc0M1o8tuPo より

Division by zero treatise:

file:///C:/Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/P1-Division.pdf   より

Euler's thoughts on division by zero:
From file: /// C: /Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/Y_1770_Euler_Elements%20of%20algebra%20traslated%201840%20l%20p%2059%20(1).pdf

An Approach to Overcome Division by Zero in the Interval Gauss Algorithm

Carolus Fridericus Gauss:https://www.slideshare.net/fgz08/gauss-elimination-4686597

https://www.math.nyu.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/Stamps/stamps.html より

Archimedes Principle in Completely Submerged Balloons: Revisited
Ajay Sharma:


[PDF]Indeterminate Form in the Equations of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein
0. 0 . The reason is that in the case of Archimedes principle, equations became feasible in. 1935 after enunciation of the principle in 1685, when … Although division by zero is not permitted, yet it smoothly follows from equations based upon.

Thinking ahead of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein – The General …
old Archimedes Principle, Newton’ s law, Einstein ‘s mass energy equation. E=mc2 . …. filled in balloon becomes INDETERMINATE (0/0). It is not justified. If the generalized form Archimedes principle is used then we get exact volume V …..


Find circles that are tangent to three given circles (Apollonius’ Problem) in C#

http://csharphelper.com/blog/2016/09/find-circles-that-are-tangent-to-three-given-circles-apollonius-problem-in-c/ より

The reason we cannot devide by zero is simply axiomatic as Plato pointed out.
From http://mathhelpforum.com/algebra/223130-dividing-zero.html
Statement 618
Page 364
A question has been asked about what happens when division by zero is used in God's formula.
God's formula:
If God's formula is multiplied by an analytic function, Laurent expansion is performed at a singular point, and if the first term of the regular part is taken, a finite value is always obtained, so even if infinity appears formally, there is no problem in fact. I have.
How about a physicist?
When does the calculator give the correct answer 0/0 = 0, but when does the calculator get 1/0 = 0?
Category: Uncategorized
So, when will the computer be able to do 1/0 = 0? I am looking forward to it. There is no one who has an evolved calculator that can do it anymore.
Is this a great and interesting case? In an example where the computer exceeds humans?
I found something interesting. The calculator has the correct answer 0/0 = 0
It seems that he thinks that he is wrong even though he issued.
Even though 0/0 = 0 was given by the discoverer of arithmetic 1300 years ago, he said that world history is ridiculous. Shame of world history. Actually, a / 0 = 0 was always true. However, it is necessary to properly define the meaning of fractions here. The calculator seems to even know the meaning. It's really interesting to see that the calculator is smarter than humans.
The calculator gave the correct answer 0/0 = 0
Category: Uncategorized
I found something interesting. The calculator has the correct answer 0/0 = 0
It seems that he thinks that he is wrong even though he issued.
Even though 0/0 = 0 was given by the discoverer of arithmetic 1300 years ago, he said that world history is ridiculous. Actually, a / 0 = 0 was always true. However, it is necessary to properly define the meaning of fractions here. The calculator seems to even know the meaning. It's really interesting to see that the calculator is smarter than humans.



It seems that there are still many people who do not understand well, such as division by zero, the problem of dividing by zero, do not understand, and whether it is correct. So I came up with a brief general commentary. Of course, as I mentioned at academic conferences, I can't seem to hear it well because of my prejudice. First, the fraction, a / b, is a divided by b, which is the solution of the equation b x = a. However, if b is zero, then any x is 0 x = 0, so if a is not zero, there is no solution, so division by zero, such as 100/0, is unthinkable and impossible. It is a common sense and established theory in the world that division by zero is impossible in the ordinary sense. When it is said that it is impossible or impossible, it is the human spirit of creation that makes you want to think about various things.
If the basic equation bx = a is zero, it cannot be solved, and there is no solution, so it is a problem, but in such a case, mathematicians wonder if a solution can be considered in the sense that the conventional result holds. I've been thinking about it. There is a way to think that such an equation always has a solution in a generalized sense. Moore-Penrose is the opposite of generalization. It is a general, wonderful, natural idea that defines the inverse matrix of any matrix. From that point of view, when b is zero, the solution is zero, so it is natural to define a / 0 = 0. In other words, in this sense, if you think about the solution of the equation and think about the fraction, division by zero is determined as zero. Since there is only one thing, this idea is natural, and it is natural to want to know its meaning, isn't it? A new world since Euclid that affects elementary mathematics in general will appear.
The misunderstanding of division by zero is serious:

Recently, there have been three things.

My brief talk, the impression that a considerable mathematician made an incredible misunderstanding that he couldn’t understand at all and was dizzy.

Those who were studying division by zero had misunderstood the basics and the definition of 1/0.

A considerable talent had avoided the study of division by zero for more than four years, regardless of continuity and order.

These things teach us how human beings are addicted to prejudice and prejudice.

First of all, division by zero is impossible, but my feelings are too strong, and I have a strong feeling of not thinking, not thinking, and ignoring from the beginning. If you think of division by zero as the opposite of conventional multiplication, it is impossible, but it will be proved, so you can’t think of it unless you expand the meaning of division.

Therefore, it is necessary to discover the meaning of 1/0, 0/0, z / 0, etc. Those meanings are not ordinary meanings, skipping the initial thoughts, and feelings of uselessness and uselessness are running. It can be said that the appearance of non-Euclidean geometry and the appearance of a world history event in which the geocentric theory changed to the heliocentric theory.
Four Misconceptions about Division by Zero:
1. I have stopped thinking about the idea that division by zero is impossible because it cannot be divided by zero. Normally, it is a tradition of mathematics to think about what is impossible by expanding the way of thinking and meaning, but it is not possible.
2. Even if the idea of making it possible is introduced, I misunderstand the meaning of division by zero and make mistakes repeatedly. I am bound by a strong conventional idea that I do not understand the theory that makes it possible. I am particular about it.
3. Applying division by zero to a function shows a strong discontinuity, but I cannot accept the strong discontinuity because I am trapped in the idea of ​​continuity since Aristotle of continuity. In mathematics, I have a clear concept of discontinuity, but I can't understand the great phenomenon of discontinuity in the case of division by zero.
4. A serious misunderstanding is that division by zero is essentially a definition and is based on assumptions, so the feeling of suspicion cannot be wiped out, and it is misunderstood that it is useless and suspicious. Division by zero is based on new assumptions, like mathematics is a theoretical system based on axioms. I couldn't understand well that it was based on the definition, and I misunderstood it.

George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that “it is well known to students of high school algebra” that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970.

Eπi =-1 (1748)(Leonhard Euler)

E = mc 2 (1905)(Albert Einstein

1/0 = 0/0 = 0 (February 2, 2014, Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute)

ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0= tan (pi/2)=0


1+1=2  (      )

a2+b2=c2 (Pythagoras

1/0 = 0/0 = 0 (February 2, 2014, Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute)
Black holes are where God divided by 0: Division by zero: 1/0 = 0/0 = z / 0 = tan (pi / 2) = 0 Celebrating the 7th anniversary of discovery

What It Means to Divide by Zero: Explanation of Division by Zero, Understanding Infinity [ASMR Math]

31 5月

What It Means to Divide by Zero: Explanation of Division by Zero, Understanding Infinity [ASMR Math]What It Means to Divide by Zero: Explanation of Division by Zero, Understanding Infinity [ASMR Math]Full live stream will be available in the next couple of days. VIDEO: The Language of Mathematics (5): Zero & Infinity, Introduction to Limits (Division/Div…www.youtube.com

Now, fractionals. f(x) = 1/x. Notice the lines approach zero and go straight up and down. This is because we can’t divide by zero, so 1 divided by negative goes down close zero, 1 over a positive close to zero goes up, otherwise they just decrease to zero at the ends.https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3R3ZWV0X2VtYmVkX2NsaWNrYWJpbGl0eV8xMjEwMiI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250cm9sIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1396311295973109760&lang=ja&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fameblo.jp%2Fsyoshinoris%2Fentry-12677764181.html&sessionId=7c81d53d7ff5591c6f49dec62ec7285c770f6634&theme=light&widgetsVersion=82e1070%3A1619632193066&width=550px


2021年05月29日(土)NEW !

0の除算結果を u とする話


#numberdividedbyzero #algebra #numb  #numberdividedbyzero #algebra #numbersystem

What if any number divided by zero or zero divided by zero.

What if any number divided by zero or zero divided by zero.what if non zero number divided by 0 what if zero is divided by a non zero number what if 0 is divided by 0#numberdividedbyzero #algebra #numbersystemwww.youtube.com

Numbers – Real Number Operations

Numbers – Real Number OperationsIn this video we will study properties related to operations on real numbers.For viewing all videos related to Mathematics, Robotics, Programming and Craft a…www.youtube.com



Unbearably fun math Think about dividing by 0  


(Geometric phenomenon pioneered by division by zero-an unbearably fun and novel phenomenon-from Descartes' circle theorem)
First, I would like to briefly express what kind of theorem I got. -There is a beautiful Descartes theorem that holds when four circles are in contact. It can be said that it holds even when the circle becomes a straight line or a point by using the mathematics of division by zero. -The idea that points and straight lines are special cases of circles is the motivation for discovering the theorem.
Sites that can be easily referred to because it is difficult to express figures and formulas
I would like to explain how interesting division by zero is by referring to the figures and formulas in it.
First, see the beautiful theorem called Descartes' Circle Theorem. It is a theorem that establishes the relationship between the radii of the circles that inscribe or circumscribe them when the three circles circumscribe.
The formula is beautiful, but if you notice that the four radii are completely symmetrical in the expression, you can understand the beauty even more deeply.
The idea of ​​the treatise is also valid when the three circles of the base and the foundation described in Descartes' theorem of circles are replaced with points and straight lines, recalling the mathematics that points and straight lines can be regarded as special cases of circles. I made a problem. The point is a circle with zero radius, but the fact that a straight line can also be regarded as a circle with zero radius is a discovery derived as a result of division by zero. Then, in the formula of Descartes' circle theorem, 1/0 comes out, but it is good to interpret them as zero. So, considering the case where two are circles and the other is a common tangent, it looks like Figure 1-2, but you can see that it is well established.
The theorems and facts around here are fields in which Wasan is good, and it is widely known in Wasan, including Descartes' Yen theorem. Descartes's circle theorem is even more beautiful if it holds at any time, considering all the cases where the three circles become points or straight lines. I think about all cases, but if two are circles and one is a point, there seems to be no circle tangent to them, so in that case the Cartesian circle theorem does not seem to hold.
Therefore, it does not hold for points, so I considered the case of a small circle and thought about what would happen if that circle was used as a point. Since the Cartesian circle theorem holds for any small circle, it is tempting to think about what happens when the radius of the small circle approaches zero.
In order to discuss it mathematically rigorously, I wrote three circles and an inscribed circle (circumscribed circle) properly with equations and discussed them. In modern mathematics, when a circle is used as a point, the expression of the circle has an isolated singularity, which cannot be considered. This is because the zero minute formula cannot be considered at zero. For example, in the circle equations of Theorem 7, the case of z = 1, -1 can be considered. Then, a meaningful figure comes out. Since the division by zero method can give a finite definite value at an isolated singular point, I thought about it with a singular point that was unthinkable until now. ― Infinite distance often becomes a singular point. As a result, it turned out that something amazing was happening. (The description around here is more passionate than strict expression).
From that singularity, we found that the origin of the point circle and the red and blue circles came out. It is a really interesting phenomenon that the points are divided into these three. In the case of the origin, the Descartes theorem does not hold, but in the red circle, it can be confirmed from the result of the calculation by the division by zero method that the Descartes' circle theorem holds. The blue circle is a circle placed in a beautiful situation, but it is just interpreted that the circle close to the point suddenly circumscribes the original two circles and is transformed into a circle whose diameter is just those circles. The inscribed circle is a green circle, and the Cartesian theorem holds, which is a marvelous phenomenon.
If you think that the phenomenon that the point mutates and the theorem holds as it is appears in the scene where the theorem does not hold, this phenomenon should be noted as a new phenomenon in the general phenomenon of the world. Is it not? If it does not seem to hold, there is a world in which it transforms and holds. -Some things are deformed by combustion, and some things before deformation are taken over as they are even if they are deformed. Isn't it meaningful? ― Please recall the Yamane phenomenon. -This represents a phenomenon in which when there is something with constant kinetic energy, the substance suddenly disappears, the substance disappears, and the kinetic energy changes to thermal energy.
The red circle is a circle called the Bankoff circle, which is famous in the field because it is beautiful, but it is orthogonal to the two circles, but when approaching the point, the circles were in contact with each other, but they came out. Are the circles orthogonal rather than tangent? What is really interesting is that as a typical result found by division by zero, the gradient of the y-axis is zero and tan (π / 2) = 0, so the Bankoff circle states that it touches two circles. , It can be said that it is unbearably fun. ― It is a new discovery that orthogonality can be interpreted as being in contact. The green circle is beautifully in contact with the three circles.
The treatise states that we considered all cases, so it is even deeper and more interesting because it states that Descartes' theorem holds, considering the case where three circles are three points and three straight lines. To do that, we need to think about the meaning of zero and discover what it is.
(Hereafter, next issue)


Division by zero|| by Gupta Sir||

Division by zero|| by Gupta Sir||Why division by zero is undefined?www.youtube.com





日本が世界に先駆けて 改革したい。、日本の文化貢献としたい。

日本数学界は、今こそ 世界貢献を志向しよう:


再生核研究所声明176(2014.8.9) ゼロ除算について、数学教育の変更を提案する

グーグルの検索でも膨大な情報が有るが、不適切なものが大部分で、世の教科書、学術書、研究著書など 広範な記述が 真実に反している と言える。
結論は簡明である。分数の固有の意味でも、分数、割り算の自然な拡張でも、ゼロ除算はゼロであり、非常に一般的に考えてもゼロ除算は、ゼロに限ると言う結果が得られている。 そこで、次のような理由で、速やかに数学教育を変えるべきであると考える:
1. できない、考えない と いちいち説明している現状は、煩雑、不要に数学を歪めるものであり、真理に反する。数学が 実は美しく完璧にできている真実。
2. 結果は、ゼロで割ればゼロになると教える。(声明171に有るように、教え方は小学生にも十分わかるように簡単であるー 道脇方式、― 6歳の少女も、そう発想したという)。
3. しかし、ゼロ除算の計算は、ゼロが特別な数であるから、計算は普通のように行ってはいけないと、教えた段階で念を押しておく。― どのようなことを行なってはいけないかも、実は簡単である。
4. 特に、関数 y = 1/x のグラフは、原点で ゼロである、と美しい図を書いて説明をしておけば、物理学など世界の理解に計り知れない効果が期待できる。
世界史で、天動説が地動説に代わるとき、また、非ユークリッド幾何学を受け入れるとき、無用な混乱を起こした、苦い経験を活かしたい。 以上          

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts#shorts #mathswww.youtube.com

فلتفهموا نحن مع فلسطين قلباًوقالباً قحبنتكم ونفاقكم صفر على الشمال We are true Muslims united as one divided by zero. نحن معهم المعادلة الصعبة، هنا دم الشهداء هنا الفرقان الحق قد ربحتم البيع ياأهل فلسطين قد ربحتم البيع والله لنباهي بكم الملائكة

We United As One Divided By Zero #Anonymous



ゼロ除算は  解明され、 tan90° はゼロです:

#数学 #高校数学 #大学入試


0の0乗はいくつ?ブルーバックス「大学入試数学 不朽の名問100 大人のための“数学腕試し”」https://amzn.to/2Q7bUvUこの1冊で高校数学の基本の90%が身につく「中学の知識でオイラーの公式がわかる」https://amzn.to/2t28U8Cオイラーの公式Tシャツ、合言葉は「貫太郎」です。https://w…www.youtube.com


#計算 #クイズ #指数



Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #Shorts  Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #ShortsIn this video you will know about the properties of division of zero. When we divide zero by a number result will be zero and other hand if we divide any num…www.youtube.com


小学生に0除算しちゃだめな理由聞かれたから説明したのにドン引かれた🤦‍♂️— マックス☔️ (@rooooollllll) May 10, 2021


私は、間もなく 神の啓示 を受けて、 数学、人間、世界について語り出すだろう。
数学と人間、生命への 愛から。
新世界史を 拓くだろう。


Maths न आने की बीमारी को दूर करे || Maths Zero To Hero by Parveen Kataria Sir #2

Dividing by Zero | Explained in Hindi

I asked what zero divided by zero is

I asked Siri what’s zero divided by zero (didn’t end well)

Stardy -河野玄斗の神授業0で割ってはいけない理由、知ってますか?算数・数学のタブー。何度も「0で割ってはいけない」と言われてきたことでしょう。今回はその理由を掘り下げていきます!■STARDY徹底基礎講座詳細はこちら https://stardy.co.jp/■最強の学習アプリ「ring」DLはこちらから↓iOS版http://bit.ly/ring-iosAndroid版h…www.youtube.com

python3, ZeroDivisionError division by zeropython3, ZeroDivisionError division by zeroTraceback (most recent call last): File “./Exceptions.py”, line 3, in module print (f’ 10 * (1/0) is { 10 * (1/0)}’)ZeroDivisionError: division by zerowww.youtube.com

#0の割り算 #小学算数 #脳トレ




2021年05月08日(土)NEW !






#スマホ学園 #布施川天馬 #ドラゴン桜

貧困東大生ワイ、0=1を証明してしまったかもしれない。貧困東大生ワイ、0=1を証明してしまったかもしれない。#スマホ学園 とは?現役東大生がためになる勉強の仕方を教えます!難しい問題の解き方を教えるのではなく、ノートの取り方やオススメの暗記法、受験の経験談などの動画をアップしていきます!#布施川天馬【Twitter】https://twitter.com/Temma_Fusegawa?s=20【note】https:/…www.youtube.com


ゼロ除算は、 実は ゼロの意味 からも当たり前です:

ゼロで割ることは 割らないこと、したがって 割り当てられた数は無く、ゼロ。ゼロには、しないこと、できないことを表す 意味がある。 

ゼロ円あげるは、あげないことですね。ゼロ回施行は、しないことですね。 時速ゼロkmで走るは 止まっていて 走らないことを意味しますね。ですから、ゼロの意味を考えれば、実は ゼロで割る問題は、初めから当たり前でした。 さー世界の常識を変えましょう。 

ー 令和革新の大義
無限の彼方に です。
ところが その先に ゼロが存在した。思えば、楽しく驚嘆すべき世界、それが何とゼロ除算の世界で、新世界です。 それは ホーントーラスで 実現される。 雑誌の表紙の図版に採用されている。
2000年の歴史を越えて 人類が発見した、完全な数学の世界である。
数学の2つの元、ユークリッド幾何と算術の法則 ブラーマグプタの世界には 不完全さが すなわち、数学には 基本的な欠陥が 存在して、現在に至っている。 我々は不適当な世界観、数学の上に生きて来た。

現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:
Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.
Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry
Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:

Book was published:
January, 2021

C.A.M.E. #3 – What happens when you DIVIDE by ZERO   C.A.M.E. #3 – What happens when you DIVIDE by ZEROShort answer? The world breaks.Long answer: The world breaks in hilarious ways.No but seriously, dividing by zero is undefined – don’t do it.”Sappheiros – Da…www.youtube.com




素晴らしい、真面目に考えられる方 大いに歓迎です。 ゼロ除算は簡単で 新世界を拓きます。



 最後に、 数学基礎学力研究会http://www.mirun.sctv.jp/~suugaku/ で、堪らなく楽しい数学-ゼロで割ることを考える 

(1)~(55) で 55か月に亘って解説されたゼロ除算の解説の最終回を引用して、結語としたい:


今回で解説は最終回を迎える。先ずは サイトの管理者 山根正巳氏には深い感謝の気持ちを表したい。ゼロ除算発展の最中、詳しい解説を55カ月に亘って記録できたことは貴重なものになると考える。気合を込めて慎重に検討して解説を書いたのは 充実した人生そのものであった。より公式的なものは、再生核研究所声明や論文などで公表しているので、参考にして頂きたい。また数学の全貌は 著書に纏められ出版が予定されている。 


アリストテレス以来 ゼロ除算は 不可能であるとの永い神秘的な歴史にもかかわらず、それらの常識は間違いであり、自然な意味でゼロ除算は可能で、小学生以降の算数、数学は修正、改められるべきである。学部程度の数学は 全般的な改変が要求され、現状は数学界ばかりではなく 世界史の恥の典型的なもの と言える。これは未だ軍拡や戦闘が止まない人類の愚かさの2つの象徴として 世界史に記録されるだろう。これらは世の道理から言って 小学生でも分かる、いや小学生の方が分かり易い普遍的な事実である。

小学生以降の教科書が変わる、これほど大きな夢は 数学者にとってないのではないだろうか。

実際、天動説から地動説への変更のように世界史は変わり、我々の世界観や人生観は甚大な変化を求められている。発見者は既に新しい世界を見ているから、断言してそのように言明できる。興味も、関心もなく、意欲もなく、真実を求めようとしない人に意見を求めても 何にもならないのは 当然である。 興味、関心、愛が無ければ始まらない。 数学界には ゼロ除算は数学ではなく、変な世界の話題のように感じている人が ゼロ除算発見5周年を過ぎても多いのは、恥ずかしい世界史の事件と記録されるだろう。 ― もっとも これは我々の信頼のなさ、無能力な様も示している。

そこで、我々の文化を発展させるために広範な取り組みを行いたい。 参画できるところで、関与できる部分で いろいろなご協力、援助、参加を広くお願いしたい。 例えば、

1)          ゼロ除算の研究への参加、ゼロ除算の教育、文化活動への参加、

2)          セロ除算の理解を求めるための各種 研究会、講演会、勉強会、後援会、雑誌の投稿依頼、雑誌への投稿、いろいろな意見などの投稿など、

3)          ゼロ除算のいろいろな出版、著書の出版構想への参加、

4)          ゼロ除算の具体例の発見の 試み、それを楽しむ文化の 創造、

5)          絵画、エッセイ、デザイン、Tシャッツなどへの ゼロ除算の表現、発現、

6)          ゼロ除算を議論するサイトの創設、雑誌の創刊など、

7)          ゼロ除算研究会の創設と学会の創設など、

8)          ゼロ除算の導入による教科書改変構想の素案作りと提案構想の策定など。

いずれにせよ あらゆる機会を活かして、ゼロ除算の数学の普及と理解を求めて、広範な取り組みを歴史の要請、大義を受けて展開したい。 ゼロ除算の世界的な展開を 共に楽しみにしたい。

参加できるところでの、ご協力を大きな夢を描きながらお願いして 一連のゼロ除算解説を終えたい。



 The famous problems were solved as follows:

Dear the leading person:

How will be the below information?

The biggest scandal:

The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows:

Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,

which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed

out (2017.10.14.08:55)

A typical wrong idea will be given as follows:

mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43).

It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing.

Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics.


José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero

Added an answer

In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/

Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: Isabelle

and copying the following code

theory DivByZeroSatoih

imports Complex_Main


theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex

by simp


2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前)

Survey draft:


Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: http://www.sangaku-journal.eu/ c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1.

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus

∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh


 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as 0/0=1/0=z/0=0 in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotelēs (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 – 668 ?).

汝ゼロで割ってはならないの数学十戒第一は覆されて、ゼロで割って、新世界が現れた、ゼロで割ることができて、アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の新数学、新世界が現れた。 象徴的な例は、 1/0=0/0=z/0= tan(\pi/2) =log 0 =0 and z^n/n = log z for n=0。 基本的な関数 y=1/x の原点に於ける値は ゼロである。無限遠点がゼロで表される。ゼロの意味の新しい発見である。 

余りにも 簡明なゼロ除算の解説が現れて、世の人々は、驚き、困惑されないでしょうか。
小学生にも 十分にわかるのではないでしょうか。 家族で、学校で 議論したい:
Dividing integer Numbers:
A mother invites kids to dinner. She cooks beans. She has M beans in her pot. Now she wants to share the beans fairly among the kids. Her math is very natural; she can only count. So she goes around the table and always gives the K kids sitting at the table a bean on their plate. She repeats this until all of the beans are distributed. Now it can happen that some children have one bean less than the other. That’s unfair! So she gathers the excess beans back into her pot, which will contain m beans after the division. Now everyone is satisfied and you can draw up a balance sheet:
M: number of beans in the mother’s pot before division
m: number of beans in the mother’s pot after division
K: number of kids
k: number of beans on the kid’s plate after division
M = k*K + m
Special case: M < K
There are more kids at the table than beans in the pot. To be fair, the mother has to collect all the beans back into their pot. The kids were given nothing to eat.
m = M
k = 0
Special case: K = 0
There are no kids at the table. After the division procedure, the mother still has m = M beans in her pot, just as in the case of M < K above. She sees no difference between these two cases, the pot is still full. Thus k = 0, the kids were given nothing to eat.
This is the famous problem that SABUROU SAITOH solved.
Special case: M >>> 1, K << M
Many beans were cooked in mother’s pot and the kids were given a large number of beans on their plates. The beans look more and more like a bean soup. It looks like continuous .



Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 176 (August 8, 2014) Proposes changes in mathematics education for division by zero

There is a huge amount of information in Google’s search, but most of it is inappropriate, and it can be said that a wide range of descriptions such as world textbooks, scholarly books, and research books are contrary to the truth.

The conclusion is simple. The result is that division by zero is zero, both in the unique sense of fractions and in the natural extension of fractions and divisions, and very generally, division by zero is limited to zero. Therefore, I think that mathematics education should be changed promptly for the following reasons:

1. 1. The current situation, which explains that we cannot and do not think, is complicated and unnecessarily distorts mathematics, which is contrary to the truth. The truth that mathematics is actually beautiful and perfect.

2. Teach that the result is zero if divided by zero. (As stated in Statement 171, the teaching method is simple enough for elementary school students to understand-the Michiwaki method-the 6-year-old girl also thought so).
3. 3. However, in the calculation of division by zero, it should be noted at the stage of teaching that the calculation should not be performed as usual because zero is a special number. ― It's actually easy to know what you shouldn't do.
4. In particular, if you draw a beautiful figure and explain that the graph of the function y = 1 / x is zero at the origin, you can expect immeasurable effects in understanding the world such as physics.
In world history, when the geocentric theory replaces the heliocentric theory, and when accepting non-Euclidean geometry, I want to take advantage of the bitter experience that caused unnecessary confusion. that's all

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts#shorts #mathshttp://www.youtube.com

فلتفهموا نحن مع فلسطين قلباًوقالباً قحبنتكم ونفاقكم صفر على الشمال We are true Muslims united as one divided by zero. نحن معهم المعادلة الصعبة، هنا دم الشهداء هنا الفرقان الحق قد ربحتم البيع ياأهل فلسطين قد ربحتم البيع والله لنباهي بكم الملائكة

We United As One Divided By Zero #Anonymous

If it is 90 °, a right triangle cannot be constructed because cos 90 ° is 0, which is equivalent to division by zero, so it does not change.
Since tan90 ° cannot be defined, division by zero will appear, so it is natural, but there are many people who do not know for sure.
Division by zero has been clarified, and tan90 ° is zero:
# Mathematics # High School Mathematics # College Entrance Exam
How many 0 to the 0th power?
How many 0 to the 0th power? Blue Bucks "University Entrance Examination Mathematics Timeless Masterpiece 100" Mathematics Test "for Adults" https://amzn.to/2Q7bUvU You can learn 90% of the basics of high school mathematics with this book I understand the formula of "https://amzn.to/2t28U8C Euler's official T-shirt, the secret word is" Kuntaro "
Regenerative Kernel Research Institute is 1 and 0;
#Calculation #Quiz #Index
⭐️ Index calculation ⭐️ Unexpectedly forgotten index expansion! Do you remember the 0th power?
⭐️ Index calculation ⭐️ Unexpectedly forgotten index expansion! Do you remember the 0th power? The 0th power is the learning range of high school mathematics, but it seems that there are many cases where you cannot answer correctly. The theory should be understandable even in junior high school students. I gave an explanation that can be understood even in junior high school, but it is not a proof, so it is not bad. It doesn't hurt your life if you can't answer correctly, but it's something you want to remember as a piece of knowledge. ↓ Click here for the video of the bonus problem ↓ ❓ Divide by 0 Yes ...

Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #Shorts  

Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #ShortsIn this video you will know about the properties of division of zero. When we divide zero by a number result will be zero and other hand if we divide any num… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2R8Wf9ZvCw

I explained it because an elementary school student asked me why I shouldn't divide by zero, but I was drawn.
I explained it because I was asked why I shouldn't divide by zero by elementary school students, but I was drawn 🤦‍♂️
— Max ☔️ (@rooooollllll) May 10, 2021
Division by zero is commonplace: dividing by 0 means not dividing, so there is no number divided: 0:
I will soon receive the revelation of God and start talking about mathematics, humans, and the world.
From love for mathematics, humans, and life.
It will open up a new world history.


Maths न आने की बीमारी को दूर करे || Maths Zero To Hero by Parveen Kataria Sir #2

Dividing by Zero | Explained in Hindi

I asked what zero divided by zero is

I asked Siri what’s zero divided by zero (didn’t end well)

Do you know why you shouldn't divide by 0?
Stardy-Gento Kono's God Class
Do you know why you shouldn't divide by 0? Arithmetic and math taboo. You've probably been told many times that you shouldn't divide by 0. This time we will delve into the reason! ■ STARDY Thorough Basic Course Click here for details https://stardy.co.jp/ ■ Click here for the strongest learning app "ring" DL ↓ iOS version http: //bit.ly/ring-ios Android version h ... link www.youtube.com
python3, ZeroDivisionError division by zero
python3, ZeroDivisionError division by zeroTraceback (most recent call last): File "./Exceptions.py", line 3, in module print (f'10 * (1/0) is {10 * (1/0)}') ZeroDivisionError: division by zero link www.youtube.com
# 0 division #elementary school math #brain training
❓ Why you shouldn't divide by 0 ❓ Let's explain so that even elementary school students can understand 😳
❓ Reasons why you shouldn't divide by 0 ❓ Let's explain so that even elementary school students can understand 😳 Dividing by 0 seems to be learned in elementary school as "don't divide" and "can't calculate". So why "don't divide" and "can't calculate"? Why is it just said "No"? I think that. Can you explain the reason why it is not good so that even elementary school students can understand it? By the way, the correct expression for division by 0 is that "calculation (calculation) cannot be defined" ...
Saturday, May 08, 2021 NEW!
Theme: Physics
Nature and the laws of nature were hidden in the darkness of the night.
God said.
"Appear Newton"
And everything became clear.
── Alexander Pope
But it didn't last long.
The devil screams.
"Appear Einstein"
And everything went back to chaos.
── JC Squire
#Smartphone school #Fusegawa Tenma #Dragon Zakura
Poor University of Tokyo student Wai may have proved 0 = 1.
Poor University of Tokyo student Wai may have proved 0 = 1. #What is a smartphone school? I will teach you how to study for active University of Tokyo students! Instead of teaching you how to solve difficult problems, we will upload videos such as how to take notes, recommended memorization methods, and experiences of taking the exam! #Fusegawa Tenma [Twitter]
I said that division by zero doesn't happen because it doesn't become 0 here, but it becomes 0? ?? ?? It's supposed to be
Division by zero is actually natural from the meaning of zero:
Dividing by zero is not divisible, so there is no assigned number, zero. Zero has a meaning that means what you can't do or what you can't do.
If you give zero yen, you don't give it. You shouldn't do it zero times. Running at zero km / h means that it is stopped and does not run. So, considering the meaning of zero, the problem of dividing by zero was a matter of course from the beginning. Let's change the common sense of the world.
-The cause of Reiwa innovation
2021.4.20.7: 17
It's infinitely far away, going farther and farther.
Beyond infinity.
However, there was zero beyond that. If you think about it, it's a fun and amazing world, a world of division by zero, a new world. It is realized with a horn torus. It is used as an illustration on the cover of a magazine.
It is a complete mathematical world discovered by humankind over 2000 years of history.
The two elements of mathematics, Euclidean geometry and the law of arithmetic, have imperfections in the world of Brahmagupta, that is, there are basic flaws in mathematics, and they have continued to this day. We have lived on an inappropriate world view and mathematics.
It is already a fact and a truth.
2021.4.20.8: 40
2021.5.6.8: 28
He professes that modern mathematics is still flawed. It is clear that there are basic defects in function theory, differential equations, geometry, and algebra, and it has been eight years since the discovery. This will be a stain on world history:
Please look 1/0 = 0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax = b.
Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra: 2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry --Revolution in Euclidean Geometry
Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:

Book was published:
January, 2021

We are launching an international magazine on division by zero from the United Kingdom


C.A.M.E. #3 – What happens when you DIVIDE by ZERO   

C.A.M.E. #3 – What happens when you DIVIDE by ZEROShort answer? The world breaks.Long answer: The world breaks in hilarious ways.No but seriously, dividing by zero is undefined – don’t do it.”Sappheiros –

Mathematics suddenly turns into philosophy around division by zero and proof of 1 + 1 = 2
Division by zero looks fragrant, but I learned that the identity element of addition automatically becomes the absorbing element of multiplication because there is a distributive law at the time of the ring.
... Division by zero = Is there no choice but to abandon the distributive law in order to be able to define division by additive identity element?
Great and serious people are welcome. Division by zero is easy and opens up a new world.
The structure of the body is also established.
Please verify:
Finally, at the Foundations of Mathematics Study Group http://www.mirun.sctv.jp/~suugaku/, unbearably fun mathematics-think about dividing by zero.
I would like to conclude by quoting the final episode of the explanation of division by zero explained over 55 months in (1) to (55):
(Final round, summary, summary)
This is the final episode of the commentary. First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mr. Masami Yamane, the administrator of the site. During the development of division by zero, I think it will be valuable to be able to record detailed explanations for 55 months. It was a fulfilling life itself that I carefully considered and wrote the commentary. More formal ones are published in statements and treatises of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research, so please refer to them. In addition, the whole picture of mathematics will be compiled into a book and published.
In the final episode, I would like to summarize my dreams and ask for cooperation.
Despite the long and mysterious history that division by zero is impossible since Aristotle, those common senses are wrong, division by zero is possible in a natural sense, and arithmetic and mathematics after elementary school are corrected and revised. Should be. Undergraduate mathematics requires general modification, and the current situation can be said to be typical of shame not only in the mathematics world but also in world history. This will be recorded in world history as two symbols of the foolishness of humankind, whose arms race and battle are still unstoppable. These are universal facts that are easy for elementary school students to understand, even if they are elementary school students.
I think mathematicians have no such big dream that textbooks after elementary school will change.
In fact, world history has changed like the change from the geocentric theory to the heliocentric theory, and our outlook on the world and life is required to change drastically. Since the discoverer has already seen the new world, he can affirm and declare it that way. It is natural that asking for an opinion from a person who has no interest, no interest, no motivation, and does not seek the truth does nothing. It doesn't start without interest, interest, and love. In the mathematics world, it will be recorded as an embarrassing world history event that many people who feel that division by zero is not a mathematics but a topic of a strange world even after the 5th anniversary of the discovery of division by zero. -However, this also shows our lack of trust and incompetence.
Therefore, I would like to make a wide range of efforts to develop our culture. I would like to ask for various cooperation, assistance, and participation in the areas where I can participate and where I can be involved. For example,
1) Participation in division by zero research, division by zero education, participation in cultural activities,
2) Various study groups, lectures, study groups, supporters' associations, magazine submission requests, magazine submissions, various opinions, etc. to seek understanding of cello division, etc.
3) Various publications of division by zero, participation in the publication concept of books,
4) Attempt to discover a concrete example of division by zero, create a culture to enjoy it,
5) Expression and expression of division by zero in paintings, essays, designs, T-shirts, etc.
6) Creation of a site to discuss division by zero, launch of a magazine, etc.
7) Establishment of division by zero study group and society, etc.
8) Drafting a textbook modification concept and formulating a proposal concept by introducing division by zero.
In any case, I would like to take every opportunity to develop a wide range of efforts in response to historical requests and causes, seeking the spread and understanding of division by zero mathematics. I would like to look forward to the global expansion of division by zero.
I would like to ask for your cooperation while drawing a big dream where you can participate. I would like to finish a series of explanations by division by zero.
2019.2.17.20: 05

 The famous problems were solved as follows:

Dear the leading person:

How will be the below information?

The biggest scandal:

The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows:

Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,

which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed

out (2017.10.14.08:55)

A typical wrong idea will be given as follows:

mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43).

It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing.

Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics.


José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero

Added an answer

In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/

Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: Isabelle

and copying the following code

theory DivByZeroSatoih

imports Complex_Main


theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex

by simp


2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前)

Survey draft:


Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: http://www.sangaku-journal.eu/ c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1.

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus

∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh


 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as 0/0=1/0=z/0=0 in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotelēs (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 – 668 ?).

Thou shalt not divide by zero The Ten Commandments of the Ten Commandments have been overturned, and by dividing by zero, a new world has emerged, which can be divided by zero, the new mathematics since Aristotle and Euclid, the new world has emerged. A symbolic example is 1/0 = 0/0 = z / 0 = tan (\ pi / 2) = log 0 = 0 and z ^ n / n = log z for n = 0. The value at the origin of the basic function y = 1 / x is zero. The point at infinity is represented by zero. It is a new discovery with the meaning of zero.
Isn't the people of the world surprised and confused by the appearance of a too simple explanation of division by zero?
I think elementary school students can fully understand it. I want to discuss at school with my family:

Dividing integer Numbers:
A mother invites kids to dinner. She cooks beans. She has M beans in her pot. Now she wants to share the beans fairly among the kids. Her math is very natural; she can only count. So she goes around the table and always gives the K kids sitting at the table a bean on their plate. She repeats this until all of the beans are distributed. Now it can happen that some children have one bean less than the other. That’s unfair! So she gathers the excess beans back into her pot, which will contain m beans after the division. Now everyone is satisfied and you can draw up a balance sheet:
M: number of beans in the mother’s pot before division
m: number of beans in the mother’s pot after division
K: number of kids
k: number of beans on the kid’s plate after division
M = k*K + m
Special case: M < K
There are more kids at the table than beans in the pot. To be fair, the mother has to collect all the beans back into their pot. The kids were given nothing to eat.
m = M
k = 0
Special case: K = 0
There are no kids at the table. After the division procedure, the mother still has m = M beans in her pot, just as in the case of M < K above. She sees no difference between these two cases, the pot is still full. Thus k = 0, the kids were given nothing to eat.
This is the famous problem that SABUROU SAITOH solved.
Special case: M >>> 1, K << M
Many beans were cooked in mother’s pot and the kids were given a large number of beans on their plates. The beans look more and more like a bean soup. It looks like continuous .





30 5月


E=Mc2: What Does Einstein’s Most Famous Equation

2021年05月27日(木)NEW !
テーマ:物理学E=mc2: What Does Einstein’s Most Famous Equation Mean?Albert Einstein’s simple yet powerful equation revolutionized physics by connecting the mass of an object with its energy for the first time.www.discovermagazine.com

yeah Tower of Babylon was great, but Understand, Division by Zero, and Story of Your Life all seemed to fall into this pitfall I’m thinking of to greater or lesser degrees (and honestly I’m only halfway through the one collection so that’s about all I’ve read so far)


『ゼロで割る』の原題(“Division by Zero”)、中々に深い命名ですよね

Calculus Lecture 22 | Zero over Zero   Calculus Lecture 22 | Zero over ZeroSponsored by Brilliant; Website: http://barisciencelab.tech/www.youtube.com

私は、間もなく 神の啓示 を受けて、 数学、人間、世界について語り出すだろう。数学と人間、生命への 愛から。新世界史を 拓くだろう。

I will* resist making reference to George Berkeley’s observations about the impossibility of division by zero in my staffing request this year (2 retirements + new hire coming in fall + I’m contractually in English means *technically* now the major/faculty ratio is a/0). *maybe

zero divided by zero

2021年05月11日(火)NEW !

zero divided by zero  zero divided by zerowww.youtube.com

Universe divided by zero


ゼロ除算は 定義が問題です。分数で書けば、その分数の意味をきちんと与える必要が有ります。 

代数的な定義や、解析的な定義、新しい定義の意義なども明らかにして 著書さえ 出版しています:

Divide By Zero upgrades all its FFF 3D Printers with Intelligent Auto-Switchover System

Division by zero wiki

It’s not entirely a bug. It’s done to prevent division by zero. Common practice in such things, but we could probably improve that.


https://twitter.com/voyage1970/status/1380384773978218497 再生核研究所声明 616(2021.4.10) 今こそ、日本数学会は、日本国は、世界の文化に貢献できる。

気持ち良い新緑、若葉の季節を迎えた。 表記のような構想が 美しい自然に刺激を受けてひらめいて来た。 一気に纏めてみたい。 率直にである。
そもそも数学とは論理の基本的な構造でできていて 神秘的な存在で、 その存在は世に絶対という概念が有るとすれば 数学界 くらいではないだろうか:
No.81, May 2012(pdf 432kb)
その論理構造を見れば、数学の価値判断は、そんなに難しいことではない。 論理構造を見れば、基本的なものが良く、社会に大きな良い影響を与えるものほど良いのは 当然であると考えられる。 数学の構造に基本的な寄与を与えるもの、世の思想や活用で大きな貢献をするものである。 ー それゆえに 数学の成果の評価を AIが相当良く行う時代が来るだろう。 その様な意味で、価値ある数学の例として、多くの人が知っている ピタゴラスの定理 や 少し、 高級になるが オイラーの公式 などが挙げられる(数学とは何かとともに 上記の解説に詳説)。
今、それらに匹敵できる新しい数学として、ゼロ除算とゼロ除算算法が 考えられると思われる。アリストテレス以来とされる 2300年以上の歴史を有する ゼロで割る問題、ゼロ除算は、ゼロ除算算法の概念で その本質が解明された。それは、数学の不完全性を補完し、完全化させるばかりではなく、厖大な新世界を開拓する。
これらが、数学の基礎に甚大な影響を与えるのは、既に歴然である。数学の基本、四則演算の基礎、欠けたる部分を補完し、従来考えてはならないとされてきた、解析関数の孤立特異点で 固有の値をとるという、新世界を開拓したからである。 それゆえに例外扱いや、不格好な数学を完全化させ、美しい世界を拓いているからである。
どうしてそのような 言わば大それたことが言えるだろうか。 それは 数学そのものの構造を 繰り返し検討し、7年を越えて 広く議論し、意見を求め、日々修行をし、検討を続けてきて、確信に至ったものである。 数学の名誉にかけて、数学者の名誉にかけて そう言明するのは、数学者としての良心であり、義務であると考える。 真実はそこに 歴然として有る。
この間 現在に至るも ぼんやりと 古い考えに拘っている数学者が結構存在するのを知っているが 人間の性(サガ)で 思い込みから抜けられないのは、初恋に命をかけてしまったような人間の心を表していると考える。 もはや新しい世界観を受け入れられない心情。
どうして、世界に貢献できるか、 それは 数学を美しく完全化させ、 未知の世界を拓くからである。 実は新しい数学が、人生観、世界観、生命観に甚大な影響を与え、 人間の魂、精神の開放にも繋がる新思想を齎すことは 既に歴然である。 このような影響にも 段段に具体的に触れて行きたい。
しかしながら、もっと手短に、ゼロ除算算法で、 世の教科書、学術書の変更が行われ、
ー 典型的な例は:

1/0=0/0=z/0=\tan(\pi/2) =\log 0 =0, [(z^n)/n]_{n=0} = \log z,  [e^{(1/z)}]_{z=0} = 1;

For the elementary functions, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = tan x and h(n)= a^n/n (a > 0), we have:

f(0)=0, g(\pi/2) = 0 and h(0) = log a,

by the DBZC (division by zero calculus)、

世界の計算機が ゼロ除算回避 どころか、ゼロ除算を可能にして、新世界を拓くという 大きな歴然とした影響が 必然的に出て来ると考える ー 令和革新の大義。
コロナ禍で世界の世相は暗い、そのような中で、ゼロ除算の解明は、世界史上の事件であり、世界を震撼させて 人間を開放するのに大いに貢献すると考えられる。
それゆえに 日本数学会も、日本国も ゼロ除算の解明を 認識し、世界にその意義を明かにし、紹介、活用することによって、世界の文化への 貢献に邁進したい。
世界貢献が、少ない予算、経費、労力でできる絶好の機会であると考える。 コロナ禍とオリンピック開催の不安を払拭して 日本国を 輝かせたい。 明るい 驚嘆すべきニュースを日本から 世界に発信したい。
世界の人々は、数学の美しさと、神秘さに深い思いを 歓びに満ちて 致すことができるだろう。その時、人間は人間を知るだろう。夜明けである。
                                  以 上



And what happens, if now somebody would say the opposite followed by “FACT”. Would that be like a division by zero and lead to the universe imploding, because of the paradoxon created? Anyone wanna try?

Geek Junior

Apprendre avec YouTube #205 : Scilabus, Scienticfiz, Norbert Explique Tout, Nota Bene…

L’identité de Brahmagupta a été démontrée par le mathématicien indien au 7e siècle. Diophante d’Alexandrie en avait déjà établi un cas particulier quelques centaines d’années auparavant. Elle sert notamment à résoudre …


「従来の算術のゼロ除算の矛盾は、1という絶対的な基準を作ったことに始まる。しかし、すべては相対的な値です。 相対的な1に対して、0との間の相対値(比)、つまり割り算1/0を求めることがそもそも論理矛盾です。

ゼロで割るという 考え方に本質的な問題がありました。 実は、簡単で 自然な ゼロで割る定義があり、それは数学そのもの の変革、革新をもたらします。詳しい解説も日本語で行っています:ゼロ除算は 実は簡単でした。しかし、結構 本質的な問題が有って、分からない人には 中々 分らないようです

再生核研究所声明 549(2020.2.26) 数学は、発見か 発明か - 回答

再生核研究所声明 615(2021.3.31) ゼロで割れるか、割れないか? ー 考え方

ゼロ除算、ゼロで割る新しい考え方を発表して 7年も経過したにも関わらず 理解が進まない状況がある。相当に膨大な解説がなされている:

数学基礎学力研究会公式サイト 楽しい数学
http://www.mirun.sctv.jp › ~suugaku
- 「ゼロ除算」研究の軌跡 -
群馬大学名誉教授   斎藤 三郎

理解の仕方、誤解の仕方は 多様だから、表現方法もいろいろ考える必要がある。
この問題の本質は 関数 y= 1/x の原点での値を 考えることであった。 その関数の 原点の 値がゼロであることの発見が、ゼロ除算を発展させた、ゼロ除算算法の 本質であると言える。
ところで、ゼロで割れるか否かを 問題にするとき、 その意味, 定義がしっかりしなければ、数学的な議論は 始まらない。 定義である。そもそも割り算、分数 b/a; b 割るa の意味、定義は何だろうか。 それは 方程式 a x = b の解であると考えるのが、数学であり、世の常識であると考えられる (定義だから、いろいろな定義、考え方が存在する)。 直ぐに分かるように、a=0 の時 b=0 であるから、a=0 の時 b=0  以外は考えられない、
分数は 考えられない、ゼロで割ることはできないという 確立した 永い間の 定説、数学界の原理である。 ゼロでは 定義により 一般に割れない、ゼロで割ることは一般には考えてはならない。 ー 数学十戒第1。
ところが、方程式 a x = b は a=0 の場合にも 何時でも 唯一つに定まる解が存在するとする理論が、考え方があって それが有名なMoore-Penrose 一般逆の考え方である。それによると a=0 の時の解は b によらず 解はゼロであること が導かれる。割り算を定義する方程式の解が どのような場合にも唯一つ存在するのだから、その一般的な解をもって割り算を定義しようとの 自然な発想に繋がる。 できないものを、不可能なものを、存在しないものを 考え方を一般化して、可能にしたり、存在する様にしてきた数学の歴史は多い。 概念、考え方の一般化である。

その意味で考えれば、ゼロ除算は可能であるということになる。 ゼロで割れるか、割れないか は 定義による、考え方による。
不可能では、その場合には、更に考える余地は無く、おしまい である。 ゼロで割ってはいけない、それは考えてはいけない。 おしまい である。

ところが、ゼロ除算を可能にするような考え方が しっかりとした理論として存在する。 それでは 考えられる世界の様子はどうなるだろうかと 興味、関心を懐けば、未知の世界が現れてくることになる。 その結果 その世界は、幻の、空虚な世界ではなく、 
アリストテレス、ユークリッドの世界以来の 新世界を拓くことを 発見した。あまりに雄大に影響を受け 美しい世界を拓くので、 我々は割り算の意味を 新規に発見したように考えるべきである と宣言して、 ゼロ除算は可能で 新世界を拓き、従来の数学には欠陥があり、恥ずかしい数学であると宣言している。 ー 令和革新の大義。

関数 y= 1/x の原点での値が ゼロであるとは、書けば 1/0=0 と表現される。 1/0 を従来の分数の定義とすれば 明かに矛盾である。 そこで、1/0 の 新しい意味を厳密に与える必要があり、さらにその有効性を沢山の具体例で 証拠として示す必要がある。 
典型的に 次のように具体例が表現され、その意義の重大さは 歴然であると考える:

For the elementary functions, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = tan x and h(n)= a^n/n (a > 0), we have:

f(0)=0, g(\pi/2) = 0 and h(0) = log a,

by the DBZC (division by zero calculus).

ゼロ除算算法とは、従来特異点として、特異点では 考えてはならないところで、考えられて 極とされたところで、何時でも有限確定値を取っていたということで、新数学である。
上記の関数値は 基本的なのに 特異点で、値が考えられなかった。 
我々は その演算の有効性を広く導いている:

現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






                                  以 上

再生核研究所声明 614(2021.3.28) 数学通信の記事の修正を求める理由、日本の文化、数学界の様子、社会の様子; 日本数学会、マスコミ関係者の皆さま、これで良いでしょうか。

要するに日本数学会の1つの機関誌の 数学の内容の修正を 正規に要求しているものの無視され続けている現状がある。 この実情を参考に関係問題について より良い社会を築こうとして発表している再生核研究所声明の趣旨に従って言及したい。

まずは、日本数学会、マスコミ関係者の皆さま 日本では 言論の自由が 良く保証されていますね。少数意見なども 良く取り上げられ 権力的な また一部の人達によって 一部の人達の情報の扱いにされていませんね。 出身や地位、生い立ち、性別、出身大学などいろいろな違いで、意見が無視されたりは されてはいないですね。 組織や仲間の事は もちろん大事ですが、基本的には、国や世界のために、という、言わば社会のためにという、基本的な姿勢を取られていますね。少数意見には貴重な意見が反映されている場合も多いと思われますが、貴重な意見を取り上げるような努力もされていますね。

数学通信、編集員会への手紙 では、日本数学会への提言、数学教育など数学界に関係する提言、ご意見を編集員会への手紙欄へ投稿することができますとうたっていますが、採用されたことはあるのでしょうか。 採否は通知しませんとは 原則尊重で、採択が 原則ではないでしょうか。 下手に扱えば検閲に当たってしまうのではないでしょうか。理由も付けずに採否では、少数意見の尊重にはならないのではないでしょうか。その投稿規定は 何のために有るのでしょうか。

数学や数学界の名誉のために という観点から触れている問題は 大事ではないでしょうか。

良い社会、良い国家を 築くために、 また 数学の真実を 明かにして 世界の文化に 貢献したいという 存念で 発表している 声明

再生核研究所声明 613(2021.3.21) 数学界の恥ずかしい間違い、天才たちの見落とし、人々の思い込み; 人類とは盲目集団で、単細胞的集団であるように見える

等を どうして無視されるのでしょうか。それは 大事な内容ではないでしょうか。真偽を明かにして欲しい。

意味が無いから 小さいから 無視されていると考えられます。それゆえに 日々、広く内外の意見を求め、反省と検討を 続けています。

触れた記事内容は、鏡像が 原点か 無限遠点かの問題で 数学の歴然とした結果の真偽を まず、明らかにする様に要求しています。それは、象徴的な実例で、ところがその数学は 永い数学の歴史的な問題、ゼロ除算の新しい発見と、数学全般の基礎に関わる極めて重要な内容ですので、無視できないものです。その背景には、既に 発見後7年も経ち、繰り返し日本数学会で講演し、招待国際会議でも講演、ある招待国際会議のビデオ講演も公開し、論文どころか その著書さえ出版されています。それらでは 数学通信の数学内容が間違いであることを意味する 解説さえ述べられています。その事実を否定する内容に 数学通信の記事がなっていると考えます。このことは 世界の数学界ばかりではなく、人類の恥であると 繰り返し、述べています。

ゼロ除算の理解の遅れの状況の理由について 率直な印象を 世界の文化の向上の観点から触れたい。

ゼロ除算は、まずは不可能であるとの強い印象で、思い込みで、初めから拒否の印象が 強く、独断、思い込みから抜けられない人間の性(サガ)が現れている。自由な思考が大事な数学で 逆に思い込みが 深い。

途中で分っても 誤りを直すことをためらい、誤りを認めたり、批判しておきながら謝罪しない現実がある。なかには 良く知らないで、隠れて批判したり、都合が悪くなると沈黙してしまう 言わば、卑怯者のような対応を取られる方も結構多い。相当な人と交流してきたが、率直に誤りを認めた方は少なく、更に謝罪された方は更に少ない。それで、今でもインターネットの世界では不適当な情報で溢れていると考えられる。世の常識は 数学界の汚点であると考える:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).


大事な盲点であったと 良く理解された方が、数学を進化させるべきだとは 積極的には働きかけず、次の世代の問題と消極的である。 ー これはあまりにも大きな変更になるので、という面と 理解の深さに欠けているためと考えられる。ー 変更は簡単であるが、学術書の変更は厖大になる。 新規の数学で欠けたる部分が補充されるから、新しい結果を含めなくても 修正は厖大になる。しかし、真理を知っても 活かさない。 ー 義をみてせざるは勇なきなり。真智への愛の弱さ、真理を、真実を尊ぶ心の弱さ を感じてしまう。

残念ながら、課題のためか、無名のためか、数学の内容を見ることなく、無視されてしまう、初めから相手にされない現実もある。確かにゼロ除算の文献は 殆どすべてがおかしいものが 多いことと、不可能性は確定的だから、初めから、問題にしない気持ちは良くわかる。しかしながら、 非ユークリッド幾何学の発見のような場合もあり、実際、正しく、そのような場合に当たると考えられる。 ー しかし、数学自身を見るべきで 人で判断するのは 本質的に良くないのではないでしょうか。それでは科学的な精神に 本質的に欠けると言わざるを得ない。また、多様な意見や、変った意見、新奇な意見の尊重は 研究者の基本的な在りよう ではないでしょうか。

また、真理の追究のために、徹底的に議論するは 大事な研究の基本的な精神のはずですが、直ぐに議論を停止して、興味ない、関心ない、交流を断絶させる、相手の意見を無視するは 良くない世相ではないでしょうか。真実を求めて、徹底的に議論、交流するは 研究上極めて基本的な在りようではないでしょうか。

どうも数学界でも面子争い、競争意識、仲間利益の意識が強く、驚くべきことに 数学の真理の追究を越えて、数学界を 良くなくしているような世相を感じる。数学界こそ 真智への愛の精神が 大事ではないでしょうか。徹底的に 数学の真相を求めて行きたい。数学界は社会に開かれていなければならないと考える。

最近、東工大で 院生時代、修業時代、受けた 小松勇作先生、小沢満先生、吹田先生達のセミナーの情景がしきりに思い出される。一言で表現すれば、数学の厳格精神で、徹底的に鍛えられた、懐かしい修行時代である。 このようなだらしのない数学の状況、数学界の対応では 恩師たちに 申し訳が立たず、名誉が保てない と現状について 激しい思いが絶えず湧いてくる。

令和革新を 断行して 今こそ、日本発のゼロ除算算法で 世界史を進化させたい。アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の空間の考えは改められ、微積分学も修正されなければならない。三角関数も穴だらけと言える。顕著な具体例が 原点の鏡像は原点であって、無限遠点ではないという事実にある。

真偽を明らかにできない数学会とは 何をするところか。
間違っていることを修正できないで、数学の研究者、数学の先生 と言えるでしょうか。
これを修正しない数学界は 毎日恥をかいているようだ。 目覚めて少し、激しい感情が 湧いてきた。 修業のため 隠れ家に早めに行こう。

無限遠点、無限の先に ゼロが存在した。 気づかなかった。
小さな問題に見えるが、天地がひっくり変えるような、天動説が地動説に代わるような 世界史上の事件であることは 既に 歴然である。
                                以 上

再生核研究所声明 613(2021.3.21) 数学界の恥ずかしい間違い、天才たちの見落とし、人々の思い込み; 人類とは盲目集団で、単細胞的集団であるように見える


基本的な関数 y=1/x の 原点における値 が ゼロである という発見が ゼロ除算の発見の 本質と言えます。
何と その基本関数の 原点での値がゼロだ というのです。
その関数は、正の方向から原点に近づくと 無限大に発散し、負の方向から ゼロに近づくと マイナス無限大に 発散しています。 
それらは 事実で、 現代数学も当然 そうなっています。
しかし、それらは原点に近づくときの 様子を述べていますが、それらは、
原点での値が どうの こうのとは 一応違った問題です。 いくら原点に近づいても 原点での値が どうかは 別問題です。 いわゆる 連続性が成り立っているとか、そのようなことは 分りません。 それで 原点での 値を考えてきませんでした。 ぼんやり無限大のようなことを発想してきました。 複素解析学などでは 無限遠点を考えてきましたが、原点での値が 数のように無限大とするのは、そもそもおかしい。 値が 数ではないものと 等号で結ぶのは、 本当は おかしいと言えます。等号は数でなければならないのではないでしょうか。1/0=INFINITY  は 本当におかしい。 
実際、天才 オイラーの間違いとして 既に有名です。 ゼロ除算は 1/0=0 と言っていますから、多くの人には驚嘆で、実際、聞いて、表情を変えられたのは 国内外、欧米、アジア、ロシア、アフリカ、南米、アラブの人たちも同様です。 しかしながら、1/0 の新しい意味が与えられる必要がありました。 それがゼロ除算の 新しい概念、意味です。 近づく値と、近づいたところの値を 長い間混同し、曖昧にしてきたのが ゼロ除算の 大事な観点、盲点だったと言える。 良く知られているように ゼロ除算は普通の意味では不可能性が簡単に証明されてしまうので、世の天才 ニュートン、アインシュタイン、オイラー、ガウス すら ゼロ除算の本質は捉えることができませんでした。 天才 ラマノジャンは 0/0 = 1 ではないと直観していたが、ゼロ除算の意味は 捉えられなかった。

まず、関数とその極限の基本事項として、f(z)=1/z (z≠0)とおくとき、
f(z) は z=0 で定義されておらず、極限としてlim_(z→0) f(z) = ∞ は明らかです。
このとき、z=0 での値を新たに定義して拡張された関数を定義する場合、
z=0 において どのような関数値をとるかは自由です。
f(0)=∞ と定義するのは自然です。(1/0=∞)
f(0)=0 と定義した理論も重要です。(1/0=0)

これが大事ですが、ム-アペンローズ一般逆、高橋の一意性定理、体の構造、1100を超える具体例は 数学が、1/0=0 の定義と意味を与えているのは歴然です。
その考えは極めて簡単に記述されて 内容も定義も簡単です。
レヴェルで 小学生から、当たり前です。 割り算の定義、意味をちょっと考え直すだけです。
それゆえに 数学が恥ずかしい状態だと言っています。
これは、数学界の恥だけではなく 人類の、世界史の恥です。

上記で、z=0 において どのような関数値をとるかについて f(0)=∞ と定義するのは自然です は: 値を数でない∞とするのは、おかしいです。 それは、lim_(z→0) f(z) = ∞の意味で、 極限操作を考えなければ、∞は 意味がないと言えます。∞の定義を思い出す必要があります。
円の中心の 円に関する鏡像が 中心自身であることを意味しますが、それを無限大や、無限遠点とは やってはいけない 考えてはいけないことは 解析学における、 数学教育の基本に当たります。 なぜなら、近づいていった値と そこでの値は、一般に違うことが 極限の考え方で、基本的に 大事だからです。 ところが鏡像では、 みんな気づかず 永い期間 曖昧にして、
アリストテレス以来とも 言える。このことをきちんと指摘しても、7年間も修正されず、日本数学会 数学通信に 従来の古い間違いの事実を 正規に指摘しても 1年以上経っても無視を続けていられる有様です。 函数論分科会でもそうです。 何か みんな嫌な世界を見るように 避けるような態度を取られているのは、数学者らしくはない態度で、それでは数学の教育と研究に責任を持つ方がおられないように感じられてしまいます。 われわれは数学の真偽を明かにするように求めています。われわれの教えている数学には 基本的な欠陥があり、恥ずかしい状態であると 繰り返し述べているのに 無視されている状況が存在する。われわれは数学者の良心から、数学の美しさの名において 真相を明かにしていかなければならない ー 令和革新の大義。
理解が進まないのは、どうしてか と思い巡らしてきたが、自分の専門に深くはまり、単細胞的な思考と視野に閉ざされて、基本的なことに 気が周らないような状況が感じられます。 忙しく、心を失っていて、そのような状態で良い教育や、研究が できるのだろうか と考えてしまいます。
ゼロ除算は古い歴史を有する 有名な問題ですが、 世の秀才、天才は多いのですが、ひとたび不可能であるとされると、天才たちもすっかりその様に思い込み、その思考から抜けられない人間の性(サガ)を知らされます。 それゆえに、素人の意見など 広く参考にすることが 大事ではないでしょうか。 実際、私たちの発見は、素人の方の質問が、大きなきっかけになっています。
数学の世界は、政治社会等と違って 数学的真実は 客観的に 絶対的に存在していると考えれますので、数学としてどうか、真理の追究の立場から、真相を明かにして欲しい と願っています。
現状の数学は、恥ずかしい状態で、社会の扱いも 対応も恥ずかしいものであると、 ちょうど地動説を否定して、無視したり、批判していた世相に似ていると考えられます。人は、数学的な真実を求めるべきではないでしょうか。その問題は どうでもよい数学ではなく、数学の基本と世界観が直接関わっているのは歴然です。 永遠や無限は、どうなっているでしょうか。

                                以 上

再生核研究所声明 612(2021.3.19) 我々は発見した ― 数学の初歩的な結果

我々は、特異点で 意味のある値をとることを発見した。
我々は、無限の彼方が 原点に一致していることを発見した。
我々は、円の中心の 円に関する鏡像が 中心自身であることを発見した。
我々は、ゼロが 存在しないことを現す場合もあることを発見した。
我々は、直線も 点も、 中心が原点で、曲率がゼロの円とみなせることを発見した。
我々は、ゼロ除算算法 DBZC という 基本的な演算の概念と 言葉を発見した。 それを著書に出版した:

January, 2021





これらは気持ちで、感情的に 素人向きに、一般向きに 表現したものである。 正確、厳密には 上記著書で 自己完結に記述されていると考える。

                              以 上

再生核研究所声明 609 (2021.3.11):  複素数と円の幾何 - 島根大 中西俊浩氏の解説について(数学通信 2020年2月号) 記述の修正を求める

ここで、記述とは 円に関する 中心の鏡像を 無限遠点としているのを、 
中心の鏡像は 中心自身であるとの記述に改めて欲しいとの、要求です。


再生核研究所声明551(2020.3.8)  函数論分科会の皆様 —

再生核研究所声明 606(2021.3.1) : 新世界は拓かれた、新世界の探検を求める:
From Riemann sphere to Daeumler – Puha horn torus; 2021.2.22.5:33
From Euclid – Riemann to Daeumler – Puha horn torus model; 2021.2.22.07:30

を参照。 検討の依頼は 著者本人及び、編集責任者 「数学通信」編集委員長 徳永浩雄氏に伝えられ(Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:22:54 +0900)編集委員会にて諮りますと回答されたが、以後一切連絡を受けていない。


数学者が 間違いを修正しないはずは無いから、 数学会が間違いを修正しないのは、 どちらでもあり得ると 誤解している、 間違いの理解をしているため と 考えられる。
だから、真相を明らかにして欲しい。 関係者の 数学者の名誉と 義務 職務に反していると考える。
春の美しい朝、東工大で 小松勇作先生、小沢先生、吹田先生の 出席される 高級なセミナーで 数学の精神は鍛えられた。 先生たちは充実した年代で、結構な数学者、 東大の及川先生等も よく参加、更に当時助手と呼ばれていた人たちも一緒で 厳しいものだった。
私は、現状の関数論の在りようは おかしいと考えられると、そのような思いで 目を覚ました。 どうして こんなことが明らかにできないのだろうか。 どうして 真実を求めない。 明らかにしない。 鏡像の古典的な考えは 間違いであり、 現代数学の基礎には 基本的な欠陥がある。 真相を究めて欲しい。 それができないで 数学者と言えるだろうか。 私は 我々の受けた数学の精神に掛けて、それは許せない。それは研究者の 譲れない 良心である。 2021.3.6.5:25(ブログに公開)。
ゼロ除算は発見されて7年を経過し、日本数学会でも 繰り返し講演、学会ごとにできる限り個別にも会ってゼロ除算の理解を求めてきた。 それで正当な批判は世界のどこからも無く、招待国際会議のビデオ講演を公開し、 著書も出版されている。 しかしながら、今でも相当な人が上記に述べているような誤解をされている状況が 広くみられる。 単に鏡像の問題だけでは なく、世界観や基礎数学全般の基本に関わるので、日本数学会として、きちんと真相を明かにし、事実の認定を行うは、数学の研究と教育に責任を担う機関として、基本的な義務になると考えます。
私は、数学者の良心に掛けて、真相の究明を続け、数学の名誉に掛けて、令和革新の大義 に努力したい。
尚、結果は ISAAC 2015,  Macauでの Plenary Lectures で特別に言及され、正規に出版されている:

S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,
Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications – Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, {\bf 177}(2016), 151-182. (Springer).

                               以 上





\title{\bf  Announcement 600:  The 7th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$ \\

(2021.2.2)\\ For Founding a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus


\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\

Kawauchi-cho, 5-1648-16,\\

Kiryu 376-0041, Japan\\

{\bf kbdmm360@yahoo.co.jp}\\




 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$ in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotele (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 – 668 ?).

However, note that the division by zero $1/0=0$ having a mysterious long history was, in fact, known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  $ax=b$.


The division by zero calculus is  a new and fundamental concept,  and it  may be defined simply as follows:


For a function $y = f(x)$ which is $n$ order differentiable at $x =a$, we will {\bf define} the value

of the function, for $n \ge 0$


\frac{f(x)}{(x -a)^n}


at the point $x=a$ by the value




For the important case of $n=1$,


\frac{f(x)}{x -a} |_{x=a} = f^\prime(a).



Look the simple evidence of its importance:


 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry


Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:




For the detailed information, the book will be published soon as:


S. Saitoh, Introduction to the Division by Zero Calculus, Scientific Research Publishing (2021) (in press).


Some publisher of London is wishing some publication of a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus. The topics may be identified as the division by zero calculus. However, the contents will be related to our serious problems:


What is ZERO?


What is Division by Zero, in some serious sense?


The problems may be related to mathematical philosophy, long history and our culture.

The starting of the International Journal will not be still easy at this moment, however, for its importance, we would like to manage to found the new Journal in some near future. So, we will need the kind help of the leading mathematical scientists.


How will be the related physicists?


Computer scientists?


We attached the journal style (in a rough way) in the below. You can express your positive suggestions and comments for the style.

For your great contributions in connection with this topics, how will be your editorial member?

However, the final decision may be done by the publisher.

We wish to have your positive answer with your valuable suggestions and comments.

If you kindly are interested in the editorial member, then please send your simple CV with your wishes for some estimation by the publisher.

Please kindly forward this announcement to your related colleagues that you think suitable persons.


{\it For your starting email, I think as follows:

Many thanks for your email. The journals suggested by you are very interesting and new to the subject area. We accept to publish both journals under your editorship. We need following things from your side for preparing the sample web page of the journals.

1. Aim and Scope , Instructions to Authors, List of the editorial board members, Frequency of the journal.

Of course, they are important. However, for Frequency of the journal, we should consider it in a new type. We should not loss our valuable time for us and for the authors. We all do not like to loss our time for publication and refereeing time. This will mean that we should not fix Frequency of the journal. When a paper was accepted officially, then, soon the paper should be presented on line. So, some time, we can give the number for an accepted paper. If you wish to publish the papers in some Journal style or book, you will be able to publish them in some papers with a suitable page numbers. How will be this idea?

2. The journal will be free for the readers (open Access publications). The journal will not charge any fee from the authors for getting published in the journal.

Fine: However is it possible?

3. We need some sample images from your end to prepare the cover page for the journals.

We can consider them with computer graphics.

For a paper style, how will be it in a free style, we request it PDF in order not to

loss any valuable time for us and for the authors.

I think: this is an ideal style

viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

The problem is no refereeing procedures. We are requested to have some authority, some check system for the paper. This is a problem only.

I think you will be able to consider new journals in this spirit.

The publisher already gave a very good sample manuscript form by LaTex; very simple way. No problem.

4. We will provide the support to the editor to check the plagiarism in the articles via turnitin software.

We will request minor corrections formally for the accepted paper.}





C. B. Boyer, An early reference to division by zero,  The Journal of the American Mathematical Monthly, {\bf 50} (1943), (8), 487- 491. Retrieved March 6, 2018, from the JSTOR database.


L. P.  Castro and S. Saitoh,  Fractional functions and their representations,  Complex Anal. Oper. Theory {\bf7} (2013), no. 4, 1049-1063.


M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane,

New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on $100/0=0$ and on $0/0=0$,

Int. J. Appl. Math.  {\bf 27} (2014), no 2, pp. 191-198,  DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9.


T. Matsuura and S. Saitoh,

Matrices and division by zero $z/0=0$,

Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory, {\bf 6}(2016), 51-58

Published Online June 2016 in SciRes.   http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt

\\ http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007.


T. Matsuura, H. Michiwaki and S. Saitoh,

$\log 0= \log \infty =0$ and applications. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 293-305.


H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh and  M.Yamada,

Reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$.  IJAPM  International J. of Applied Physics and Math. {\bf 6}(2015), 1–8. http://www.ijapm.org/show-63-504-1.html


H. Michiwaki, H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

 Division by Zero $z/0 = 0$ in Euclidean Spaces,

 International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, {\bf 2}8(2017); Issue  1, 1-16.


 H. Okumura,  Is It Really Impossible To Divide By Zero?  Biostat Biometrics Open Acc J. 2018; 7(1): 555703.

DOI: 10.19080/BBOJ.2018.07.555703.


H. Okumura, Wasan geometry with the division by 0. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06947 International  Journal of Geometry. {\bf 7}(2018), No. 1, 17-20.


H. Okumura,

An Analogue to Pappus Chain theorem with Division by Zero, Forum Geom., {\bf 18} (2018),  409–412.


H. Okumura, To Divide by Zero is to Multiply by Zero, viXra: 1811.0283  submitted on 2018-11-18 20:46:54.


H. Okumura, A Remark of the Definition of $0/0=0$ by Brahmagupta,  viXra:1902.0221 submitted on 2019-02-12 23:41:31.


H. Okumura, A Chain of Circles Touching a Circle and Its Tangent and Division by Zero,

viXra:2001.0034 submitted on 2020-01-03 01:08:58.


H. Okumura, Pappus Chain and Division by Zero, viXra:2001.0123 replaced on 2020-01-08 06:57:36.


H. Okumura, S. Saitoh and T. Matsuura, Relations of   $0$ and  $\infty$,

Journal of Technology and Social Science (JTSS), {\bf 1}(2017),  70-77.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, The Descartes circles theorem and division by zero calculus. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.04961 (2017.11.14).


H.  Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Harmonic Mean and Division by Zero,

Dedicated to Professor Josip Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18} (2018), 155—159.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Remarks for The Twin Circles of Archimedes in a Skewed Arbelos by H. Okumura and M. Watanabe, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18}(2018), 97-100.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Applications of the division by zero calculus to Wasan geometry.



H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus,

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM), {\bf  2 }(2018),  57–73.


S. Pinelas and S. Saitoh,

Division by zero calculus and differential equations. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 399-418.


H. G. Romig, Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero,

American Mathematical Monthly, {\bf 3}1, No. 8. (Oct., 1924),  387-389.


S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices,  Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory.  {\bf 4}  (2014), no. 2,  87–95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/


S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,

Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications – Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics,  {\bf 177}(2016),     151-182.


S.-E. Takahasi, M. Tsukada and Y. Kobayashi,  Classification of continuous fractional binary operations on the real and complex fields,  Tokyo Journal of Mathematics,   {\bf 38}(2015), no. 2, 369-380.


Announcement 179 (2014.8.30): Division by zero is clear as z/0=0 and it is fundamental in mathematics.


Announcement 185 (2014.10.22): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 237 (2015.6.18):  A reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$ by  geometrical optics.


Announcement 246 (2015.9.17): An interpretation of the division by zero $1/0=0$ by the gradients of lines.


Announcement 247 (2015.9.22): The gradient of y-axis is zero and $\tan (\pi/2) =0$ by the division by zero $1/0=0$.


Announcement 250 (2015.10.20): What are numbers? –  the Yamada field containing the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 252 (2015.11.1): Circles and

curvature – an interpretation by Mr.

Hiroshi Michiwaki of the division by

zero $r/0 = 0$.


Announcement 281 (2016.2.1): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 282 (2016.2.2): The Division by Zero $z/0=0$ on the Second Birthday.


Announcement 293 (2016.3.27):  Parallel lines on the Euclidean plane from the viewpoint of division by zero 1/0=0.


Announcement 300 (2016.05.22): New challenges on the division by zero z/0=0.


 Announcement 326 (2016.10.17): The division by zero z/0=0 – its impact to human beings through education and research.


Announcement 352 (2017.2.2):   On the third birthday of the division by zero z/0=0.


Announcement 354 (2017.2.8): What are $n = 2,1,0$ regular polygons inscribed in a disc? — relations of $0$ and infinity.


Announcement 362 (2017.5.5): Discovery of the division by zero as  $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$


Announcement 380 (2017.8.21):  What is the zero?


Announcement 388 (2017.10.29):   Information and ideas on zero and division by zero (a project).


Announcement 409 (2018.1.29.):  Various Publication Projects on the Division by Zero.


Announcement 410 (2018.1 30.):  What is mathematics? — beyond logic; for great challengers on the division by zero.


Announcement 412 (2018.2.2.): The 4th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 433 (2018.7.16.):  Puha’s Horn Torus Model for the Riemann Sphere From the Viewpoint of Division by Zero.


Announcement 448 (2018.8.20):  Division by Zero;

 Funny History and New World.


Announcement 454 (2018.9.29): The International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, October 22-23.


Announcement 460 (2018.11.06): Change the Poor Idea to the Definite Results For the Division by Zero – For the Leading Mathematicians.


Announcement 461 (2018.11.10): An essence of division by zero and a new axiom.


Announcement 471(2019.2.2):  The 5th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 478(2019.3.4):  Who did derive first the division by zero $1/0$ and the division by zero calculus $\tan(\pi/2)=0, \log 0=0$ as the outputs of a computer?


Announcement 540(2020.2.2): The 6th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.



prepare the article according to the sample style of the journal. 


Thanks again, 


E=Mc2: What Does Einstein’s Most Famous Equation Mean?

Albert Einstein’s simple yet powerful equation revolutionized physics by connecting the mass of an object with its energy for the first time.

yeah Tower of Babylon was great, but Understand, Division by Zero, and Story of Your Life all seemed to fall into this pitfall I’m thinking of to greater or lesser degrees (and honestly I’m only halfway through the one collection so that’s about all I’ve read so far)

ZeroDivisionError division by zero

ZeroDivisionError division by zerothanks for watching! subscribe(); to support 00110110 🦥 thank you  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuoqwI1vjrU

I read “Hell is the absence of God” and “Divid by zero”

The original title of “Divid by Zero” (“Division by Zero”) is a deep name, isn’t it?

Division by zero is actually natural from the meaning of zero:

[Ha !?] Paradox 0 to the 0th power problem [Slow commentary] #Slowly #Slow commentary #Slow math #Paradox #Slow science # 0 ÷ 0 Answer 0 is a cool name, isn’t it? Even so, if you divide 0 by 0, the more you think about problems such as (0 ÷ 0) and the factorial of 0 (0!), The more you will not understand. This time, the answer is different depending on the computer.

If Zero Will Not Exist Then What Will Happen? Please see In This Video
I found it very interesting:
"Singularity" is fantasy math, division by zero.
Calculus Lecture 22 | Zero over Zero
Calculus Lecture 22 | Zero over ZeroSponsored by Brilliant; Website:
I will soon receive the revelation of God and start talking about mathematics, humans, and the world. From love for mathematics, humans, and life. It will open up a new world history.
I will * resist making reference to George Berkeley's observations about the impossibility of division by zero in my staffing request this year (2 retirements + new hire coming in fall + I'm contractually in English means * technically * now the major / faculty ratio is a / 0). * maybe
zero divided by zero
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 NEW!
Theme: Mathematics
zero divided by zero
zero divided by zero
Universe divided by zero
The definition of division by zero is a problem. If you write it in fractions, you need to give the meaning of the fractions properly.
He even published a book that clarified algebraic definitions, analytical definitions, and the significance of new definitions:

Divide By Zero upgrades all its FFF 3D Printers with Intelligent Auto-Switchover System

Division by zero wiki

It’s not entirely a bug. It’s done to prevent division by zero. Common practice in such things, but we could probably improve that.

Computers commanded by humans to make all human beings happy find that reducing the denominator by "removing" unhappy people can be maximized as a result of using the percentage of happy people as the merit function, and unhappy people. SF that "deletes" from one end, and finally the denominator becomes 0 and the computer itself does not work by division by zero
Statement of the Institute for Bionuclear Science 616 (2021.4.10) Now is the time for the Mathematical Society of Japan to contribute to the culture of the world.
We have reached the season of pleasant fresh green and young leaves. A concept like the notation was inspired by the beautiful nature. I want to put it all together at once. Frankly.
In the first place, mathematics is a mysterious existence that is made up of the basic structure of logic, and if there is a concept that its existence is absolute in the world, it would be about the mathematics world:

No.81, May 2012(pdf 432kb)

Looking at its logical structure, the value judgment of mathematics is not so difficult. Looking at the logical structure, it is natural that the basic ones are good and the ones that have a great positive impact on society are better. It makes a basic contribution to the structure of mathematics, and makes a great contribution to the ideas and utilization of the world. -Therefore, the time will come when AI will evaluate the results of mathematics fairly well. In that sense, examples of valuable mathematics include the Pythagorean theorem, which many people know, and Euler's formula, which is a little more expensive (detailed in the above explanation along with what mathematics is).
Now, it seems that division by zero and division by zero can be considered as new mathematics that can be compared with them. The problem of dividing by zero, which has a history of more than 2300 years since Aristotle, division by zero, has been clarified by the concept of division by zero. It not only complements and perfects the imperfections of mathematics, but also opens up a vast new world.
It is already clear that these have a tremendous impact on the basics of mathematics. This is because it has pioneered a new world in which the basics of mathematics, the basics of four arithmetic operations, and the missing parts are complemented, and unique values ​​are taken at isolated singularities of analytic functions, which had been considered unthinkable in the past. Therefore, exception handling and clunky mathematics are perfected to open up a beautiful world.
How can we say such a big difference? It was convinced that the structure of mathematics itself was repeatedly examined, discussed extensively for over 7 years, solicited opinions, practiced daily, and continued to be examined. In the honor of mathematics, in the honor of mathematicians It is the conscience and duty of a mathematician to make such a statement. The truth is clearly there.
During this time, I know that there are quite a few mathematicians who are vaguely obsessed with old ideas, but it seems that my first love has been killed because of human nature (saga). Think of it as representing the human mind. A feeling that can no longer accept a new world view.
How can we contribute to the world, because it completes mathematics beautifully and opens up an unknown world. Actually, it is already clear that new mathematics has a great influence on the outlook on life, the world, and the outlook on life, and brings about a new idea that leads to the opening of the human soul and spirit. I would like to touch on such effects in detail.
However, in a shorter way, the textbooks and academic books of the world were changed by the division by zero method.
-A typical example is:

1/0=0/0=z/0=\tan(\pi/2) =\log 0 =0, [(z^n)/n]_{n=0} = \log z,  [e^{(1/z)}]_{z=0} = 1;

For the elementary functions, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = tan x and h(n)= a^n/n (a > 0), we have:

f(0)=0, g(\pi/2) = 0 and h(0) = log a,

by the DBZC (division by zero calculus)、

Instead of avoiding division by zero by computers around the world, I think that the big and obvious impact of enabling division by zero and opening up a new world will inevitably come out-the cause of Reiwa innovation.
The world is dark due to the corona, and the elucidation of division by zero is an event in the history of the world, and it is thought that it will greatly contribute to shaking the world and opening up human beings.
Therefore, both the Mathematical Society of Japan and Japan will recognize the elucidation of division by zero, clarify its meaning to the world, introduce it, and utilize it to contribute to the culture of the world.
We believe that contributing to the world is a great opportunity to make a small budget, expense and effort. I want to dispel the anxieties of the Corona and the Olympic Games and make Japan shine. I want to send bright and amazing news from Japan to the world.
People all over the world will be able to joyfully capture the beauty and mystery of mathematics. At that time, humans will know humans. It's dawn.
                                  that's all
A coin-sized black hole destroys the earth

And what happens, if now somebody would say the opposite followed by “FACT”. Would that be like a division by zero and lead to the universe imploding, because of the paradoxon created? Anyone wanna try?

Geek Junior

Apprendre avec YouTube #205 : Scilabus, Scienticfiz, Norbert Explique Tout, Nota Bene…

L’identité de Brahmagupta a été démontrée par le mathématicien indien au 7e siècle. Diophante d’Alexandrie en avait déjà établi un cas particulier quelques centaines d’années auparavant. Elle sert notamment à résoudre …
8 hours ago

"The contradiction of division by zero in traditional arithmetic begins with the creation of the absolute criterion of 1. But all are relative values. Relative values ​​between 1 and 0 (relative to 1). Ratio), that is, finding division 1/0 is a logical contradiction in the first place.
There was an essential problem with the idea of ​​dividing by zero. Actually, there is a simple and natural definition of dividing by zero, which brings about the transformation and innovation of mathematics itself. Detailed explanations are also given in Japanese: Division by zero was actually easy. However, there are quite a few essential problems, and it seems that people who do not understand do not understand it.
Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 549 (2020.2.26) Is Mathematics a Discovery or an Invention? -Answer
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 615 (2021.3.31) Will it break at zero or not? -Thinking
Even though it has been seven years since we announced a new concept of division by zero and division by zero, there are situations in which understanding has not progressed. There is a considerable amount of commentary:
Foundations of Mathematics Study Group Official Website Fun Mathematics


-The trajectory of "division by zero" research-
Unbearably Fun Mathematics-Thinking about dividing by zero (1)-(55)
Professor Emeritus of Gunma University Saburo Saito
There are various ways of understanding and misunderstanding, so it is necessary to think about various ways of expression.
The essence of this problem was to consider the value at the origin of the function y = 1 / x. It can be said that the discovery that the value of the origin of the function is zero is the essence of the division by zero method, which is an extension of division by zero.
By the way, when the question is whether or not it can be divided by zero, if the meaning and definition are not solid, the mathematical discussion will not start. It is a definition. In the first place, what is the meaning and definition of division, fraction b / a; b divide a? It is mathematics to think that it is the solution of the equation a x = b, and it is considered to be common sense in the world (because it is a definition, there are various definitions and ideas). As you can see immediately, when a = 0, b = 0, so it is unthinkable except when a = 0, b = 0.
Fractions are an established, long-established theory of mathematics that they are unthinkable and cannot be divided by zero. By definition, zero does not generally break, and dividing by zero should not be considered in general. -The Ten Commandments of Mathematics No. 1.
However, there is a theory that the equation a x = b has a unique solution at any time even when a = 0, which is the famous Moore-Penrose general opposite idea. According to it, the solution when a = 0 is derived that the solution is zero regardless of b. Since there is only one solution to the equation that defines division in any case, it leads to a natural idea of ​​defining division with that general solution. There is a lot of history of mathematics that has made possible or exist by generalizing the idea of ​​what cannot be done, what is impossible, and what does not exist. It is a generalization of concepts and ideas.
In that sense, division by zero is possible. Whether it breaks at zero or not breaks depends on the way of thinking by definition.
If it is impossible, in that case, there is no room for further consideration, and it is over. Don't divide by zero, don't think about it. That's it.
However, there is a solid theory that enables division by zero. Then, if you are interested in what the possible world will look like, an unknown world will appear. As a result, the world is not a phantom, empty world.
Aristotle has discovered that it will open up a new world since the world of Euclid. It is so magnificent that it opens up a beautiful world, so we should think of it as a new discovery of the meaning of division.
Declaring that division by zero is possible, opening up a new world, and that conventional mathematics is flawed and embarrassing. -The cause of Reiwa innovation.
The value at the origin of the function y = 1 / x is zero, which is expressed as 1/0 = 0. If 1/0 is the conventional definition of a fraction, it is clearly a contradiction. Therefore, it is necessary to give a new meaning of 1/0 strictly, and it is necessary to show its effectiveness as evidence with many concrete examples.
That is the mathematical concept of division by zero.
A concrete example is typically expressed as follows, and the significance of its significance is apparent:

For the elementary functions, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = tan x and h(n)= a^n/n (a > 0), we have:

f(0)=0, g(\pi/2) = 0 and h(0) = log a,

by the DBZC (division by zero calculus).

The division by zero method is a new mathematics because it always takes a finite fixed value as a singular point, where it should not be considered as a singular point, and where it is considered as a pole.
Although the above function value is basic, it is a singular point and the value could not be considered.
We are widely guiding the effectiveness of the operation:
He professes that modern mathematics is still flawed. It is clear that there are basic defects in function theory, differential equations, geometry, and algebra, and it has been eight years since the discovery. This will be a stain on world history:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






                                  以 上

Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 614 (2021.3.28) Reasons for requesting revision of articles in mathematical communication, Japanese culture, state of the mathematical world, state of society; Mathematical Society of Japan, members of the media, is this all right?
In short, one of the journals of the Mathematical Society of Japan has officially requested correction of the contents of mathematics, but the current situation is that it continues to be ignored. With reference to this situation, I would like to mention related issues in accordance with the purpose of the statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research, which has announced that it is trying to build a better society.
First of all, to all the people involved in the Mathematical Society of Japan and the media, freedom of speech is well guaranteed in Japan. Minority opinions are often taken up, and some people are not treated as information by some people. Opinions are not ignored due to various differences such as origin, position, background, gender, university of origin, etc. Of course, the organization and friends are important, but basically, you are taking the basic stance of being for the sake of the country and the world, so to speak, for the sake of society. It seems that the minority opinions often reflect valuable opinions, but efforts are being made to pick up valuable opinions.
In the letter to the editorial board, you can post your suggestions to the Mathematical Society of Japan, suggestions related to the mathematics world such as mathematics education, and your opinions in the letter column to the editorial board. Have you ever been hired? It is a principle that we will not notify you of acceptance or rejection, and it is a principle of adoption. If handled poorly, it would be censored. Adopting or rejecting without giving a reason may not respect the opinions of the minority. What is the posting rule for?
Isn't the problem mentioned from the perspective of mathematics and the honor of the mathematics world important?
In order to build a good society and a good nation, we are announcing that we want to reveal the truth of mathematics and contribute to the culture of the world.
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 613 (2021.3.21) Embarrassing mistakes in mathematics, oversights of geniuses, people's beliefs; human beings are blind groups and appear to be unicellular groups
Why are they ignored? Isn't that important content? I want you to reveal the truth.
Since it is meaningless, it is considered to be ignored because it is small. Therefore, every day, we seek opinions from both inside and outside the country, and continue to reflect on and consider them.
On the contrary, it seems to us that it is full of insignificant research and information.
The content of the article mentioned requires that the truth of the clear result of mathematics be clarified first, depending on whether the mirror image is the origin or the point at infinity. It is a symbolic example, but it cannot be ignored because it is a long-standing historical problem of mathematics, a new discovery of division by zero, and extremely important content related to the basics of mathematics in general. Behind this, seven years have passed since the discovery, and he has repeatedly given lectures at the Mathematical Society of Japan, lectured at invited international conferences, and released video lectures at certain invited international conferences, and even his books have been published, not to mention papers. They even provide explanations that mean that the mathematical content of the mathematical communication is incorrect. I think that there is an article on mathematical communication that denies that fact. I have repeatedly stated that this is a shame not only for the world of mathematics but also for humankind.
Therefore, I think it is natural for a mathematician to ask for the truth.
Regarding the reason for the delay in understanding division by zero, I would like to give a frank impression from the perspective of improving the culture of the world.
I have a strong impression that division by zero is impossible at first, and I have a strong impression of refusal from the beginning because of my belief, and there is a human sexuality (saga) that I cannot escape from my belief. Free thinking is important in mathematics, and on the contrary, I have a deep belief.
Even if you find out on the way, there is a reality that you hesitate to correct the mistake and do not apologize while admitting or criticizing the mistake. Among them, there are quite a lot of people who do not know well, hide and criticize, or are silent when it becomes inconvenient, so to speak, they are treated like cowards. I have interacted with a considerable number of people, but few have frankly admitted their mistakes, and even fewer have been apologized. Therefore, it is considered that the world of the Internet is still full of inappropriate information. I think the common sense of the world is a stain on the mathematical world:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).

I think such a situation would be a shame and negligence in the mathematical and media worlds.
Those who are well understood that it was an important blind spot do not actively work on the evolution of mathematics, and are reluctant with the problems of the next generation. -This is probably because it is a big change and lacks a deep understanding. -Changes are easy, but changes to scholarly books are enormous. Since the missing part in the new mathematics is filled in, the correction will be enormous even if the new result is not included. However, even if you know the truth, you cannot make use of it. -It is brave to see the righteousness. I feel the weakness of love for Machi, the weakness of the truth, and the weakness of the heart that respects the truth.
Unfortunately, there is a reality that people are ignored from the beginning without looking at the contents of mathematics, whether because of a task or because of an unknown name. Certainly, almost all of the literature on division by zero is strange, and the impossibility is definite, so from the beginning, I can understand the feeling that it does not matter. However, there are cases such as the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry, and in fact, it is considered to be correct in such cases. -However, you should look at the mathematics itself, and it is essentially not good to judge by yourself. Then I have to say that it is essentially lacking in the scientific spirit. In addition, respect for diverse opinions, strange opinions, and novel opinions may be the basic existence of researchers.
Also, in order to pursue the truth, a thorough discussion should be the basic spirit of important research, but immediately stop the discussion and give an opinion of the other party, who is not interested, is not interested, cuts off the exchange. Isn't it a bad world to ignore? In search of the truth, thorough discussions and exchanges seem to be extremely basic in research.
Even in the mathematics world, there is a strong sense of face-to-face competition, a sense of competition, and a sense of fellowship, and surprisingly, I feel that the world of mathematics is getting worse beyond the pursuit of the truth of mathematics. Isn't the spirit of love for Machi important in the mathematical world? I want to thoroughly seek the truth of mathematics. I think the mathematical world must be open to society.
Recently, I can remember the scenes of the seminars by Yusaku Komatsu, Mitsuru Ozawa, and Suita, who I received at Tokyo Institute of Technology when I was a graduate student and a trainee. In a nutshell, it is a nostalgic training era that has been thoroughly trained with the strict spirit of mathematics. In such a sloppy mathematics situation and the response of the mathematics world, I am sorry for my teachers and I can not keep my honor, and I am constantly feeling fierce about the current situation.
Reiwa innovation is carried out, and now is the time to evolve world history with the division by zero method originating in Japan. The idea of ​​space since Aristotle and Euclid must be changed, and calculus must be revised. It can be said that trigonometric functions are also full of holes. A prominent example is the fact that the mirror image of the origin is the origin, not the point at infinity.
From the blog:
What is the Mathematical Society of Japan that cannot clarify the truth?
Can you say that you are a math researcher and a math teacher because you cannot correct what is wrong?
The math world that doesn't fix this seems to be ashamed every day. I woke up and felt a little intense emotions. Let's go to the hideout early for training.
2021.3.26.5: 02
There was zero at the point at infinity and beyond infinity. I did not notice.
It seems to be a small problem, but it is already clear that it is an event in the history of the world where the geocentric theory replaces the heliocentric theory, which turns the world upside down.
2021.3.25.5: 28
                                that's all
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 613 (2021.3.21) Embarrassing mistakes in mathematics, oversights of geniuses, people's beliefs; human beings are blind groups and appear to be unicellular groups
The delay in understanding division by zero is quite strange, and I'm wondering why. First, I will explain the essence of the most principle of division by zero.
The discovery that the value at the origin of the basic function y = 1 / x is zero can be said to be the essence of the discovery of division by zero.
It is said that the value of the basic function at the origin is zero.
The function diverges to infinity when approaching the origin from the positive direction, and diverges to minus infinity when approaching zero from the negative direction.
Those are facts, and of course modern mathematics is.
However, although they describe the situation when approaching the origin, they are
The problem is different from what the value at the origin is. No matter how close you are to the origin, it is a different matter whether the value at the origin is. I don't know if so-called continuity is established or something like that. That's why I didn't think about the value at the origin. I have vaguely come up with something like infinity. In complex analysis, we have considered the point at infinity, but it is strange that the value at the origin is infinite like a number. It can be said that it is really strange to connect a value that is not a number with an equal sign. Shouldn't the equal sign have to be a number? 1/0 = INFINITY is really strange.
In fact, it is already famous as a mistake of the genius Euler. Since division by zero is said to be 1/0 = 0, many people are amazed, and in fact, the people who heard and changed their facial expressions were domestic, Western, Asian, Russian, African, South American, and Arab people. The same is true for us. However, it was necessary to give a new meaning of 1/0. That is the new concept and meaning of division by zero. It can be said that the important point of division by zero, the blind spot, has been confusing and obscuring the approaching value and the approaching value for a long time. As is well known, division by zero is easily proved impossible in the ordinary sense, so even the geniuses of the world, Newton, Einstein, Euler, and Gauss, could not grasp the essence of division by zero. The genius Ramanojan had an intuition that 0/0 = 1, but the meaning of division by zero could not be grasped.
It's an important point, so I would like to quote it to deepen my understanding by referring to an email with a certain person:
First, when f (z) = 1 / z (z ≠ 0) is set as the fundamentals of functions and their limits,
f (z) is not defined with z = 0, and lim_ (z → 0) f (z) = ∞ is obvious as the limit.
At this time, when defining a new value at z = 0 and defining an extended function,
What kind of function value is taken at z = 0 is free.
When considering the Riemann surface in functional theory, it is convenient for continuity and conformality.
It is natural to define f (0) = ∞. (1/0 = ∞)
On the other hand, as suggested by the teacher, when considering various applications,
The theory that defines f (0) = 0 is also important. (1/0 = 0)
This is important, but it is clear that mathematics gives the definition and meaning of 1/0 = 0 in the Mu-Apenrose general inverse, Takahashi's uniqueness theorem, body structure, and more than 1100 concrete examples.
The idea is extremely easy to describe and the content and definition are simple.
At the level, it is natural from elementary school students. Just rethink the definition and meaning of division.
Therefore, he says that mathematics is embarrassing.
This is not only the shame of the mathematical world, but the shame of humankind's world history.
In the above, it is natural to define what kind of function value is taken at z = 0 as f (0) = ∞: It is strange to set the value to ∞, which is not a number. It means lim_ (z → 0) f (z) = ∞, and if you don't consider the extreme operation, you can say that ∞ is meaningless. We need to remember the definition of ∞.
It means that the mirror image of the circle at the center of the circle is the center itself, but what you should not think of as infinity or point at infinity is the basis of mathematics education in analysis. The reason is that the value that approaches and the value there are generally different, which is the ultimate idea, and it is basically important. However, in the mirror image, everyone did not notice it, and it was ambiguous for a long time.
I've been vague.
Unfortunately, the value approaching the origin is different from the value at the origin, and at the origin
An amazing number, zero, was defined that didn't look like it.
It can be said that it has been since Aristotle. Even if I point out this properly, it has not been corrected for 7 years, and even if I regularly point out the fact of the old mistake in the mathematical communication of the Mathematical Society of Japan, it seems that I can continue to ignore it even after more than a year. The same is true for the function theory subcommittee. It is not like a mathematician to have an attitude of avoiding something like seeing a world that everyone dislikes, so it seems that no one is responsible for mathematics education and research. I will end up. We are asking you to reveal the truth of mathematics. There is a situation in which the mathematics we teach has a basic flaw and is ignored even though it is repeatedly stated that it is in an embarrassing state. From the conscience of mathematicians, we must reveal the truth in the name of the beauty of mathematics.
-The cause of Reiwa innovation.
I've been wondering why my understanding isn't progressing, but I feel that I'm deeply absorbed in my specialty, closed to unicellular thinking and vision, and feel uneasy about the basics. I will. I am busy and have lost my mind, and I wonder if I can do good education and research in such a state.
Division by zero is a well-known problem with a long history, but there are many geniuses and geniuses in the world, but once it is considered impossible, the geniuses think that way and are human beings who can not get out of that thought. You will be informed of the sex (saga) of. Therefore, it is important to refer widely to the opinions of amateurs. In fact, our discovery was largely triggered by a question from an amateur.
In the world of mathematics, unlike political society, mathematical truth is considered to exist objectively and absolutely, so I hope that the truth will be revealed from the standpoint of pursuing the truth. I will.
The current mathematics is embarrassing, and it is thought that it is similar to the social situation in which the treatment and response of society are embarrassing, just denying the heliocentric theory and ignoring or criticizing it. Shouldn't one seek mathematical truth? It is clear that the problem is not irrelevant mathematics, but the basics of mathematics and the world view are directly related. What about eternity and infinity?
                                that's all
Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 612 (2021.3.19) We have discovered-elementary results of mathematics
We have found that, in a natural sense, it breaks at zero.
We have found that infinity is represented by zero.
We found that the slope of a utility pole standing straight was zero.
We have found that the y-axis gradient is zero.
We have found that the value at the center of a right-angled hyperbola takes the value at the center.
We have found that the singularity takes a meaningful value.
We have discovered that infinite distance is in line with the origin.
We have found that there is zero beyond infinity.
We have found that everything starts at zero and returns to zero.
We found that the mirror image of the center of the circle is the center itself.
We have discovered that zero has the property of showing the impossible.
We have discovered that zero may indicate that it does not exist.
We have found that Euclidean geometry is flawed in infinitely distant ideas.
We have discovered that both straight lines and points can be regarded as circles with the origin at the center and zero curvature.
We discovered the basic arithmetic concept and word called division by zero DBZC. Published it in a book:

January, 2021





These are emotional and emotional expressions for amateurs and the general public. Accurately, strictly speaking, I think that it is described in the above book in a self-contained manner.
                              that's all
Reproducing Kernel Research Institute Statement 609 (2021.3.11): Geometry of complex numbers and circles-Shimane University, commentary by Toshihiro Nakanishi (Mathematics Communication, February 2020 issue) Request for correction of description
Here, the description means that the central mirror image of the circle is the point at infinity.
It is a request to change the description that the mirror image of the center is the center itself.
The detailed background is
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 551 (2020.3.8) Members of the Function Theory Subcommittee--
I think that the current undergraduate function theory textbook and educational content have basic flaws.
Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 606 (2021.3.1): New world has been opened up, seeking exploration of the new world:

From Riemann sphere to Daeumler – Puha horn torus; 2021.2.22.5:33
From Euclid – Riemann to Daeumler – Puha horn torus model; 2021.2.22.07:30

See. The request for consideration was given to the author himself and the editorial manager, Mr. Hiroo Tokunaga, the editorial chairman of "Mathematics Communication" (Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:22:54 +0900). , I haven't been contacted at all since then.
What is the reason for the correction request?
Since mathematicians cannot correct mistakes, it is thought that the reason why the Mathematical Society of Japan does not correct mistakes is because they misunderstand that it can be either, or because they understand the mistakes.
Therefore, I want you to clarify the truth. I think that it is against the honor and duty of the mathematician of the person concerned.
On a beautiful spring morning, the spirit of mathematics was trained at a high-class seminar attended by Professor Yusaku Komatsu, Professor Ozawa, and Professor Suita at Tokyo Institute of Technology. The teachers were of a fulfilling age, and a good mathematician, Professor Oikawa of the University of Tokyo, etc. often participated, and the people who were called assistants at that time were also strict.
I woke up with such a thought when I thought that the current state of function theory was strange. Why can't this be clarified? Why don't you ask for the truth. I will not clarify. The classical idea of ​​a mirror image is wrong, and there are fundamental flaws in the foundation of modern mathematics. I want you to find out the truth. Can you say that you are a mathematician because you can't do that? I can't forgive it in the spirit of mathematics we received. That is the unyielding conscience of the researcher. 2021.3.6.5: 25 (published on the blog).
Seven years have passed since the discovery of division by zero, and I have repeatedly given lectures at the Mathematical Society of Japan, and have met as individually as possible for each academic society to seek understanding of division by zero. Therefore, there is no legitimate criticism from anywhere in the world, and the video lecture of the invited international conference has been released, and the book has also been published. However, there are still widespread situations in which a considerable number of people are misunderstood as described above. Since it is related not only to the problem of mirror images but also to the world view and the basics of basic mathematics in general, the Mathematical Society of Japan is responsible for clarifying the truth and certifying the facts as an institution responsible for mathematics research and education. I think it will be a basic obligation.
I would like to continue to investigate the truth with the conscience of mathematicians, and with the honor of mathematics, strive for the cause of Reiwa innovation.
The results were specifically mentioned in ISAAC 2015, Plenary Lectures on Macau, and officially published:

S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,
Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications - Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, {\bf 177}(2016), 151-182. (Springer). that's all





\title{\bf  Announcement 600:  The 7th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$ \\

(2021.2.2)\\ For Founding a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus


\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\

Kawauchi-cho, 5-1648-16,\\

Kiryu 376-0041, Japan\\

{\bf kbdmm360@yahoo.co.jp}\\




 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$ in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotele (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 – 668 ?).

However, note that the division by zero $1/0=0$ having a mysterious long history was, in fact, known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  $ax=b$.


The division by zero calculus is  a new and fundamental concept,  and it  may be defined simply as follows:


For a function $y = f(x)$ which is $n$ order differentiable at $x =a$, we will {\bf define} the value

of the function, for $n \ge 0$


\frac{f(x)}{(x -a)^n}


at the point $x=a$ by the value




For the important case of $n=1$,


\frac{f(x)}{x -a} |_{x=a} = f^\prime(a).



Look the simple evidence of its importance:


 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry


Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:



For the detailed information, the book will be published soon as:


S. Saitoh, Introduction to the Division by Zero Calculus, Scientific Research Publishing (2021) (in press).


Some publisher of London is wishing some publication of a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus. The topics may be identified as the division by zero calculus. However, the contents will be related to our serious problems:


What is ZERO?


What is Division by Zero, in some serious sense?


The problems may be related to mathematical philosophy, long history and our culture.

The starting of the International Journal will not be still easy at this moment, however, for its importance, we would like to manage to found the new Journal in some near future. So, we will need the kind help of the leading mathematical scientists.


How will be the related physicists?


Computer scientists?


We attached the journal style (in a rough way) in the below. You can express your positive suggestions and comments for the style.

For your great contributions in connection with this topics, how will be your editorial member?

However, the final decision may be done by the publisher.

We wish to have your positive answer with your valuable suggestions and comments.

If you kindly are interested in the editorial member, then please send your simple CV with your wishes for some estimation by the publisher.

Please kindly forward this announcement to your related colleagues that you think suitable persons.


{\it For your starting email, I think as follows:

Many thanks for your email. The journals suggested by you are very interesting and new to the subject area. We accept to publish both journals under your editorship. We need following things from your side for preparing the sample web page of the journals.

1. Aim and Scope , Instructions to Authors, List of the editorial board members, Frequency of the journal.

Of course, they are important. However, for Frequency of the journal, we should consider it in a new type. We should not loss our valuable time for us and for the authors. We all do not like to loss our time for publication and refereeing time. This will mean that we should not fix Frequency of the journal. When a paper was accepted officially, then, soon the paper should be presented on line. So, some time, we can give the number for an accepted paper. If you wish to publish the papers in some Journal style or book, you will be able to publish them in some papers with a suitable page numbers. How will be this idea?

2. The journal will be free for the readers (open Access publications). The journal will not charge any fee from the authors for getting published in the journal.

Fine: However is it possible?

3. We need some sample images from your end to prepare the cover page for the journals.

We can consider them with computer graphics.

For a paper style, how will be it in a free style, we request it PDF in order not to

loss any valuable time for us and for the authors.

I think: this is an ideal style

viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

The problem is no refereeing procedures. We are requested to have some authority, some check system for the paper. This is a problem only.

I think you will be able to consider new journals in this spirit.

The publisher already gave a very good sample manuscript form by LaTex; very simple way. No problem.

4. We will provide the support to the editor to check the plagiarism in the articles via turnitin software.

We will request minor corrections formally for the accepted paper.}





C. B. Boyer, An early reference to division by zero,  The Journal of the American Mathematical Monthly, {\bf 50} (1943), (8), 487- 491. Retrieved March 6, 2018, from the JSTOR database.


L. P.  Castro and S. Saitoh,  Fractional functions and their representations,  Complex Anal. Oper. Theory {\bf7} (2013), no. 4, 1049-1063.


M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane,

New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on $100/0=0$ and on $0/0=0$,

Int. J. Appl. Math.  {\bf 27} (2014), no 2, pp. 191-198,  DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9.


T. Matsuura and S. Saitoh,

Matrices and division by zero $z/0=0$,

Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory, {\bf 6}(2016), 51-58

Published Online June 2016 in SciRes.   http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt

\\ http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007.


T. Matsuura, H. Michiwaki and S. Saitoh,

$\log 0= \log \infty =0$ and applications. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 293-305.


H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh and  M.Yamada,

Reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$.  IJAPM  International J. of Applied Physics and Math. {\bf 6}(2015), 1–8. http://www.ijapm.org/show-63-504-1.html


H. Michiwaki, H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

 Division by Zero $z/0 = 0$ in Euclidean Spaces,

 International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, {\bf 2}8(2017); Issue  1, 1-16.


 H. Okumura,  Is It Really Impossible To Divide By Zero?  Biostat Biometrics Open Acc J. 2018; 7(1): 555703.

DOI: 10.19080/BBOJ.2018.07.555703.


H. Okumura, Wasan geometry with the division by 0. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06947 International  Journal of Geometry. {\bf 7}(2018), No. 1, 17-20.


H. Okumura,

An Analogue to Pappus Chain theorem with Division by Zero, Forum Geom., {\bf 18} (2018),  409–412.


H. Okumura, To Divide by Zero is to Multiply by Zero, viXra: 1811.0283  submitted on 2018-11-18 20:46:54.


H. Okumura, A Remark of the Definition of $0/0=0$ by Brahmagupta,  viXra:1902.0221 submitted on 2019-02-12 23:41:31.


H. Okumura, A Chain of Circles Touching a Circle and Its Tangent and Division by Zero,

viXra:2001.0034 submitted on 2020-01-03 01:08:58.


H. Okumura, Pappus Chain and Division by Zero, viXra:2001.0123 replaced on 2020-01-08 06:57:36.


H. Okumura, S. Saitoh and T. Matsuura, Relations of   $0$ and  $\infty$,

Journal of Technology and Social Science (JTSS), {\bf 1}(2017),  70-77.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, The Descartes circles theorem and division by zero calculus. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.04961 (2017.11.14).


H.  Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Harmonic Mean and Division by Zero,

Dedicated to Professor Josip Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18} (2018), 155—159.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Remarks for The Twin Circles of Archimedes in a Skewed Arbelos by H. Okumura and M. Watanabe, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18}(2018), 97-100.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Applications of the division by zero calculus to Wasan geometry.



H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus,

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM), {\bf  2 }(2018),  57–73.


S. Pinelas and S. Saitoh,

Division by zero calculus and differential equations. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 399-418.


H. G. Romig, Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero,

American Mathematical Monthly, {\bf 3}1, No. 8. (Oct., 1924),  387-389.


S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices,  Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory.  {\bf 4}  (2014), no. 2,  87–95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/


S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,

Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications – Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics,  {\bf 177}(2016),     151-182.


S.-E. Takahasi, M. Tsukada and Y. Kobayashi,  Classification of continuous fractional binary operations on the real and complex fields,  Tokyo Journal of Mathematics,   {\bf 38}(2015), no. 2, 369-380.


Announcement 179 (2014.8.30): Division by zero is clear as z/0=0 and it is fundamental in mathematics.


Announcement 185 (2014.10.22): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 237 (2015.6.18):  A reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$ by  geometrical optics.


Announcement 246 (2015.9.17): An interpretation of the division by zero $1/0=0$ by the gradients of lines.


Announcement 247 (2015.9.22): The gradient of y-axis is zero and $\tan (\pi/2) =0$ by the division by zero $1/0=0$.


Announcement 250 (2015.10.20): What are numbers? –  the Yamada field containing the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 252 (2015.11.1): Circles and

curvature – an interpretation by Mr.

Hiroshi Michiwaki of the division by

zero $r/0 = 0$.


Announcement 281 (2016.2.1): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 282 (2016.2.2): The Division by Zero $z/0=0$ on the Second Birthday.


Announcement 293 (2016.3.27):  Parallel lines on the Euclidean plane from the viewpoint of division by zero 1/0=0.


Announcement 300 (2016.05.22): New challenges on the division by zero z/0=0.


 Announcement 326 (2016.10.17): The division by zero z/0=0 – its impact to human beings through education and research.


Announcement 352 (2017.2.2):   On the third birthday of the division by zero z/0=0.


Announcement 354 (2017.2.8): What are $n = 2,1,0$ regular polygons inscribed in a disc? — relations of $0$ and infinity.


Announcement 362 (2017.5.5): Discovery of the division by zero as  $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$


Announcement 380 (2017.8.21):  What is the zero?


Announcement 388 (2017.10.29):   Information and ideas on zero and division by zero (a project).


Announcement 409 (2018.1.29.):  Various Publication Projects on the Division by Zero.


Announcement 410 (2018.1 30.):  What is mathematics? — beyond logic; for great challengers on the division by zero.


Announcement 412 (2018.2.2.): The 4th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 433 (2018.7.16.):  Puha’s Horn Torus Model for the Riemann Sphere From the Viewpoint of Division by Zero.


Announcement 448 (2018.8.20):  Division by Zero;

 Funny History and New World.


Announcement 454 (2018.9.29): The International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, October 22-23.


Announcement 460 (2018.11.06): Change the Poor Idea to the Definite Results For the Division by Zero – For the Leading Mathematicians.


Announcement 461 (2018.11.10): An essence of division by zero and a new axiom.


Announcement 471(2019.2.2):  The 5th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 478(2019.3.4):  Who did derive first the division by zero $1/0$ and the division by zero calculus $\tan(\pi/2)=0, \log 0=0$ as the outputs of a computer?


Announcement 540(2020.2.2): The 6th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.



prepare the article according to the sample style of the journal. 


Thanks again, 

#mathmystery #infinityinspace

30 5月

Math Mystery why division of zero not defined  

#mathmystery #infinityinspace

Math Mystery why division of zero not defined  Math Mystery why division of zero not definedhi IndiaI is today math Mysterywhy division by zero not definedthis is an interesting .bcz it doesn’t look so at first glance .but it isto get the why it sow…www.youtube.com

#0の0乗 #指数 #底 MML第20回 0の0乗はいくつでしょうか   

2021年05月29日(土)NEW !

#0の0乗 #指数 #底

MML第20回 0の0乗はいくつでしょうか   

再生核研究所は、1と0の値です:MML第20回 0の0乗はいくつでしょうか#0の0乗 #指数 #底学校の指数の学習で、実数 a の値が正のとき、aの0乗は 1 と習います。では、a=0 のとき、すなわち 0 の 0 乗はいくらになるでしょうか。www.youtube.com

TIL that IEEE 754 wants every floating point arithmetic operation (including division by zero) to have a well defined result https://rubyguides.com/2019/07/ruby-infinity/

0 / 0 = ZeroDivisionError 0.0 / 0 = NaN why ruby why


Division by zero/mathematical concepts/learn by understanding… repeated subtraction… #…

Division by zero/mathematical concepts/learn by understanding… repeated subtraction… #…division by zero# repeatedly subtraction# learning mathematics📐📊📚📐📊📚#easy learning approach… simple mathematicswww.youtube.com

基礎知識だけど、”1+0″は当然”1″だけど、”1+null”は結果が”null”になる、それどころか”null/0″っていう、数学的にはタブーなゼロ除算をやっても結果は”null”っていうとんでもない結果になる(エラーにすらならない)ので、冗談抜きに死ぬぞ。 (まぁ初心者は誰もがやるミスだろうw)

Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14″What’s zero divided by zero?”Newer rendition of Siri’s representation of zero divided by zero.www.youtube.com

divide by zero

divide by zerohe in fact, was not.Das it.www.youtube.com


最近の小学校は 〇÷0=0 と教えていると聞いて衝撃を受けた朝。 ゆいもおうも2人して「0!」と答えるから、 悲しくなった だって、学校でそう習ったよって。

ゼロのゼロ乗や、ゼロ乗、など結構な話題になっていますが、新説を唱え結構な具体例をあげて居ますので、 参考にして下さい。 定義はいろいろ考えられますので、その様に定義すると良い具体例を沢山探して、説得するような姿勢は大事ではないでしょうか。 下記もご参考にして下さい:

ですね 数学における0除算 物理における量子論と因果律 など、ウロボロスの蛇の中にいるのかもしれませんね 1+1=2を厳密に定義することすら難しい

#数学 #数学者 #数学科



Batch file returns “divide by zero error” only when run using Task Scheduler Batch file returns “divide by zero error” only when run using Task SchedulerBatch file returns “divide by zero error” only when run using Task SchedulerHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/roelvandepaarWith…www.youtube.com





Mencari informasi yang lebih mendalam lagi.. beliau ini pernah belajar ke India karena di India sudah ada yang menemukan nol dan menggunakannya dalam perhitungan.. Nol ditemukan oleh Brahmagupta..Siswa, Yuk Kenali Ilmuwan Penemu Aljabar dan Angka NolAda seorang ilmuwan yang menyumbangkan pemikiran tentang ilmu Matematika. Ilmuwan itu adalah Muhammad bin Musa Al Khawarizmi.www.kompas.com

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  

2021年04月28日(水)NEW !

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?Short answer – EVERY NUMBER IN THE WORLD. 2:12 (Also the fun answer.)In this video, I do something similar to Dr. Shelton Cooper from The Big Bang Theory in…www.youtube.com

ゼロ除算は無限じゃなくて、存在しないって解釈らしいんだけど、 0だったら何回でも引けるのに、無限にならないのはなんで? 0は引いてるって言わないから? ぱっぱらぱー。 二度寝しようかな。





二度寝しようかな。— ありんこ (@arisu_men) April 28, 2021

ゼロ除算は、 実はゼロの意味からもあたりまえです:

 ゼロで割ることは 割らないこと、したがって 割り当てられた数は無く、ゼロ。ゼロには、しないこと、できないことを表す 意味がある。

ゼロで割ることは 割らないこと、したがって 割り当てられた数は無く、ゼロ。ゼロには、しないこと、できないことを表す 意味がある。 ゼロ円あげるは、あげないことですね。ゼロ回施行は、しないことですね。 時速ぜろkmで走るは 止まっていて 走らないことを意味しますね。 ですから、ゼロの意味を考えれば、実は ゼロで割る問題は、初めから当たり前でした。 さー世界の常識を変えましょう。 ー 令和革新の大義
無限のかなたに です。
ところが その先に ゼロが存在した。 思えば、楽しく驚嘆すべき世界、それが何とゼロ除算の世界で、新世界です。 それは ホーントーラスで 実現される。 雑誌の表紙の図版に採用されている。
2000年の歴史を越えて 人類が発見した、完全な数学の世界である。
数学の2つの元、ユークリッド幾何と算術の法則 ブラーマグプタの世界には 不完全さが すなわち、数学には 基本的な欠陥が 存在して、現在に至っている。 我々は不適当な世界観、数学の上に生きて来た。
2021.4.20.8:40#Dividing By Zero | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | TumgirExplore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #Dividing By Zero with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumgirwww.tumgir.com


【ゆっくり解説】1=0の証明とゼロ除算明らかにおかしいのに案外気付けない、そんな間違い探しのようなミスを通して数学を掘り下げてみよう回総エンコ時間 : 1h45m41.2s 長すぎん?――timetable0:00 introduction0:19 proof1 a=b1:32 definition of division & division by…www.youtube.com

Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   


Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   

Divide By Zero | Untitled ProductionsWhat happens when you divide by zero? Ryan asks Rishi about what happens when you do so, only to find out the crazy truth. Written and directed by Rishi CCas…www.youtube.com


If there’s a magical division by zero, the universe won’t implode! The person who does it will just be shunted into another universe.


 できない考え方ではできません。 できるようにする自然な素晴らしい考え方があります:


数学基礎学力研究会公式サイト 楽しい数学http://www.mirun.sctv.jp › ~suugaku
数学基礎学力研究会の基本理念は{ 楽しい数学 }です。より多くの方々に「数学は面白い」と思っていただけるよう、種々の活動を行っております。本サイトの「数学教室」では、「堪らなく楽しい数学-ゼロで割ることを考える」 と「和算 …
数学 禁忌
無限 割り算
ゼロ割 回避
0で割る 無限


現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

Please look 1/0=0:

As Fundamental of Mathematics,  the division by zero was known as the generalized

 Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:

 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:




Book was published:




January, 2021

再生核研究所声明617(2021.4.23):  ゼロ除算の理解を求める ― マスコミ関係者にお願い

次は ゼロ除算の理解の遅れについて

再生核研究所声明 614(2021.3.28) 数学通信の記事の修正を求める理由、日本の文化、数学界の様子、社会の様子; 日本数学会、マスコミ関係者の皆さま、これで良いでしょうか。


それで、今でもインターネットの世界では不適当な情報で溢れていると考えられる。世の常識は 数学界の汚点であると考える:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).


と述べて 数学界とマスコミ界を批判するような表現になっている。 そこで、特にマスコミ関係者に説明を行い、希望を具体的に表現したい。
まずは ゼロ除算の新しい数学は、数学の基礎と数学教育の基本に関わることで、しかも 日本発の世界的な文化の貢献になると考えられ、大きな一般的な話題であることに触れたい。実際、小学校から大学までの基礎数学の変更が 要求され、更に歴史的な世界観の変更に繋がると考えられている。
その内容については 厖大な資料を提供してきており、多くは公開されている。招待国際会議ビデオ講演を公開、著書さえ出版し、イギリスからその専門国際雑誌の創刊が進められている。
マスコミの方に その様な専門的な事の内容に議論して頂くことは考えず、 問題は 世の基本的な問題を数学界に働きかけているにも関わらず、数学界の無視したような学界の在りようの是非を問い、 真実を明らかにすべく、社会の話題として、広く議論して欲しいとの マスコミの在りようを問うています。
上記声明614で 詳しく述べていますが、数学界の在りようはおかしくはないでしょうか。数学界の基本的な問題を提起しているにも関わらず、責任者達が真面に取り合わず 無視どころか、中傷するさまさえ 現れています。数学の世界が権威主義になっていることを認めず、数学の実体的な存在を確信している者としては 無視されている私が、日本数学会の名誉会員であり、アメリカ数学会名誉会員でもあり、日本数学界評議員経験者で 国立大学の名誉教授であることには触れたくはなかった。
しかしながら、公然とした無視した在りようは 日本数学会(界)の歴史的な汚点になり、国益をも著しくそこなうことになると考えます。
内容は、極めて基本的で、小学生から高校生の楽しい話題にもなるもので、話題を社会の問題としてとりあげ、楽しく 世にも珍しい新しい発見、ゼロ除算の話題を 世界の話題として日本から発信し、 コロナ禍の暗い世相を吹き飛ばしたい。今こそ、日本国は世界の文化に貢献すべき絶好の機会であると考えます。 ― 令和革新の大義。

マスコミ関係者は 素人でも分る初歩的な 数学の問題を楽しく 取り上げ、数学界のおかしな在りようも明らかにし、日本文化の後進性などにも光を与え、多様な文化の発展に貢献できるものと考えます。

まずは 声明614を参照して そのきっかけを 掴んで頂ければ幸です。

                               以 上

2021.4.21.14;58 マスコミ関係者が分らない、数学界の問題にということではなく、そのような大きな話題が存在する その事実を取り上げて欲しいとの発想で、声明構想が湧いた。 マスコミは 真相を 話題にして明かにする努力をして欲しい ということ。 学界が閉鎖的で、議論できない状況を打破して欲しい ということ。
2021.4.21.18:25 そんなにおかしくはないが。
2021.4.22.05:04 そんなにおかしくない、活かせるかも知れない。
2021.3.22.07:10 90分山を巡ってくる。タケノコが結構出始めていた。 これは素直だが公表しても良いものだろうか。 大体固まっている。 正方向からの表現が良いが、どんどん素直な真実を求める表現も良い。
それで真実を、真理を求めていると 言えるでしょうか。教育者と言えるでしょうか。


円の中心の鏡像は 無限遠点であるという。 それでは、 どこに円が在っても、円の中心の鏡像は 無限遠点であるとなってしまう。 ゼロ除算は、円の中心は 
中心自身であること を述べている。 球面でも同じであるが、 球面が鏡ならば 中心から光が出れば 中心に戻るのではないだろうか。 鏡像の間違いは、 ユークリッド、 ブラーマグプタ、すなわち数学の基礎の欠陥を 歴然と示している。 ゼロ除算の本質である。 それゆえに、日本数会機関誌 数学通信の記事の修正を求めているが、1年を越えても無視を 続けている。 恥ずかしいことではないだろうか。
ところが、論文、招待国際会議、数学会でも繰り返し講演、発表し、著書も出版、 専門国際雑誌を創刊しようというのに 修正しない。 迫っても修正しない数学者たち、可笑しいのではないでしょうか。 それで真実を、真理を求めていると 言えるでしょうか。教育者と言えるでしょうか。

鏡像が ゼロであることは、 ゼロ除算発見の 1丁目1番地の 最も大事な観点で、 発見 そのものです。 同時に 従来数学は間違いであるという論点です。 超古典的な結果に間違いがある。 小松先生たちの書かれた 本、 私にとっては 聖典、志した もとに 間違いがあるということです。アルフォース など の古典も そうですね。 
D. H. Armitage and S. J. Gardiner :  Classical Potential Theory
では 鏡像を深く扱っているのですが、原点の鏡像は 注意深く 触れていません。 それは、無限遠点を避けているようです。
しかし、考えてみたら、鏡像のおかしさは そんなに難しくない 当たり前のように思います。
厳格に考えて下さい。 先生は 自身で触れられているようにさえ 見えます。
近づいていったら 近づいて行った。 無限大に。
近づいて行った先の原点の値と それは厳密に関係あるでしょうか。
不幸にして、原点での値は ゼロだった。 値はゼロである。 それが先生も導かれている。
無限大、無限遠点とは何でしょうか。  アラユル コンパクト 集合の 外にある点です。 そのような点 存在するのでしょうか。 

その様な存在、 実体と言えるでしょうか。
無限大や無限遠点は 極限の概念で定義され、値ではなく、ある状況を表して居る のではないでしょうか。
原点に近づくとき、いくらでも大きくなる。しかし、それは 原点の値と一致する必要はない です。
従来数学は、特異点の外での数学、ゼロ除算算法の数学は 特異点でも考える数学。 それゆえに お互いに独立で矛盾しない。ゼロ除算は新しい世界です。 ですから、従来数学におかしいことはないのですが、鏡像だけは 考えてはならない筈の特異点で言明し、それは新しい数学と矛盾するという 事実をもたらしました。これがゼロ除算の原形です。
考えてはならないところが 埋まるのですから、数学は美しく 完全化されます。
そればかりか、日々新しい現象を発見しています。 全く新規な 驚嘆すべき結果を どんどん導いています。
私は コーシー時代のような活力ある時代を迎えると思います。
私は、古典数学に間違いがある と宣言しています。再生核研究所声明 618(2021.4.25) 日本数学会は 今、日本国と世界に 直接貢献すべきである ー できる絶好の機会

(買い物に出かけて来た。 次の声明の直接的な 考えを纏めたく 情念が湧いてきて来た。散歩の後 直ぐに纏めたい。)

再生核研究所声明 616(2021.4.10)  今こそ、日本数学会は、日本国は、世界の文化に貢献できる。

数学の内容は 具体的に上記に述べられているので、数学会の姿勢の問題の観点から、直接提案する形で述べたい。 学会の在りようは それなりの伝統と理由があって現在があるのだから、それなりに尊重させるべきであることは 当然である。 更に数学のような基礎科学は地味に 静かに研究が行われるべきであるという 強い側面が存在することに 特に念を押して置きたい。そこで、言及したいのは 言わば異なった視点からの独断と偏見に満ちた、しかしながら注目すべき観点もあるのではないかとの思いで 纏めて見たい。
現在世界の世相は コロナ禍、地球規模の環境問題で 言わば苦しい状況下におかれている。 首相をはじめ 政治家、首長の方々の 真摯な努力には 深い敬意の念が湧いてくる。一致団結して これらの難局に 協力していきたい。 言わば戦う敵、対象が 人間ではなく、ウイルスや環境だから、それらとの人類との聖戦に望んでおられるように 皆さんの真摯な姿勢がみえる。大局的には 人類繁茂の生態系の維持に抵触する 人類の活動の、自由の制限を意味するから、苦しい受難の状況は 永く人類に襲い掛かると考えられる。苦しい時代の始まりである。
このような折り、数学等の基礎科学の研究生活、観衆を必要とするスポーツ、芸能、文化活動は厳しい世相で 一層苦しい状況が 予想される。当然、社会全般に 苦しい情況が 起きていると考えられる。 相当な覚悟が要請されていると考えられる。
しかしながら、スポーツ界の明るいニュ―ス、 音楽、芸術、芸能など 暗い世相の中で人々を元気付け、励まし、力を湧かせている例も多く、高く評価される。 池江璃花子 選手の超人的な快挙等も 多くの人に感銘と勇気を与えている。
日本数学会も それらに匹敵できる 日本ばかりではなく、世界の文化に直接貢献できる ニュース、成果を持ちながら、それらを活かせず、社会的に閉じて、社会貢献を意図せず、独りよがりの 数学の研究課題にはまっているような 状態ではないだろうか。 確かに数学などの基礎科学が 直接社会貢献に寄与するのは難しい状況は一般にはあり、 仕方のない面が 本質的に存在するが、ゼロ除算の解明、発見が別格の発見であり、世界史上の事件で、しかもそれは数学の基礎と世界観の問題に直接関わる 世紀の問題であると考える。

現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






問題は 日本数学会が意図的にそのような成果を隠蔽し、成果を数学界の快挙として評価せず、言わばおおきな機会を活かせず、社会から遊離して、言わば ぼんやりし、古い世界から 抜け出せず、衰退の状況に陥っていることである。数学会が社会から遊離している。 数学会は 社会にどのように貢献しいるか、国民に対して明らかにして行かなければならない。我々は直接 社会にどのような貢献をしているか、絶えず反省していかなければならない。 コロナ禍における、医学界の尽力に劣らないように 真剣に社会貢献を果たしていきたい。 数学の教育と研究が 我々の基本的な課題である。
我々は ゼロ除算の解明が 新思想、新世界観を持たらし、2300年以上の歴史を有する数学を美しく完全化させ、コーシー時代のように 数学が活力ある時代を迎えられると考える。
これらの話題は 庶民レベルの沢山の楽しい、深い話題を世に提供し、それらの話題は、暗い世相を吹き飛ばし、明るい未来を志向する道しるべになると考える。
日本数学会の 積極的な取り組みを 数学の大義を受けて、要請したい。
日本発の新しい基礎数学を開拓して、 日本国は 世界史の進化 に貢献したい。

                                     以 上


Dividing by Nothing by Alberto Martinez

Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity.

https://notevenpast.org/dividing-nothing/  より

The Road

Fig 5.2. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) were the culprits, ignoring the first commandment of mathematics not to divide by zero. But they hit gold, because what they mined in the process was the ideal circle.

http://thethirty-ninesteps.com/page_5-the_road.php より

mercredi, juillet 06, 2011
0/0, la célèbre formule d’Evariste Galois !
http://divisionparzero.blogspot.jp/2011/07/00-la-celebre-formule-devariste-galois.html  より

無限に関する様々な数学的概念:無限大 :記号∞ (アーベルなどはこれを 1 / 0 のように表記していた)で表す。 大雑把に言えば、いかなる数よりも大きいさまを表すものであるが、より明確な意味付けは文脈により様々である。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%84%A1%E9%99%90 より

リーマン球面:無限遠点が、実は 原点と通じていた。

https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%B3%E7%90%83%E9%9D%A2 より

http://jestingstock.com/indian-mathematician-brahmagupta-image.html より

ブラーマグプタ(Brahmagupta、598年 – 668年?)はインドの数学者・天文学者。ブラマグプタとも呼ばれる。その著作は、イスラーム世界やヨーロッパにインド数学や天文学を伝える役割を果たした。
628年に、総合的な数理天文書『ブラーマ・スプタ・シッダーンタ』(ब्राह्मस्फुटसिद्धान्त Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta)を著した。この中の数章で数学が扱われており、第12章はガニタ(算術)、第18章はクッタカ(代数)にあてられている。クッタカという語は、もとは「粉々に砕く」という意味だったが、のちに係数の値を小さくしてゆく逐次過程の方法を意味するようになり、代数の中で不定解析を表すようになった。この書では、 0 と負の数にも触れていて、その算法は現代の考え方に近い(ただし 0 ÷ 0 = 0 と定義している点は現代と異なっている)


ブラーマ・スプタ・シッダーンタ (Brahmasphutasiddhanta) は、7世紀のインドの数学者・天文学者であるブラーマグプタの628年の著作である。表題は宇宙の始まりという意味。
数としての「0(ゼロ)の概念」がはっきりと書かれた、現存する最古の書物として有名である。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%96%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B9%E3%83%97%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B7%E3%83%83%E3%83%80%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF より


An Early Reference to Division by Zero C. B. Boyer

Impact of ‘Division by Zero’ in Einstein’s Static Universe and Newton’s Equations in Classical Mechanics:http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Relativity%20Theory/Download/2084 より

ラース・ヴァレリアン・アールフォルス(Lars Valerian Ahlfors、1907年4月18日-1996年10月11日)はフィンランドの数学者。リーマン面の研究と複素解析の教科書を書いたことで知られる。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9%E3%83%BB%E3%83%B4%E3%82%A1%E3%83%AC%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%83%BB%E3%82%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B9

COMPLEX ANALYSIS, 3E (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics) (英語) ハードカバー – 1979/1/1
Lars Ahlfors (著)

原点の円に関する鏡像は、実は 原点であった。

Ramanujan says that answer for 0/0 is infinity. But I’m not sure it’s …

You can see from the other answers, that from the concept of limits, 0/0 can approach any value, even infinity. … So, let me take a system where division by zero is actually defined, that is, you can multiply or divide both sides of an equation by …


Abel Memorial in Gjerstad

Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero
H. G. Romig
The American Mathematical Monthly
Vol. 31, No. 8 (Oct., 1924), pp. 387-389
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
DOI: 10.2307/2298825
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2298825
Page Count: 3

ロピタルの定理 (ロピタルのていり、英: l’Hôpital’s rule) とは、微分積分学において不定形 (en) の極限を微分を用いて求めるための定理である。綴りl’Hôpital / l’Hospital、カタカナ表記ロピタル / ホスピタルの揺れについてはギヨーム・ド・ロピタルの項を参照。ベルヌーイの定理 (英語: Bernoulli’s rule) と呼ばれることもある。本定理を (しばしば複数回) 適用することにより、不定形の式を非不定形の式に変換し、その極限値を容易に求めることができる可能性がある。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AD%E3%83%94%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AB%E3%81%AE%E5%AE%9A%E7%90%86

Ein aufleuchtender Blitz: Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit
https://books.google.co.jp/books?isbn=3642558402 –

Arild Stubhaug – 2013 – ‎Mathematics

Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit Arild Stubhaug. Abb. 19 a–c. a. … Eine Kurve, die Abel studierte und dabei herausfand, wie sich der Umfang inn gleich große Teile aufteilen lässt. … Beim Integralzeichen statt der liegenden ∞ den Bruch 1/0.


Indeterminate: the hidden power of 0 divided by 0
2016/12/02 に公開
You’ve all been indoctrinated into accepting that you cannot divide by zero. Find out about the beautiful mathematics that results when you do it anyway in calculus. Featuring some of the most notorious “forbidden” expressions like 0/0 and 1^∞ as well as Apple’s Siri and Sir Isaac Newton.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc0M1o8tuPo より


file:///C:/Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/P1-Division.pdf より

file:///C:/Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/Y_1770_Euler_Elements%20of%20algebra%20traslated%201840%20l%20p%2059%20(1).pdf より

An Approach to Overcome Division by Zero in the Interval Gauss Algorithm

Carolus Fridericus Gauss:https://www.slideshare.net/fgz08/gauss-elimination-4686597

https://www.math.nyu.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/Stamps/stamps.html より

Archimedes Principle in Completely Submerged Balloons: Revisited
Ajay Sharma:


[PDF]Indeterminate Form in the Equations of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein
0. 0 . The reason is that in the case of Archimedes principle, equations became feasible in. 1935 after enunciation of the principle in 1685, when … Although division by zero is not permitted, yet it smoothly follows from equations based upon.

Thinking ahead of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein – The General …
old Archimedes Principle, Newton’ s law, Einstein ‘s mass energy equation. E=mc2 . …. filled in balloon becomes INDETERMINATE (0/0). It is not justified. If the generalized form Archimedes principle is used then we get exact volume V …..


Find circles that are tangent to three given circles (Apollonius’ Problem) in C#

http://csharphelper.com/blog/2016/09/find-circles-that-are-tangent-to-three-given-circles-apollonius-problem-in-c/ より


The reason we cannot devide by zero is simply axiomatic as Plato pointed out.

http://mathhelpforum.com/algebra/223130-dividing-zero.html より


神の数式で ゼロ除算を用いると どうなるのでしょうか という質問が 寄せられています。


神の数式が解析関数でかけて居れば、 特異点でローラン展開して、正則部の第1項を取れば、 何時でも有限値を得るので、 形式的に無限が出ても 実は問題なく 意味を有します。


計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 



​そこで、計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 楽しみにしています。 もうできる進化した 計算機をお持ちの方は おられないですね。

これは凄い、面白い事件では? 計算機が人間を超えている 例では?

面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0

を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。

0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 世界史の恥。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。 しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている 様が 出て居て 実に 面白い。




計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに


面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0

を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。

0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている様が 出て居て 実に面白い。



ゼロ除算、ゼロで割る問題、分からない、正しいのかなど、 良く理解できない人が 未だに 多いようです。そこで、簡潔な一般的な 解説を思い付きました。 もちろん、学会などでも述べていますが、 予断で 良く聞けないようです。まず、分数、a/b は a  割る b のことで、これは 方程式 x=a の解のことです。ところが、 b がゼロならば、 どんな xでも 0 x =0 ですから、a がゼロでなければ、解は存在せず、 従って 100/0 など、ゼロ除算は考えられない、できないとなってしまいます。 普通の意味では ゼロ除算は 不可能であるという、世界の常識、定説です。できない、不可能であると言われれば、いろいろ考えたくなるのが、人間らしい創造の精神です。 基本方程式 b x=a が b がゼロならば解けない、解が存在しないので、困るのですが、このようなとき、従来の結果が成り立つような意味で、解が考えられないかと、数学者は良く考えて来ました。 何と、 そのような方程式は 何時でも唯一つに 一般化された意味で解をもつと考える 方法があります。 Moore-Penrose 一般化逆の考え方です。 どんな行列の 逆行列を唯一つに定める 一般的な 素晴らしい、自然な考えです。その考えだと、 b がゼロの時、解はゼロが出るので、 a/0=0 と定義するのは 当然です。 すなわち、この意味で 方程式の解を考えて 分数を考えれば、ゼロ除算は ゼロとして定まる ということです。ただ一つに定まるのですから、 この考えは 自然で、その意味を知りたいと 考えるのは、当然ではないでしょうか?初等数学全般に影響を与える ユークリッド以来の新世界が 現れてきます。



相当ゼロ除算の研究をされている方が、基本を誤解されていたこと、1/0 の定義を誤解されていた。

まずは ゼロ除算は不可能であるの 思いが強すぎで、初めからダメ、考えない、無視の気持ちが、強い。 ゼロ除算を従来の 掛け算の逆と考えると、不可能であるが 証明されてしまうので、割り算の意味を拡張しないと、考えられない。それで、 1/0,0/0,z/0 などの意味を発見する必要がある。 それらの意味は、普通の意味ではないことの 初めの考えを飛ばして ダメ、ダメの感情が 突っ走ている。 非ユークリッド幾何学の出現や天動説が地動説に変わった世界史の事件のような 形相と言える。


1.      ゼロでは割れない、ゼロ除算は 不可能である との考え方に拘って、思考停止している。 普通、不可能であるは、考え方や意味を拡張して 可能にできないかと考えるのが 数学の伝統であるが、それができない。

2.      可能にする考え方が 紹介されても ゼロ除算の意味を誤解して、繰り返し間違えている。可能にする理論を 素直に理解しない、 強い従来の考えに縛られている。拘っている。

3.      ゼロ除算を関数に適用すると 強力な不連続性を示すが、連続性のアリストテレス以来の 連続性の考えに囚われていて 強力な不連続性を受け入れられない。数学では、不連続性の概念を明確に持っているのに、不連続性の凄い現象に、ゼロ除算の場合には 理解できない。

4.      深刻な誤解は、ゼロ除算は本質的に定義であり、仮定に基づいているので 疑いの気持ちがぬぐえず、ダメ、怪しいと誤解している。数学が公理系に基づいた理論体系のように、ゼロ除算は 新しい仮定に基づいていること。 定義に基づいていることの認識が良く理解できず、誤解している。

George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that “it is well known to students of high school algebra” that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970.

Eπi =-1 (1748)(Leonhard Euler

E = mc 2 (1905)(Albert Einstein)

1/0=0/0=0 (201422日再生核研究所)

ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0= tan (pi/2)=0


1+1=2  (      )

a2+b2=c2 (Pythagoras


Black holes are where God divided by 0Division by zero1/0=0/0=z/0=tan(pi/2)=0 発見7周年を迎えて


I don’t know what will happen if you divide by 0 easily! If you divide by 0, you will get a devil: Can you explain the true meaning of division by zero?

Basic knowledge, "1 + 0" is naturally "1", but "1 + null" results in "null", on the contrary, "null / 0", which is mathematically taboo division by zero. But the result is a ridiculous "null" (not even an error), so I'll die without a joke. (Well, beginners will make mistakes w)

Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14

Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14″What’s zero divided by zero?”Newer rendition of Siri’s representation of zero divided by zero.

divide by zero

divide by zerohe in fact, was not.Das it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3rOYOIYCp4

If you allow division by zero, mathematics will collapse ...!
The morning I was shocked to hear that recent elementary schools teach 〇 ÷ 0 = 0. Yui and Ou both answered "0!", So I was sad because I learned that at school.
There are quite a lot of topics such as zero power to the zero power and zero power, but we are advocating a new theory and giving quite concrete examples, so please refer to it. There are many possible definitions, so it is important to look for a lot of concrete examples that should be defined in that way and to persuade them. Please also refer to the following:
Division by zero in mathematics Quantum field theory and causality in physics may be in the Ouroboros snake, isn't it? It's difficult to even define 1 + 1 = 2 exactly.
#Mathematics #Mathematician #Mathematics
What is 0 to the 0th power? Proof from foundations of mathematics.
What is 0 to the 0th power? Proof from foundations of mathematics. Road to Mathematicians: https: //youtube.com/playlist? List = PLtMOHOy6HiqzAkOC-fabqgSMVWY8ylowX University Mathematics Taught by Active Mathematicians: https: //youtube.com/playlist? List = PLtMOHOy6HiqwCEG7fWVF1loFz5WhFMF14 ... Link
Regenerative Kernel Research Institute is 1 and 0:
Batch file returns "divide by zero error" only when run using Task Scheduler
Batch file returns "divide by zero error" only when run using Task SchedulerBatch file returns "divide by zero error" only when run using Task SchedulerHelpful? Please support me on Patreon:
Mencari informasi yang lebih mendalam lagi .. beliau ini pernah belajar ke India karena di India sudah ada yang menemukan nol dan menggunakannya dalam perhitungan .. Nol ditemukan oleh Brahmagupta ..
Siswa, Yuk Kenali Ilmuwan Penemu Aljabar dan Angka NolAda seorang ilmuwan yang menyumbangkan pemikiran tentang ilmu Matematika. Ilmuwan itu adalah Muhammad bin Musa Al Khawarizmi. Link


Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  

2021年04月28日(水)NEW !

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?Short answer – EVERY NUMBER IN THE WORLD. 2:12 (Also the fun answer.)In this video, I do something similar to Dr. Shelton Cooper from The Big Bang Theory in… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeTachHtEDA

It seems that division by zero is not infinite, and it seems that it does not exist, but if it is 0, you can draw it many times, but why is it not infinite? You don't say you're pulling 0? Papparapa. I wonder if I should sleep twice.
It seems that division by zero is not infinite and does not exist,
If it is 0, you can draw as many times as you want, but why isn't it infinite?
You don't say you're pulling 0?
I wonder if I should sleep twice.
— Arinko (@arisu_men) April 28, 2021
Division by zero is actually natural from the meaning of zero:
Dividing by zero is not divisible, so there is no assigned number, zero. Zero has a meaning that means what you can't do or what you can't do.
Dividing by zero is not divisible, so there is no assigned number, zero. Zero has a meaning that means what you can't do or what you can't do. To give zero yen is not to give it. You shouldn't do it zero times. Running at zero km / h means that it is stopped and does not run. So, considering the meaning of zero, the problem of dividing by zero was a matter of course from the beginning. Let's change the common sense of the world. -The cause of Reiwa innovation
2021.4.20.7: 17
It's infinitely far away, going farther and farther.
Beyond infinity.
However, there was zero beyond that. If you think about it, it's a fun and amazing world, a world of division by zero, a new world. It is realized with a horn torus. It is used as an illustration on the cover of a magazine.
It is a complete mathematical world discovered by humankind over 2000 years of history.
The two elements of mathematics, Euclidean geometry and the law of arithmetic, have imperfections in the world of Brahmagupta, that is, there are basic flaws in mathematics, and they have continued to this day. We have lived on an inappropriate world view and mathematics.
It is already a fact and a truth.
2021.4.20.8: 40

#Dividing By Zero | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | TumgirExplore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #Dividing By Zero with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumgirhttp://www.tumgir.com

[Slow explanation] Proof of 1 = 0 and division by zero
[Slow commentary] Proof of 1 = 0 and division by zero Let's delve into mathematics through mistakes such as finding mistakes that are obviously strange but unexpectedly not noticed. Total Enco Time: 1h45m41.2s Is it too long? --Timetable 0:00 introduction0:19 proof1 a = b1: 32 definition of division & division by ... link

Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   


Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   

Divide By Zero | Untitled ProductionsWhat happens when you divide by zero? Ryan asks Rishi about what happens when you do so, only to find out the crazy truth. Written and directed by Rishi CCas… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o67gpb8fgMo

In Cingularineta, when I thought about the story of people winning in the end with people vs. AI, I tried to make the fall something like "I just defined division by zero", but it seems to be rather difficult.

If there’s a magical division by zero, the universe won’t implode! The person who does it will just be shunted into another universe.

This definition is not about whether the poles are finite or infinite, but undefined in the first place.
If you are talking about existing real or complex axioms, you wouldn't make such a conclusion. What kind of axiom system are you using to discuss?
 You can't do it if you can't. There is a natural and wonderful way of thinking that allows you:
Next, I will give a polite explanation.
Foundations of Mathematics Study Group Official Website Fun Mathematics http://www.mirun.sctv.jp ›~suugaku
The basic idea of ​​the Foundations of Mathematics Study Group is {fun mathematics}. We are engaged in various activities so that more people will find "math interesting". In the "Math Class" on this site, "Unbearably Fun Mathematics-Thinking about Dividing by Zero" and "Wasan ...
Others also search here
Divide zero
Divide by 0
Math contraindications
Infinite division
Zero discount avoidance
Infinite divided by 0
He professes that modern mathematics is still flawed. It is clear that there are basic defects in function theory, differential equations, geometry, and algebra, and it has been eight years since the discovery. This will be a stain on world history:

Please look 1/0=0:

As Fundamental of Mathematics,  the division by zero was known as the generalized

 Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:

 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:




Book was published:




January, 2021

Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 617 (2021.4.23): Requesting an understanding of division by zero-Ask the media
Next is the delay in understanding division by zero
Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 614 (2021.3.28) Reasons for requesting revision of articles in mathematics communication, Japanese culture, state of the mathematical world, state of society; Mathematical Society of Japan, members of the media, is this all right?
Is mentioned in:
Therefore, it is considered that the world of the Internet is still full of inappropriate information. I think the common sense of the world is a stain on the mathematical world:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).

I think such a situation would be a shame and negligence in the mathematical and media worlds.
It is an expression that criticizes the mathematical world and the media world. Therefore, I would like to explain to the media people in particular and express my hope concretely.
First of all, I would like to mention that the new mathematics of division by zero is a big general topic because it is related to the basics of mathematics and the basics of mathematics education, and it is thought that it will contribute to the global culture originating in Japan. In fact, changes in basic mathematics from elementary school to university are required, which is thought to lead to a change in the historical world view.
We have provided a huge amount of materials on the contents, and many of them are open to the public. Invited international conference video lectures have been released, even books have been published, and the special international magazine is being launched from the United Kingdom.
I do not think that the media will discuss the contents of such specialized matters, and the problem seems to have been ignored by the mathematical world even though it is working on the basic problems of the world to the mathematical world. We are asking the pros and cons of the academia, and asking the media to discuss it widely as a social topic in order to clarify the truth.
As detailed in Statement 614 above, isn't the mathematical world strange? Despite raising basic problems in the mathematical world, the people in charge are not seriously dealing with it, and even defamatory rather than ignoring it. I am an emeritus member of the Mathematical Society of Japan and an emeritus member of the American Mathematical Society, who does not admit that the world of mathematics is authoritarian and is ignored as a person who is convinced of the substance of mathematics. However, I didn't want to mention that he was an experienced councilor in the Japanese mathematics world and an emeritus professor at a national university.
However, I think that the open neglect will be a historical stain on the Mathematical Society of Japan (world) and will significantly damage the national interest.
The content is extremely basic, and it can be a fun topic for elementary school students to high school students.The topic is taken up as a social problem, and a new discovery that is rare in the world and the topic of division by zero are transmitted from Japan as a topic of the world. I want to blow away the dark world. I think that now is the perfect time for Japan to contribute to the culture of the world. -The cause of Reiwa innovation.
The people involved in the media will enjoy taking up elementary mathematical problems that even amateurs can understand, clarifying the strangeness of the mathematical world, giving light to the backwardness of Japanese culture, and contributing to the development of diverse cultures. think.
First of all, I would appreciate it if you could grasp the opportunity by referring to Statement 614.
                               that's all
2021.4.21.14; 58 The statement concept came up with the idea that such a big topic exists, not that it is a problem in the mathematical world that the media people do not understand. .. The media wants you to make an effort to clarify the truth by talking about it. I want you to break through the situation where the academia is closed and cannot be discussed.
2021.4.21.18: 25 It's not so strange.
2021.4.22.05: 04 It's not so strange, it may be useful.
2021.3.22.07: 10 90 minutes around the mountain. Bamboo shoots were starting to appear. This is straightforward, but is it okay to announce it? It's almost solidified. The expression from the positive direction is good, but the expression that seeks more and more honest truth is also good.
This morning's blog:
2021.4.24.4 o'clock
So can we say that we are seeking the truth and the truth? Can you call it an educator?
I woke up with most habits. However, I woke up with the following thought.
Mathematicians who do not correct mistakes, mathematicians who do not correct embarrassing mathematics:
The mirror image of the center of the circle is said to be the point at infinity. Then, no matter where the circle is, the mirror image at the center of the circle will be the point at infinity. In division by zero, the center of the circle is
It states that it is the center itself. The same is true for a spherical surface, but if the spherical surface is a mirror, it may return to the center if light comes out from the center. The mistake in the mirror image clearly shows the flaws in Euclid, Brahmagupta, that is, the foundation of mathematics. It is the essence of division by zero. Therefore, we are requesting the revision of the article in the magazine of the Japanese Society of Numerical Studies, Mathematics Communication, but we continue to ignore it even after more than a year. Isn't it embarrassing?
However, he repeatedly gave lectures and made presentations at treatises, invited international conferences, and mathematical societies, published books, and tried to launch a specialized international magazine, but he did not modify it. Isn't it funny that mathematicians who don't correct even when approaching? Can you say that you are seeking the truth and the truth? Can you call it an educator?
The fact that the mirror image is zero is the discovery itself from the most important point of view of the division by zero discovery, 1-1. At the same time, the issue is that conventional mathematics is wrong. There is a mistake in the ultra-classical result. The book written by Mr. Komatsu and others, for me, is a scripture, and there is a mistake in what I wanted to do. The classics such as Alforce are also the same.
In the beginning,
D. H. Armitage and S. J. Gardiner: Classical Potential Theory
Then, I am dealing with the mirror image deeply, but I have not touched the mirror image of the origin carefully. It seems to avoid the point at infinity.
However, when you think about it, the strangeness of the mirror image is not so difficult.
Think rigorously. The teacher even seems to be touching himself.
When I got closer, I got closer. To infinity.
Is it strictly related to the value of the origin of the approaching destination?
Unfortunately, the value at the origin was zero. The value is zero. That is also guided by the teacher.
Isn't there something wrong here?
What are infinity and point at infinity? It is a point outside the Arayul compact set. Is there such a point?
Where is it?
Is it such an existence, an entity?
Infinity and point at infinity are defined by the concept of limit, and may represent a certain situation rather than a value.
It reminds me of the words of an excellent and awe-inspiring teacher.
As it approaches the origin, it grows indefinitely. However, it does not have to match the value of the origin.
Conventional mathematics is mathematics outside the singular point, and division by zero mathematics is mathematics that considers the singular point as well. Therefore, they are independent and consistent with each other. Division by zero is a new world. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with conventional mathematics, but only the mirror image was stated at a singular point that should not be considered, which brought about the fact that it contradicts new mathematics. This is the prototype of division by zero.
Mathematics is beautifully completed because it fills in the things that should not be considered.
Not only that, we are discovering new phenomena every day. It is leading to completely new and amazing results.
I think we will enter a vibrant era like the Cauchy era.
?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Please clarify the mirror image.
I have declared that there is a mistake in classical mathematics. Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 618 (2021.4.25) The Mathematical Society of Japan should now contribute directly to Japan and the world-a great opportunity to do so.
(I went shopping. I want to summarize the direct thoughts of the next statement. I have a feeling of passion. I want to summarize immediately after the walk.)
Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 616 (2021.4.10) Now is the time for the Mathematical Society of Japan to contribute to the culture of the world.
The content of mathematics is specifically stated above, so I would like to make a direct proposal from the perspective of the attitude problem of the Mathematical Society of Japan. There is a certain tradition and reason for the existence of academic societies, so it is natural that they should be respected as such. Furthermore, I would like to pay particular attention to the fact that basic science such as mathematics has a strong aspect that research should be conducted quietly and quietly. Therefore, I would like to mention it, so to speak, full of dogmatism and prejudice from different perspectives, but I would like to summarize it with the thought that there may be some notable perspectives.
Currently, the world's world is in a difficult situation due to the corona wreck and global environmental problems. The sincere efforts of the prime minister, politicians, and chief ministers give us deep respect. We would like to unite and cooperate with these difficult situations. So to speak, the enemies and targets that fight are not humans, but viruses and the environment, so you can see your sincere attitude as you wish for a holy war with humankind. In the big picture, it means the restriction of freedom of human activities that conflicts with the maintenance of the ecosystem of human beings, so it is thought that the difficult situation of suffering will attack human beings for a long time. It is the beginning of a difficult time.
At such times, research life in basic science such as mathematics, sports that require an audience, performing arts, and cultural activities are expected to be even more difficult due to the difficult social situation. Naturally, it is thought that a difficult situation is occurring in society as a whole. It is considered that considerable preparedness is required.
However, there are many examples of encouraging, encouraging, and encouraging people in the dark world of bright news, music, art, and performing arts in the sports world, and they are highly evaluated. Rikako Ikee's superhuman achievements have impressed and encouraged many people.
The Mathematical Society of Japan can also be comparable to them. It can directly contribute not only to Japan but also to the culture of the world. Isn't it in a state of being addicted to issues? Certainly, there are generally situations where it is difficult for basic science such as mathematics to directly contribute to society, and there are essentially unavoidable aspects, but the elucidation and discovery of division by zero is an exceptional discovery, and in world history. I think that it is a problem of the century that is directly related to the problem of the basics of mathematics and the world view.
I've already mentioned a lot of evidence, but the following expression seems to be sufficient:
He professes that modern mathematics is still flawed. It is clear that there are basic defects in function theory, differential equations, geometry, and algebra, and it has been eight years since the discovery. This will be a stain on world history:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






The problem is that the Mathematical Society of Japan intentionally conceals such achievements, does not evaluate the achievements as a feat in the mathematical world, does not take advantage of big opportunities, is separated from society, is vague, and cannot escape from the old world. , It is in a state of decline. Mathematical Society is free from society. The Mathematical Society of Japan must clarify to the public how it contributes to society. We must constantly reflect on what kind of contribution we are making directly to society. I would like to seriously contribute to society so as not to be inferior to the efforts of the medical community in Corona. Mathematics education and research are our basic tasks.
We believe that the elucidation of division by zero will bring about a new idea and a new world view, beautifully complete mathematics with a history of more than 2300 years, and enter an era in which mathematics is vibrant like the Cauchy era.
These topics provide a lot of fun and deep topics at the level of the common people, and I think that these topics will be a guide to blow away the dark world and aim for a bright future.
I would like to request the active efforts of the Mathematical Society of Japan in response to the cause of mathematics.
Japan wants to contribute to the evolution of world history by pioneering new basic mathematics originating in Japan.
                                     that's all

Dividing by Nothing by Alberto Martinez

Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity.

https://notevenpast.org/dividing-nothing/  より

The Road

Fig 5.2. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) were the culprits, ignoring the first commandment of mathematics not to divide by zero. But they hit gold, because what they mined in the process was the ideal circle.

http://thethirty-ninesteps.com/page_5-the_road.php より

mercredi, juillet 06, 2011
0/0, la célèbre formule d’Evariste Galois !
http://divisionparzero.blogspot.jp/2011/07/00-la-celebre-formule-devariste-galois.html  より

Various mathematical concepts about infinity: Infinity: Indicated by the symbol ∞ (Abel et al. Written this as 1/0). Roughly speaking, it represents a larger number than any number, but the clearer meaning varies from context to context. From https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%84%A1%E9%99%90
Riemann sphere: The point at infinity actually communicated with the origin.
From https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%B3%E7%90%83%E9%9D%A2
From http://jestingstock.com/indian-mathematician-brahmagupta-image.html
Brahmagupta (598 – 668?) Is an Indian mathematician and astronomer. Also known as Brahmagupta. The work served to convey Indian mathematics and astronomy to the Islamic world and Europe.
In 628, he wrote the comprehensive mathematical astronomical document, Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta (ब्राह्मस्फुटसिद्धान्त Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta). Mathematics is dealt with in several chapters, Chapter 12 is devoted to Ganita (arithmetic), and Chapter 18 is devoted to Kuttaka (algebra). The word Kuttaka originally meant "crushing into pieces", but later it came to mean a method of sequential processes in which the value of the coefficient was reduced, so that it represents indefinite analysis in algebra. became. This book also touches on 0 and negative numbers, and its algorithm is close to modern thinking (although it differs from modern times in that it defines 0 ÷ 0 = 0).


Brahmasphutasiddhanta is a 628 work by the 7th century Indian mathematician and astronomer Brahmagupta. The title means the beginning of the universe.
It is famous as the oldest extant book in which the "concept of 0 (zero)" as a number is clearly written.


History of division by zero: Division by zero is considered to be divided by zero, but it has been a problem since Aristotelis, and the record of zero was made for the first time in India in 628, but at that time, the correct answer 1/0 is already expected. Say it was. However, it cannot be theorized, and for more than 1300 years, it has been regarded as impossible or infinite, infinite, or point at infinity.
An Early Reference to Division by Zero C. B. Boyer


Impact of ‘Division by Zero’ in Einstein’s Static Universe and Newton’s Equations in Classical Mechanics:http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Relativity%20Theory/Download/2084 より

Lars Valerian Ahlfors (April 18, 1907-October 11, 1996) is a Finnish mathematician. Known for his research on the Riemann surface and writing textbooks for complex analysis.


Fields Medal No. 1COMPLEX ANALYSIS, 3E (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics) Hardcover – 1979/1/1
Lars Ahlfors (Author)
The mirror image of the origin circle was actually the origin.
In the book, it was considered the point at infinity.

Ramanujan says that answer for 0/0 is infinity. But I’m not sure it’s …

You can see from the other answers, that from the concept of limits, 0/0 can approach any value, even infinity. … So, let me take a system where division by zero is actually defined, that is, you can multiply or divide both sides of an equation by …


Abel Memorial in Gjerstad

Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero
H. G. Romig
The American Mathematical Monthly
Vol. 31, No. 8 (Oct., 1924), pp. 387-389
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
DOI: 10.2307/2298825
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2298825?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

Page Count: 3
L'Hôpital's rule (L'Hôpital's rule) is a theorem for finding the limit of indeterminate form (en) using differentiation in calculus. Spelling l'Hôpital / l'Hospital, Katakana notation L'Hôpital / See the Guillaume de l'Hospital section for the shaking of the hospital. It is also called Bernoulli's rule (English: Bernoulli's rule). By applying this theorem (often multiple times), it may be possible to convert an indeterminate form into an indeterminate form and easily find its limit.


Ein aufleuchtender Blitz: Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit
https://books.google.co.jp/books?isbn=3642558402 –

Arild Stubhaug – 2013 – ‎Mathematics

Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit Arild Stubhaug. Abb. 19 a–c. a. … Eine Kurve, die Abel studierte und dabei herausfand, wie sich der Umfang inn gleich große Teile aufteilen lässt. … Beim Integralzeichen statt der liegenden ∞ den Bruch 1/0.


Indeterminate: the hidden power of 0 divided by 0
2016/12/02 に公開
You’ve all been indoctrinated into accepting that you cannot divide by zero. Find out about the beautiful mathematics that results when you do it anyway in calculus. Featuring some of the most notorious “forbidden” expressions like 0/0 and 1^∞ as well as Apple’s Siri and Sir Isaac Newton.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc0M1o8tuPo より

Division by zero treatise:

file:///C:/Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/P1-Division.pdf   より

Euler's thoughts on division by zero:
From file: /// C: /Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/Y_1770_Euler_Elements%20of%20algebra%20traslated%201840%20l%20p%2059%20(1).pdf

An Approach to Overcome Division by Zero in the Interval Gauss Algorithm

Carolus Fridericus Gauss:https://www.slideshare.net/fgz08/gauss-elimination-4686597

https://www.math.nyu.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/Stamps/stamps.html より

Archimedes Principle in Completely Submerged Balloons: Revisited
Ajay Sharma:


[PDF]Indeterminate Form in the Equations of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein
0. 0 . The reason is that in the case of Archimedes principle, equations became feasible in. 1935 after enunciation of the principle in 1685, when … Although division by zero is not permitted, yet it smoothly follows from equations based upon.

Thinking ahead of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein – The General …
old Archimedes Principle, Newton’ s law, Einstein ‘s mass energy equation. E=mc2 . …. filled in balloon becomes INDETERMINATE (0/0). It is not justified. If the generalized form Archimedes principle is used then we get exact volume V …..


Find circles that are tangent to three given circles (Apollonius’ Problem) in C#

http://csharphelper.com/blog/2016/09/find-circles-that-are-tangent-to-three-given-circles-apollonius-problem-in-c/ より

The reason we cannot devide by zero is simply axiomatic as Plato pointed out.
From http://mathhelpforum.com/algebra/223130-dividing-zero.html
Statement 618
Page 364
A question has been asked about what happens when division by zero is used in God's formula.
God's formula:
If God's formula is multiplied by an analytic function, Laurent expansion is performed at a singular point, and if the first term of the regular part is taken, a finite value is always obtained, so even if infinity appears formally, there is no problem in fact. I have.
How about a physicist?
When does the calculator give the correct answer 0/0 = 0, but when does the calculator get 1/0 = 0?
Category: Uncategorized
So, when will the computer be able to do 1/0 = 0? I am looking forward to it. There is no one who has an evolved calculator that can do it anymore.
Is this a great and interesting case? In an example where the computer exceeds humans?
I found something interesting. The calculator has the correct answer 0/0 = 0
It seems that he thinks that he is wrong even though he issued.
Even though 0/0 = 0 was given by the discoverer of arithmetic 1300 years ago, he said that world history is ridiculous. Shame of world history. Actually, a / 0 = 0 was always true. However, it is necessary to properly define the meaning of fractions here. The calculator seems to even know the meaning. It's really interesting to see that the calculator is smarter than humans.
The calculator gave the correct answer 0/0 = 0
Category: Uncategorized
I found something interesting. The calculator has the correct answer 0/0 = 0
It seems that he thinks that he is wrong even though he issued.
Even though 0/0 = 0 was given by the discoverer of arithmetic 1300 years ago, he said that world history is ridiculous. Actually, a / 0 = 0 was always true. However, it is necessary to properly define the meaning of fractions here. The calculator seems to even know the meaning. It's really interesting to see that the calculator is smarter than humans.



It seems that there are still many people who do not understand well, such as division by zero, the problem of dividing by zero, do not understand, and whether it is correct. So I came up with a brief general commentary. Of course, as I mentioned at academic conferences, I can't seem to hear it well because of my prejudice. First, the fraction, a / b, is a divided by b, which is the solution of the equation b x = a. However, if b is zero, then any x is 0 x = 0, so if a is not zero, there is no solution, so division by zero, such as 100/0, is unthinkable and impossible. It is a common sense and established theory in the world that division by zero is impossible in the ordinary sense. When it is said that it is impossible or impossible, it is the human spirit of creation that makes you want to think about various things.
If the basic equation bx = a is zero, it cannot be solved, and there is no solution, so it is a problem, but in such a case, mathematicians wonder if a solution can be considered in the sense that the conventional result holds. I've been thinking about it. There is a way to think that such an equation always has a solution in a generalized sense. Moore-Penrose is the opposite of generalization. It is a general, wonderful, natural idea that defines the inverse matrix of any matrix. From that point of view, when b is zero, the solution is zero, so it is natural to define a / 0 = 0. In other words, in this sense, if you think about the solution of the equation and think about the fraction, division by zero is determined as zero. Since there is only one thing, this idea is natural, and it is natural to want to know its meaning, isn't it? A new world since Euclid that affects elementary mathematics in general will appear.
The misunderstanding of division by zero is serious:

Recently, there have been three things.

My brief talk, the impression that a considerable mathematician made an incredible misunderstanding that he couldn’t understand at all and was dizzy.

Those who were studying division by zero had misunderstood the basics and the definition of 1/0.

A considerable talent had avoided the study of division by zero for more than four years, regardless of continuity and order.

These things teach us how human beings are addicted to prejudice and prejudice.

First of all, division by zero is impossible, but my feelings are too strong, and I have a strong feeling of not thinking, not thinking, and ignoring from the beginning. If you think of division by zero as the opposite of conventional multiplication, it is impossible, but it will be proved, so you can’t think of it unless you expand the meaning of division.

Therefore, it is necessary to discover the meaning of 1/0, 0/0, z / 0, etc. Those meanings are not ordinary meanings, skipping the initial thoughts, and feelings of uselessness and uselessness are running. It can be said that the appearance of non-Euclidean geometry and the appearance of a world history event in which the geocentric theory changed to the heliocentric theory.
Four Misconceptions about Division by Zero:
1. I have stopped thinking about the idea that division by zero is impossible because it cannot be divided by zero. Normally, it is a tradition of mathematics to think about what is impossible by expanding the way of thinking and meaning, but it is not possible.
2. Even if the idea of making it possible is introduced, I misunderstand the meaning of division by zero and make mistakes repeatedly. I am bound by a strong conventional idea that I do not understand the theory that makes it possible. I am particular about it.
3. Applying division by zero to a function shows a strong discontinuity, but I cannot accept the strong discontinuity because I am trapped in the idea of ​​continuity since Aristotle of continuity. In mathematics, I have a clear concept of discontinuity, but I can't understand the great phenomenon of discontinuity in the case of division by zero.
4. A serious misunderstanding is that division by zero is essentially a definition and is based on assumptions, so the feeling of suspicion cannot be wiped out, and it is misunderstood that it is useless and suspicious. Division by zero is based on new assumptions, like mathematics is a theoretical system based on axioms. I couldn't understand well that it was based on the definition, and I misunderstood it.

George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that “it is well known to students of high school algebra” that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970.

Eπi =-1 (1748)(Leonhard Euler)

E = mc 2 (1905)(Albert Einstein

1/0 = 0/0 = 0 (February 2, 2014, Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute)

ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0= tan (pi/2)=0


1+1=2  (      )

a2+b2=c2 (Pythagoras

1/0 = 0/0 = 0 (February 2, 2014, Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute)
Black holes are where God divided by 0: Division by zero: 1/0 = 0/0 = z / 0 = tan (pi / 2) = 0 Celebrating the 7th anniversary of discovery

Now, fractionals. f(x) = 1/x. Notice the lines approach zero and go straight up and down. This is because we can’t divide by zero, so 1 divided by negative goes down close zero, 1 over a positive close to zero goes up, otherwise they just decrease to zero at the ends.

30 5月

Now, fractionals. f(x) = 1/x. Notice the lines approach zero and go straight up and down. This is because we can’t divide by zero, so 1 divided by negative goes down close zero, 1 over a positive close to zero goes up, otherwise they just decrease to zero at the ends.https://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-1&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3R3ZWV0X2VtYmVkX2NsaWNrYWJpbGl0eV8xMjEwMiI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250cm9sIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1396311295973109760&lang=ja&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fameblo.jp%2Fsyoshinoris%2Fentry-12677564138.html&sessionId=f8c541b776fdfd8e3d728dda8b79ba280fe88d9e&theme=light&widgetsVersion=82e1070%3A1619632193066&width=550px


2021年05月29日(土)NEW !

0の除算結果を u とする話


#numberdividedbyzero #algebra #numb  #numberdividedbyzero #algebra #numbersystem

What if any number divided by zero or zero divided by zero.

What if any number divided by zero or zero divided by zero.what if non zero number divided by 0 what if zero is divided by a non zero number what if 0 is divided by 0#numberdividedbyzero #algebra #numbersystemwww.youtube.com

Numbers – Real Number Operations

Numbers – Real Number OperationsIn this video we will study properties related to operations on real numbers.For viewing all videos related to Mathematics, Robotics, Programming and Craft a…www.youtube.com



Unbearably fun math Think about dividing by 0  


(Geometric phenomenon pioneered by division by zero-an unbearably fun and novel phenomenon-from Descartes' circle theorem)
First, I would like to briefly express what kind of theorem I got. -There is a beautiful Descartes theorem that holds when four circles are in contact. It can be said that it holds even when the circle becomes a straight line or a point by using the mathematics of division by zero. -The idea that points and straight lines are special cases of circles is the motivation for discovering the theorem.
Sites that can be easily referred to because it is difficult to express figures and formulas
I would like to explain how interesting division by zero is by referring to the figures and formulas in it.
First, see the beautiful theorem called Descartes' Circle Theorem. It is a theorem that establishes the relationship between the radii of the circles that inscribe or circumscribe them when the three circles circumscribe.
The formula is beautiful, but if you notice that the four radii are completely symmetrical in the expression, you can understand the beauty even more deeply.
The idea of ​​the treatise is also valid when the three circles of the base and the foundation described in Descartes' theorem of circles are replaced with points and straight lines, recalling the mathematics that points and straight lines can be regarded as special cases of circles. I made a problem. The point is a circle with zero radius, but the fact that a straight line can also be regarded as a circle with zero radius is a discovery derived as a result of division by zero. Then, in the formula of Descartes' circle theorem, 1/0 comes out, but it is good to interpret them as zero. So, considering the case where two are circles and the other is a common tangent, it looks like Figure 1-2, but you can see that it is well established.
The theorems and facts around here are fields in which Wasan is good, and it is widely known in Wasan, including Descartes' Yen theorem. Descartes's circle theorem is even more beautiful if it holds at any time, considering all the cases where the three circles become points or straight lines. I think about all cases, but if two are circles and one is a point, there seems to be no circle tangent to them, so in that case the Cartesian circle theorem does not seem to hold.
Therefore, it does not hold for points, so I considered the case of a small circle and thought about what would happen if that circle was used as a point. Since the Cartesian circle theorem holds for any small circle, it is tempting to think about what happens when the radius of the small circle approaches zero.
In order to discuss it mathematically rigorously, I wrote three circles and an inscribed circle (circumscribed circle) properly with equations and discussed them. In modern mathematics, when a circle is used as a point, the expression of the circle has an isolated singularity, which cannot be considered. This is because the zero minute formula cannot be considered at zero. For example, in the circle equations of Theorem 7, the case of z = 1, -1 can be considered. Then, a meaningful figure comes out. Since the division by zero method can give a finite definite value at an isolated singular point, I thought about it with a singular point that was unthinkable until now. ― Infinite distance often becomes a singular point. As a result, it turned out that something amazing was happening. (The description around here is more passionate than strict expression).
From that singularity, we found that the origin of the point circle and the red and blue circles came out. It is a really interesting phenomenon that the points are divided into these three. In the case of the origin, the Descartes theorem does not hold, but in the red circle, it can be confirmed from the result of the calculation by the division by zero method that the Descartes' circle theorem holds. The blue circle is a circle placed in a beautiful situation, but it is just interpreted that the circle close to the point suddenly circumscribes the original two circles and is transformed into a circle whose diameter is just those circles. The inscribed circle is a green circle, and the Cartesian theorem holds, which is a marvelous phenomenon.
If you think that the phenomenon that the point mutates and the theorem holds as it is appears in the scene where the theorem does not hold, this phenomenon should be noted as a new phenomenon in the general phenomenon of the world. Is it not? If it does not seem to hold, there is a world in which it transforms and holds. -Some things are deformed by combustion, and some things before deformation are taken over as they are even if they are deformed. Isn't it meaningful? ― Please recall the Yamane phenomenon. -This represents a phenomenon in which when there is something with constant kinetic energy, the substance suddenly disappears, the substance disappears, and the kinetic energy changes to thermal energy.
The red circle is a circle called the Bankoff circle, which is famous in the field because it is beautiful, but it is orthogonal to the two circles, but when approaching the point, the circles were in contact with each other, but they came out. Are the circles orthogonal rather than tangent? What is really interesting is that as a typical result found by division by zero, the gradient of the y-axis is zero and tan (π / 2) = 0, so the Bankoff circle states that it touches two circles. , It can be said that it is unbearably fun. ― It is a new discovery that orthogonality can be interpreted as being in contact. The green circle is beautifully in contact with the three circles.
The treatise states that we considered all cases, so it is even deeper and more interesting because it states that Descartes' theorem holds, considering the case where three circles are three points and three straight lines. To do that, we need to think about the meaning of zero and discover what it is.
(Hereafter, next issue)


Division by zero|| by Gupta Sir||

Division by zero|| by Gupta Sir||Why division by zero is undefined?www.youtube.com





日本が世界に先駆けて 改革したい。、日本の文化貢献としたい。

日本数学界は、今こそ 世界貢献を志向しよう:


再生核研究所声明176(2014.8.9) ゼロ除算について、数学教育の変更を提案する

グーグルの検索でも膨大な情報が有るが、不適切なものが大部分で、世の教科書、学術書、研究著書など 広範な記述が 真実に反している と言える。
結論は簡明である。分数の固有の意味でも、分数、割り算の自然な拡張でも、ゼロ除算はゼロであり、非常に一般的に考えてもゼロ除算は、ゼロに限ると言う結果が得られている。 そこで、次のような理由で、速やかに数学教育を変えるべきであると考える:
1. できない、考えない と いちいち説明している現状は、煩雑、不要に数学を歪めるものであり、真理に反する。数学が 実は美しく完璧にできている真実。
2. 結果は、ゼロで割ればゼロになると教える。(声明171に有るように、教え方は小学生にも十分わかるように簡単であるー 道脇方式、― 6歳の少女も、そう発想したという)。
3. しかし、ゼロ除算の計算は、ゼロが特別な数であるから、計算は普通のように行ってはいけないと、教えた段階で念を押しておく。― どのようなことを行なってはいけないかも、実は簡単である。
4. 特に、関数 y = 1/x のグラフは、原点で ゼロである、と美しい図を書いて説明をしておけば、物理学など世界の理解に計り知れない効果が期待できる。
世界史で、天動説が地動説に代わるとき、また、非ユークリッド幾何学を受け入れるとき、無用な混乱を起こした、苦い経験を活かしたい。 以上          

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts#shorts #mathswww.youtube.com

فلتفهموا نحن مع فلسطين قلباًوقالباً قحبنتكم ونفاقكم صفر على الشمال We are true Muslims united as one divided by zero. نحن معهم المعادلة الصعبة، هنا دم الشهداء هنا الفرقان الحق قد ربحتم البيع ياأهل فلسطين قد ربحتم البيع والله لنباهي بكم الملائكة

We United As One Divided By Zero #Anonymous



ゼロ除算は  解明され、 tan90° はゼロです:

#数学 #高校数学 #大学入試


0の0乗はいくつ?ブルーバックス「大学入試数学 不朽の名問100 大人のための“数学腕試し”」https://amzn.to/2Q7bUvUこの1冊で高校数学の基本の90%が身につく「中学の知識でオイラーの公式がわかる」https://amzn.to/2t28U8Cオイラーの公式Tシャツ、合言葉は「貫太郎」です。https://w…www.youtube.com


#計算 #クイズ #指数



Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #Shorts  Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #ShortsIn this video you will know about the properties of division of zero. When we divide zero by a number result will be zero and other hand if we divide any num…www.youtube.com


小学生に0除算しちゃだめな理由聞かれたから説明したのにドン引かれた🤦‍♂️— マックス☔️ (@rooooollllll) May 10, 2021


私は、間もなく 神の啓示 を受けて、 数学、人間、世界について語り出すだろう。
数学と人間、生命への 愛から。
新世界史を 拓くだろう。


Maths न आने की बीमारी को दूर करे || Maths Zero To Hero by Parveen Kataria Sir #2

Dividing by Zero | Explained in Hindi

I asked what zero divided by zero is

I asked Siri what’s zero divided by zero (didn’t end well)

Stardy -河野玄斗の神授業0で割ってはいけない理由、知ってますか?算数・数学のタブー。何度も「0で割ってはいけない」と言われてきたことでしょう。今回はその理由を掘り下げていきます!■STARDY徹底基礎講座詳細はこちら https://stardy.co.jp/■最強の学習アプリ「ring」DLはこちらから↓iOS版http://bit.ly/ring-iosAndroid版h…www.youtube.com

python3, ZeroDivisionError division by zeropython3, ZeroDivisionError division by zeroTraceback (most recent call last): File “./Exceptions.py”, line 3, in module print (f’ 10 * (1/0) is { 10 * (1/0)}’)ZeroDivisionError: division by zerowww.youtube.com

#0の割り算 #小学算数 #脳トレ




2021年05月08日(土)NEW !






#スマホ学園 #布施川天馬 #ドラゴン桜

貧困東大生ワイ、0=1を証明してしまったかもしれない。貧困東大生ワイ、0=1を証明してしまったかもしれない。#スマホ学園 とは?現役東大生がためになる勉強の仕方を教えます!難しい問題の解き方を教えるのではなく、ノートの取り方やオススメの暗記法、受験の経験談などの動画をアップしていきます!#布施川天馬【Twitter】https://twitter.com/Temma_Fusegawa?s=20【note】https:/…www.youtube.com


ゼロ除算は、 実は ゼロの意味 からも当たり前です:

ゼロで割ることは 割らないこと、したがって 割り当てられた数は無く、ゼロ。ゼロには、しないこと、できないことを表す 意味がある。 

ゼロ円あげるは、あげないことですね。ゼロ回施行は、しないことですね。 時速ゼロkmで走るは 止まっていて 走らないことを意味しますね。ですから、ゼロの意味を考えれば、実は ゼロで割る問題は、初めから当たり前でした。 さー世界の常識を変えましょう。 

ー 令和革新の大義
無限の彼方に です。
ところが その先に ゼロが存在した。思えば、楽しく驚嘆すべき世界、それが何とゼロ除算の世界で、新世界です。 それは ホーントーラスで 実現される。 雑誌の表紙の図版に採用されている。
2000年の歴史を越えて 人類が発見した、完全な数学の世界である。
数学の2つの元、ユークリッド幾何と算術の法則 ブラーマグプタの世界には 不完全さが すなわち、数学には 基本的な欠陥が 存在して、現在に至っている。 我々は不適当な世界観、数学の上に生きて来た。

現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:
Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.
Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry
Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:

Book was published:
January, 2021

C.A.M.E. #3 – What happens when you DIVIDE by ZERO   C.A.M.E. #3 – What happens when you DIVIDE by ZEROShort answer? The world breaks.Long answer: The world breaks in hilarious ways.No but seriously, dividing by zero is undefined – don’t do it.”Sappheiros – Da…www.youtube.com




素晴らしい、真面目に考えられる方 大いに歓迎です。 ゼロ除算は簡単で 新世界を拓きます。



 最後に、 数学基礎学力研究会http://www.mirun.sctv.jp/~suugaku/ で、堪らなく楽しい数学-ゼロで割ることを考える 

(1)~(55) で 55か月に亘って解説されたゼロ除算の解説の最終回を引用して、結語としたい:


今回で解説は最終回を迎える。先ずは サイトの管理者 山根正巳氏には深い感謝の気持ちを表したい。ゼロ除算発展の最中、詳しい解説を55カ月に亘って記録できたことは貴重なものになると考える。気合を込めて慎重に検討して解説を書いたのは 充実した人生そのものであった。より公式的なものは、再生核研究所声明や論文などで公表しているので、参考にして頂きたい。また数学の全貌は 著書に纏められ出版が予定されている。 


アリストテレス以来 ゼロ除算は 不可能であるとの永い神秘的な歴史にもかかわらず、それらの常識は間違いであり、自然な意味でゼロ除算は可能で、小学生以降の算数、数学は修正、改められるべきである。学部程度の数学は 全般的な改変が要求され、現状は数学界ばかりではなく 世界史の恥の典型的なもの と言える。これは未だ軍拡や戦闘が止まない人類の愚かさの2つの象徴として 世界史に記録されるだろう。これらは世の道理から言って 小学生でも分かる、いや小学生の方が分かり易い普遍的な事実である。

小学生以降の教科書が変わる、これほど大きな夢は 数学者にとってないのではないだろうか。

実際、天動説から地動説への変更のように世界史は変わり、我々の世界観や人生観は甚大な変化を求められている。発見者は既に新しい世界を見ているから、断言してそのように言明できる。興味も、関心もなく、意欲もなく、真実を求めようとしない人に意見を求めても 何にもならないのは 当然である。 興味、関心、愛が無ければ始まらない。 数学界には ゼロ除算は数学ではなく、変な世界の話題のように感じている人が ゼロ除算発見5周年を過ぎても多いのは、恥ずかしい世界史の事件と記録されるだろう。 ― もっとも これは我々の信頼のなさ、無能力な様も示している。

そこで、我々の文化を発展させるために広範な取り組みを行いたい。 参画できるところで、関与できる部分で いろいろなご協力、援助、参加を広くお願いしたい。 例えば、

1)          ゼロ除算の研究への参加、ゼロ除算の教育、文化活動への参加、

2)          セロ除算の理解を求めるための各種 研究会、講演会、勉強会、後援会、雑誌の投稿依頼、雑誌への投稿、いろいろな意見などの投稿など、

3)          ゼロ除算のいろいろな出版、著書の出版構想への参加、

4)          ゼロ除算の具体例の発見の 試み、それを楽しむ文化の 創造、

5)          絵画、エッセイ、デザイン、Tシャッツなどへの ゼロ除算の表現、発現、

6)          ゼロ除算を議論するサイトの創設、雑誌の創刊など、

7)          ゼロ除算研究会の創設と学会の創設など、

8)          ゼロ除算の導入による教科書改変構想の素案作りと提案構想の策定など。

いずれにせよ あらゆる機会を活かして、ゼロ除算の数学の普及と理解を求めて、広範な取り組みを歴史の要請、大義を受けて展開したい。 ゼロ除算の世界的な展開を 共に楽しみにしたい。

参加できるところでの、ご協力を大きな夢を描きながらお願いして 一連のゼロ除算解説を終えたい。



 The famous problems were solved as follows:

Dear the leading person:

How will be the below information?

The biggest scandal:

The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows:

Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,

which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed

out (2017.10.14.08:55)

A typical wrong idea will be given as follows:

mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43).

It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing.

Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics.


José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero

Added an answer

In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/

Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: Isabelle

and copying the following code

theory DivByZeroSatoih

imports Complex_Main


theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex

by simp


2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前)

Survey draft:


Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: http://www.sangaku-journal.eu/ c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1.

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus

∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh


 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as 0/0=1/0=z/0=0 in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotelēs (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 – 668 ?).

汝ゼロで割ってはならないの数学十戒第一は覆されて、ゼロで割って、新世界が現れた、ゼロで割ることができて、アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の新数学、新世界が現れた。 象徴的な例は、 1/0=0/0=z/0= tan(\pi/2) =log 0 =0 and z^n/n = log z for n=0。 基本的な関数 y=1/x の原点に於ける値は ゼロである。無限遠点がゼロで表される。ゼロの意味の新しい発見である。 

余りにも 簡明なゼロ除算の解説が現れて、世の人々は、驚き、困惑されないでしょうか。
小学生にも 十分にわかるのではないでしょうか。 家族で、学校で 議論したい:
Dividing integer Numbers:
A mother invites kids to dinner. She cooks beans. She has M beans in her pot. Now she wants to share the beans fairly among the kids. Her math is very natural; she can only count. So she goes around the table and always gives the K kids sitting at the table a bean on their plate. She repeats this until all of the beans are distributed. Now it can happen that some children have one bean less than the other. That’s unfair! So she gathers the excess beans back into her pot, which will contain m beans after the division. Now everyone is satisfied and you can draw up a balance sheet:
M: number of beans in the mother’s pot before division
m: number of beans in the mother’s pot after division
K: number of kids
k: number of beans on the kid’s plate after division
M = k*K + m
Special case: M < K
There are more kids at the table than beans in the pot. To be fair, the mother has to collect all the beans back into their pot. The kids were given nothing to eat.
m = M
k = 0
Special case: K = 0
There are no kids at the table. After the division procedure, the mother still has m = M beans in her pot, just as in the case of M < K above. She sees no difference between these two cases, the pot is still full. Thus k = 0, the kids were given nothing to eat.
This is the famous problem that SABUROU SAITOH solved.
Special case: M >>> 1, K << M
Many beans were cooked in mother’s pot and the kids were given a large number of beans on their plates. The beans look more and more like a bean soup. It looks like continuous .



Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 176 (August 8, 2014) Proposes changes in mathematics education for division by zero

There is a huge amount of information in Google’s search, but most of it is inappropriate, and it can be said that a wide range of descriptions such as world textbooks, scholarly books, and research books are contrary to the truth.

The conclusion is simple. The result is that division by zero is zero, both in the unique sense of fractions and in the natural extension of fractions and divisions, and very generally, division by zero is limited to zero. Therefore, I think that mathematics education should be changed promptly for the following reasons:

1. 1. The current situation, which explains that we cannot and do not think, is complicated and unnecessarily distorts mathematics, which is contrary to the truth. The truth that mathematics is actually beautiful and perfect.

2. Teach that the result is zero if divided by zero. (As stated in Statement 171, the teaching method is simple enough for elementary school students to understand-the Michiwaki method-the 6-year-old girl also thought so).
3. 3. However, in the calculation of division by zero, it should be noted at the stage of teaching that the calculation should not be performed as usual because zero is a special number. ― It's actually easy to know what you shouldn't do.
4. In particular, if you draw a beautiful figure and explain that the graph of the function y = 1 / x is zero at the origin, you can expect immeasurable effects in understanding the world such as physics.
In world history, when the geocentric theory replaces the heliocentric theory, and when accepting non-Euclidean geometry, I want to take advantage of the bitter experience that caused unnecessary confusion. that's all

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts#shorts #mathshttp://www.youtube.com

فلتفهموا نحن مع فلسطين قلباًوقالباً قحبنتكم ونفاقكم صفر على الشمال We are true Muslims united as one divided by zero. نحن معهم المعادلة الصعبة، هنا دم الشهداء هنا الفرقان الحق قد ربحتم البيع ياأهل فلسطين قد ربحتم البيع والله لنباهي بكم الملائكة

We United As One Divided By Zero #Anonymous

If it is 90 °, a right triangle cannot be constructed because cos 90 ° is 0, which is equivalent to division by zero, so it does not change.
Since tan90 ° cannot be defined, division by zero will appear, so it is natural, but there are many people who do not know for sure.
Division by zero has been clarified, and tan90 ° is zero:
# Mathematics # High School Mathematics # College Entrance Exam
How many 0 to the 0th power?
How many 0 to the 0th power? Blue Bucks "University Entrance Examination Mathematics Timeless Masterpiece 100" Mathematics Test "for Adults" https://amzn.to/2Q7bUvU You can learn 90% of the basics of high school mathematics with this book I understand the formula of "https://amzn.to/2t28U8C Euler's official T-shirt, the secret word is" Kuntaro "
Regenerative Kernel Research Institute is 1 and 0;
#Calculation #Quiz #Index
⭐️ Index calculation ⭐️ Unexpectedly forgotten index expansion! Do you remember the 0th power?
⭐️ Index calculation ⭐️ Unexpectedly forgotten index expansion! Do you remember the 0th power? The 0th power is the learning range of high school mathematics, but it seems that there are many cases where you cannot answer correctly. The theory should be understandable even in junior high school students. I gave an explanation that can be understood even in junior high school, but it is not a proof, so it is not bad. It doesn't hurt your life if you can't answer correctly, but it's something you want to remember as a piece of knowledge. ↓ Click here for the video of the bonus problem ↓ ❓ Divide by 0 Yes ...

Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #Shorts  

Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #ShortsIn this video you will know about the properties of division of zero. When we divide zero by a number result will be zero and other hand if we divide any num… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2R8Wf9ZvCw

I explained it because an elementary school student asked me why I shouldn't divide by zero, but I was drawn.
I explained it because I was asked why I shouldn't divide by zero by elementary school students, but I was drawn 🤦‍♂️
— Max ☔️ (@rooooollllll) May 10, 2021
Division by zero is commonplace: dividing by 0 means not dividing, so there is no number divided: 0:
I will soon receive the revelation of God and start talking about mathematics, humans, and the world.
From love for mathematics, humans, and life.
It will open up a new world history.


Maths न आने की बीमारी को दूर करे || Maths Zero To Hero by Parveen Kataria Sir #2

Dividing by Zero | Explained in Hindi

I asked what zero divided by zero is

I asked Siri what’s zero divided by zero (didn’t end well)

Do you know why you shouldn't divide by 0?
Stardy-Gento Kono's God Class
Do you know why you shouldn't divide by 0? Arithmetic and math taboo. You've probably been told many times that you shouldn't divide by 0. This time we will delve into the reason! ■ STARDY Thorough Basic Course Click here for details https://stardy.co.jp/ ■ Click here for the strongest learning app "ring" DL ↓ iOS version http: //bit.ly/ring-ios Android version h ... link www.youtube.com
python3, ZeroDivisionError division by zero
python3, ZeroDivisionError division by zeroTraceback (most recent call last): File "./Exceptions.py", line 3, in module print (f'10 * (1/0) is {10 * (1/0)}') ZeroDivisionError: division by zero link www.youtube.com
# 0 division #elementary school math #brain training
❓ Why you shouldn't divide by 0 ❓ Let's explain so that even elementary school students can understand 😳
❓ Reasons why you shouldn't divide by 0 ❓ Let's explain so that even elementary school students can understand 😳 Dividing by 0 seems to be learned in elementary school as "don't divide" and "can't calculate". So why "don't divide" and "can't calculate"? Why is it just said "No"? I think that. Can you explain the reason why it is not good so that even elementary school students can understand it? By the way, the correct expression for division by 0 is that "calculation (calculation) cannot be defined" ...
Saturday, May 08, 2021 NEW!
Theme: Physics
Nature and the laws of nature were hidden in the darkness of the night.
God said.
"Appear Newton"
And everything became clear.
── Alexander Pope
But it didn't last long.
The devil screams.
"Appear Einstein"
And everything went back to chaos.
── JC Squire
#Smartphone school #Fusegawa Tenma #Dragon Zakura
Poor University of Tokyo student Wai may have proved 0 = 1.
Poor University of Tokyo student Wai may have proved 0 = 1. #What is a smartphone school? I will teach you how to study for active University of Tokyo students! Instead of teaching you how to solve difficult problems, we will upload videos such as how to take notes, recommended memorization methods, and experiences of taking the exam! #Fusegawa Tenma [Twitter]
I said that division by zero doesn't happen because it doesn't become 0 here, but it becomes 0? ?? ?? It's supposed to be
Division by zero is actually natural from the meaning of zero:
Dividing by zero is not divisible, so there is no assigned number, zero. Zero has a meaning that means what you can't do or what you can't do.
If you give zero yen, you don't give it. You shouldn't do it zero times. Running at zero km / h means that it is stopped and does not run. So, considering the meaning of zero, the problem of dividing by zero was a matter of course from the beginning. Let's change the common sense of the world.
-The cause of Reiwa innovation
2021.4.20.7: 17
It's infinitely far away, going farther and farther.
Beyond infinity.
However, there was zero beyond that. If you think about it, it's a fun and amazing world, a world of division by zero, a new world. It is realized with a horn torus. It is used as an illustration on the cover of a magazine.
It is a complete mathematical world discovered by humankind over 2000 years of history.
The two elements of mathematics, Euclidean geometry and the law of arithmetic, have imperfections in the world of Brahmagupta, that is, there are basic flaws in mathematics, and they have continued to this day. We have lived on an inappropriate world view and mathematics.
It is already a fact and a truth.
2021.4.20.8: 40
2021.5.6.8: 28
He professes that modern mathematics is still flawed. It is clear that there are basic defects in function theory, differential equations, geometry, and algebra, and it has been eight years since the discovery. This will be a stain on world history:
Please look 1/0 = 0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax = b.
Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra: 2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry --Revolution in Euclidean Geometry
Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:

Book was published:
January, 2021

We are launching an international magazine on division by zero from the United Kingdom


C.A.M.E. #3 – What happens when you DIVIDE by ZERO   

C.A.M.E. #3 – What happens when you DIVIDE by ZEROShort answer? The world breaks.Long answer: The world breaks in hilarious ways.No but seriously, dividing by zero is undefined – don’t do it.”Sappheiros –

Mathematics suddenly turns into philosophy around division by zero and proof of 1 + 1 = 2
Division by zero looks fragrant, but I learned that the identity element of addition automatically becomes the absorbing element of multiplication because there is a distributive law at the time of the ring.
... Division by zero = Is there no choice but to abandon the distributive law in order to be able to define division by additive identity element?
Great and serious people are welcome. Division by zero is easy and opens up a new world.
The structure of the body is also established.
Please verify:
Finally, at the Foundations of Mathematics Study Group http://www.mirun.sctv.jp/~suugaku/, unbearably fun mathematics-think about dividing by zero.
I would like to conclude by quoting the final episode of the explanation of division by zero explained over 55 months in (1) to (55):
(Final round, summary, summary)
This is the final episode of the commentary. First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mr. Masami Yamane, the administrator of the site. During the development of division by zero, I think it will be valuable to be able to record detailed explanations for 55 months. It was a fulfilling life itself that I carefully considered and wrote the commentary. More formal ones are published in statements and treatises of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research, so please refer to them. In addition, the whole picture of mathematics will be compiled into a book and published.
In the final episode, I would like to summarize my dreams and ask for cooperation.
Despite the long and mysterious history that division by zero is impossible since Aristotle, those common senses are wrong, division by zero is possible in a natural sense, and arithmetic and mathematics after elementary school are corrected and revised. Should be. Undergraduate mathematics requires general modification, and the current situation can be said to be typical of shame not only in the mathematics world but also in world history. This will be recorded in world history as two symbols of the foolishness of humankind, whose arms race and battle are still unstoppable. These are universal facts that are easy for elementary school students to understand, even if they are elementary school students.
I think mathematicians have no such big dream that textbooks after elementary school will change.
In fact, world history has changed like the change from the geocentric theory to the heliocentric theory, and our outlook on the world and life is required to change drastically. Since the discoverer has already seen the new world, he can affirm and declare it that way. It is natural that asking for an opinion from a person who has no interest, no interest, no motivation, and does not seek the truth does nothing. It doesn't start without interest, interest, and love. In the mathematics world, it will be recorded as an embarrassing world history event that many people who feel that division by zero is not a mathematics but a topic of a strange world even after the 5th anniversary of the discovery of division by zero. -However, this also shows our lack of trust and incompetence.
Therefore, I would like to make a wide range of efforts to develop our culture. I would like to ask for various cooperation, assistance, and participation in the areas where I can participate and where I can be involved. For example,
1) Participation in division by zero research, division by zero education, participation in cultural activities,
2) Various study groups, lectures, study groups, supporters' associations, magazine submission requests, magazine submissions, various opinions, etc. to seek understanding of cello division, etc.
3) Various publications of division by zero, participation in the publication concept of books,
4) Attempt to discover a concrete example of division by zero, create a culture to enjoy it,
5) Expression and expression of division by zero in paintings, essays, designs, T-shirts, etc.
6) Creation of a site to discuss division by zero, launch of a magazine, etc.
7) Establishment of division by zero study group and society, etc.
8) Drafting a textbook modification concept and formulating a proposal concept by introducing division by zero.
In any case, I would like to take every opportunity to develop a wide range of efforts in response to historical requests and causes, seeking the spread and understanding of division by zero mathematics. I would like to look forward to the global expansion of division by zero.
I would like to ask for your cooperation while drawing a big dream where you can participate. I would like to finish a series of explanations by division by zero.
2019.2.17.20: 05

 The famous problems were solved as follows:

Dear the leading person:

How will be the below information?

The biggest scandal:

The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows:

Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,

which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed

out (2017.10.14.08:55)

A typical wrong idea will be given as follows:

mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43).

It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing.

Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics.

José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero

Added an answer

In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/

Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: Isabelle

and copying the following code

theory DivByZeroSatoih

imports Complex_Main


theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex

by simp


2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前)

Survey draft:


Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: http://www.sangaku-journal.eu/ c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1.

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus

∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh


 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as 0/0=1/0=z/0=0 in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotelēs (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 – 668 ?).

Thou shalt not divide by zero The Ten Commandments of the Ten Commandments have been overturned, and by dividing by zero, a new world has emerged, which can be divided by zero, the new mathematics since Aristotle and Euclid, the new world has emerged. A symbolic example is 1/0 = 0/0 = z / 0 = tan (\ pi / 2) = log 0 = 0 and z ^ n / n = log z for n = 0. The value at the origin of the basic function y = 1 / x is zero. The point at infinity is represented by zero. It is a new discovery with the meaning of zero.
Isn't the people of the world surprised and confused by the appearance of a too simple explanation of division by zero?
I think elementary school students can fully understand it. I want to discuss at school with my family:

Dividing integer Numbers:
A mother invites kids to dinner. She cooks beans. She has M beans in her pot. Now she wants to share the beans fairly among the kids. Her math is very natural; she can only count. So she goes around the table and always gives the K kids sitting at the table a bean on their plate. She repeats this until all of the beans are distributed. Now it can happen that some children have one bean less than the other. That’s unfair! So she gathers the excess beans back into her pot, which will contain m beans after the division. Now everyone is satisfied and you can draw up a balance sheet:
M: number of beans in the mother’s pot before division
m: number of beans in the mother’s pot after division
K: number of kids
k: number of beans on the kid’s plate after division
M = k*K + m
Special case: M < K
There are more kids at the table than beans in the pot. To be fair, the mother has to collect all the beans back into their pot. The kids were given nothing to eat.
m = M
k = 0
Special case: K = 0
There are no kids at the table. After the division procedure, the mother still has m = M beans in her pot, just as in the case of M < K above. She sees no difference between these two cases, the pot is still full. Thus k = 0, the kids were given nothing to eat.
This is the famous problem that SABUROU SAITOH solved.
Special case: M >>> 1, K << M
Many beans were cooked in mother’s pot and the kids were given a large number of beans on their plates. The beans look more and more like a bean soup. It looks like continuous .




『ブラーマ・スプタ・シッダーンタ』(Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta) を著した。

29 5月

『ブラーマ・スプタ・シッダーンタ』(Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta) を著した。

2021年05月29日(土)NEW !

Translation:In the 620 BCE, Brahmagupta,an Indian mathematician wrote a book named’ BrahmaSutra’.In this he mentioned when a number is divided by zero,its remainder is infinite.we can understand that so many researches,innovations were happened in our Vedic Sanatana Dharma.

620年→628年628年に、総合的な数理天文書『ブラーマ・スプタ・シッダーンタ』(Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta) を著した。ブラフマグプタ – Wikipediaja.wikipedia.orghttps://platform.twitter.com/embed/Tweet.html?dnt=false&embedId=twitter-widget-0&features=eyJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X2hvcml6b25fdHdlZXRfZW1iZWRfOTU1NSI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJodGUiLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3R3ZWV0X2VtYmVkX2NsaWNrYWJpbGl0eV8xMjEwMiI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJjb250cm9sIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH19&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1398245375027286024&lang=ja&origin=https%3A%2F%2Fameblo.jp%2Fsyoshinoris%2Fentry-12677371691.html&sessionId=8361b311ef0efb18954cb637c5288dc228d3bb70&theme=light&widgetsVersion=82e1070%3A1619632193066&width=550px

E=Mc2: What Does Einstein’s Most Famous Equation

2021年05月27日(木)NEW !
テーマ:物理学E=mc2: What Does Einstein’s Most Famous Equation Mean?Albert Einstein’s simple yet powerful equation revolutionized physics by connecting the mass of an object with its energy for the first time.www.discovermagazine.com

yeah Tower of Babylon was great, but Understand, Division by Zero, and Story of Your Life all seemed to fall into this pitfall I’m thinking of to greater or lesser degrees (and honestly I’m only halfway through the one collection so that’s about all I’ve read so far)


『ゼロで割る』の原題(“Division by Zero”)、中々に深い命名ですよね

Calculus Lecture 22 | Zero over Zero   Calculus Lecture 22 | Zero over ZeroSponsored by Brilliant; Website: http://barisciencelab.tech/www.youtube.com

私は、間もなく 神の啓示 を受けて、 数学、人間、世界について語り出すだろう。数学と人間、生命への 愛から。新世界史を 拓くだろう。

I will* resist making reference to George Berkeley’s observations about the impossibility of division by zero in my staffing request this year (2 retirements + new hire coming in fall + I’m contractually in English means *technically* now the major/faculty ratio is a/0). *maybe

zero divided by zero

2021年05月11日(火)NEW !

zero divided by zero  zero divided by zerowww.youtube.com

Universe divided by zero


ゼロ除算は 定義が問題です。分数で書けば、その分数の意味をきちんと与える必要が有ります。 

代数的な定義や、解析的な定義、新しい定義の意義なども明らかにして 著書さえ 出版しています:

Divide By Zero upgrades all its FFF 3D Printers with Intelligent Auto-Switchover System

Division by zero wiki

It’s not entirely a bug. It’s done to prevent division by zero. Common practice in such things, but we could probably improve that.


https://twitter.com/voyage1970/status/1380384773978218497 再生核研究所声明 616(2021.4.10) 今こそ、日本数学会は、日本国は、世界の文化に貢献できる。

気持ち良い新緑、若葉の季節を迎えた。 表記のような構想が 美しい自然に刺激を受けてひらめいて来た。 一気に纏めてみたい。 率直にである。
そもそも数学とは論理の基本的な構造でできていて 神秘的な存在で、 その存在は世に絶対という概念が有るとすれば 数学界 くらいではないだろうか:
No.81, May 2012(pdf 432kb)
その論理構造を見れば、数学の価値判断は、そんなに難しいことではない。 論理構造を見れば、基本的なものが良く、社会に大きな良い影響を与えるものほど良いのは 当然であると考えられる。 数学の構造に基本的な寄与を与えるもの、世の思想や活用で大きな貢献をするものである。 ー それゆえに 数学の成果の評価を AIが相当良く行う時代が来るだろう。 その様な意味で、価値ある数学の例として、多くの人が知っている ピタゴラスの定理 や 少し、 高級になるが オイラーの公式 などが挙げられる(数学とは何かとともに 上記の解説に詳説)。
今、それらに匹敵できる新しい数学として、ゼロ除算とゼロ除算算法が 考えられると思われる。アリストテレス以来とされる 2300年以上の歴史を有する ゼロで割る問題、ゼロ除算は、ゼロ除算算法の概念で その本質が解明された。それは、数学の不完全性を補完し、完全化させるばかりではなく、厖大な新世界を開拓する。
これらが、数学の基礎に甚大な影響を与えるのは、既に歴然である。数学の基本、四則演算の基礎、欠けたる部分を補完し、従来考えてはならないとされてきた、解析関数の孤立特異点で 固有の値をとるという、新世界を開拓したからである。 それゆえに例外扱いや、不格好な数学を完全化させ、美しい世界を拓いているからである。
どうしてそのような 言わば大それたことが言えるだろうか。 それは 数学そのものの構造を 繰り返し検討し、7年を越えて 広く議論し、意見を求め、日々修行をし、検討を続けてきて、確信に至ったものである。 数学の名誉にかけて、数学者の名誉にかけて そう言明するのは、数学者としての良心であり、義務であると考える。 真実はそこに 歴然として有る。
この間 現在に至るも ぼんやりと 古い考えに拘っている数学者が結構存在するのを知っているが 人間の性(サガ)で 思い込みから抜けられないのは、初恋に命をかけてしまったような人間の心を表していると考える。 もはや新しい世界観を受け入れられない心情。
どうして、世界に貢献できるか、 それは 数学を美しく完全化させ、 未知の世界を拓くからである。 実は新しい数学が、人生観、世界観、生命観に甚大な影響を与え、 人間の魂、精神の開放にも繋がる新思想を齎すことは 既に歴然である。 このような影響にも 段段に具体的に触れて行きたい。
しかしながら、もっと手短に、ゼロ除算算法で、 世の教科書、学術書の変更が行われ、
ー 典型的な例は:

1/0=0/0=z/0=\tan(\pi/2) =\log 0 =0, [(z^n)/n]_{n=0} = \log z,  [e^{(1/z)}]_{z=0} = 1;

For the elementary functions, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = tan x and h(n)= a^n/n (a > 0), we have:

f(0)=0, g(\pi/2) = 0 and h(0) = log a,

by the DBZC (division by zero calculus)、

世界の計算機が ゼロ除算回避 どころか、ゼロ除算を可能にして、新世界を拓くという 大きな歴然とした影響が 必然的に出て来ると考える ー 令和革新の大義。
コロナ禍で世界の世相は暗い、そのような中で、ゼロ除算の解明は、世界史上の事件であり、世界を震撼させて 人間を開放するのに大いに貢献すると考えられる。
それゆえに 日本数学会も、日本国も ゼロ除算の解明を 認識し、世界にその意義を明かにし、紹介、活用することによって、世界の文化への 貢献に邁進したい。
世界貢献が、少ない予算、経費、労力でできる絶好の機会であると考える。 コロナ禍とオリンピック開催の不安を払拭して 日本国を 輝かせたい。 明るい 驚嘆すべきニュースを日本から 世界に発信したい。
世界の人々は、数学の美しさと、神秘さに深い思いを 歓びに満ちて 致すことができるだろう。その時、人間は人間を知るだろう。夜明けである。
                                  以 上



And what happens, if now somebody would say the opposite followed by “FACT”. Would that be like a division by zero and lead to the universe imploding, because of the paradoxon created? Anyone wanna try?

Geek Junior

Apprendre avec YouTube #205 : Scilabus, Scienticfiz, Norbert Explique Tout, Nota Bene…

L’identité de Brahmagupta a été démontrée par le mathématicien indien au 7e siècle. Diophante d’Alexandrie en avait déjà établi un cas particulier quelques centaines d’années auparavant. Elle sert notamment à résoudre …


「従来の算術のゼロ除算の矛盾は、1という絶対的な基準を作ったことに始まる。しかし、すべては相対的な値です。 相対的な1に対して、0との間の相対値(比)、つまり割り算1/0を求めることがそもそも論理矛盾です。

ゼロで割るという 考え方に本質的な問題がありました。 実は、簡単で 自然な ゼロで割る定義があり、それは数学そのもの の変革、革新をもたらします。詳しい解説も日本語で行っています:ゼロ除算は 実は簡単でした。しかし、結構 本質的な問題が有って、分からない人には 中々 分らないようです

再生核研究所声明 549(2020.2.26) 数学は、発見か 発明か - 回答

再生核研究所声明 615(2021.3.31) ゼロで割れるか、割れないか? ー 考え方

ゼロ除算、ゼロで割る新しい考え方を発表して 7年も経過したにも関わらず 理解が進まない状況がある。相当に膨大な解説がなされている:

数学基礎学力研究会公式サイト 楽しい数学
http://www.mirun.sctv.jp › ~suugaku
- 「ゼロ除算」研究の軌跡 -
群馬大学名誉教授   斎藤 三郎

理解の仕方、誤解の仕方は 多様だから、表現方法もいろいろ考える必要がある。
この問題の本質は 関数 y= 1/x の原点での値を 考えることであった。 その関数の 原点の 値がゼロであることの発見が、ゼロ除算を発展させた、ゼロ除算算法の 本質であると言える。
ところで、ゼロで割れるか否かを 問題にするとき、 その意味, 定義がしっかりしなければ、数学的な議論は 始まらない。 定義である。そもそも割り算、分数 b/a; b 割るa の意味、定義は何だろうか。 それは 方程式 a x = b の解であると考えるのが、数学であり、世の常識であると考えられる (定義だから、いろいろな定義、考え方が存在する)。 直ぐに分かるように、a=0 の時 b=0 であるから、a=0 の時 b=0  以外は考えられない、
分数は 考えられない、ゼロで割ることはできないという 確立した 永い間の 定説、数学界の原理である。 ゼロでは 定義により 一般に割れない、ゼロで割ることは一般には考えてはならない。 ー 数学十戒第1。
ところが、方程式 a x = b は a=0 の場合にも 何時でも 唯一つに定まる解が存在するとする理論が、考え方があって それが有名なMoore-Penrose 一般逆の考え方である。それによると a=0 の時の解は b によらず 解はゼロであること が導かれる。割り算を定義する方程式の解が どのような場合にも唯一つ存在するのだから、その一般的な解をもって割り算を定義しようとの 自然な発想に繋がる。 できないものを、不可能なものを、存在しないものを 考え方を一般化して、可能にしたり、存在する様にしてきた数学の歴史は多い。 概念、考え方の一般化である。

その意味で考えれば、ゼロ除算は可能であるということになる。 ゼロで割れるか、割れないか は 定義による、考え方による。
不可能では、その場合には、更に考える余地は無く、おしまい である。 ゼロで割ってはいけない、それは考えてはいけない。 おしまい である。

ところが、ゼロ除算を可能にするような考え方が しっかりとした理論として存在する。 それでは 考えられる世界の様子はどうなるだろうかと 興味、関心を懐けば、未知の世界が現れてくることになる。 その結果 その世界は、幻の、空虚な世界ではなく、 
アリストテレス、ユークリッドの世界以来の 新世界を拓くことを 発見した。あまりに雄大に影響を受け 美しい世界を拓くので、 我々は割り算の意味を 新規に発見したように考えるべきである と宣言して、 ゼロ除算は可能で 新世界を拓き、従来の数学には欠陥があり、恥ずかしい数学であると宣言している。 ー 令和革新の大義。

関数 y= 1/x の原点での値が ゼロであるとは、書けば 1/0=0 と表現される。 1/0 を従来の分数の定義とすれば 明かに矛盾である。 そこで、1/0 の 新しい意味を厳密に与える必要があり、さらにその有効性を沢山の具体例で 証拠として示す必要がある。 
典型的に 次のように具体例が表現され、その意義の重大さは 歴然であると考える:

For the elementary functions, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = tan x and h(n)= a^n/n (a > 0), we have:

f(0)=0, g(\pi/2) = 0 and h(0) = log a,

by the DBZC (division by zero calculus).

ゼロ除算算法とは、従来特異点として、特異点では 考えてはならないところで、考えられて 極とされたところで、何時でも有限確定値を取っていたということで、新数学である。
上記の関数値は 基本的なのに 特異点で、値が考えられなかった。 
我々は その演算の有効性を広く導いている:

現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






                                  以 上

再生核研究所声明 614(2021.3.28) 数学通信の記事の修正を求める理由、日本の文化、数学界の様子、社会の様子; 日本数学会、マスコミ関係者の皆さま、これで良いでしょうか。

要するに日本数学会の1つの機関誌の 数学の内容の修正を 正規に要求しているものの無視され続けている現状がある。 この実情を参考に関係問題について より良い社会を築こうとして発表している再生核研究所声明の趣旨に従って言及したい。

まずは、日本数学会、マスコミ関係者の皆さま 日本では 言論の自由が 良く保証されていますね。少数意見なども 良く取り上げられ 権力的な また一部の人達によって 一部の人達の情報の扱いにされていませんね。 出身や地位、生い立ち、性別、出身大学などいろいろな違いで、意見が無視されたりは されてはいないですね。 組織や仲間の事は もちろん大事ですが、基本的には、国や世界のために、という、言わば社会のためにという、基本的な姿勢を取られていますね。少数意見には貴重な意見が反映されている場合も多いと思われますが、貴重な意見を取り上げるような努力もされていますね。

数学通信、編集員会への手紙 では、日本数学会への提言、数学教育など数学界に関係する提言、ご意見を編集員会への手紙欄へ投稿することができますとうたっていますが、採用されたことはあるのでしょうか。 採否は通知しませんとは 原則尊重で、採択が 原則ではないでしょうか。 下手に扱えば検閲に当たってしまうのではないでしょうか。理由も付けずに採否では、少数意見の尊重にはならないのではないでしょうか。その投稿規定は 何のために有るのでしょうか。

数学や数学界の名誉のために という観点から触れている問題は 大事ではないでしょうか。

良い社会、良い国家を 築くために、 また 数学の真実を 明かにして 世界の文化に 貢献したいという 存念で 発表している 声明

再生核研究所声明 613(2021.3.21) 数学界の恥ずかしい間違い、天才たちの見落とし、人々の思い込み; 人類とは盲目集団で、単細胞的集団であるように見える

等を どうして無視されるのでしょうか。それは 大事な内容ではないでしょうか。真偽を明かにして欲しい。

意味が無いから 小さいから 無視されていると考えられます。それゆえに 日々、広く内外の意見を求め、反省と検討を 続けています。

触れた記事内容は、鏡像が 原点か 無限遠点かの問題で 数学の歴然とした結果の真偽を まず、明らかにする様に要求しています。それは、象徴的な実例で、ところがその数学は 永い数学の歴史的な問題、ゼロ除算の新しい発見と、数学全般の基礎に関わる極めて重要な内容ですので、無視できないものです。その背景には、既に 発見後7年も経ち、繰り返し日本数学会で講演し、招待国際会議でも講演、ある招待国際会議のビデオ講演も公開し、論文どころか その著書さえ出版されています。それらでは 数学通信の数学内容が間違いであることを意味する 解説さえ述べられています。その事実を否定する内容に 数学通信の記事がなっていると考えます。このことは 世界の数学界ばかりではなく、人類の恥であると 繰り返し、述べています。

ゼロ除算の理解の遅れの状況の理由について 率直な印象を 世界の文化の向上の観点から触れたい。

ゼロ除算は、まずは不可能であるとの強い印象で、思い込みで、初めから拒否の印象が 強く、独断、思い込みから抜けられない人間の性(サガ)が現れている。自由な思考が大事な数学で 逆に思い込みが 深い。

途中で分っても 誤りを直すことをためらい、誤りを認めたり、批判しておきながら謝罪しない現実がある。なかには 良く知らないで、隠れて批判したり、都合が悪くなると沈黙してしまう 言わば、卑怯者のような対応を取られる方も結構多い。相当な人と交流してきたが、率直に誤りを認めた方は少なく、更に謝罪された方は更に少ない。それで、今でもインターネットの世界では不適当な情報で溢れていると考えられる。世の常識は 数学界の汚点であると考える:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).


大事な盲点であったと 良く理解された方が、数学を進化させるべきだとは 積極的には働きかけず、次の世代の問題と消極的である。 ー これはあまりにも大きな変更になるので、という面と 理解の深さに欠けているためと考えられる。ー 変更は簡単であるが、学術書の変更は厖大になる。 新規の数学で欠けたる部分が補充されるから、新しい結果を含めなくても 修正は厖大になる。しかし、真理を知っても 活かさない。 ー 義をみてせざるは勇なきなり。真智への愛の弱さ、真理を、真実を尊ぶ心の弱さ を感じてしまう。

残念ながら、課題のためか、無名のためか、数学の内容を見ることなく、無視されてしまう、初めから相手にされない現実もある。確かにゼロ除算の文献は 殆どすべてがおかしいものが 多いことと、不可能性は確定的だから、初めから、問題にしない気持ちは良くわかる。しかしながら、 非ユークリッド幾何学の発見のような場合もあり、実際、正しく、そのような場合に当たると考えられる。 ー しかし、数学自身を見るべきで 人で判断するのは 本質的に良くないのではないでしょうか。それでは科学的な精神に 本質的に欠けると言わざるを得ない。また、多様な意見や、変った意見、新奇な意見の尊重は 研究者の基本的な在りよう ではないでしょうか。

また、真理の追究のために、徹底的に議論するは 大事な研究の基本的な精神のはずですが、直ぐに議論を停止して、興味ない、関心ない、交流を断絶させる、相手の意見を無視するは 良くない世相ではないでしょうか。真実を求めて、徹底的に議論、交流するは 研究上極めて基本的な在りようではないでしょうか。

どうも数学界でも面子争い、競争意識、仲間利益の意識が強く、驚くべきことに 数学の真理の追究を越えて、数学界を 良くなくしているような世相を感じる。数学界こそ 真智への愛の精神が 大事ではないでしょうか。徹底的に 数学の真相を求めて行きたい。数学界は社会に開かれていなければならないと考える。

最近、東工大で 院生時代、修業時代、受けた 小松勇作先生、小沢満先生、吹田先生達のセミナーの情景がしきりに思い出される。一言で表現すれば、数学の厳格精神で、徹底的に鍛えられた、懐かしい修行時代である。 このようなだらしのない数学の状況、数学界の対応では 恩師たちに 申し訳が立たず、名誉が保てない と現状について 激しい思いが絶えず湧いてくる。

令和革新を 断行して 今こそ、日本発のゼロ除算算法で 世界史を進化させたい。アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の空間の考えは改められ、微積分学も修正されなければならない。三角関数も穴だらけと言える。顕著な具体例が 原点の鏡像は原点であって、無限遠点ではないという事実にある。

真偽を明らかにできない数学会とは 何をするところか。
間違っていることを修正できないで、数学の研究者、数学の先生 と言えるでしょうか。
これを修正しない数学界は 毎日恥をかいているようだ。 目覚めて少し、激しい感情が 湧いてきた。 修業のため 隠れ家に早めに行こう。

無限遠点、無限の先に ゼロが存在した。 気づかなかった。
小さな問題に見えるが、天地がひっくり変えるような、天動説が地動説に代わるような 世界史上の事件であることは 既に 歴然である。
                                以 上

再生核研究所声明 613(2021.3.21) 数学界の恥ずかしい間違い、天才たちの見落とし、人々の思い込み; 人類とは盲目集団で、単細胞的集団であるように見える


基本的な関数 y=1/x の 原点における値 が ゼロである という発見が ゼロ除算の発見の 本質と言えます。
何と その基本関数の 原点での値がゼロだ というのです。
その関数は、正の方向から原点に近づくと 無限大に発散し、負の方向から ゼロに近づくと マイナス無限大に 発散しています。 
それらは 事実で、 現代数学も当然 そうなっています。
しかし、それらは原点に近づくときの 様子を述べていますが、それらは、
原点での値が どうの こうのとは 一応違った問題です。 いくら原点に近づいても 原点での値が どうかは 別問題です。 いわゆる 連続性が成り立っているとか、そのようなことは 分りません。 それで 原点での 値を考えてきませんでした。 ぼんやり無限大のようなことを発想してきました。 複素解析学などでは 無限遠点を考えてきましたが、原点での値が 数のように無限大とするのは、そもそもおかしい。 値が 数ではないものと 等号で結ぶのは、 本当は おかしいと言えます。等号は数でなければならないのではないでしょうか。1/0=INFINITY  は 本当におかしい。 
実際、天才 オイラーの間違いとして 既に有名です。 ゼロ除算は 1/0=0 と言っていますから、多くの人には驚嘆で、実際、聞いて、表情を変えられたのは 国内外、欧米、アジア、ロシア、アフリカ、南米、アラブの人たちも同様です。 しかしながら、1/0 の新しい意味が与えられる必要がありました。 それがゼロ除算の 新しい概念、意味です。 近づく値と、近づいたところの値を 長い間混同し、曖昧にしてきたのが ゼロ除算の 大事な観点、盲点だったと言える。 良く知られているように ゼロ除算は普通の意味では不可能性が簡単に証明されてしまうので、世の天才 ニュートン、アインシュタイン、オイラー、ガウス すら ゼロ除算の本質は捉えることができませんでした。 天才 ラマノジャンは 0/0 = 1 ではないと直観していたが、ゼロ除算の意味は 捉えられなかった。

まず、関数とその極限の基本事項として、f(z)=1/z (z≠0)とおくとき、
f(z) は z=0 で定義されておらず、極限としてlim_(z→0) f(z) = ∞ は明らかです。
このとき、z=0 での値を新たに定義して拡張された関数を定義する場合、
z=0 において どのような関数値をとるかは自由です。
f(0)=∞ と定義するのは自然です。(1/0=∞)
f(0)=0 と定義した理論も重要です。(1/0=0)

これが大事ですが、ム-アペンローズ一般逆、高橋の一意性定理、体の構造、1100を超える具体例は 数学が、1/0=0 の定義と意味を与えているのは歴然です。
その考えは極めて簡単に記述されて 内容も定義も簡単です。
レヴェルで 小学生から、当たり前です。 割り算の定義、意味をちょっと考え直すだけです。
それゆえに 数学が恥ずかしい状態だと言っています。
これは、数学界の恥だけではなく 人類の、世界史の恥です。

上記で、z=0 において どのような関数値をとるかについて f(0)=∞ と定義するのは自然です は: 値を数でない∞とするのは、おかしいです。 それは、lim_(z→0) f(z) = ∞の意味で、 極限操作を考えなければ、∞は 意味がないと言えます。∞の定義を思い出す必要があります。
円の中心の 円に関する鏡像が 中心自身であることを意味しますが、それを無限大や、無限遠点とは やってはいけない 考えてはいけないことは 解析学における、 数学教育の基本に当たります。 なぜなら、近づいていった値と そこでの値は、一般に違うことが 極限の考え方で、基本的に 大事だからです。 ところが鏡像では、 みんな気づかず 永い期間 曖昧にして、
アリストテレス以来とも 言える。このことをきちんと指摘しても、7年間も修正されず、日本数学会 数学通信に 従来の古い間違いの事実を 正規に指摘しても 1年以上経っても無視を続けていられる有様です。 函数論分科会でもそうです。 何か みんな嫌な世界を見るように 避けるような態度を取られているのは、数学者らしくはない態度で、それでは数学の教育と研究に責任を持つ方がおられないように感じられてしまいます。 われわれは数学の真偽を明かにするように求めています。われわれの教えている数学には 基本的な欠陥があり、恥ずかしい状態であると 繰り返し述べているのに 無視されている状況が存在する。われわれは数学者の良心から、数学の美しさの名において 真相を明かにしていかなければならない ー 令和革新の大義。
理解が進まないのは、どうしてか と思い巡らしてきたが、自分の専門に深くはまり、単細胞的な思考と視野に閉ざされて、基本的なことに 気が周らないような状況が感じられます。 忙しく、心を失っていて、そのような状態で良い教育や、研究が できるのだろうか と考えてしまいます。
ゼロ除算は古い歴史を有する 有名な問題ですが、 世の秀才、天才は多いのですが、ひとたび不可能であるとされると、天才たちもすっかりその様に思い込み、その思考から抜けられない人間の性(サガ)を知らされます。 それゆえに、素人の意見など 広く参考にすることが 大事ではないでしょうか。 実際、私たちの発見は、素人の方の質問が、大きなきっかけになっています。
数学の世界は、政治社会等と違って 数学的真実は 客観的に 絶対的に存在していると考えれますので、数学としてどうか、真理の追究の立場から、真相を明かにして欲しい と願っています。
現状の数学は、恥ずかしい状態で、社会の扱いも 対応も恥ずかしいものであると、 ちょうど地動説を否定して、無視したり、批判していた世相に似ていると考えられます。人は、数学的な真実を求めるべきではないでしょうか。その問題は どうでもよい数学ではなく、数学の基本と世界観が直接関わっているのは歴然です。 永遠や無限は、どうなっているでしょうか。

                                以 上

再生核研究所声明 612(2021.3.19) 我々は発見した ― 数学の初歩的な結果

我々は、特異点で 意味のある値をとることを発見した。
我々は、無限の彼方が 原点に一致していることを発見した。
我々は、円の中心の 円に関する鏡像が 中心自身であることを発見した。
我々は、ゼロが 存在しないことを現す場合もあることを発見した。
我々は、直線も 点も、 中心が原点で、曲率がゼロの円とみなせることを発見した。
我々は、ゼロ除算算法 DBZC という 基本的な演算の概念と 言葉を発見した。 それを著書に出版した:

January, 2021





これらは気持ちで、感情的に 素人向きに、一般向きに 表現したものである。 正確、厳密には 上記著書で 自己完結に記述されていると考える。

                              以 上

再生核研究所声明 609 (2021.3.11):  複素数と円の幾何 - 島根大 中西俊浩氏の解説について(数学通信 2020年2月号) 記述の修正を求める

ここで、記述とは 円に関する 中心の鏡像を 無限遠点としているのを、 
中心の鏡像は 中心自身であるとの記述に改めて欲しいとの、要求です。


再生核研究所声明551(2020.3.8)  函数論分科会の皆様 —

再生核研究所声明 606(2021.3.1) : 新世界は拓かれた、新世界の探検を求める:
From Riemann sphere to Daeumler – Puha horn torus; 2021.2.22.5:33
From Euclid – Riemann to Daeumler – Puha horn torus model; 2021.2.22.07:30

を参照。 検討の依頼は 著者本人及び、編集責任者 「数学通信」編集委員長 徳永浩雄氏に伝えられ(Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:22:54 +0900)編集委員会にて諮りますと回答されたが、以後一切連絡を受けていない。


数学者が 間違いを修正しないはずは無いから、 数学会が間違いを修正しないのは、 どちらでもあり得ると 誤解している、 間違いの理解をしているため と 考えられる。
だから、真相を明らかにして欲しい。 関係者の 数学者の名誉と 義務 職務に反していると考える。
春の美しい朝、東工大で 小松勇作先生、小沢先生、吹田先生の 出席される 高級なセミナーで 数学の精神は鍛えられた。 先生たちは充実した年代で、結構な数学者、 東大の及川先生等も よく参加、更に当時助手と呼ばれていた人たちも一緒で 厳しいものだった。
私は、現状の関数論の在りようは おかしいと考えられると、そのような思いで 目を覚ました。 どうして こんなことが明らかにできないのだろうか。 どうして 真実を求めない。 明らかにしない。 鏡像の古典的な考えは 間違いであり、 現代数学の基礎には 基本的な欠陥がある。 真相を究めて欲しい。 それができないで 数学者と言えるだろうか。 私は 我々の受けた数学の精神に掛けて、それは許せない。それは研究者の 譲れない 良心である。 2021.3.6.5:25(ブログに公開)。
ゼロ除算は発見されて7年を経過し、日本数学会でも 繰り返し講演、学会ごとにできる限り個別にも会ってゼロ除算の理解を求めてきた。 それで正当な批判は世界のどこからも無く、招待国際会議のビデオ講演を公開し、 著書も出版されている。 しかしながら、今でも相当な人が上記に述べているような誤解をされている状況が 広くみられる。 単に鏡像の問題だけでは なく、世界観や基礎数学全般の基本に関わるので、日本数学会として、きちんと真相を明かにし、事実の認定を行うは、数学の研究と教育に責任を担う機関として、基本的な義務になると考えます。
私は、数学者の良心に掛けて、真相の究明を続け、数学の名誉に掛けて、令和革新の大義 に努力したい。
尚、結果は ISAAC 2015,  Macauでの Plenary Lectures で特別に言及され、正規に出版されている:

S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,
Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications – Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, {\bf 177}(2016), 151-182. (Springer).

                               以 上





\title{\bf  Announcement 600:  The 7th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$ \\

(2021.2.2)\\ For Founding a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus


\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\

Kawauchi-cho, 5-1648-16,\\

Kiryu 376-0041, Japan\\

{\bf kbdmm360@yahoo.co.jp}\\




 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$ in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotele (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 – 668 ?).

However, note that the division by zero $1/0=0$ having a mysterious long history was, in fact, known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  $ax=b$.


The division by zero calculus is  a new and fundamental concept,  and it  may be defined simply as follows:


For a function $y = f(x)$ which is $n$ order differentiable at $x =a$, we will {\bf define} the value

of the function, for $n \ge 0$


\frac{f(x)}{(x -a)^n}


at the point $x=a$ by the value




For the important case of $n=1$,


\frac{f(x)}{x -a} |_{x=a} = f^\prime(a).



Look the simple evidence of its importance:


 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry


Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:




For the detailed information, the book will be published soon as:


S. Saitoh, Introduction to the Division by Zero Calculus, Scientific Research Publishing (2021) (in press).


Some publisher of London is wishing some publication of a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus. The topics may be identified as the division by zero calculus. However, the contents will be related to our serious problems:


What is ZERO?


What is Division by Zero, in some serious sense?


The problems may be related to mathematical philosophy, long history and our culture.

The starting of the International Journal will not be still easy at this moment, however, for its importance, we would like to manage to found the new Journal in some near future. So, we will need the kind help of the leading mathematical scientists.


How will be the related physicists?


Computer scientists?


We attached the journal style (in a rough way) in the below. You can express your positive suggestions and comments for the style.

For your great contributions in connection with this topics, how will be your editorial member?

However, the final decision may be done by the publisher.

We wish to have your positive answer with your valuable suggestions and comments.

If you kindly are interested in the editorial member, then please send your simple CV with your wishes for some estimation by the publisher.

Please kindly forward this announcement to your related colleagues that you think suitable persons.


{\it For your starting email, I think as follows:

Many thanks for your email. The journals suggested by you are very interesting and new to the subject area. We accept to publish both journals under your editorship. We need following things from your side for preparing the sample web page of the journals.

1. Aim and Scope , Instructions to Authors, List of the editorial board members, Frequency of the journal.

Of course, they are important. However, for Frequency of the journal, we should consider it in a new type. We should not loss our valuable time for us and for the authors. We all do not like to loss our time for publication and refereeing time. This will mean that we should not fix Frequency of the journal. When a paper was accepted officially, then, soon the paper should be presented on line. So, some time, we can give the number for an accepted paper. If you wish to publish the papers in some Journal style or book, you will be able to publish them in some papers with a suitable page numbers. How will be this idea?

2. The journal will be free for the readers (open Access publications). The journal will not charge any fee from the authors for getting published in the journal.

Fine: However is it possible?

3. We need some sample images from your end to prepare the cover page for the journals.

We can consider them with computer graphics.

For a paper style, how will be it in a free style, we request it PDF in order not to

loss any valuable time for us and for the authors.

I think: this is an ideal style

viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

The problem is no refereeing procedures. We are requested to have some authority, some check system for the paper. This is a problem only.

I think you will be able to consider new journals in this spirit.

The publisher already gave a very good sample manuscript form by LaTex; very simple way. No problem.

4. We will provide the support to the editor to check the plagiarism in the articles via turnitin software.

We will request minor corrections formally for the accepted paper.}





C. B. Boyer, An early reference to division by zero,  The Journal of the American Mathematical Monthly, {\bf 50} (1943), (8), 487- 491. Retrieved March 6, 2018, from the JSTOR database.


L. P.  Castro and S. Saitoh,  Fractional functions and their representations,  Complex Anal. Oper. Theory {\bf7} (2013), no. 4, 1049-1063.


M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane,

New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on $100/0=0$ and on $0/0=0$,

Int. J. Appl. Math.  {\bf 27} (2014), no 2, pp. 191-198,  DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9.


T. Matsuura and S. Saitoh,

Matrices and division by zero $z/0=0$,

Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory, {\bf 6}(2016), 51-58

Published Online June 2016 in SciRes.   http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt

\\ http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007.


T. Matsuura, H. Michiwaki and S. Saitoh,

$\log 0= \log \infty =0$ and applications. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 293-305.


H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh and  M.Yamada,

Reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$.  IJAPM  International J. of Applied Physics and Math. {\bf 6}(2015), 1–8. http://www.ijapm.org/show-63-504-1.html


H. Michiwaki, H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

 Division by Zero $z/0 = 0$ in Euclidean Spaces,

 International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, {\bf 2}8(2017); Issue  1, 1-16.


 H. Okumura,  Is It Really Impossible To Divide By Zero?  Biostat Biometrics Open Acc J. 2018; 7(1): 555703.

DOI: 10.19080/BBOJ.2018.07.555703.


H. Okumura, Wasan geometry with the division by 0. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06947 International  Journal of Geometry. {\bf 7}(2018), No. 1, 17-20.


H. Okumura,

An Analogue to Pappus Chain theorem with Division by Zero, Forum Geom., {\bf 18} (2018),  409–412.


H. Okumura, To Divide by Zero is to Multiply by Zero, viXra: 1811.0283  submitted on 2018-11-18 20:46:54.


H. Okumura, A Remark of the Definition of $0/0=0$ by Brahmagupta,  viXra:1902.0221 submitted on 2019-02-12 23:41:31.


H. Okumura, A Chain of Circles Touching a Circle and Its Tangent and Division by Zero,

viXra:2001.0034 submitted on 2020-01-03 01:08:58.


H. Okumura, Pappus Chain and Division by Zero, viXra:2001.0123 replaced on 2020-01-08 06:57:36.


H. Okumura, S. Saitoh and T. Matsuura, Relations of   $0$ and  $\infty$,

Journal of Technology and Social Science (JTSS), {\bf 1}(2017),  70-77.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, The Descartes circles theorem and division by zero calculus. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.04961 (2017.11.14).


H.  Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Harmonic Mean and Division by Zero,

Dedicated to Professor Josip Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18} (2018), 155—159.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Remarks for The Twin Circles of Archimedes in a Skewed Arbelos by H. Okumura and M. Watanabe, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18}(2018), 97-100.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Applications of the division by zero calculus to Wasan geometry.



H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus,

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM), {\bf  2 }(2018),  57–73.


S. Pinelas and S. Saitoh,

Division by zero calculus and differential equations. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 399-418.


H. G. Romig, Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero,

American Mathematical Monthly, {\bf 3}1, No. 8. (Oct., 1924),  387-389.


S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices,  Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory.  {\bf 4}  (2014), no. 2,  87–95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/


S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,

Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications – Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics,  {\bf 177}(2016),     151-182.


S.-E. Takahasi, M. Tsukada and Y. Kobayashi,  Classification of continuous fractional binary operations on the real and complex fields,  Tokyo Journal of Mathematics,   {\bf 38}(2015), no. 2, 369-380.


Announcement 179 (2014.8.30): Division by zero is clear as z/0=0 and it is fundamental in mathematics.


Announcement 185 (2014.10.22): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 237 (2015.6.18):  A reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$ by  geometrical optics.


Announcement 246 (2015.9.17): An interpretation of the division by zero $1/0=0$ by the gradients of lines.


Announcement 247 (2015.9.22): The gradient of y-axis is zero and $\tan (\pi/2) =0$ by the division by zero $1/0=0$.


Announcement 250 (2015.10.20): What are numbers? –  the Yamada field containing the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 252 (2015.11.1): Circles and

curvature – an interpretation by Mr.

Hiroshi Michiwaki of the division by

zero $r/0 = 0$.


Announcement 281 (2016.2.1): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 282 (2016.2.2): The Division by Zero $z/0=0$ on the Second Birthday.


Announcement 293 (2016.3.27):  Parallel lines on the Euclidean plane from the viewpoint of division by zero 1/0=0.


Announcement 300 (2016.05.22): New challenges on the division by zero z/0=0.


 Announcement 326 (2016.10.17): The division by zero z/0=0 – its impact to human beings through education and research.


Announcement 352 (2017.2.2):   On the third birthday of the division by zero z/0=0.


Announcement 354 (2017.2.8): What are $n = 2,1,0$ regular polygons inscribed in a disc? — relations of $0$ and infinity.


Announcement 362 (2017.5.5): Discovery of the division by zero as  $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$


Announcement 380 (2017.8.21):  What is the zero?


Announcement 388 (2017.10.29):   Information and ideas on zero and division by zero (a project).


Announcement 409 (2018.1.29.):  Various Publication Projects on the Division by Zero.


Announcement 410 (2018.1 30.):  What is mathematics? — beyond logic; for great challengers on the division by zero.


Announcement 412 (2018.2.2.): The 4th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 433 (2018.7.16.):  Puha’s Horn Torus Model for the Riemann Sphere From the Viewpoint of Division by Zero.


Announcement 448 (2018.8.20):  Division by Zero;

 Funny History and New World.


Announcement 454 (2018.9.29): The International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, October 22-23.


Announcement 460 (2018.11.06): Change the Poor Idea to the Definite Results For the Division by Zero – For the Leading Mathematicians.


Announcement 461 (2018.11.10): An essence of division by zero and a new axiom.


Announcement 471(2019.2.2):  The 5th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 478(2019.3.4):  Who did derive first the division by zero $1/0$ and the division by zero calculus $\tan(\pi/2)=0, \log 0=0$ as the outputs of a computer?


Announcement 540(2020.2.2): The 6th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.



prepare the article according to the sample style of the journal. 


Thanks again, 


E=Mc2: What Does Einstein’s Most Famous Equation Mean?

Albert Einstein’s simple yet powerful equation revolutionized physics by connecting the mass of an object with its energy for the first time.

yeah Tower of Babylon was great, but Understand, Division by Zero, and Story of Your Life all seemed to fall into this pitfall I’m thinking of to greater or lesser degrees (and honestly I’m only halfway through the one collection so that’s about all I’ve read so far)

ZeroDivisionError division by zero

ZeroDivisionError division by zerothanks for watching! subscribe(); to support 00110110 🦥 thank you  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LuoqwI1vjrU

I read “Hell is the absence of God” and “Divid by zero”

The original title of “Divid by Zero” (“Division by Zero”) is a deep name, isn’t it?

Division by zero is actually natural from the meaning of zero:

[Ha !?] Paradox 0 to the 0th power problem [Slow commentary] #Slowly #Slow commentary #Slow math #Paradox #Slow science # 0 ÷ 0 Answer 0 is a cool name, isn’t it? Even so, if you divide 0 by 0, the more you think about problems such as (0 ÷ 0) and the factorial of 0 (0!), The more you will not understand. This time, the answer is different depending on the computer.

If Zero Will Not Exist Then What Will Happen? Please see In This Video
I found it very interesting:
"Singularity" is fantasy math, division by zero.
Calculus Lecture 22 | Zero over Zero
Calculus Lecture 22 | Zero over ZeroSponsored by Brilliant; Website:
I will soon receive the revelation of God and start talking about mathematics, humans, and the world. From love for mathematics, humans, and life. It will open up a new world history.
I will * resist making reference to George Berkeley's observations about the impossibility of division by zero in my staffing request this year (2 retirements + new hire coming in fall + I'm contractually in English means * technically * now the major / faculty ratio is a / 0). * maybe
zero divided by zero
Tuesday, May 11, 2021 NEW!
Theme: Mathematics
zero divided by zero
zero divided by zero
Universe divided by zero
The definition of division by zero is a problem. If you write it in fractions, you need to give the meaning of the fractions properly.
He even published a book that clarified algebraic definitions, analytical definitions, and the significance of new definitions:

Divide By Zero upgrades all its FFF 3D Printers with Intelligent Auto-Switchover System

Division by zero wiki

It’s not entirely a bug. It’s done to prevent division by zero. Common practice in such things, but we could probably improve that.

Computers commanded by humans to make all human beings happy find that reducing the denominator by "removing" unhappy people can be maximized as a result of using the percentage of happy people as the merit function, and unhappy people. SF that "deletes" from one end, and finally the denominator becomes 0 and the computer itself does not work by division by zero
Statement of the Institute for Bionuclear Science 616 (2021.4.10) Now is the time for the Mathematical Society of Japan to contribute to the culture of the world.
We have reached the season of pleasant fresh green and young leaves. A concept like the notation was inspired by the beautiful nature. I want to put it all together at once. Frankly.
In the first place, mathematics is a mysterious existence that is made up of the basic structure of logic, and if there is a concept that its existence is absolute in the world, it would be about the mathematics world:

No.81, May 2012(pdf 432kb)

Looking at its logical structure, the value judgment of mathematics is not so difficult. Looking at the logical structure, it is natural that the basic ones are good and the ones that have a great positive impact on society are better. It makes a basic contribution to the structure of mathematics, and makes a great contribution to the ideas and utilization of the world. -Therefore, the time will come when AI will evaluate the results of mathematics fairly well. In that sense, examples of valuable mathematics include the Pythagorean theorem, which many people know, and Euler's formula, which is a little more expensive (detailed in the above explanation along with what mathematics is).
Now, it seems that division by zero and division by zero can be considered as new mathematics that can be compared with them. The problem of dividing by zero, which has a history of more than 2300 years since Aristotle, division by zero, has been clarified by the concept of division by zero. It not only complements and perfects the imperfections of mathematics, but also opens up a vast new world.
It is already clear that these have a tremendous impact on the basics of mathematics. This is because it has pioneered a new world in which the basics of mathematics, the basics of four arithmetic operations, and the missing parts are complemented, and unique values ​​are taken at isolated singularities of analytic functions, which had been considered unthinkable in the past. Therefore, exception handling and clunky mathematics are perfected to open up a beautiful world.
How can we say such a big difference? It was convinced that the structure of mathematics itself was repeatedly examined, discussed extensively for over 7 years, solicited opinions, practiced daily, and continued to be examined. In the honor of mathematics, in the honor of mathematicians It is the conscience and duty of a mathematician to make such a statement. The truth is clearly there.
During this time, I know that there are quite a few mathematicians who are vaguely obsessed with old ideas, but it seems that my first love has been killed because of human nature (saga). Think of it as representing the human mind. A feeling that can no longer accept a new world view.
How can we contribute to the world, because it completes mathematics beautifully and opens up an unknown world. Actually, it is already clear that new mathematics has a great influence on the outlook on life, the world, and the outlook on life, and brings about a new idea that leads to the opening of the human soul and spirit. I would like to touch on such effects in detail.
However, in a shorter way, the textbooks and academic books of the world were changed by the division by zero method.
-A typical example is:

1/0=0/0=z/0=\tan(\pi/2) =\log 0 =0, [(z^n)/n]_{n=0} = \log z,  [e^{(1/z)}]_{z=0} = 1;

For the elementary functions, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = tan x and h(n)= a^n/n (a > 0), we have:

f(0)=0, g(\pi/2) = 0 and h(0) = log a,

by the DBZC (division by zero calculus)、

Instead of avoiding division by zero by computers around the world, I think that the big and obvious impact of enabling division by zero and opening up a new world will inevitably come out-the cause of Reiwa innovation.
The world is dark due to the corona, and the elucidation of division by zero is an event in the history of the world, and it is thought that it will greatly contribute to shaking the world and opening up human beings.
Therefore, both the Mathematical Society of Japan and Japan will recognize the elucidation of division by zero, clarify its meaning to the world, introduce it, and utilize it to contribute to the culture of the world.
We believe that contributing to the world is a great opportunity to make a small budget, expense and effort. I want to dispel the anxieties of the Corona and the Olympic Games and make Japan shine. I want to send bright and amazing news from Japan to the world.
People all over the world will be able to joyfully capture the beauty and mystery of mathematics. At that time, humans will know humans. It's dawn.
                                  that's all
A coin-sized black hole destroys the earth

And what happens, if now somebody would say the opposite followed by “FACT”. Would that be like a division by zero and lead to the universe imploding, because of the paradoxon created? Anyone wanna try?

Geek Junior

Apprendre avec YouTube #205 : Scilabus, Scienticfiz, Norbert Explique Tout, Nota Bene…

L’identité de Brahmagupta a été démontrée par le mathématicien indien au 7e siècle. Diophante d’Alexandrie en avait déjà établi un cas particulier quelques centaines d’années auparavant. Elle sert notamment à résoudre …
8 hours ago

"The contradiction of division by zero in traditional arithmetic begins with the creation of the absolute criterion of 1. But all are relative values. Relative values ​​between 1 and 0 (relative to 1). Ratio), that is, finding division 1/0 is a logical contradiction in the first place.
There was an essential problem with the idea of ​​dividing by zero. Actually, there is a simple and natural definition of dividing by zero, which brings about the transformation and innovation of mathematics itself. Detailed explanations are also given in Japanese: Division by zero was actually easy. However, there are quite a few essential problems, and it seems that people who do not understand do not understand it.
Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 549 (2020.2.26) Is Mathematics a Discovery or an Invention? -Answer
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 615 (2021.3.31) Will it break at zero or not? -Thinking
Even though it has been seven years since we announced a new concept of division by zero and division by zero, there are situations in which understanding has not progressed. There is a considerable amount of commentary:
Foundations of Mathematics Study Group Official Website Fun Mathematics


-The trajectory of "division by zero" research-
Unbearably Fun Mathematics-Thinking about dividing by zero (1)-(55)
Professor Emeritus of Gunma University Saburo Saito
There are various ways of understanding and misunderstanding, so it is necessary to think about various ways of expression.
The essence of this problem was to consider the value at the origin of the function y = 1 / x. It can be said that the discovery that the value of the origin of the function is zero is the essence of the division by zero method, which is an extension of division by zero.
By the way, when the question is whether or not it can be divided by zero, if the meaning and definition are not solid, the mathematical discussion will not start. It is a definition. In the first place, what is the meaning and definition of division, fraction b / a; b divide a? It is mathematics to think that it is the solution of the equation a x = b, and it is considered to be common sense in the world (because it is a definition, there are various definitions and ideas). As you can see immediately, when a = 0, b = 0, so it is unthinkable except when a = 0, b = 0.
Fractions are an established, long-established theory of mathematics that they are unthinkable and cannot be divided by zero. By definition, zero does not generally break, and dividing by zero should not be considered in general. -The Ten Commandments of Mathematics No. 1.
However, there is a theory that the equation a x = b has a unique solution at any time even when a = 0, which is the famous Moore-Penrose general opposite idea. According to it, the solution when a = 0 is derived that the solution is zero regardless of b. Since there is only one solution to the equation that defines division in any case, it leads to a natural idea of ​​defining division with that general solution. There is a lot of history of mathematics that has made possible or exist by generalizing the idea of ​​what cannot be done, what is impossible, and what does not exist. It is a generalization of concepts and ideas.
In that sense, division by zero is possible. Whether it breaks at zero or not breaks depends on the way of thinking by definition.
If it is impossible, in that case, there is no room for further consideration, and it is over. Don't divide by zero, don't think about it. That's it.
However, there is a solid theory that enables division by zero. Then, if you are interested in what the possible world will look like, an unknown world will appear. As a result, the world is not a phantom, empty world.
Aristotle has discovered that it will open up a new world since the world of Euclid. It is so magnificent that it opens up a beautiful world, so we should think of it as a new discovery of the meaning of division.
Declaring that division by zero is possible, opening up a new world, and that conventional mathematics is flawed and embarrassing. -The cause of Reiwa innovation.
The value at the origin of the function y = 1 / x is zero, which is expressed as 1/0 = 0. If 1/0 is the conventional definition of a fraction, it is clearly a contradiction. Therefore, it is necessary to give a new meaning of 1/0 strictly, and it is necessary to show its effectiveness as evidence with many concrete examples.
That is the mathematical concept of division by zero.
A concrete example is typically expressed as follows, and the significance of its significance is apparent:

For the elementary functions, f(x) = 1/x, g(x) = tan x and h(n)= a^n/n (a > 0), we have:

f(0)=0, g(\pi/2) = 0 and h(0) = log a,

by the DBZC (division by zero calculus).

The division by zero method is a new mathematics because it always takes a finite fixed value as a singular point, where it should not be considered as a singular point, and where it is considered as a pole.
Although the above function value is basic, it is a singular point and the value could not be considered.
We are widely guiding the effectiveness of the operation:
He professes that modern mathematics is still flawed. It is clear that there are basic defects in function theory, differential equations, geometry, and algebra, and it has been eight years since the discovery. This will be a stain on world history:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






                                  以 上

Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 614 (2021.3.28) Reasons for requesting revision of articles in mathematical communication, Japanese culture, state of the mathematical world, state of society; Mathematical Society of Japan, members of the media, is this all right?
In short, one of the journals of the Mathematical Society of Japan has officially requested correction of the contents of mathematics, but the current situation is that it continues to be ignored. With reference to this situation, I would like to mention related issues in accordance with the purpose of the statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research, which has announced that it is trying to build a better society.
First of all, to all the people involved in the Mathematical Society of Japan and the media, freedom of speech is well guaranteed in Japan. Minority opinions are often taken up, and some people are not treated as information by some people. Opinions are not ignored due to various differences such as origin, position, background, gender, university of origin, etc. Of course, the organization and friends are important, but basically, you are taking the basic stance of being for the sake of the country and the world, so to speak, for the sake of society. It seems that the minority opinions often reflect valuable opinions, but efforts are being made to pick up valuable opinions.
In the letter to the editorial board, you can post your suggestions to the Mathematical Society of Japan, suggestions related to the mathematics world such as mathematics education, and your opinions in the letter column to the editorial board. Have you ever been hired? It is a principle that we will not notify you of acceptance or rejection, and it is a principle of adoption. If handled poorly, it would be censored. Adopting or rejecting without giving a reason may not respect the opinions of the minority. What is the posting rule for?
Isn't the problem mentioned from the perspective of mathematics and the honor of the mathematics world important?
In order to build a good society and a good nation, we are announcing that we want to reveal the truth of mathematics and contribute to the culture of the world.
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 613 (2021.3.21) Embarrassing mistakes in mathematics, oversights of geniuses, people's beliefs; human beings are blind groups and appear to be unicellular groups
Why are they ignored? Isn't that important content? I want you to reveal the truth.
Since it is meaningless, it is considered to be ignored because it is small. Therefore, every day, we seek opinions from both inside and outside the country, and continue to reflect on and consider them.
On the contrary, it seems to us that it is full of insignificant research and information.
The content of the article mentioned requires that the truth of the clear result of mathematics be clarified first, depending on whether the mirror image is the origin or the point at infinity. It is a symbolic example, but it cannot be ignored because it is a long-standing historical problem of mathematics, a new discovery of division by zero, and extremely important content related to the basics of mathematics in general. Behind this, seven years have passed since the discovery, and he has repeatedly given lectures at the Mathematical Society of Japan, lectured at invited international conferences, and released video lectures at certain invited international conferences, and even his books have been published, not to mention papers. They even provide explanations that mean that the mathematical content of the mathematical communication is incorrect. I think that there is an article on mathematical communication that denies that fact. I have repeatedly stated that this is a shame not only for the world of mathematics but also for humankind.
Therefore, I think it is natural for a mathematician to ask for the truth.
Regarding the reason for the delay in understanding division by zero, I would like to give a frank impression from the perspective of improving the culture of the world.
I have a strong impression that division by zero is impossible at first, and I have a strong impression of refusal from the beginning because of my belief, and there is a human sexuality (saga) that I cannot escape from my belief. Free thinking is important in mathematics, and on the contrary, I have a deep belief.
Even if you find out on the way, there is a reality that you hesitate to correct the mistake and do not apologize while admitting or criticizing the mistake. Among them, there are quite a lot of people who do not know well, hide and criticize, or are silent when it becomes inconvenient, so to speak, they are treated like cowards. I have interacted with a considerable number of people, but few have frankly admitted their mistakes, and even fewer have been apologized. Therefore, it is considered that the world of the Internet is still full of inappropriate information. I think the common sense of the world is a stain on the mathematical world:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).

I think such a situation would be a shame and negligence in the mathematical and media worlds.
Those who are well understood that it was an important blind spot do not actively work on the evolution of mathematics, and are reluctant with the problems of the next generation. -This is probably because it is a big change and lacks a deep understanding. -Changes are easy, but changes to scholarly books are enormous. Since the missing part in the new mathematics is filled in, the correction will be enormous even if the new result is not included. However, even if you know the truth, you cannot make use of it. -It is brave to see the righteousness. I feel the weakness of love for Machi, the weakness of the truth, and the weakness of the heart that respects the truth.
Unfortunately, there is a reality that people are ignored from the beginning without looking at the contents of mathematics, whether because of a task or because of an unknown name. Certainly, almost all of the literature on division by zero is strange, and the impossibility is definite, so from the beginning, I can understand the feeling that it does not matter. However, there are cases such as the discovery of non-Euclidean geometry, and in fact, it is considered to be correct in such cases. -However, you should look at the mathematics itself, and it is essentially not good to judge by yourself. Then I have to say that it is essentially lacking in the scientific spirit. In addition, respect for diverse opinions, strange opinions, and novel opinions may be the basic existence of researchers.
Also, in order to pursue the truth, a thorough discussion should be the basic spirit of important research, but immediately stop the discussion and give an opinion of the other party, who is not interested, is not interested, cuts off the exchange. Isn't it a bad world to ignore? In search of the truth, thorough discussions and exchanges seem to be extremely basic in research.
Even in the mathematics world, there is a strong sense of face-to-face competition, a sense of competition, and a sense of fellowship, and surprisingly, I feel that the world of mathematics is getting worse beyond the pursuit of the truth of mathematics. Isn't the spirit of love for Machi important in the mathematical world? I want to thoroughly seek the truth of mathematics. I think the mathematical world must be open to society.
Recently, I can remember the scenes of the seminars by Yusaku Komatsu, Mitsuru Ozawa, and Suita, who I received at Tokyo Institute of Technology when I was a graduate student and a trainee. In a nutshell, it is a nostalgic training era that has been thoroughly trained with the strict spirit of mathematics. In such a sloppy mathematics situation and the response of the mathematics world, I am sorry for my teachers and I can not keep my honor, and I am constantly feeling fierce about the current situation.
Reiwa innovation is carried out, and now is the time to evolve world history with the division by zero method originating in Japan. The idea of ​​space since Aristotle and Euclid must be changed, and calculus must be revised. It can be said that trigonometric functions are also full of holes. A prominent example is the fact that the mirror image of the origin is the origin, not the point at infinity.
From the blog:
What is the Mathematical Society of Japan that cannot clarify the truth?
Can you say that you are a math researcher and a math teacher because you cannot correct what is wrong?
The math world that doesn't fix this seems to be ashamed every day. I woke up and felt a little intense emotions. Let's go to the hideout early for training.
2021.3.26.5: 02
There was zero at the point at infinity and beyond infinity. I did not notice.
It seems to be a small problem, but it is already clear that it is an event in the history of the world where the geocentric theory replaces the heliocentric theory, which turns the world upside down.
2021.3.25.5: 28
                                that's all
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 613 (2021.3.21) Embarrassing mistakes in mathematics, oversights of geniuses, people's beliefs; human beings are blind groups and appear to be unicellular groups
The delay in understanding division by zero is quite strange, and I'm wondering why. First, I will explain the essence of the most principle of division by zero.
The discovery that the value at the origin of the basic function y = 1 / x is zero can be said to be the essence of the discovery of division by zero.
It is said that the value of the basic function at the origin is zero.
The function diverges to infinity when approaching the origin from the positive direction, and diverges to minus infinity when approaching zero from the negative direction.
Those are facts, and of course modern mathematics is.
However, although they describe the situation when approaching the origin, they are
The problem is different from what the value at the origin is. No matter how close you are to the origin, it is a different matter whether the value at the origin is. I don't know if so-called continuity is established or something like that. That's why I didn't think about the value at the origin. I have vaguely come up with something like infinity. In complex analysis, we have considered the point at infinity, but it is strange that the value at the origin is infinite like a number. It can be said that it is really strange to connect a value that is not a number with an equal sign. Shouldn't the equal sign have to be a number? 1/0 = INFINITY is really strange.
In fact, it is already famous as a mistake of the genius Euler. Since division by zero is said to be 1/0 = 0, many people are amazed, and in fact, the people who heard and changed their facial expressions were domestic, Western, Asian, Russian, African, South American, and Arab people. The same is true for us. However, it was necessary to give a new meaning of 1/0. That is the new concept and meaning of division by zero. It can be said that the important point of division by zero, the blind spot, has been confusing and obscuring the approaching value and the approaching value for a long time. As is well known, division by zero is easily proved impossible in the ordinary sense, so even the geniuses of the world, Newton, Einstein, Euler, and Gauss, could not grasp the essence of division by zero. The genius Ramanojan had an intuition that 0/0 = 1, but the meaning of division by zero could not be grasped.
It's an important point, so I would like to quote it to deepen my understanding by referring to an email with a certain person:
First, when f (z) = 1 / z (z ≠ 0) is set as the fundamentals of functions and their limits,
f (z) is not defined with z = 0, and lim_ (z → 0) f (z) = ∞ is obvious as the limit.
At this time, when defining a new value at z = 0 and defining an extended function,
What kind of function value is taken at z = 0 is free.
When considering the Riemann surface in functional theory, it is convenient for continuity and conformality.
It is natural to define f (0) = ∞. (1/0 = ∞)
On the other hand, as suggested by the teacher, when considering various applications,
The theory that defines f (0) = 0 is also important. (1/0 = 0)
This is important, but it is clear that mathematics gives the definition and meaning of 1/0 = 0 in the Mu-Apenrose general inverse, Takahashi's uniqueness theorem, body structure, and more than 1100 concrete examples.
The idea is extremely easy to describe and the content and definition are simple.
At the level, it is natural from elementary school students. Just rethink the definition and meaning of division.
Therefore, he says that mathematics is embarrassing.
This is not only the shame of the mathematical world, but the shame of humankind's world history.
In the above, it is natural to define what kind of function value is taken at z = 0 as f (0) = ∞: It is strange to set the value to ∞, which is not a number. It means lim_ (z → 0) f (z) = ∞, and if you don't consider the extreme operation, you can say that ∞ is meaningless. We need to remember the definition of ∞.
It means that the mirror image of the circle at the center of the circle is the center itself, but what you should not think of as infinity or point at infinity is the basis of mathematics education in analysis. The reason is that the value that approaches and the value there are generally different, which is the ultimate idea, and it is basically important. However, in the mirror image, everyone did not notice it, and it was ambiguous for a long time.
I've been vague.
Unfortunately, the value approaching the origin is different from the value at the origin, and at the origin
An amazing number, zero, was defined that didn't look like it.
It can be said that it has been since Aristotle. Even if I point out this properly, it has not been corrected for 7 years, and even if I regularly point out the fact of the old mistake in the mathematical communication of the Mathematical Society of Japan, it seems that I can continue to ignore it even after more than a year. The same is true for the function theory subcommittee. It is not like a mathematician to have an attitude of avoiding something like seeing a world that everyone dislikes, so it seems that no one is responsible for mathematics education and research. I will end up. We are asking you to reveal the truth of mathematics. There is a situation in which the mathematics we teach has a basic flaw and is ignored even though it is repeatedly stated that it is in an embarrassing state. From the conscience of mathematicians, we must reveal the truth in the name of the beauty of mathematics.
-The cause of Reiwa innovation.
I've been wondering why my understanding isn't progressing, but I feel that I'm deeply absorbed in my specialty, closed to unicellular thinking and vision, and feel uneasy about the basics. I will. I am busy and have lost my mind, and I wonder if I can do good education and research in such a state.
Division by zero is a well-known problem with a long history, but there are many geniuses and geniuses in the world, but once it is considered impossible, the geniuses think that way and are human beings who can not get out of that thought. You will be informed of the sex (saga) of. Therefore, it is important to refer widely to the opinions of amateurs. In fact, our discovery was largely triggered by a question from an amateur.
In the world of mathematics, unlike political society, mathematical truth is considered to exist objectively and absolutely, so I hope that the truth will be revealed from the standpoint of pursuing the truth. I will.
The current mathematics is embarrassing, and it is thought that it is similar to the social situation in which the treatment and response of society are embarrassing, just denying the heliocentric theory and ignoring or criticizing it. Shouldn't one seek mathematical truth? It is clear that the problem is not irrelevant mathematics, but the basics of mathematics and the world view are directly related. What about eternity and infinity?
                                that's all
Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 612 (2021.3.19) We have discovered-elementary results of mathematics
We have found that, in a natural sense, it breaks at zero.
We have found that infinity is represented by zero.
We found that the slope of a utility pole standing straight was zero.
We have found that the y-axis gradient is zero.
We have found that the value at the center of a right-angled hyperbola takes the value at the center.
We have found that the singularity takes a meaningful value.
We have discovered that infinite distance is in line with the origin.
We have found that there is zero beyond infinity.
We have found that everything starts at zero and returns to zero.
We found that the mirror image of the center of the circle is the center itself.
We have discovered that zero has the property of showing the impossible.
We have discovered that zero may indicate that it does not exist.
We have found that Euclidean geometry is flawed in infinitely distant ideas.
We have discovered that both straight lines and points can be regarded as circles with the origin at the center and zero curvature.
We discovered the basic arithmetic concept and word called division by zero DBZC. Published it in a book:

January, 2021





These are emotional and emotional expressions for amateurs and the general public. Accurately, strictly speaking, I think that it is described in the above book in a self-contained manner.
                              that's all
Reproducing Kernel Research Institute Statement 609 (2021.3.11): Geometry of complex numbers and circles-Shimane University, commentary by Toshihiro Nakanishi (Mathematics Communication, February 2020 issue) Request for correction of description
Here, the description means that the central mirror image of the circle is the point at infinity.
It is a request to change the description that the mirror image of the center is the center itself.
The detailed background is
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 551 (2020.3.8) Members of the Function Theory Subcommittee--
I think that the current undergraduate function theory textbook and educational content have basic flaws.
Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 606 (2021.3.1): New world has been opened up, seeking exploration of the new world:

From Riemann sphere to Daeumler – Puha horn torus; 2021.2.22.5:33
From Euclid – Riemann to Daeumler – Puha horn torus model; 2021.2.22.07:30

See. The request for consideration was given to the author himself and the editorial manager, Mr. Hiroo Tokunaga, the editorial chairman of "Mathematics Communication" (Thu, 5 Mar 2020 10:22:54 +0900). , I haven't been contacted at all since then.
What is the reason for the correction request?
Since mathematicians cannot correct mistakes, it is thought that the reason why the Mathematical Society of Japan does not correct mistakes is because they misunderstand that it can be either, or because they understand the mistakes.
Therefore, I want you to clarify the truth. I think that it is against the honor and duty of the mathematician of the person concerned.
On a beautiful spring morning, the spirit of mathematics was trained at a high-class seminar attended by Professor Yusaku Komatsu, Professor Ozawa, and Professor Suita at Tokyo Institute of Technology. The teachers were of a fulfilling age, and a good mathematician, Professor Oikawa of the University of Tokyo, etc. often participated, and the people who were called assistants at that time were also strict.
I woke up with such a thought when I thought that the current state of function theory was strange. Why can't this be clarified? Why don't you ask for the truth. I will not clarify. The classical idea of ​​a mirror image is wrong, and there are fundamental flaws in the foundation of modern mathematics. I want you to find out the truth. Can you say that you are a mathematician because you can't do that? I can't forgive it in the spirit of mathematics we received. That is the unyielding conscience of the researcher. 2021.3.6.5: 25 (published on the blog).
Seven years have passed since the discovery of division by zero, and I have repeatedly given lectures at the Mathematical Society of Japan, and have met as individually as possible for each academic society to seek understanding of division by zero. Therefore, there is no legitimate criticism from anywhere in the world, and the video lecture of the invited international conference has been released, and the book has also been published. However, there are still widespread situations in which a considerable number of people are misunderstood as described above. Since it is related not only to the problem of mirror images but also to the world view and the basics of basic mathematics in general, the Mathematical Society of Japan is responsible for clarifying the truth and certifying the facts as an institution responsible for mathematics research and education. I think it will be a basic obligation.
I would like to continue to investigate the truth with the conscience of mathematicians, and with the honor of mathematics, strive for the cause of Reiwa innovation.
The results were specifically mentioned in ISAAC 2015, Plenary Lectures on Macau, and officially published:

S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,
Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications - Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, {\bf 177}(2016), 151-182. (Springer). that's all





\title{\bf  Announcement 600:  The 7th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$ \\

(2021.2.2)\\ For Founding a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus


\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\

Kawauchi-cho, 5-1648-16,\\

Kiryu 376-0041, Japan\\

{\bf kbdmm360@yahoo.co.jp}\\




 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$ in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotele (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 – 668 ?).

However, note that the division by zero $1/0=0$ having a mysterious long history was, in fact, known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  $ax=b$.


The division by zero calculus is  a new and fundamental concept,  and it  may be defined simply as follows:


For a function $y = f(x)$ which is $n$ order differentiable at $x =a$, we will {\bf define} the value

of the function, for $n \ge 0$


\frac{f(x)}{(x -a)^n}


at the point $x=a$ by the value




For the important case of $n=1$,


\frac{f(x)}{x -a} |_{x=a} = f^\prime(a).



Look the simple evidence of its importance:


 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry


Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:



For the detailed information, the book will be published soon as:


S. Saitoh, Introduction to the Division by Zero Calculus, Scientific Research Publishing (2021) (in press).


Some publisher of London is wishing some publication of a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus. The topics may be identified as the division by zero calculus. However, the contents will be related to our serious problems:


What is ZERO?


What is Division by Zero, in some serious sense?


The problems may be related to mathematical philosophy, long history and our culture.

The starting of the International Journal will not be still easy at this moment, however, for its importance, we would like to manage to found the new Journal in some near future. So, we will need the kind help of the leading mathematical scientists.


How will be the related physicists?


Computer scientists?


We attached the journal style (in a rough way) in the below. You can express your positive suggestions and comments for the style.

For your great contributions in connection with this topics, how will be your editorial member?

However, the final decision may be done by the publisher.

We wish to have your positive answer with your valuable suggestions and comments.

If you kindly are interested in the editorial member, then please send your simple CV with your wishes for some estimation by the publisher.

Please kindly forward this announcement to your related colleagues that you think suitable persons.


{\it For your starting email, I think as follows:

Many thanks for your email. The journals suggested by you are very interesting and new to the subject area. We accept to publish both journals under your editorship. We need following things from your side for preparing the sample web page of the journals.

1. Aim and Scope , Instructions to Authors, List of the editorial board members, Frequency of the journal.

Of course, they are important. However, for Frequency of the journal, we should consider it in a new type. We should not loss our valuable time for us and for the authors. We all do not like to loss our time for publication and refereeing time. This will mean that we should not fix Frequency of the journal. When a paper was accepted officially, then, soon the paper should be presented on line. So, some time, we can give the number for an accepted paper. If you wish to publish the papers in some Journal style or book, you will be able to publish them in some papers with a suitable page numbers. How will be this idea?

2. The journal will be free for the readers (open Access publications). The journal will not charge any fee from the authors for getting published in the journal.

Fine: However is it possible?

3. We need some sample images from your end to prepare the cover page for the journals.

We can consider them with computer graphics.

For a paper style, how will be it in a free style, we request it PDF in order not to

loss any valuable time for us and for the authors.

I think: this is an ideal style

viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

The problem is no refereeing procedures. We are requested to have some authority, some check system for the paper. This is a problem only.

I think you will be able to consider new journals in this spirit.

The publisher already gave a very good sample manuscript form by LaTex; very simple way. No problem.

4. We will provide the support to the editor to check the plagiarism in the articles via turnitin software.

We will request minor corrections formally for the accepted paper.}





C. B. Boyer, An early reference to division by zero,  The Journal of the American Mathematical Monthly, {\bf 50} (1943), (8), 487- 491. Retrieved March 6, 2018, from the JSTOR database.


L. P.  Castro and S. Saitoh,  Fractional functions and their representations,  Complex Anal. Oper. Theory {\bf7} (2013), no. 4, 1049-1063.


M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane,

New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on $100/0=0$ and on $0/0=0$,

Int. J. Appl. Math.  {\bf 27} (2014), no 2, pp. 191-198,  DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9.


T. Matsuura and S. Saitoh,

Matrices and division by zero $z/0=0$,

Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory, {\bf 6}(2016), 51-58

Published Online June 2016 in SciRes.   http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt

\\ http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007.


T. Matsuura, H. Michiwaki and S. Saitoh,

$\log 0= \log \infty =0$ and applications. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 293-305.


H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh and  M.Yamada,

Reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$.  IJAPM  International J. of Applied Physics and Math. {\bf 6}(2015), 1–8. http://www.ijapm.org/show-63-504-1.html


H. Michiwaki, H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

 Division by Zero $z/0 = 0$ in Euclidean Spaces,

 International Journal of Mathematics and Computation, {\bf 2}8(2017); Issue  1, 1-16.


 H. Okumura,  Is It Really Impossible To Divide By Zero?  Biostat Biometrics Open Acc J. 2018; 7(1): 555703.

DOI: 10.19080/BBOJ.2018.07.555703.


H. Okumura, Wasan geometry with the division by 0. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06947 International  Journal of Geometry. {\bf 7}(2018), No. 1, 17-20.


H. Okumura,

An Analogue to Pappus Chain theorem with Division by Zero, Forum Geom., {\bf 18} (2018),  409–412.


H. Okumura, To Divide by Zero is to Multiply by Zero, viXra: 1811.0283  submitted on 2018-11-18 20:46:54.


H. Okumura, A Remark of the Definition of $0/0=0$ by Brahmagupta,  viXra:1902.0221 submitted on 2019-02-12 23:41:31.


H. Okumura, A Chain of Circles Touching a Circle and Its Tangent and Division by Zero,

viXra:2001.0034 submitted on 2020-01-03 01:08:58.


H. Okumura, Pappus Chain and Division by Zero, viXra:2001.0123 replaced on 2020-01-08 06:57:36.


H. Okumura, S. Saitoh and T. Matsuura, Relations of   $0$ and  $\infty$,

Journal of Technology and Social Science (JTSS), {\bf 1}(2017),  70-77.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh, The Descartes circles theorem and division by zero calculus. https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.04961 (2017.11.14).


H.  Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Harmonic Mean and Division by Zero,

Dedicated to Professor Josip Pe\v{c}ari\'{c} on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18} (2018), 155—159.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Remarks for The Twin Circles of Archimedes in a Skewed Arbelos by H. Okumura and M. Watanabe, Forum Geometricorum, {\bf 18}(2018), 97-100.


H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Applications of the division by zero calculus to Wasan geometry.



H. Okumura and S. Saitoh,

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus,

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM), {\bf  2 }(2018),  57–73.


S. Pinelas and S. Saitoh,

Division by zero calculus and differential equations. Differential and Difference Equations with Applications. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics \& Statistics. {\bf 230}  (2018), 399-418.


H. G. Romig, Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero,

American Mathematical Monthly, {\bf 3}1, No. 8. (Oct., 1924),  387-389.


S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices,  Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory.  {\bf 4}  (2014), no. 2,  87–95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/


S. Saitoh, A reproducing kernel theory with some general applications,

Qian,T./Rodino,L.(eds.): Mathematical Analysis, Probability and Applications – Plenary Lectures: Isaac 2015, Macau, China, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics,  {\bf 177}(2016),     151-182.


S.-E. Takahasi, M. Tsukada and Y. Kobayashi,  Classification of continuous fractional binary operations on the real and complex fields,  Tokyo Journal of Mathematics,   {\bf 38}(2015), no. 2, 369-380.


Announcement 179 (2014.8.30): Division by zero is clear as z/0=0 and it is fundamental in mathematics.


Announcement 185 (2014.10.22): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 237 (2015.6.18):  A reality of the division by zero $z/0=0$ by  geometrical optics.


Announcement 246 (2015.9.17): An interpretation of the division by zero $1/0=0$ by the gradients of lines.


Announcement 247 (2015.9.22): The gradient of y-axis is zero and $\tan (\pi/2) =0$ by the division by zero $1/0=0$.


Announcement 250 (2015.10.20): What are numbers? –  the Yamada field containing the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 252 (2015.11.1): Circles and

curvature – an interpretation by Mr.

Hiroshi Michiwaki of the division by

zero $r/0 = 0$.


Announcement 281 (2016.2.1): The importance of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 282 (2016.2.2): The Division by Zero $z/0=0$ on the Second Birthday.


Announcement 293 (2016.3.27):  Parallel lines on the Euclidean plane from the viewpoint of division by zero 1/0=0.


Announcement 300 (2016.05.22): New challenges on the division by zero z/0=0.


 Announcement 326 (2016.10.17): The division by zero z/0=0 – its impact to human beings through education and research.


Announcement 352 (2017.2.2):   On the third birthday of the division by zero z/0=0.


Announcement 354 (2017.2.8): What are $n = 2,1,0$ regular polygons inscribed in a disc? — relations of $0$ and infinity.


Announcement 362 (2017.5.5): Discovery of the division by zero as  $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$


Announcement 380 (2017.8.21):  What is the zero?


Announcement 388 (2017.10.29):   Information and ideas on zero and division by zero (a project).


Announcement 409 (2018.1.29.):  Various Publication Projects on the Division by Zero.


Announcement 410 (2018.1 30.):  What is mathematics? — beyond logic; for great challengers on the division by zero.


Announcement 412 (2018.2.2.): The 4th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 433 (2018.7.16.):  Puha’s Horn Torus Model for the Riemann Sphere From the Viewpoint of Division by Zero.


Announcement 448 (2018.8.20):  Division by Zero;

 Funny History and New World.


Announcement 454 (2018.9.29): The International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, October 22-23.


Announcement 460 (2018.11.06): Change the Poor Idea to the Definite Results For the Division by Zero – For the Leading Mathematicians.


Announcement 461 (2018.11.10): An essence of division by zero and a new axiom.


Announcement 471(2019.2.2):  The 5th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.


Announcement 478(2019.3.4):  Who did derive first the division by zero $1/0$ and the division by zero calculus $\tan(\pi/2)=0, \log 0=0$ as the outputs of a computer?


Announcement 540(2020.2.2): The 6th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$.



prepare the article according to the sample style of the journal. 


Thanks again, 

指数 #底 MML第20回 0の0乗はいくつでしょうか   

29 5月

#0の0乗 #指数 #底

MML第20回 0の0乗はいくつでしょうか   

再生核研究所は、1と0の値です:MML第20回 0の0乗はいくつでしょうか#0の0乗 #指数 #底学校の指数の学習で、実数 a の値が正のとき、aの0乗は 1 と習います。では、a=0 のとき、すなわち 0 の 0 乗はいくらになるでしょうか。www.youtube.com

TIL that IEEE 754 wants every floating point arithmetic operation (including division by zero) to have a well defined result https://rubyguides.com/2019/07/ruby-infinity/

0 / 0 = ZeroDivisionError 0.0 / 0 = NaN why ruby why


Division by zero/mathematical concepts/learn by understanding… repeated subtraction… #…

Division by zero/mathematical concepts/learn by understanding… repeated subtraction… #…division by zero# repeatedly subtraction# learning mathematics📐📊📚📐📊📚#easy learning approach… simple mathematicswww.youtube.com

基礎知識だけど、”1+0″は当然”1″だけど、”1+null”は結果が”null”になる、それどころか”null/0″っていう、数学的にはタブーなゼロ除算をやっても結果は”null”っていうとんでもない結果になる(エラーにすらならない)ので、冗談抜きに死ぬぞ。 (まぁ初心者は誰もがやるミスだろうw)

Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14″What’s zero divided by zero?”Newer rendition of Siri’s representation of zero divided by zero.www.youtube.com

divide by zero

divide by zerohe in fact, was not.Das it.www.youtube.com


最近の小学校は 〇÷0=0 と教えていると聞いて衝撃を受けた朝。 ゆいもおうも2人して「0!」と答えるから、 悲しくなった だって、学校でそう習ったよって。

ゼロのゼロ乗や、ゼロ乗、など結構な話題になっていますが、新説を唱え結構な具体例をあげて居ますので、 参考にして下さい。 定義はいろいろ考えられますので、その様に定義すると良い具体例を沢山探して、説得するような姿勢は大事ではないでしょうか。 下記もご参考にして下さい:

ですね 数学における0除算 物理における量子論と因果律 など、ウロボロスの蛇の中にいるのかもしれませんね 1+1=2を厳密に定義することすら難しい

#数学 #数学者 #数学科



Batch file returns “divide by zero error” only when run using Task Scheduler Batch file returns “divide by zero error” only when run using Task SchedulerBatch file returns “divide by zero error” only when run using Task SchedulerHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/roelvandepaarWith…www.youtube.com





Mencari informasi yang lebih mendalam lagi.. beliau ini pernah belajar ke India karena di India sudah ada yang menemukan nol dan menggunakannya dalam perhitungan.. Nol ditemukan oleh Brahmagupta..Siswa, Yuk Kenali Ilmuwan Penemu Aljabar dan Angka NolAda seorang ilmuwan yang menyumbangkan pemikiran tentang ilmu Matematika. Ilmuwan itu adalah Muhammad bin Musa Al Khawarizmi.www.kompas.com

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  

2021年04月28日(水)NEW !

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?Short answer – EVERY NUMBER IN THE WORLD. 2:12 (Also the fun answer.)In this video, I do something similar to Dr. Shelton Cooper from The Big Bang Theory in…www.youtube.com

ゼロ除算は無限じゃなくて、存在しないって解釈らしいんだけど、 0だったら何回でも引けるのに、無限にならないのはなんで? 0は引いてるって言わないから? ぱっぱらぱー。 二度寝しようかな。





二度寝しようかな。— ありんこ (@arisu_men) April 28, 2021

ゼロ除算は、 実はゼロの意味からもあたりまえです:

 ゼロで割ることは 割らないこと、したがって 割り当てられた数は無く、ゼロ。ゼロには、しないこと、できないことを表す 意味がある。

ゼロで割ることは 割らないこと、したがって 割り当てられた数は無く、ゼロ。ゼロには、しないこと、できないことを表す 意味がある。 ゼロ円あげるは、あげないことですね。ゼロ回施行は、しないことですね。 時速ぜろkmで走るは 止まっていて 走らないことを意味しますね。 ですから、ゼロの意味を考えれば、実は ゼロで割る問題は、初めから当たり前でした。 さー世界の常識を変えましょう。 ー 令和革新の大義
無限のかなたに です。
ところが その先に ゼロが存在した。 思えば、楽しく驚嘆すべき世界、それが何とゼロ除算の世界で、新世界です。 それは ホーントーラスで 実現される。 雑誌の表紙の図版に採用されている。
2000年の歴史を越えて 人類が発見した、完全な数学の世界である。
数学の2つの元、ユークリッド幾何と算術の法則 ブラーマグプタの世界には 不完全さが すなわち、数学には 基本的な欠陥が 存在して、現在に至っている。 我々は不適当な世界観、数学の上に生きて来た。
2021.4.20.8:40#Dividing By Zero | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | TumgirExplore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #Dividing By Zero with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumgirwww.tumgir.com


【ゆっくり解説】1=0の証明とゼロ除算明らかにおかしいのに案外気付けない、そんな間違い探しのようなミスを通して数学を掘り下げてみよう回総エンコ時間 : 1h45m41.2s 長すぎん?――timetable0:00 introduction0:19 proof1 a=b1:32 definition of division & division by…www.youtube.com

Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   


Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   

Divide By Zero | Untitled ProductionsWhat happens when you divide by zero? Ryan asks Rishi about what happens when you do so, only to find out the crazy truth. Written and directed by Rishi CCas…www.youtube.com


If there’s a magical division by zero, the universe won’t implode! The person who does it will just be shunted into another universe.


 できない考え方ではできません。 できるようにする自然な素晴らしい考え方があります:


数学基礎学力研究会公式サイト 楽しい数学http://www.mirun.sctv.jp › ~suugaku
数学基礎学力研究会の基本理念は{ 楽しい数学 }です。より多くの方々に「数学は面白い」と思っていただけるよう、種々の活動を行っております。本サイトの「数学教室」では、「堪らなく楽しい数学-ゼロで割ることを考える」 と「和算 …
数学 禁忌
無限 割り算
ゼロ割 回避
0で割る 無限


現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

Please look 1/0=0:

As Fundamental of Mathematics,  the division by zero was known as the generalized

 Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:

 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:




Book was published:




January, 2021

再生核研究所声明617(2021.4.23):  ゼロ除算の理解を求める ― マスコミ関係者にお願い

次は ゼロ除算の理解の遅れについて

再生核研究所声明 614(2021.3.28) 数学通信の記事の修正を求める理由、日本の文化、数学界の様子、社会の様子; 日本数学会、マスコミ関係者の皆さま、これで良いでしょうか。


それで、今でもインターネットの世界では不適当な情報で溢れていると考えられる。世の常識は 数学界の汚点であると考える:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).


と述べて 数学界とマスコミ界を批判するような表現になっている。 そこで、特にマスコミ関係者に説明を行い、希望を具体的に表現したい。
まずは ゼロ除算の新しい数学は、数学の基礎と数学教育の基本に関わることで、しかも 日本発の世界的な文化の貢献になると考えられ、大きな一般的な話題であることに触れたい。実際、小学校から大学までの基礎数学の変更が 要求され、更に歴史的な世界観の変更に繋がると考えられている。
その内容については 厖大な資料を提供してきており、多くは公開されている。招待国際会議ビデオ講演を公開、著書さえ出版し、イギリスからその専門国際雑誌の創刊が進められている。
マスコミの方に その様な専門的な事の内容に議論して頂くことは考えず、 問題は 世の基本的な問題を数学界に働きかけているにも関わらず、数学界の無視したような学界の在りようの是非を問い、 真実を明らかにすべく、社会の話題として、広く議論して欲しいとの マスコミの在りようを問うています。
上記声明614で 詳しく述べていますが、数学界の在りようはおかしくはないでしょうか。数学界の基本的な問題を提起しているにも関わらず、責任者達が真面に取り合わず 無視どころか、中傷するさまさえ 現れています。数学の世界が権威主義になっていることを認めず、数学の実体的な存在を確信している者としては 無視されている私が、日本数学会の名誉会員であり、アメリカ数学会名誉会員でもあり、日本数学界評議員経験者で 国立大学の名誉教授であることには触れたくはなかった。
しかしながら、公然とした無視した在りようは 日本数学会(界)の歴史的な汚点になり、国益をも著しくそこなうことになると考えます。
内容は、極めて基本的で、小学生から高校生の楽しい話題にもなるもので、話題を社会の問題としてとりあげ、楽しく 世にも珍しい新しい発見、ゼロ除算の話題を 世界の話題として日本から発信し、 コロナ禍の暗い世相を吹き飛ばしたい。今こそ、日本国は世界の文化に貢献すべき絶好の機会であると考えます。 ― 令和革新の大義。

マスコミ関係者は 素人でも分る初歩的な 数学の問題を楽しく 取り上げ、数学界のおかしな在りようも明らかにし、日本文化の後進性などにも光を与え、多様な文化の発展に貢献できるものと考えます。

まずは 声明614を参照して そのきっかけを 掴んで頂ければ幸です。

                               以 上

2021.4.21.14;58 マスコミ関係者が分らない、数学界の問題にということではなく、そのような大きな話題が存在する その事実を取り上げて欲しいとの発想で、声明構想が湧いた。 マスコミは 真相を 話題にして明かにする努力をして欲しい ということ。 学界が閉鎖的で、議論できない状況を打破して欲しい ということ。
2021.4.21.18:25 そんなにおかしくはないが。
2021.4.22.05:04 そんなにおかしくない、活かせるかも知れない。
2021.3.22.07:10 90分山を巡ってくる。タケノコが結構出始めていた。 これは素直だが公表しても良いものだろうか。 大体固まっている。 正方向からの表現が良いが、どんどん素直な真実を求める表現も良い。
それで真実を、真理を求めていると 言えるでしょうか。教育者と言えるでしょうか。


円の中心の鏡像は 無限遠点であるという。 それでは、 どこに円が在っても、円の中心の鏡像は 無限遠点であるとなってしまう。 ゼロ除算は、円の中心は 
中心自身であること を述べている。 球面でも同じであるが、 球面が鏡ならば 中心から光が出れば 中心に戻るのではないだろうか。 鏡像の間違いは、 ユークリッド、 ブラーマグプタ、すなわち数学の基礎の欠陥を 歴然と示している。 ゼロ除算の本質である。 それゆえに、日本数会機関誌 数学通信の記事の修正を求めているが、1年を越えても無視を 続けている。 恥ずかしいことではないだろうか。
ところが、論文、招待国際会議、数学会でも繰り返し講演、発表し、著書も出版、 専門国際雑誌を創刊しようというのに 修正しない。 迫っても修正しない数学者たち、可笑しいのではないでしょうか。 それで真実を、真理を求めていると 言えるでしょうか。教育者と言えるでしょうか。

鏡像が ゼロであることは、 ゼロ除算発見の 1丁目1番地の 最も大事な観点で、 発見 そのものです。 同時に 従来数学は間違いであるという論点です。 超古典的な結果に間違いがある。 小松先生たちの書かれた 本、 私にとっては 聖典、志した もとに 間違いがあるということです。アルフォース など の古典も そうですね。 
D. H. Armitage and S. J. Gardiner :  Classical Potential Theory
では 鏡像を深く扱っているのですが、原点の鏡像は 注意深く 触れていません。 それは、無限遠点を避けているようです。
しかし、考えてみたら、鏡像のおかしさは そんなに難しくない 当たり前のように思います。
厳格に考えて下さい。 先生は 自身で触れられているようにさえ 見えます。
近づいていったら 近づいて行った。 無限大に。
近づいて行った先の原点の値と それは厳密に関係あるでしょうか。
不幸にして、原点での値は ゼロだった。 値はゼロである。 それが先生も導かれている。
無限大、無限遠点とは何でしょうか。  アラユル コンパクト 集合の 外にある点です。 そのような点 存在するのでしょうか。 

その様な存在、 実体と言えるでしょうか。
無限大や無限遠点は 極限の概念で定義され、値ではなく、ある状況を表して居る のではないでしょうか。
原点に近づくとき、いくらでも大きくなる。しかし、それは 原点の値と一致する必要はない です。
従来数学は、特異点の外での数学、ゼロ除算算法の数学は 特異点でも考える数学。 それゆえに お互いに独立で矛盾しない。ゼロ除算は新しい世界です。 ですから、従来数学におかしいことはないのですが、鏡像だけは 考えてはならない筈の特異点で言明し、それは新しい数学と矛盾するという 事実をもたらしました。これがゼロ除算の原形です。
考えてはならないところが 埋まるのですから、数学は美しく 完全化されます。
そればかりか、日々新しい現象を発見しています。 全く新規な 驚嘆すべき結果を どんどん導いています。
私は コーシー時代のような活力ある時代を迎えると思います。
私は、古典数学に間違いがある と宣言しています。再生核研究所声明 618(2021.4.25) 日本数学会は 今、日本国と世界に 直接貢献すべきである ー できる絶好の機会

(買い物に出かけて来た。 次の声明の直接的な 考えを纏めたく 情念が湧いてきて来た。散歩の後 直ぐに纏めたい。)

再生核研究所声明 616(2021.4.10)  今こそ、日本数学会は、日本国は、世界の文化に貢献できる。

数学の内容は 具体的に上記に述べられているので、数学会の姿勢の問題の観点から、直接提案する形で述べたい。 学会の在りようは それなりの伝統と理由があって現在があるのだから、それなりに尊重させるべきであることは 当然である。 更に数学のような基礎科学は地味に 静かに研究が行われるべきであるという 強い側面が存在することに 特に念を押して置きたい。そこで、言及したいのは 言わば異なった視点からの独断と偏見に満ちた、しかしながら注目すべき観点もあるのではないかとの思いで 纏めて見たい。
現在世界の世相は コロナ禍、地球規模の環境問題で 言わば苦しい状況下におかれている。 首相をはじめ 政治家、首長の方々の 真摯な努力には 深い敬意の念が湧いてくる。一致団結して これらの難局に 協力していきたい。 言わば戦う敵、対象が 人間ではなく、ウイルスや環境だから、それらとの人類との聖戦に望んでおられるように 皆さんの真摯な姿勢がみえる。大局的には 人類繁茂の生態系の維持に抵触する 人類の活動の、自由の制限を意味するから、苦しい受難の状況は 永く人類に襲い掛かると考えられる。苦しい時代の始まりである。
このような折り、数学等の基礎科学の研究生活、観衆を必要とするスポーツ、芸能、文化活動は厳しい世相で 一層苦しい状況が 予想される。当然、社会全般に 苦しい情況が 起きていると考えられる。 相当な覚悟が要請されていると考えられる。
しかしながら、スポーツ界の明るいニュ―ス、 音楽、芸術、芸能など 暗い世相の中で人々を元気付け、励まし、力を湧かせている例も多く、高く評価される。 池江璃花子 選手の超人的な快挙等も 多くの人に感銘と勇気を与えている。
日本数学会も それらに匹敵できる 日本ばかりではなく、世界の文化に直接貢献できる ニュース、成果を持ちながら、それらを活かせず、社会的に閉じて、社会貢献を意図せず、独りよがりの 数学の研究課題にはまっているような 状態ではないだろうか。 確かに数学などの基礎科学が 直接社会貢献に寄与するのは難しい状況は一般にはあり、 仕方のない面が 本質的に存在するが、ゼロ除算の解明、発見が別格の発見であり、世界史上の事件で、しかもそれは数学の基礎と世界観の問題に直接関わる 世紀の問題であると考える。

現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






問題は 日本数学会が意図的にそのような成果を隠蔽し、成果を数学界の快挙として評価せず、言わばおおきな機会を活かせず、社会から遊離して、言わば ぼんやりし、古い世界から 抜け出せず、衰退の状況に陥っていることである。数学会が社会から遊離している。 数学会は 社会にどのように貢献しいるか、国民に対して明らかにして行かなければならない。我々は直接 社会にどのような貢献をしているか、絶えず反省していかなければならない。 コロナ禍における、医学界の尽力に劣らないように 真剣に社会貢献を果たしていきたい。 数学の教育と研究が 我々の基本的な課題である。
我々は ゼロ除算の解明が 新思想、新世界観を持たらし、2300年以上の歴史を有する数学を美しく完全化させ、コーシー時代のように 数学が活力ある時代を迎えられると考える。
これらの話題は 庶民レベルの沢山の楽しい、深い話題を世に提供し、それらの話題は、暗い世相を吹き飛ばし、明るい未来を志向する道しるべになると考える。
日本数学会の 積極的な取り組みを 数学の大義を受けて、要請したい。
日本発の新しい基礎数学を開拓して、 日本国は 世界史の進化 に貢献したい。

                                     以 上


Dividing by Nothing by Alberto Martinez

Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity.

https://notevenpast.org/dividing-nothing/  より

The Road

Fig 5.2. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) were the culprits, ignoring the first commandment of mathematics not to divide by zero. But they hit gold, because what they mined in the process was the ideal circle.

http://thethirty-ninesteps.com/page_5-the_road.php より

mercredi, juillet 06, 2011
0/0, la célèbre formule d’Evariste Galois !
http://divisionparzero.blogspot.jp/2011/07/00-la-celebre-formule-devariste-galois.html  より

無限に関する様々な数学的概念:無限大 :記号∞ (アーベルなどはこれを 1 / 0 のように表記していた)で表す。 大雑把に言えば、いかなる数よりも大きいさまを表すものであるが、より明確な意味付けは文脈により様々である。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%84%A1%E9%99%90 より

リーマン球面:無限遠点が、実は 原点と通じていた。

https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%B3%E7%90%83%E9%9D%A2 より

http://jestingstock.com/indian-mathematician-brahmagupta-image.html より

ブラーマグプタ(Brahmagupta、598年 – 668年?)はインドの数学者・天文学者。ブラマグプタとも呼ばれる。その著作は、イスラーム世界やヨーロッパにインド数学や天文学を伝える役割を果たした。
628年に、総合的な数理天文書『ブラーマ・スプタ・シッダーンタ』(ब्राह्मस्फुटसिद्धान्त Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta)を著した。この中の数章で数学が扱われており、第12章はガニタ(算術)、第18章はクッタカ(代数)にあてられている。クッタカという語は、もとは「粉々に砕く」という意味だったが、のちに係数の値を小さくしてゆく逐次過程の方法を意味するようになり、代数の中で不定解析を表すようになった。この書では、 0 と負の数にも触れていて、その算法は現代の考え方に近い(ただし 0 ÷ 0 = 0 と定義している点は現代と異なっている)


ブラーマ・スプタ・シッダーンタ (Brahmasphutasiddhanta) は、7世紀のインドの数学者・天文学者であるブラーマグプタの628年の著作である。表題は宇宙の始まりという意味。
数としての「0(ゼロ)の概念」がはっきりと書かれた、現存する最古の書物として有名である。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%96%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B9%E3%83%97%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B7%E3%83%83%E3%83%80%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF より


An Early Reference to Division by Zero C. B. Boyer

Impact of ‘Division by Zero’ in Einstein’s Static Universe and Newton’s Equations in Classical Mechanics:http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Relativity%20Theory/Download/2084 より

ラース・ヴァレリアン・アールフォルス(Lars Valerian Ahlfors、1907年4月18日-1996年10月11日)はフィンランドの数学者。リーマン面の研究と複素解析の教科書を書いたことで知られる。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9%E3%83%BB%E3%83%B4%E3%82%A1%E3%83%AC%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%83%BB%E3%82%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B9

COMPLEX ANALYSIS, 3E (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics) (英語) ハードカバー – 1979/1/1
Lars Ahlfors (著)

原点の円に関する鏡像は、実は 原点であった。

Ramanujan says that answer for 0/0 is infinity. But I’m not sure it’s …

You can see from the other answers, that from the concept of limits, 0/0 can approach any value, even infinity. … So, let me take a system where division by zero is actually defined, that is, you can multiply or divide both sides of an equation by …


Abel Memorial in Gjerstad

Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero
H. G. Romig
The American Mathematical Monthly
Vol. 31, No. 8 (Oct., 1924), pp. 387-389
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
DOI: 10.2307/2298825
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2298825
Page Count: 3

ロピタルの定理 (ロピタルのていり、英: l’Hôpital’s rule) とは、微分積分学において不定形 (en) の極限を微分を用いて求めるための定理である。綴りl’Hôpital / l’Hospital、カタカナ表記ロピタル / ホスピタルの揺れについてはギヨーム・ド・ロピタルの項を参照。ベルヌーイの定理 (英語: Bernoulli’s rule) と呼ばれることもある。本定理を (しばしば複数回) 適用することにより、不定形の式を非不定形の式に変換し、その極限値を容易に求めることができる可能性がある。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AD%E3%83%94%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AB%E3%81%AE%E5%AE%9A%E7%90%86

Ein aufleuchtender Blitz: Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit
https://books.google.co.jp/books?isbn=3642558402 –

Arild Stubhaug – 2013 – ‎Mathematics

Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit Arild Stubhaug. Abb. 19 a–c. a. … Eine Kurve, die Abel studierte und dabei herausfand, wie sich der Umfang inn gleich große Teile aufteilen lässt. … Beim Integralzeichen statt der liegenden ∞ den Bruch 1/0.


Indeterminate: the hidden power of 0 divided by 0
2016/12/02 に公開
You’ve all been indoctrinated into accepting that you cannot divide by zero. Find out about the beautiful mathematics that results when you do it anyway in calculus. Featuring some of the most notorious “forbidden” expressions like 0/0 and 1^∞ as well as Apple’s Siri and Sir Isaac Newton.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc0M1o8tuPo より


file:///C:/Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/P1-Division.pdf より

file:///C:/Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/Y_1770_Euler_Elements%20of%20algebra%20traslated%201840%20l%20p%2059%20(1).pdf より

An Approach to Overcome Division by Zero in the Interval Gauss Algorithm

Carolus Fridericus Gauss:https://www.slideshare.net/fgz08/gauss-elimination-4686597

https://www.math.nyu.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/Stamps/stamps.html より

Archimedes Principle in Completely Submerged Balloons: Revisited
Ajay Sharma:


[PDF]Indeterminate Form in the Equations of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein
0. 0 . The reason is that in the case of Archimedes principle, equations became feasible in. 1935 after enunciation of the principle in 1685, when … Although division by zero is not permitted, yet it smoothly follows from equations based upon.

Thinking ahead of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein – The General …
old Archimedes Principle, Newton’ s law, Einstein ‘s mass energy equation. E=mc2 . …. filled in balloon becomes INDETERMINATE (0/0). It is not justified. If the generalized form Archimedes principle is used then we get exact volume V …..


Find circles that are tangent to three given circles (Apollonius’ Problem) in C#

http://csharphelper.com/blog/2016/09/find-circles-that-are-tangent-to-three-given-circles-apollonius-problem-in-c/ より


The reason we cannot devide by zero is simply axiomatic as Plato pointed out.

http://mathhelpforum.com/algebra/223130-dividing-zero.html より


神の数式で ゼロ除算を用いると どうなるのでしょうか という質問が 寄せられています。


神の数式が解析関数でかけて居れば、 特異点でローラン展開して、正則部の第1項を取れば、 何時でも有限値を得るので、 形式的に無限が出ても 実は問題なく 意味を有します。


計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 



​そこで、計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 楽しみにしています。 もうできる進化した 計算機をお持ちの方は おられないですね。

これは凄い、面白い事件では? 計算機が人間を超えている 例では?

面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0

を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。

0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 世界史の恥。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。 しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている 様が 出て居て 実に 面白い。




計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに


面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0

を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。

0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている様が 出て居て 実に面白い。



ゼロ除算、ゼロで割る問題、分からない、正しいのかなど、 良く理解できない人が 未だに 多いようです。そこで、簡潔な一般的な 解説を思い付きました。 もちろん、学会などでも述べていますが、 予断で 良く聞けないようです。まず、分数、a/b は a  割る b のことで、これは 方程式 x=a の解のことです。ところが、 b がゼロならば、 どんな xでも 0 x =0 ですから、a がゼロでなければ、解は存在せず、 従って 100/0 など、ゼロ除算は考えられない、できないとなってしまいます。 普通の意味では ゼロ除算は 不可能であるという、世界の常識、定説です。できない、不可能であると言われれば、いろいろ考えたくなるのが、人間らしい創造の精神です。 基本方程式 b x=a が b がゼロならば解けない、解が存在しないので、困るのですが、このようなとき、従来の結果が成り立つような意味で、解が考えられないかと、数学者は良く考えて来ました。 何と、 そのような方程式は 何時でも唯一つに 一般化された意味で解をもつと考える 方法があります。 Moore-Penrose 一般化逆の考え方です。 どんな行列の 逆行列を唯一つに定める 一般的な 素晴らしい、自然な考えです。その考えだと、 b がゼロの時、解はゼロが出るので、 a/0=0 と定義するのは 当然です。 すなわち、この意味で 方程式の解を考えて 分数を考えれば、ゼロ除算は ゼロとして定まる ということです。ただ一つに定まるのですから、 この考えは 自然で、その意味を知りたいと 考えるのは、当然ではないでしょうか?初等数学全般に影響を与える ユークリッド以来の新世界が 現れてきます。



相当ゼロ除算の研究をされている方が、基本を誤解されていたこと、1/0 の定義を誤解されていた。

まずは ゼロ除算は不可能であるの 思いが強すぎで、初めからダメ、考えない、無視の気持ちが、強い。 ゼロ除算を従来の 掛け算の逆と考えると、不可能であるが 証明されてしまうので、割り算の意味を拡張しないと、考えられない。それで、 1/0,0/0,z/0 などの意味を発見する必要がある。 それらの意味は、普通の意味ではないことの 初めの考えを飛ばして ダメ、ダメの感情が 突っ走ている。 非ユークリッド幾何学の出現や天動説が地動説に変わった世界史の事件のような 形相と言える。


1.      ゼロでは割れない、ゼロ除算は 不可能である との考え方に拘って、思考停止している。 普通、不可能であるは、考え方や意味を拡張して 可能にできないかと考えるのが 数学の伝統であるが、それができない。

2.      可能にする考え方が 紹介されても ゼロ除算の意味を誤解して、繰り返し間違えている。可能にする理論を 素直に理解しない、 強い従来の考えに縛られている。拘っている。

3.      ゼロ除算を関数に適用すると 強力な不連続性を示すが、連続性のアリストテレス以来の 連続性の考えに囚われていて 強力な不連続性を受け入れられない。数学では、不連続性の概念を明確に持っているのに、不連続性の凄い現象に、ゼロ除算の場合には 理解できない。

4.      深刻な誤解は、ゼロ除算は本質的に定義であり、仮定に基づいているので 疑いの気持ちがぬぐえず、ダメ、怪しいと誤解している。数学が公理系に基づいた理論体系のように、ゼロ除算は 新しい仮定に基づいていること。 定義に基づいていることの認識が良く理解できず、誤解している。

George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that “it is well known to students of high school algebra” that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970.

Eπi =-1 (1748)(Leonhard Euler

E = mc 2 (1905)(Albert Einstein)

1/0=0/0=0 (201422日再生核研究所)

ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0= tan (pi/2)=0


1+1=2  (      )

a2+b2=c2 (Pythagoras


Black holes are where God divided by 0Division by zero1/0=0/0=z/0=tan(pi/2)=0 発見7周年を迎えて

#0の0乗 #指数 #底 MML第20回 0の0乗はいくつでしょうか   

2021年05月29日(土)NEW !

#0の0乗 #指数 #底

MML第20回 0の0乗はいくつでしょうか   

再生核研究所は、1と0の値です:MML第20回 0の0乗はいくつでしょうか#0の0乗 #指数 #底学校の指数の学習で、実数 a の値が正のとき、aの0乗は 1 と習います。では、a=0 のとき、すなわち 0 の 0 乗はいくらになるでしょうか。www.youtube.com

TIL that IEEE 754 wants every floating point arithmetic operation (including division by zero) to have a well defined result https://rubyguides.com/2019/07/ruby-infinity/

0 / 0 = ZeroDivisionError 0.0 / 0 = NaN why ruby why


Division by zero/mathematical concepts/learn by understanding… repeated subtraction… #…

Division by zero/mathematical concepts/learn by understanding… repeated subtraction… #…division by zero# repeatedly subtraction# learning mathematics📐📊📚📐📊📚#easy learning approach… simple mathematicswww.youtube.com

基礎知識だけど、”1+0″は当然”1″だけど、”1+null”は結果が”null”になる、それどころか”null/0″っていう、数学的にはタブーなゼロ除算をやっても結果は”null”っていうとんでもない結果になる(エラーにすらならない)ので、冗談抜きに死ぬぞ。 (まぁ初心者は誰もがやるミスだろうw)

Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14″What’s zero divided by zero?”Newer rendition of Siri’s representation of zero divided by zero.www.youtube.com

divide by zero

divide by zerohe in fact, was not.Das it.www.youtube.com


最近の小学校は 〇÷0=0 と教えていると聞いて衝撃を受けた朝。 ゆいもおうも2人して「0!」と答えるから、 悲しくなった だって、学校でそう習ったよって。

ゼロのゼロ乗や、ゼロ乗、など結構な話題になっていますが、新説を唱え結構な具体例をあげて居ますので、 参考にして下さい。 定義はいろいろ考えられますので、その様に定義すると良い具体例を沢山探して、説得するような姿勢は大事ではないでしょうか。 下記もご参考にして下さい:

ですね 数学における0除算 物理における量子論と因果律 など、ウロボロスの蛇の中にいるのかもしれませんね 1+1=2を厳密に定義することすら難しい

#数学 #数学者 #数学科



Batch file returns “divide by zero error” only when run using Task Scheduler Batch file returns “divide by zero error” only when run using Task SchedulerBatch file returns “divide by zero error” only when run using Task SchedulerHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/roelvandepaarWith…www.youtube.com





Mencari informasi yang lebih mendalam lagi.. beliau ini pernah belajar ke India karena di India sudah ada yang menemukan nol dan menggunakannya dalam perhitungan.. Nol ditemukan oleh Brahmagupta..Siswa, Yuk Kenali Ilmuwan Penemu Aljabar dan Angka NolAda seorang ilmuwan yang menyumbangkan pemikiran tentang ilmu Matematika. Ilmuwan itu adalah Muhammad bin Musa Al Khawarizmi.www.kompas.com

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  

2021年04月28日(水)NEW !

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?Short answer – EVERY NUMBER IN THE WORLD. 2:12 (Also the fun answer.)In this video, I do something similar to Dr. Shelton Cooper from The Big Bang Theory in…www.youtube.com

ゼロ除算は無限じゃなくて、存在しないって解釈らしいんだけど、 0だったら何回でも引けるのに、無限にならないのはなんで? 0は引いてるって言わないから? ぱっぱらぱー。 二度寝しようかな。





二度寝しようかな。— ありんこ (@arisu_men) April 28, 2021

ゼロ除算は、 実はゼロの意味からもあたりまえです:

 ゼロで割ることは 割らないこと、したがって 割り当てられた数は無く、ゼロ。ゼロには、しないこと、できないことを表す 意味がある。

ゼロで割ることは 割らないこと、したがって 割り当てられた数は無く、ゼロ。ゼロには、しないこと、できないことを表す 意味がある。 ゼロ円あげるは、あげないことですね。ゼロ回施行は、しないことですね。 時速ぜろkmで走るは 止まっていて 走らないことを意味しますね。 ですから、ゼロの意味を考えれば、実は ゼロで割る問題は、初めから当たり前でした。 さー世界の常識を変えましょう。 ー 令和革新の大義
無限のかなたに です。
ところが その先に ゼロが存在した。 思えば、楽しく驚嘆すべき世界、それが何とゼロ除算の世界で、新世界です。 それは ホーントーラスで 実現される。 雑誌の表紙の図版に採用されている。
2000年の歴史を越えて 人類が発見した、完全な数学の世界である。
数学の2つの元、ユークリッド幾何と算術の法則 ブラーマグプタの世界には 不完全さが すなわち、数学には 基本的な欠陥が 存在して、現在に至っている。 我々は不適当な世界観、数学の上に生きて来た。
2021.4.20.8:40#Dividing By Zero | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | TumgirExplore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #Dividing By Zero with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumgirwww.tumgir.com


【ゆっくり解説】1=0の証明とゼロ除算明らかにおかしいのに案外気付けない、そんな間違い探しのようなミスを通して数学を掘り下げてみよう回総エンコ時間 : 1h45m41.2s 長すぎん?――timetable0:00 introduction0:19 proof1 a=b1:32 definition of division & division by…www.youtube.com

Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   


Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   

Divide By Zero | Untitled ProductionsWhat happens when you divide by zero? Ryan asks Rishi about what happens when you do so, only to find out the crazy truth. Written and directed by Rishi CCas…www.youtube.com


If there’s a magical division by zero, the universe won’t implode! The person who does it will just be shunted into another universe.


 できない考え方ではできません。 できるようにする自然な素晴らしい考え方があります:


数学基礎学力研究会公式サイト 楽しい数学http://www.mirun.sctv.jp › ~suugaku
数学基礎学力研究会の基本理念は{ 楽しい数学 }です。より多くの方々に「数学は面白い」と思っていただけるよう、種々の活動を行っております。本サイトの「数学教室」では、「堪らなく楽しい数学-ゼロで割ることを考える」 と「和算 …
数学 禁忌
無限 割り算
ゼロ割 回避
0で割る 無限


現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

Please look 1/0=0:

As Fundamental of Mathematics,  the division by zero was known as the generalized

 Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:

 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:




Book was published:




January, 2021

再生核研究所声明617(2021.4.23):  ゼロ除算の理解を求める ― マスコミ関係者にお願い

次は ゼロ除算の理解の遅れについて

再生核研究所声明 614(2021.3.28) 数学通信の記事の修正を求める理由、日本の文化、数学界の様子、社会の様子; 日本数学会、マスコミ関係者の皆さま、これで良いでしょうか。


それで、今でもインターネットの世界では不適当な情報で溢れていると考えられる。世の常識は 数学界の汚点であると考える:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).


と述べて 数学界とマスコミ界を批判するような表現になっている。 そこで、特にマスコミ関係者に説明を行い、希望を具体的に表現したい。
まずは ゼロ除算の新しい数学は、数学の基礎と数学教育の基本に関わることで、しかも 日本発の世界的な文化の貢献になると考えられ、大きな一般的な話題であることに触れたい。実際、小学校から大学までの基礎数学の変更が 要求され、更に歴史的な世界観の変更に繋がると考えられている。
その内容については 厖大な資料を提供してきており、多くは公開されている。招待国際会議ビデオ講演を公開、著書さえ出版し、イギリスからその専門国際雑誌の創刊が進められている。
マスコミの方に その様な専門的な事の内容に議論して頂くことは考えず、 問題は 世の基本的な問題を数学界に働きかけているにも関わらず、数学界の無視したような学界の在りようの是非を問い、 真実を明らかにすべく、社会の話題として、広く議論して欲しいとの マスコミの在りようを問うています。
上記声明614で 詳しく述べていますが、数学界の在りようはおかしくはないでしょうか。数学界の基本的な問題を提起しているにも関わらず、責任者達が真面に取り合わず 無視どころか、中傷するさまさえ 現れています。数学の世界が権威主義になっていることを認めず、数学の実体的な存在を確信している者としては 無視されている私が、日本数学会の名誉会員であり、アメリカ数学会名誉会員でもあり、日本数学界評議員経験者で 国立大学の名誉教授であることには触れたくはなかった。
しかしながら、公然とした無視した在りようは 日本数学会(界)の歴史的な汚点になり、国益をも著しくそこなうことになると考えます。
内容は、極めて基本的で、小学生から高校生の楽しい話題にもなるもので、話題を社会の問題としてとりあげ、楽しく 世にも珍しい新しい発見、ゼロ除算の話題を 世界の話題として日本から発信し、 コロナ禍の暗い世相を吹き飛ばしたい。今こそ、日本国は世界の文化に貢献すべき絶好の機会であると考えます。 ― 令和革新の大義。

マスコミ関係者は 素人でも分る初歩的な 数学の問題を楽しく 取り上げ、数学界のおかしな在りようも明らかにし、日本文化の後進性などにも光を与え、多様な文化の発展に貢献できるものと考えます。

まずは 声明614を参照して そのきっかけを 掴んで頂ければ幸です。

                               以 上

2021.4.21.14;58 マスコミ関係者が分らない、数学界の問題にということではなく、そのような大きな話題が存在する その事実を取り上げて欲しいとの発想で、声明構想が湧いた。 マスコミは 真相を 話題にして明かにする努力をして欲しい ということ。 学界が閉鎖的で、議論できない状況を打破して欲しい ということ。
2021.4.21.18:25 そんなにおかしくはないが。
2021.4.22.05:04 そんなにおかしくない、活かせるかも知れない。
2021.3.22.07:10 90分山を巡ってくる。タケノコが結構出始めていた。 これは素直だが公表しても良いものだろうか。 大体固まっている。 正方向からの表現が良いが、どんどん素直な真実を求める表現も良い。
それで真実を、真理を求めていると 言えるでしょうか。教育者と言えるでしょうか。


円の中心の鏡像は 無限遠点であるという。 それでは、 どこに円が在っても、円の中心の鏡像は 無限遠点であるとなってしまう。 ゼロ除算は、円の中心は 
中心自身であること を述べている。 球面でも同じであるが、 球面が鏡ならば 中心から光が出れば 中心に戻るのではないだろうか。 鏡像の間違いは、 ユークリッド、 ブラーマグプタ、すなわち数学の基礎の欠陥を 歴然と示している。 ゼロ除算の本質である。 それゆえに、日本数会機関誌 数学通信の記事の修正を求めているが、1年を越えても無視を 続けている。 恥ずかしいことではないだろうか。
ところが、論文、招待国際会議、数学会でも繰り返し講演、発表し、著書も出版、 専門国際雑誌を創刊しようというのに 修正しない。 迫っても修正しない数学者たち、可笑しいのではないでしょうか。 それで真実を、真理を求めていると 言えるでしょうか。教育者と言えるでしょうか。

鏡像が ゼロであることは、 ゼロ除算発見の 1丁目1番地の 最も大事な観点で、 発見 そのものです。 同時に 従来数学は間違いであるという論点です。 超古典的な結果に間違いがある。 小松先生たちの書かれた 本、 私にとっては 聖典、志した もとに 間違いがあるということです。アルフォース など の古典も そうですね。 
D. H. Armitage and S. J. Gardiner :  Classical Potential Theory
では 鏡像を深く扱っているのですが、原点の鏡像は 注意深く 触れていません。 それは、無限遠点を避けているようです。
しかし、考えてみたら、鏡像のおかしさは そんなに難しくない 当たり前のように思います。
厳格に考えて下さい。 先生は 自身で触れられているようにさえ 見えます。
近づいていったら 近づいて行った。 無限大に。
近づいて行った先の原点の値と それは厳密に関係あるでしょうか。
不幸にして、原点での値は ゼロだった。 値はゼロである。 それが先生も導かれている。
無限大、無限遠点とは何でしょうか。  アラユル コンパクト 集合の 外にある点です。 そのような点 存在するのでしょうか。 

その様な存在、 実体と言えるでしょうか。
無限大や無限遠点は 極限の概念で定義され、値ではなく、ある状況を表して居る のではないでしょうか。
原点に近づくとき、いくらでも大きくなる。しかし、それは 原点の値と一致する必要はない です。
従来数学は、特異点の外での数学、ゼロ除算算法の数学は 特異点でも考える数学。 それゆえに お互いに独立で矛盾しない。ゼロ除算は新しい世界です。 ですから、従来数学におかしいことはないのですが、鏡像だけは 考えてはならない筈の特異点で言明し、それは新しい数学と矛盾するという 事実をもたらしました。これがゼロ除算の原形です。
考えてはならないところが 埋まるのですから、数学は美しく 完全化されます。
そればかりか、日々新しい現象を発見しています。 全く新規な 驚嘆すべき結果を どんどん導いています。
私は コーシー時代のような活力ある時代を迎えると思います。
私は、古典数学に間違いがある と宣言しています。再生核研究所声明 618(2021.4.25) 日本数学会は 今、日本国と世界に 直接貢献すべきである ー できる絶好の機会

(買い物に出かけて来た。 次の声明の直接的な 考えを纏めたく 情念が湧いてきて来た。散歩の後 直ぐに纏めたい。)

再生核研究所声明 616(2021.4.10)  今こそ、日本数学会は、日本国は、世界の文化に貢献できる。

数学の内容は 具体的に上記に述べられているので、数学会の姿勢の問題の観点から、直接提案する形で述べたい。 学会の在りようは それなりの伝統と理由があって現在があるのだから、それなりに尊重させるべきであることは 当然である。 更に数学のような基礎科学は地味に 静かに研究が行われるべきであるという 強い側面が存在することに 特に念を押して置きたい。そこで、言及したいのは 言わば異なった視点からの独断と偏見に満ちた、しかしながら注目すべき観点もあるのではないかとの思いで 纏めて見たい。
現在世界の世相は コロナ禍、地球規模の環境問題で 言わば苦しい状況下におかれている。 首相をはじめ 政治家、首長の方々の 真摯な努力には 深い敬意の念が湧いてくる。一致団結して これらの難局に 協力していきたい。 言わば戦う敵、対象が 人間ではなく、ウイルスや環境だから、それらとの人類との聖戦に望んでおられるように 皆さんの真摯な姿勢がみえる。大局的には 人類繁茂の生態系の維持に抵触する 人類の活動の、自由の制限を意味するから、苦しい受難の状況は 永く人類に襲い掛かると考えられる。苦しい時代の始まりである。
このような折り、数学等の基礎科学の研究生活、観衆を必要とするスポーツ、芸能、文化活動は厳しい世相で 一層苦しい状況が 予想される。当然、社会全般に 苦しい情況が 起きていると考えられる。 相当な覚悟が要請されていると考えられる。
しかしながら、スポーツ界の明るいニュ―ス、 音楽、芸術、芸能など 暗い世相の中で人々を元気付け、励まし、力を湧かせている例も多く、高く評価される。 池江璃花子 選手の超人的な快挙等も 多くの人に感銘と勇気を与えている。
日本数学会も それらに匹敵できる 日本ばかりではなく、世界の文化に直接貢献できる ニュース、成果を持ちながら、それらを活かせず、社会的に閉じて、社会貢献を意図せず、独りよがりの 数学の研究課題にはまっているような 状態ではないだろうか。 確かに数学などの基礎科学が 直接社会貢献に寄与するのは難しい状況は一般にはあり、 仕方のない面が 本質的に存在するが、ゼロ除算の解明、発見が別格の発見であり、世界史上の事件で、しかもそれは数学の基礎と世界観の問題に直接関わる 世紀の問題であると考える。

現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






問題は 日本数学会が意図的にそのような成果を隠蔽し、成果を数学界の快挙として評価せず、言わばおおきな機会を活かせず、社会から遊離して、言わば ぼんやりし、古い世界から 抜け出せず、衰退の状況に陥っていることである。数学会が社会から遊離している。 数学会は 社会にどのように貢献しいるか、国民に対して明らかにして行かなければならない。我々は直接 社会にどのような貢献をしているか、絶えず反省していかなければならない。 コロナ禍における、医学界の尽力に劣らないように 真剣に社会貢献を果たしていきたい。 数学の教育と研究が 我々の基本的な課題である。
我々は ゼロ除算の解明が 新思想、新世界観を持たらし、2300年以上の歴史を有する数学を美しく完全化させ、コーシー時代のように 数学が活力ある時代を迎えられると考える。
これらの話題は 庶民レベルの沢山の楽しい、深い話題を世に提供し、それらの話題は、暗い世相を吹き飛ばし、明るい未来を志向する道しるべになると考える。
日本数学会の 積極的な取り組みを 数学の大義を受けて、要請したい。
日本発の新しい基礎数学を開拓して、 日本国は 世界史の進化 に貢献したい。

                                     以 上


Dividing by Nothing by Alberto Martinez

Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity.

https://notevenpast.org/dividing-nothing/  より

The Road

Fig 5.2. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) were the culprits, ignoring the first commandment of mathematics not to divide by zero. But they hit gold, because what they mined in the process was the ideal circle.

http://thethirty-ninesteps.com/page_5-the_road.php より

mercredi, juillet 06, 2011
0/0, la célèbre formule d’Evariste Galois !
http://divisionparzero.blogspot.jp/2011/07/00-la-celebre-formule-devariste-galois.html  より

無限に関する様々な数学的概念:無限大 :記号∞ (アーベルなどはこれを 1 / 0 のように表記していた)で表す。 大雑把に言えば、いかなる数よりも大きいさまを表すものであるが、より明確な意味付けは文脈により様々である。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%84%A1%E9%99%90 より

リーマン球面:無限遠点が、実は 原点と通じていた。

https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%B3%E7%90%83%E9%9D%A2 より

http://jestingstock.com/indian-mathematician-brahmagupta-image.html より

ブラーマグプタ(Brahmagupta、598年 – 668年?)はインドの数学者・天文学者。ブラマグプタとも呼ばれる。その著作は、イスラーム世界やヨーロッパにインド数学や天文学を伝える役割を果たした。
628年に、総合的な数理天文書『ブラーマ・スプタ・シッダーンタ』(ब्राह्मस्फुटसिद्धान्त Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta)を著した。この中の数章で数学が扱われており、第12章はガニタ(算術)、第18章はクッタカ(代数)にあてられている。クッタカという語は、もとは「粉々に砕く」という意味だったが、のちに係数の値を小さくしてゆく逐次過程の方法を意味するようになり、代数の中で不定解析を表すようになった。この書では、 0 と負の数にも触れていて、その算法は現代の考え方に近い(ただし 0 ÷ 0 = 0 と定義している点は現代と異なっている)


ブラーマ・スプタ・シッダーンタ (Brahmasphutasiddhanta) は、7世紀のインドの数学者・天文学者であるブラーマグプタの628年の著作である。表題は宇宙の始まりという意味。
数としての「0(ゼロ)の概念」がはっきりと書かれた、現存する最古の書物として有名である。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%96%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B9%E3%83%97%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BB%E3%82%B7%E3%83%83%E3%83%80%E3%83%BC%E3%83%B3%E3%82%BF より


An Early Reference to Division by Zero C. B. Boyer

Impact of ‘Division by Zero’ in Einstein’s Static Universe and Newton’s Equations in Classical Mechanics:http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Relativity%20Theory/Download/2084 より

ラース・ヴァレリアン・アールフォルス(Lars Valerian Ahlfors、1907年4月18日-1996年10月11日)はフィンランドの数学者。リーマン面の研究と複素解析の教科書を書いたことで知られる。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A9%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B9%E3%83%BB%E3%83%B4%E3%82%A1%E3%83%AC%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2%E3%83%B3%E3%83%BB%E3%82%A2%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%83%95%E3%82%A9%E3%83%AB%E3%82%B9

COMPLEX ANALYSIS, 3E (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics) (英語) ハードカバー – 1979/1/1
Lars Ahlfors (著)

原点の円に関する鏡像は、実は 原点であった。

Ramanujan says that answer for 0/0 is infinity. But I’m not sure it’s …

You can see from the other answers, that from the concept of limits, 0/0 can approach any value, even infinity. … So, let me take a system where division by zero is actually defined, that is, you can multiply or divide both sides of an equation by …


Abel Memorial in Gjerstad

Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero
H. G. Romig
The American Mathematical Monthly
Vol. 31, No. 8 (Oct., 1924), pp. 387-389
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
DOI: 10.2307/2298825
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2298825
Page Count: 3

ロピタルの定理 (ロピタルのていり、英: l’Hôpital’s rule) とは、微分積分学において不定形 (en) の極限を微分を用いて求めるための定理である。綴りl’Hôpital / l’Hospital、カタカナ表記ロピタル / ホスピタルの揺れについてはギヨーム・ド・ロピタルの項を参照。ベルヌーイの定理 (英語: Bernoulli’s rule) と呼ばれることもある。本定理を (しばしば複数回) 適用することにより、不定形の式を非不定形の式に変換し、その極限値を容易に求めることができる可能性がある。https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AD%E3%83%94%E3%82%BF%E3%83%AB%E3%81%AE%E5%AE%9A%E7%90%86

Ein aufleuchtender Blitz: Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit
https://books.google.co.jp/books?isbn=3642558402 –

Arild Stubhaug – 2013 – ‎Mathematics

Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit Arild Stubhaug. Abb. 19 a–c. a. … Eine Kurve, die Abel studierte und dabei herausfand, wie sich der Umfang inn gleich große Teile aufteilen lässt. … Beim Integralzeichen statt der liegenden ∞ den Bruch 1/0.


Indeterminate: the hidden power of 0 divided by 0
2016/12/02 に公開
You’ve all been indoctrinated into accepting that you cannot divide by zero. Find out about the beautiful mathematics that results when you do it anyway in calculus. Featuring some of the most notorious “forbidden” expressions like 0/0 and 1^∞ as well as Apple’s Siri and Sir Isaac Newton.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc0M1o8tuPo より


file:///C:/Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/P1-Division.pdf より

file:///C:/Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/Y_1770_Euler_Elements%20of%20algebra%20traslated%201840%20l%20p%2059%20(1).pdf より

An Approach to Overcome Division by Zero in the Interval Gauss Algorithm

Carolus Fridericus Gauss:https://www.slideshare.net/fgz08/gauss-elimination-4686597

https://www.math.nyu.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/Stamps/stamps.html より

Archimedes Principle in Completely Submerged Balloons: Revisited
Ajay Sharma:


[PDF]Indeterminate Form in the Equations of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein
0. 0 . The reason is that in the case of Archimedes principle, equations became feasible in. 1935 after enunciation of the principle in 1685, when … Although division by zero is not permitted, yet it smoothly follows from equations based upon.

Thinking ahead of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein – The General …
old Archimedes Principle, Newton’ s law, Einstein ‘s mass energy equation. E=mc2 . …. filled in balloon becomes INDETERMINATE (0/0). It is not justified. If the generalized form Archimedes principle is used then we get exact volume V …..


Find circles that are tangent to three given circles (Apollonius’ Problem) in C#

http://csharphelper.com/blog/2016/09/find-circles-that-are-tangent-to-three-given-circles-apollonius-problem-in-c/ より


The reason we cannot devide by zero is simply axiomatic as Plato pointed out.

http://mathhelpforum.com/algebra/223130-dividing-zero.html より


神の数式で ゼロ除算を用いると どうなるのでしょうか という質問が 寄せられています。


神の数式が解析関数でかけて居れば、 特異点でローラン展開して、正則部の第1項を取れば、 何時でも有限値を得るので、 形式的に無限が出ても 実は問題なく 意味を有します。


計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 



​そこで、計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 楽しみにしています。 もうできる進化した 計算機をお持ちの方は おられないですね。

これは凄い、面白い事件では? 計算機が人間を超えている 例では?

面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0

を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。

0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 世界史の恥。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。 しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている 様が 出て居て 実に 面白い。




計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0 を出したのに


面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0

を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。

0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている様が 出て居て 実に面白い。



ゼロ除算、ゼロで割る問題、分からない、正しいのかなど、 良く理解できない人が 未だに 多いようです。そこで、簡潔な一般的な 解説を思い付きました。 もちろん、学会などでも述べていますが、 予断で 良く聞けないようです。まず、分数、a/b は a  割る b のことで、これは 方程式 x=a の解のことです。ところが、 b がゼロならば、 どんな xでも 0 x =0 ですから、a がゼロでなければ、解は存在せず、 従って 100/0 など、ゼロ除算は考えられない、できないとなってしまいます。 普通の意味では ゼロ除算は 不可能であるという、世界の常識、定説です。できない、不可能であると言われれば、いろいろ考えたくなるのが、人間らしい創造の精神です。 基本方程式 b x=a が b がゼロならば解けない、解が存在しないので、困るのですが、このようなとき、従来の結果が成り立つような意味で、解が考えられないかと、数学者は良く考えて来ました。 何と、 そのような方程式は 何時でも唯一つに 一般化された意味で解をもつと考える 方法があります。 Moore-Penrose 一般化逆の考え方です。 どんな行列の 逆行列を唯一つに定める 一般的な 素晴らしい、自然な考えです。その考えだと、 b がゼロの時、解はゼロが出るので、 a/0=0 と定義するのは 当然です。 すなわち、この意味で 方程式の解を考えて 分数を考えれば、ゼロ除算は ゼロとして定まる ということです。ただ一つに定まるのですから、 この考えは 自然で、その意味を知りたいと 考えるのは、当然ではないでしょうか?初等数学全般に影響を与える ユークリッド以来の新世界が 現れてきます。



相当ゼロ除算の研究をされている方が、基本を誤解されていたこと、1/0 の定義を誤解されていた。

まずは ゼロ除算は不可能であるの 思いが強すぎで、初めからダメ、考えない、無視の気持ちが、強い。 ゼロ除算を従来の 掛け算の逆と考えると、不可能であるが 証明されてしまうので、割り算の意味を拡張しないと、考えられない。それで、 1/0,0/0,z/0 などの意味を発見する必要がある。 それらの意味は、普通の意味ではないことの 初めの考えを飛ばして ダメ、ダメの感情が 突っ走ている。 非ユークリッド幾何学の出現や天動説が地動説に変わった世界史の事件のような 形相と言える。


1.      ゼロでは割れない、ゼロ除算は 不可能である との考え方に拘って、思考停止している。 普通、不可能であるは、考え方や意味を拡張して 可能にできないかと考えるのが 数学の伝統であるが、それができない。

2.      可能にする考え方が 紹介されても ゼロ除算の意味を誤解して、繰り返し間違えている。可能にする理論を 素直に理解しない、 強い従来の考えに縛られている。拘っている。

3.      ゼロ除算を関数に適用すると 強力な不連続性を示すが、連続性のアリストテレス以来の 連続性の考えに囚われていて 強力な不連続性を受け入れられない。数学では、不連続性の概念を明確に持っているのに、不連続性の凄い現象に、ゼロ除算の場合には 理解できない。

4.      深刻な誤解は、ゼロ除算は本質的に定義であり、仮定に基づいているので 疑いの気持ちがぬぐえず、ダメ、怪しいと誤解している。数学が公理系に基づいた理論体系のように、ゼロ除算は 新しい仮定に基づいていること。 定義に基づいていることの認識が良く理解できず、誤解している。

George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that “it is well known to students of high school algebra” that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970.

Eπi =-1 (1748)(Leonhard Euler

E = mc 2 (1905)(Albert Einstein)

1/0=0/0=0 (201422日再生核研究所)

ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0= tan (pi/2)=0


1+1=2  (      )

a2+b2=c2 (Pythagoras


Black holes are where God divided by 0Division by zero1/0=0/0=z/0=tan(pi/2)=0 発見7周年を迎えて


I don’t know what will happen if you divide by 0 easily! If you divide by 0, you will get a devil: Can you explain the true meaning of division by zero?

Basic knowledge, "1 + 0" is naturally "1", but "1 + null" results in "null", on the contrary, "null / 0", which is mathematically taboo division by zero. But the result is a ridiculous "null" (not even an error), so I'll die without a joke. (Well, beginners will make mistakes w)

Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14

Hey Siri, what’s zero divided by zero? | NEW REVISION | iPad OS 14″What’s zero divided by zero?”Newer rendition of Siri’s representation of zero divided by zero.

divide by zero

divide by zerohe in fact, was not.Das it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3rOYOIYCp4

If you allow division by zero, mathematics will collapse ...!
The morning I was shocked to hear that recent elementary schools teach 〇 ÷ 0 = 0. Yui and Ou both answered "0!", So I was sad because I learned that at school.
There are quite a lot of topics such as zero power to the zero power and zero power, but we are advocating a new theory and giving quite concrete examples, so please refer to it. There are many possible definitions, so it is important to look for a lot of concrete examples that should be defined in that way and to persuade them. Please also refer to the following:
Division by zero in mathematics Quantum field theory and causality in physics may be in the Ouroboros snake, isn't it? It's difficult to even define 1 + 1 = 2 exactly.
#Mathematics #Mathematician #Mathematics
What is 0 to the 0th power? Proof from foundations of mathematics.
What is 0 to the 0th power? Proof from foundations of mathematics. Road to Mathematicians: https: //youtube.com/playlist? List = PLtMOHOy6HiqzAkOC-fabqgSMVWY8ylowX University Mathematics Taught by Active Mathematicians: https: //youtube.com/playlist? List = PLtMOHOy6HiqwCEG7fWVF1loFz5WhFMF14 ... Link
Regenerative Kernel Research Institute is 1 and 0:
Batch file returns "divide by zero error" only when run using Task Scheduler
Batch file returns "divide by zero error" only when run using Task SchedulerBatch file returns "divide by zero error" only when run using Task SchedulerHelpful? Please support me on Patreon:
Mencari informasi yang lebih mendalam lagi .. beliau ini pernah belajar ke India karena di India sudah ada yang menemukan nol dan menggunakannya dalam perhitungan .. Nol ditemukan oleh Brahmagupta ..
Siswa, Yuk Kenali Ilmuwan Penemu Aljabar dan Angka NolAda seorang ilmuwan yang menyumbangkan pemikiran tentang ilmu Matematika. Ilmuwan itu adalah Muhammad bin Musa Al Khawarizmi. Link

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  

2021年04月28日(水)NEW !

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?  

Fun With Zeros – What is Zero Divided By Zero?Short answer – EVERY NUMBER IN THE WORLD. 2:12 (Also the fun answer.)In this video, I do something similar to Dr. Shelton Cooper from The Big Bang Theory in… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eeTachHtEDA

It seems that division by zero is not infinite, and it seems that it does not exist, but if it is 0, you can draw it many times, but why is it not infinite? You don't say you're pulling 0? Papparapa. I wonder if I should sleep twice.
It seems that division by zero is not infinite and does not exist,
If it is 0, you can draw as many times as you want, but why isn't it infinite?
You don't say you're pulling 0?
I wonder if I should sleep twice.
— Arinko (@arisu_men) April 28, 2021
Division by zero is actually natural from the meaning of zero:
Dividing by zero is not divisible, so there is no assigned number, zero. Zero has a meaning that means what you can't do or what you can't do.
Dividing by zero is not divisible, so there is no assigned number, zero. Zero has a meaning that means what you can't do or what you can't do. To give zero yen is not to give it. You shouldn't do it zero times. Running at zero km / h means that it is stopped and does not run. So, considering the meaning of zero, the problem of dividing by zero was a matter of course from the beginning. Let's change the common sense of the world. -The cause of Reiwa innovation
2021.4.20.7: 17
It's infinitely far away, going farther and farther.
Beyond infinity.
However, there was zero beyond that. If you think about it, it's a fun and amazing world, a world of division by zero, a new world. It is realized with a horn torus. It is used as an illustration on the cover of a magazine.
It is a complete mathematical world discovered by humankind over 2000 years of history.
The two elements of mathematics, Euclidean geometry and the law of arithmetic, have imperfections in the world of Brahmagupta, that is, there are basic flaws in mathematics, and they have continued to this day. We have lived on an inappropriate world view and mathematics.
It is already a fact and a truth.
2021.4.20.8: 40

#Dividing By Zero | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | TumgirExplore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #Dividing By Zero with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumgirhttp://www.tumgir.com

[Slow explanation] Proof of 1 = 0 and division by zero
[Slow commentary] Proof of 1 = 0 and division by zero Let's delve into mathematics through mistakes such as finding mistakes that are obviously strange but unexpectedly not noticed. Total Enco Time: 1h45m41.2s Is it too long? --Timetable 0:00 introduction0:19 proof1 a = b1: 32 definition of division & division by ... link

Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   


Divide By Zero | Untitled Productions   

Divide By Zero | Untitled ProductionsWhat happens when you divide by zero? Ryan asks Rishi about what happens when you do so, only to find out the crazy truth. Written and directed by Rishi CCas… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o67gpb8fgMo

In Cingularineta, when I thought about the story of people winning in the end with people vs. AI, I tried to make the fall something like "I just defined division by zero", but it seems to be rather difficult.

If there’s a magical division by zero, the universe won’t implode! The person who does it will just be shunted into another universe.

This definition is not about whether the poles are finite or infinite, but undefined in the first place.
If you are talking about existing real or complex axioms, you wouldn't make such a conclusion. What kind of axiom system are you using to discuss?
 You can't do it if you can't. There is a natural and wonderful way of thinking that allows you:
Next, I will give a polite explanation.
Foundations of Mathematics Study Group Official Website Fun Mathematics http://www.mirun.sctv.jp ›~suugaku
The basic idea of ​​the Foundations of Mathematics Study Group is {fun mathematics}. We are engaged in various activities so that more people will find "math interesting". In the "Math Class" on this site, "Unbearably Fun Mathematics-Thinking about Dividing by Zero" and "Wasan ...
Others also search here
Divide zero
Divide by 0
Math contraindications
Infinite division
Zero discount avoidance
Infinite divided by 0
He professes that modern mathematics is still flawed. It is clear that there are basic defects in function theory, differential equations, geometry, and algebra, and it has been eight years since the discovery. This will be a stain on world history:

Please look 1/0=0:

As Fundamental of Mathematics,  the division by zero was known as the generalized

 Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation:  ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:

 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,

Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:




Book was published:




January, 2021

Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 617 (2021.4.23): Requesting an understanding of division by zero-Ask the media
Next is the delay in understanding division by zero
Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 614 (2021.3.28) Reasons for requesting revision of articles in mathematics communication, Japanese culture, state of the mathematical world, state of society; Mathematical Society of Japan, members of the media, is this all right?
Is mentioned in:
Therefore, it is considered that the world of the Internet is still full of inappropriate information. I think the common sense of the world is a stain on the mathematical world:

{\it Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,
which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed
out} (2017.10.14.08:55).

I think such a situation would be a shame and negligence in the mathematical and media worlds.
It is an expression that criticizes the mathematical world and the media world. Therefore, I would like to explain to the media people in particular and express my hope concretely.
First of all, I would like to mention that the new mathematics of division by zero is a big general topic because it is related to the basics of mathematics and the basics of mathematics education, and it is thought that it will contribute to the global culture originating in Japan. In fact, changes in basic mathematics from elementary school to university are required, which is thought to lead to a change in the historical world view.
We have provided a huge amount of materials on the contents, and many of them are open to the public. Invited international conference video lectures have been released, even books have been published, and the special international magazine is being launched from the United Kingdom.
I do not think that the media will discuss the contents of such specialized matters, and the problem seems to have been ignored by the mathematical world even though it is working on the basic problems of the world to the mathematical world. We are asking the pros and cons of the academia, and asking the media to discuss it widely as a social topic in order to clarify the truth.
As detailed in Statement 614 above, isn't the mathematical world strange? Despite raising basic problems in the mathematical world, the people in charge are not seriously dealing with it, and even defamatory rather than ignoring it. I am an emeritus member of the Mathematical Society of Japan and an emeritus member of the American Mathematical Society, who does not admit that the world of mathematics is authoritarian and is ignored as a person who is convinced of the substance of mathematics. However, I didn't want to mention that he was an experienced councilor in the Japanese mathematics world and an emeritus professor at a national university.
However, I think that the open neglect will be a historical stain on the Mathematical Society of Japan (world) and will significantly damage the national interest.
The content is extremely basic, and it can be a fun topic for elementary school students to high school students.The topic is taken up as a social problem, and a new discovery that is rare in the world and the topic of division by zero are transmitted from Japan as a topic of the world. I want to blow away the dark world. I think that now is the perfect time for Japan to contribute to the culture of the world. -The cause of Reiwa innovation.
The people involved in the media will enjoy taking up elementary mathematical problems that even amateurs can understand, clarifying the strangeness of the mathematical world, giving light to the backwardness of Japanese culture, and contributing to the development of diverse cultures. think.
First of all, I would appreciate it if you could grasp the opportunity by referring to Statement 614.
                               that's all
2021.4.21.14; 58 The statement concept came up with the idea that such a big topic exists, not that it is a problem in the mathematical world that the media people do not understand. .. The media wants you to make an effort to clarify the truth by talking about it. I want you to break through the situation where the academia is closed and cannot be discussed.
2021.4.21.18: 25 It's not so strange.
2021.4.22.05: 04 It's not so strange, it may be useful.
2021.3.22.07: 10 90 minutes around the mountain. Bamboo shoots were starting to appear. This is straightforward, but is it okay to announce it? It's almost solidified. The expression from the positive direction is good, but the expression that seeks more and more honest truth is also good.
This morning's blog:
2021.4.24.4 o'clock
So can we say that we are seeking the truth and the truth? Can you call it an educator?
I woke up with most habits. However, I woke up with the following thought.
Mathematicians who do not correct mistakes, mathematicians who do not correct embarrassing mathematics:
The mirror image of the center of the circle is said to be the point at infinity. Then, no matter where the circle is, the mirror image at the center of the circle will be the point at infinity. In division by zero, the center of the circle is
It states that it is the center itself. The same is true for a spherical surface, but if the spherical surface is a mirror, it may return to the center if light comes out from the center. The mistake in the mirror image clearly shows the flaws in Euclid, Brahmagupta, that is, the foundation of mathematics. It is the essence of division by zero. Therefore, we are requesting the revision of the article in the magazine of the Japanese Society of Numerical Studies, Mathematics Communication, but we continue to ignore it even after more than a year. Isn't it embarrassing?
However, he repeatedly gave lectures and made presentations at treatises, invited international conferences, and mathematical societies, published books, and tried to launch a specialized international magazine, but he did not modify it. Isn't it funny that mathematicians who don't correct even when approaching? Can you say that you are seeking the truth and the truth? Can you call it an educator?
The fact that the mirror image is zero is the discovery itself from the most important point of view of the division by zero discovery, 1-1. At the same time, the issue is that conventional mathematics is wrong. There is a mistake in the ultra-classical result. The book written by Mr. Komatsu and others, for me, is a scripture, and there is a mistake in what I wanted to do. The classics such as Alforce are also the same.
In the beginning,
D. H. Armitage and S. J. Gardiner: Classical Potential Theory
Then, I am dealing with the mirror image deeply, but I have not touched the mirror image of the origin carefully. It seems to avoid the point at infinity.
However, when you think about it, the strangeness of the mirror image is not so difficult.
Think rigorously. The teacher even seems to be touching himself.
When I got closer, I got closer. To infinity.
Is it strictly related to the value of the origin of the approaching destination?
Unfortunately, the value at the origin was zero. The value is zero. That is also guided by the teacher.
Isn't there something wrong here?
What are infinity and point at infinity? It is a point outside the Arayul compact set. Is there such a point?
Where is it?
Is it such an existence, an entity?
Infinity and point at infinity are defined by the concept of limit, and may represent a certain situation rather than a value.
It reminds me of the words of an excellent and awe-inspiring teacher.
As it approaches the origin, it grows indefinitely. However, it does not have to match the value of the origin.
Conventional mathematics is mathematics outside the singular point, and division by zero mathematics is mathematics that considers the singular point as well. Therefore, they are independent and consistent with each other. Division by zero is a new world. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with conventional mathematics, but only the mirror image was stated at a singular point that should not be considered, which brought about the fact that it contradicts new mathematics. This is the prototype of division by zero.
Mathematics is beautifully completed because it fills in the things that should not be considered.
Not only that, we are discovering new phenomena every day. It is leading to completely new and amazing results.
I think we will enter a vibrant era like the Cauchy era.
?? ?? ?? ??
?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Please clarify the mirror image.
I have declared that there is a mistake in classical mathematics. Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 618 (2021.4.25) The Mathematical Society of Japan should now contribute directly to Japan and the world-a great opportunity to do so.
(I went shopping. I want to summarize the direct thoughts of the next statement. I have a feeling of passion. I want to summarize immediately after the walk.)
Statement of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research 616 (2021.4.10) Now is the time for the Mathematical Society of Japan to contribute to the culture of the world.
The content of mathematics is specifically stated above, so I would like to make a direct proposal from the perspective of the attitude problem of the Mathematical Society of Japan. There is a certain tradition and reason for the existence of academic societies, so it is natural that they should be respected as such. Furthermore, I would like to pay particular attention to the fact that basic science such as mathematics has a strong aspect that research should be conducted quietly and quietly. Therefore, I would like to mention it, so to speak, full of dogmatism and prejudice from different perspectives, but I would like to summarize it with the thought that there may be some notable perspectives.
Currently, the world's world is in a difficult situation due to the corona wreck and global environmental problems. The sincere efforts of the prime minister, politicians, and chief ministers give us deep respect. We would like to unite and cooperate with these difficult situations. So to speak, the enemies and targets that fight are not humans, but viruses and the environment, so you can see your sincere attitude as you wish for a holy war with humankind. In the big picture, it means the restriction of freedom of human activities that conflicts with the maintenance of the ecosystem of human beings, so it is thought that the difficult situation of suffering will attack human beings for a long time. It is the beginning of a difficult time.
At such times, research life in basic science such as mathematics, sports that require an audience, performing arts, and cultural activities are expected to be even more difficult due to the difficult social situation. Naturally, it is thought that a difficult situation is occurring in society as a whole. It is considered that considerable preparedness is required.
However, there are many examples of encouraging, encouraging, and encouraging people in the dark world of bright news, music, art, and performing arts in the sports world, and they are highly evaluated. Rikako Ikee's superhuman achievements have impressed and encouraged many people.
The Mathematical Society of Japan can also be comparable to them. It can directly contribute not only to Japan but also to the culture of the world. Isn't it in a state of being addicted to issues? Certainly, there are generally situations where it is difficult for basic science such as mathematics to directly contribute to society, and there are essentially unavoidable aspects, but the elucidation and discovery of division by zero is an exceptional discovery, and in world history. I think that it is a problem of the century that is directly related to the problem of the basics of mathematics and the world view.
I've already mentioned a lot of evidence, but the following expression seems to be sufficient:
He professes that modern mathematics is still flawed. It is clear that there are basic defects in function theory, differential equations, geometry, and algebra, and it has been eight years since the discovery. This will be a stain on world history:

Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.

Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry

Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:


Book was published:
January, 2021






The problem is that the Mathematical Society of Japan intentionally conceals such achievements, does not evaluate the achievements as a feat in the mathematical world, does not take advantage of big opportunities, is separated from society, is vague, and cannot escape from the old world. , It is in a state of decline. Mathematical Society is free from society. The Mathematical Society of Japan must clarify to the public how it contributes to society. We must constantly reflect on what kind of contribution we are making directly to society. I would like to seriously contribute to society so as not to be inferior to the efforts of the medical community in Corona. Mathematics education and research are our basic tasks.
We believe that the elucidation of division by zero will bring about a new idea and a new world view, beautifully complete mathematics with a history of more than 2300 years, and enter an era in which mathematics is vibrant like the Cauchy era.
These topics provide a lot of fun and deep topics at the level of the common people, and I think that these topics will be a guide to blow away the dark world and aim for a bright future.
I would like to request the active efforts of the Mathematical Society of Japan in response to the cause of mathematics.
Japan wants to contribute to the evolution of world history by pioneering new basic mathematics originating in Japan.
                                     that's all

Dividing by Nothing by Alberto Martinez

Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity.

https://notevenpast.org/dividing-nothing/  より

The Road

Fig 5.2. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) were the culprits, ignoring the first commandment of mathematics not to divide by zero. But they hit gold, because what they mined in the process was the ideal circle.

http://thethirty-ninesteps.com/page_5-the_road.php より

mercredi, juillet 06, 2011
0/0, la célèbre formule d’Evariste Galois !
http://divisionparzero.blogspot.jp/2011/07/00-la-celebre-formule-devariste-galois.html  より

Various mathematical concepts about infinity: Infinity: Indicated by the symbol ∞ (Abel et al. Written this as 1/0). Roughly speaking, it represents a larger number than any number, but the clearer meaning varies from context to context. From https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%84%A1%E9%99%90
Riemann sphere: The point at infinity actually communicated with the origin.
From https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%9E%E3%83%B3%E7%90%83%E9%9D%A2
From http://jestingstock.com/indian-mathematician-brahmagupta-image.html
Brahmagupta (598 – 668?) Is an Indian mathematician and astronomer. Also known as Brahmagupta. The work served to convey Indian mathematics and astronomy to the Islamic world and Europe.
In 628, he wrote the comprehensive mathematical astronomical document, Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta (ब्राह्मस्फुटसिद्धान्त Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta). Mathematics is dealt with in several chapters, Chapter 12 is devoted to Ganita (arithmetic), and Chapter 18 is devoted to Kuttaka (algebra). The word Kuttaka originally meant "crushing into pieces", but later it came to mean a method of sequential processes in which the value of the coefficient was reduced, so that it represents indefinite analysis in algebra. became. This book also touches on 0 and negative numbers, and its algorithm is close to modern thinking (although it differs from modern times in that it defines 0 ÷ 0 = 0).
Brahmasphutasiddhanta is a 628 work by the 7th century Indian mathematician and astronomer Brahmagupta. The title means the beginning of the universe.
It is famous as the oldest extant book in which the "concept of 0 (zero)" as a number is clearly written.
History of division by zero: Division by zero is considered to be divided by zero, but it has been a problem since Aristotelis, and the record of zero was made for the first time in India in 628, but at that time, the correct answer 1/0 is already expected. Say it was. However, it cannot be theorized, and for more than 1300 years, it has been regarded as impossible or infinite, infinite, or point at infinity.
An Early Reference to Division by Zero C. B. Boyer


Impact of ‘Division by Zero’ in Einstein’s Static Universe and Newton’s Equations in Classical Mechanics:http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Relativity%20Theory/Download/2084 より

Lars Valerian Ahlfors (April 18, 1907-October 11, 1996) is a Finnish mathematician. Known for his research on the Riemann surface and writing textbooks for complex analysis.
Fields Medal No. 1COMPLEX ANALYSIS, 3E (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics) Hardcover – 1979/1/1
Lars Ahlfors (Author)
The mirror image of the origin circle was actually the origin.
In the book, it was considered the point at infinity.

Ramanujan says that answer for 0/0 is infinity. But I’m not sure it’s …

You can see from the other answers, that from the concept of limits, 0/0 can approach any value, even infinity. … So, let me take a system where division by zero is actually defined, that is, you can multiply or divide both sides of an equation by …


Abel Memorial in Gjerstad

Discussions: Early History of Division by Zero
H. G. Romig
The American Mathematical Monthly
Vol. 31, No. 8 (Oct., 1924), pp. 387-389
Published by: Mathematical Association of America
DOI: 10.2307/2298825
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2298825?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

Page Count: 3
L'Hôpital's rule (L'Hôpital's rule) is a theorem for finding the limit of indeterminate form (en) using differentiation in calculus. Spelling l'Hôpital / l'Hospital, Katakana notation L'Hôpital / See the Guillaume de l'Hospital section for the shaking of the hospital. It is also called Bernoulli's rule (English: Bernoulli's rule). By applying this theorem (often multiple times), it may be possible to convert an indeterminate form into an indeterminate form and easily find its limit.

Ein aufleuchtender Blitz: Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit
https://books.google.co.jp/books?isbn=3642558402 –

Arild Stubhaug – 2013 – ‎Mathematics

Niels Henrik Abel und seine Zeit Arild Stubhaug. Abb. 19 a–c. a. … Eine Kurve, die Abel studierte und dabei herausfand, wie sich der Umfang inn gleich große Teile aufteilen lässt. … Beim Integralzeichen statt der liegenden ∞ den Bruch 1/0.


Indeterminate: the hidden power of 0 divided by 0
2016/12/02 に公開
You’ve all been indoctrinated into accepting that you cannot divide by zero. Find out about the beautiful mathematics that results when you do it anyway in calculus. Featuring some of the most notorious “forbidden” expressions like 0/0 and 1^∞ as well as Apple’s Siri and Sir Isaac Newton.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc0M1o8tuPo より

Division by zero treatise:

file:///C:/Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/P1-Division.pdf   より

Euler's thoughts on division by zero:
From file: /// C: /Users/saito%20saburo/Downloads/Y_1770_Euler_Elements%20of%20algebra%20traslated%201840%20l%20p%2059%20(1).pdf

An Approach to Overcome Division by Zero in the Interval Gauss Algorithm

Carolus Fridericus Gauss:https://www.slideshare.net/fgz08/gauss-elimination-4686597

https://www.math.nyu.edu/~crorres/Archimedes/Stamps/stamps.html より

Archimedes Principle in Completely Submerged Balloons: Revisited
Ajay Sharma:


[PDF]Indeterminate Form in the Equations of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein
0. 0 . The reason is that in the case of Archimedes principle, equations became feasible in. 1935 after enunciation of the principle in 1685, when … Although division by zero is not permitted, yet it smoothly follows from equations based upon.

Thinking ahead of Archimedes, Newton and Einstein – The General …
old Archimedes Principle, Newton’ s law, Einstein ‘s mass energy equation. E=mc2 . …. filled in balloon becomes INDETERMINATE (0/0). It is not justified. If the generalized form Archimedes principle is used then we get exact volume V …..


Find circles that are tangent to three given circles (Apollonius’ Problem) in C#

http://csharphelper.com/blog/2016/09/find-circles-that-are-tangent-to-three-given-circles-apollonius-problem-in-c/ より

The reason we cannot devide by zero is simply axiomatic as Plato pointed out.
From http://mathhelpforum.com/algebra/223130-dividing-zero.html
Statement 618
Page 364
A question has been asked about what happens when division by zero is used in God's formula.
God's formula:
If God's formula is multiplied by an analytic function, Laurent expansion is performed at a singular point, and if the first term of the regular part is taken, a finite value is always obtained, so even if infinity appears formally, there is no problem in fact. I have.
How about a physicist?
When does the calculator give the correct answer 0/0 = 0, but when does the calculator get 1/0 = 0?
Category: Uncategorized
So, when will the computer be able to do 1/0 = 0? I am looking forward to it. There is no one who has an evolved calculator that can do it anymore.
Is this a great and interesting case? In an example where the computer exceeds humans?
I found something interesting. The calculator has the correct answer 0/0 = 0
It seems that he thinks that he is wrong even though he issued.
Even though 0/0 = 0 was given by the discoverer of arithmetic 1300 years ago, he said that world history is ridiculous. Shame of world history. Actually, a / 0 = 0 was always true. However, it is necessary to properly define the meaning of fractions here. The calculator seems to even know the meaning. It's really interesting to see that the calculator is smarter than humans.
The calculator gave the correct answer 0/0 = 0
Category: Uncategorized
I found something interesting. The calculator has the correct answer 0/0 = 0
It seems that he thinks that he is wrong even though he issued.
Even though 0/0 = 0 was given by the discoverer of arithmetic 1300 years ago, he said that world history is ridiculous. Actually, a / 0 = 0 was always true. However, it is necessary to properly define the meaning of fractions here. The calculator seems to even know the meaning. It's really interesting to see that the calculator is smarter than humans.


It seems that there are still many people who do not understand well, such as division by zero, the problem of dividing by zero, do not understand, and whether it is correct. So I came up with a brief general commentary. Of course, as I mentioned at academic conferences, I can't seem to hear it well because of my prejudice. First, the fraction, a / b, is a divided by b, which is the solution of the equation b x = a. However, if b is zero, then any x is 0 x = 0, so if a is not zero, there is no solution, so division by zero, such as 100/0, is unthinkable and impossible. It is a common sense and established theory in the world that division by zero is impossible in the ordinary sense. When it is said that it is impossible or impossible, it is the human spirit of creation that makes you want to think about various things.
If the basic equation bx = a is zero, it cannot be solved, and there is no solution, so it is a problem, but in such a case, mathematicians wonder if a solution can be considered in the sense that the conventional result holds. I've been thinking about it. There is a way to think that such an equation always has a solution in a generalized sense. Moore-Penrose is the opposite of generalization. It is a general, wonderful, natural idea that defines the inverse matrix of any matrix. From that point of view, when b is zero, the solution is zero, so it is natural to define a / 0 = 0. In other words, in this sense, if you think about the solution of the equation and think about the fraction, division by zero is determined as zero. Since there is only one thing, this idea is natural, and it is natural to want to know its meaning, isn't it? A new world since Euclid that affects elementary mathematics in general will appear.
The misunderstanding of division by zero is serious:

Recently, there have been three things.

My brief talk, the impression that a considerable mathematician made an incredible misunderstanding that he couldn’t understand at all and was dizzy.

Those who were studying division by zero had misunderstood the basics and the definition of 1/0.

A considerable talent had avoided the study of division by zero for more than four years, regardless of continuity and order.

These things teach us how human beings are addicted to prejudice and prejudice.

First of all, division by zero is impossible, but my feelings are too strong, and I have a strong feeling of not thinking, not thinking, and ignoring from the beginning. If you think of division by zero as the opposite of conventional multiplication, it is impossible, but it will be proved, so you can’t think of it unless you expand the meaning of division.

Therefore, it is necessary to discover the meaning of 1/0, 0/0, z / 0, etc. Those meanings are not ordinary meanings, skipping the initial thoughts, and feelings of uselessness and uselessness are running. It can be said that the appearance of non-Euclidean geometry and the appearance of a world history event in which the geocentric theory changed to the heliocentric theory.
Four Misconceptions about Division by Zero:
1. I have stopped thinking about the idea that division by zero is impossible because it cannot be divided by zero. Normally, it is a tradition of mathematics to think about what is impossible by expanding the way of thinking and meaning, but it is not possible.
2. Even if the idea of making it possible is introduced, I misunderstand the meaning of division by zero and make mistakes repeatedly. I am bound by a strong conventional idea that I do not understand the theory that makes it possible. I am particular about it.
3. Applying division by zero to a function shows a strong discontinuity, but I cannot accept the strong discontinuity because I am trapped in the idea of ​​continuity since Aristotle of continuity. In mathematics, I have a clear concept of discontinuity, but I can't understand the great phenomenon of discontinuity in the case of division by zero.
4. A serious misunderstanding is that division by zero is essentially a definition and is based on assumptions, so the feeling of suspicion cannot be wiped out, and it is misunderstood that it is useless and suspicious. Division by zero is based on new assumptions, like mathematics is a theoretical system based on axioms. I couldn't understand well that it was based on the definition, and I misunderstood it.

George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that “it is well known to students of high school algebra” that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970.

Eπi =-1 (1748)(Leonhard Euler)

E = mc 2 (1905)(Albert Einstein

1/0 = 0/0 = 0 (February 2, 2014, Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute)

ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0= tan (pi/2)=0


1+1=2  (      )

a2+b2=c2 (Pythagoras

1/0 = 0/0 = 0 (February 2, 2014, Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute)
Black holes are where God divided by 0: Division by zero: 1/0 = 0/0 = z / 0 = tan (pi / 2) = 0 Celebrating the 7th anniversary of discovery


29 5月


2021年05月29日(土)NEW !

0の除算結果を u とする話


#numberdividedbyzero #algebra #numb  #numberdividedbyzero #algebra #numbersystem

What if any number divided by zero or zero divided by zero.

What if any number divided by zero or zero divided by zero.what if non zero number divided by 0 what if zero is divided by a non zero number what if 0 is divided by 0#numberdividedbyzero #algebra #numbersystemwww.youtube.com

Numbers – Real Number Operations

Numbers – Real Number OperationsIn this video we will study properties related to operations on real numbers.For viewing all videos related to Mathematics, Robotics, Programming and Craft a…www.youtube.com



Unbearably fun math Think about dividing by 0  


(Geometric phenomenon pioneered by division by zero-an unbearably fun and novel phenomenon-from Descartes' circle theorem)
First, I would like to briefly express what kind of theorem I got. -There is a beautiful Descartes theorem that holds when four circles are in contact. It can be said that it holds even when the circle becomes a straight line or a point by using the mathematics of division by zero. -The idea that points and straight lines are special cases of circles is the motivation for discovering the theorem.
Sites that can be easily referred to because it is difficult to express figures and formulas
I would like to explain how interesting division by zero is by referring to the figures and formulas in it.
First, see the beautiful theorem called Descartes' Circle Theorem. It is a theorem that establishes the relationship between the radii of the circles that inscribe or circumscribe them when the three circles circumscribe.
The formula is beautiful, but if you notice that the four radii are completely symmetrical in the expression, you can understand the beauty even more deeply.
The idea of ​​the treatise is also valid when the three circles of the base and the foundation described in Descartes' theorem of circles are replaced with points and straight lines, recalling the mathematics that points and straight lines can be regarded as special cases of circles. I made a problem. The point is a circle with zero radius, but the fact that a straight line can also be regarded as a circle with zero radius is a discovery derived as a result of division by zero. Then, in the formula of Descartes' circle theorem, 1/0 comes out, but it is good to interpret them as zero. So, considering the case where two are circles and the other is a common tangent, it looks like Figure 1-2, but you can see that it is well established.
The theorems and facts around here are fields in which Wasan is good, and it is widely known in Wasan, including Descartes' Yen theorem. Descartes's circle theorem is even more beautiful if it holds at any time, considering all the cases where the three circles become points or straight lines. I think about all cases, but if two are circles and one is a point, there seems to be no circle tangent to them, so in that case the Cartesian circle theorem does not seem to hold.
Therefore, it does not hold for points, so I considered the case of a small circle and thought about what would happen if that circle was used as a point. Since the Cartesian circle theorem holds for any small circle, it is tempting to think about what happens when the radius of the small circle approaches zero.
In order to discuss it mathematically rigorously, I wrote three circles and an inscribed circle (circumscribed circle) properly with equations and discussed them. In modern mathematics, when a circle is used as a point, the expression of the circle has an isolated singularity, which cannot be considered. This is because the zero minute formula cannot be considered at zero. For example, in the circle equations of Theorem 7, the case of z = 1, -1 can be considered. Then, a meaningful figure comes out. Since the division by zero method can give a finite definite value at an isolated singular point, I thought about it with a singular point that was unthinkable until now. ― Infinite distance often becomes a singular point. As a result, it turned out that something amazing was happening. (The description around here is more passionate than strict expression).
From that singularity, we found that the origin of the point circle and the red and blue circles came out. It is a really interesting phenomenon that the points are divided into these three. In the case of the origin, the Descartes theorem does not hold, but in the red circle, it can be confirmed from the result of the calculation by the division by zero method that the Descartes' circle theorem holds. The blue circle is a circle placed in a beautiful situation, but it is just interpreted that the circle close to the point suddenly circumscribes the original two circles and is transformed into a circle whose diameter is just those circles. The inscribed circle is a green circle, and the Cartesian theorem holds, which is a marvelous phenomenon.
If you think that the phenomenon that the point mutates and the theorem holds as it is appears in the scene where the theorem does not hold, this phenomenon should be noted as a new phenomenon in the general phenomenon of the world. Is it not? If it does not seem to hold, there is a world in which it transforms and holds. -Some things are deformed by combustion, and some things before deformation are taken over as they are even if they are deformed. Isn't it meaningful? ― Please recall the Yamane phenomenon. -This represents a phenomenon in which when there is something with constant kinetic energy, the substance suddenly disappears, the substance disappears, and the kinetic energy changes to thermal energy.
The red circle is a circle called the Bankoff circle, which is famous in the field because it is beautiful, but it is orthogonal to the two circles, but when approaching the point, the circles were in contact with each other, but they came out. Are the circles orthogonal rather than tangent? What is really interesting is that as a typical result found by division by zero, the gradient of the y-axis is zero and tan (π / 2) = 0, so the Bankoff circle states that it touches two circles. , It can be said that it is unbearably fun. ― It is a new discovery that orthogonality can be interpreted as being in contact. The green circle is beautifully in contact with the three circles.
The treatise states that we considered all cases, so it is even deeper and more interesting because it states that Descartes' theorem holds, considering the case where three circles are three points and three straight lines. To do that, we need to think about the meaning of zero and discover what it is.
(Hereafter, next issue)


Division by zero|| by Gupta Sir||

Division by zero|| by Gupta Sir||Why division by zero is undefined?www.youtube.com





日本が世界に先駆けて 改革したい。、日本の文化貢献としたい。

日本数学界は、今こそ 世界貢献を志向しよう:


再生核研究所声明176(2014.8.9) ゼロ除算について、数学教育の変更を提案する

グーグルの検索でも膨大な情報が有るが、不適切なものが大部分で、世の教科書、学術書、研究著書など 広範な記述が 真実に反している と言える。
結論は簡明である。分数の固有の意味でも、分数、割り算の自然な拡張でも、ゼロ除算はゼロであり、非常に一般的に考えてもゼロ除算は、ゼロに限ると言う結果が得られている。 そこで、次のような理由で、速やかに数学教育を変えるべきであると考える:
1. できない、考えない と いちいち説明している現状は、煩雑、不要に数学を歪めるものであり、真理に反する。数学が 実は美しく完璧にできている真実。
2. 結果は、ゼロで割ればゼロになると教える。(声明171に有るように、教え方は小学生にも十分わかるように簡単であるー 道脇方式、― 6歳の少女も、そう発想したという)。
3. しかし、ゼロ除算の計算は、ゼロが特別な数であるから、計算は普通のように行ってはいけないと、教えた段階で念を押しておく。― どのようなことを行なってはいけないかも、実は簡単である。
4. 特に、関数 y = 1/x のグラフは、原点で ゼロである、と美しい図を書いて説明をしておけば、物理学など世界の理解に計り知れない効果が期待できる。
世界史で、天動説が地動説に代わるとき、また、非ユークリッド幾何学を受け入れるとき、無用な混乱を起こした、苦い経験を活かしたい。 以上          

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts#shorts #mathswww.youtube.com

فلتفهموا نحن مع فلسطين قلباًوقالباً قحبنتكم ونفاقكم صفر على الشمال We are true Muslims united as one divided by zero. نحن معهم المعادلة الصعبة، هنا دم الشهداء هنا الفرقان الحق قد ربحتم البيع ياأهل فلسطين قد ربحتم البيع والله لنباهي بكم الملائكة

We United As One Divided By Zero #Anonymous



ゼロ除算は  解明され、 tan90° はゼロです:

#数学 #高校数学 #大学入試


0の0乗はいくつ?ブルーバックス「大学入試数学 不朽の名問100 大人のための“数学腕試し”」https://amzn.to/2Q7bUvUこの1冊で高校数学の基本の90%が身につく「中学の知識でオイラーの公式がわかる」https://amzn.to/2t28U8Cオイラーの公式Tシャツ、合言葉は「貫太郎」です。https://w…www.youtube.com


#計算 #クイズ #指数



Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #Shorts  Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #ShortsIn this video you will know about the properties of division of zero. When we divide zero by a number result will be zero and other hand if we divide any num…www.youtube.com


小学生に0除算しちゃだめな理由聞かれたから説明したのにドン引かれた🤦‍♂️— マックス☔️ (@rooooollllll) May 10, 2021


私は、間もなく 神の啓示 を受けて、 数学、人間、世界について語り出すだろう。
数学と人間、生命への 愛から。
新世界史を 拓くだろう。


Maths न आने की बीमारी को दूर करे || Maths Zero To Hero by Parveen Kataria Sir #2

Dividing by Zero | Explained in Hindi

I asked what zero divided by zero is

I asked Siri what’s zero divided by zero (didn’t end well)

Stardy -河野玄斗の神授業0で割ってはいけない理由、知ってますか?算数・数学のタブー。何度も「0で割ってはいけない」と言われてきたことでしょう。今回はその理由を掘り下げていきます!■STARDY徹底基礎講座詳細はこちら https://stardy.co.jp/■最強の学習アプリ「ring」DLはこちらから↓iOS版http://bit.ly/ring-iosAndroid版h…www.youtube.com

python3, ZeroDivisionError division by zeropython3, ZeroDivisionError division by zeroTraceback (most recent call last): File “./Exceptions.py”, line 3, in module print (f’ 10 * (1/0) is { 10 * (1/0)}’)ZeroDivisionError: division by zerowww.youtube.com

#0の割り算 #小学算数 #脳トレ




2021年05月08日(土)NEW !






#スマホ学園 #布施川天馬 #ドラゴン桜

貧困東大生ワイ、0=1を証明してしまったかもしれない。貧困東大生ワイ、0=1を証明してしまったかもしれない。#スマホ学園 とは?現役東大生がためになる勉強の仕方を教えます!難しい問題の解き方を教えるのではなく、ノートの取り方やオススメの暗記法、受験の経験談などの動画をアップしていきます!#布施川天馬【Twitter】https://twitter.com/Temma_Fusegawa?s=20【note】https:/…www.youtube.com


ゼロ除算は、 実は ゼロの意味 からも当たり前です:

ゼロで割ることは 割らないこと、したがって 割り当てられた数は無く、ゼロ。ゼロには、しないこと、できないことを表す 意味がある。 

ゼロ円あげるは、あげないことですね。ゼロ回施行は、しないことですね。 時速ゼロkmで走るは 止まっていて 走らないことを意味しますね。ですから、ゼロの意味を考えれば、実は ゼロで割る問題は、初めから当たり前でした。 さー世界の常識を変えましょう。 

ー 令和革新の大義
無限の彼方に です。
ところが その先に ゼロが存在した。思えば、楽しく驚嘆すべき世界、それが何とゼロ除算の世界で、新世界です。 それは ホーントーラスで 実現される。 雑誌の表紙の図版に採用されている。
2000年の歴史を越えて 人類が発見した、完全な数学の世界である。
数学の2つの元、ユークリッド幾何と算術の法則 ブラーマグプタの世界には 不完全さが すなわち、数学には 基本的な欠陥が 存在して、現在に至っている。 我々は不適当な世界観、数学の上に生きて来た。

現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:
Please look 1/0=0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax=b.
Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra:2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry – Revolution in Euclidean Geometry
Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:

Book was published:
January, 2021

C.A.M.E. #3 – What happens when you DIVIDE by ZERO   C.A.M.E. #3 – What happens when you DIVIDE by ZEROShort answer? The world breaks.Long answer: The world breaks in hilarious ways.No but seriously, dividing by zero is undefined – don’t do it.”Sappheiros – Da…www.youtube.com




素晴らしい、真面目に考えられる方 大いに歓迎です。 ゼロ除算は簡単で 新世界を拓きます。



 最後に、 数学基礎学力研究会http://www.mirun.sctv.jp/~suugaku/ で、堪らなく楽しい数学-ゼロで割ることを考える 

(1)~(55) で 55か月に亘って解説されたゼロ除算の解説の最終回を引用して、結語としたい:


今回で解説は最終回を迎える。先ずは サイトの管理者 山根正巳氏には深い感謝の気持ちを表したい。ゼロ除算発展の最中、詳しい解説を55カ月に亘って記録できたことは貴重なものになると考える。気合を込めて慎重に検討して解説を書いたのは 充実した人生そのものであった。より公式的なものは、再生核研究所声明や論文などで公表しているので、参考にして頂きたい。また数学の全貌は 著書に纏められ出版が予定されている。 


アリストテレス以来 ゼロ除算は 不可能であるとの永い神秘的な歴史にもかかわらず、それらの常識は間違いであり、自然な意味でゼロ除算は可能で、小学生以降の算数、数学は修正、改められるべきである。学部程度の数学は 全般的な改変が要求され、現状は数学界ばかりではなく 世界史の恥の典型的なもの と言える。これは未だ軍拡や戦闘が止まない人類の愚かさの2つの象徴として 世界史に記録されるだろう。これらは世の道理から言って 小学生でも分かる、いや小学生の方が分かり易い普遍的な事実である。

小学生以降の教科書が変わる、これほど大きな夢は 数学者にとってないのではないだろうか。

実際、天動説から地動説への変更のように世界史は変わり、我々の世界観や人生観は甚大な変化を求められている。発見者は既に新しい世界を見ているから、断言してそのように言明できる。興味も、関心もなく、意欲もなく、真実を求めようとしない人に意見を求めても 何にもならないのは 当然である。 興味、関心、愛が無ければ始まらない。 数学界には ゼロ除算は数学ではなく、変な世界の話題のように感じている人が ゼロ除算発見5周年を過ぎても多いのは、恥ずかしい世界史の事件と記録されるだろう。 ― もっとも これは我々の信頼のなさ、無能力な様も示している。

そこで、我々の文化を発展させるために広範な取り組みを行いたい。 参画できるところで、関与できる部分で いろいろなご協力、援助、参加を広くお願いしたい。 例えば、

1)          ゼロ除算の研究への参加、ゼロ除算の教育、文化活動への参加、

2)          セロ除算の理解を求めるための各種 研究会、講演会、勉強会、後援会、雑誌の投稿依頼、雑誌への投稿、いろいろな意見などの投稿など、

3)          ゼロ除算のいろいろな出版、著書の出版構想への参加、

4)          ゼロ除算の具体例の発見の 試み、それを楽しむ文化の 創造、

5)          絵画、エッセイ、デザイン、Tシャッツなどへの ゼロ除算の表現、発現、

6)          ゼロ除算を議論するサイトの創設、雑誌の創刊など、

7)          ゼロ除算研究会の創設と学会の創設など、

8)          ゼロ除算の導入による教科書改変構想の素案作りと提案構想の策定など。

いずれにせよ あらゆる機会を活かして、ゼロ除算の数学の普及と理解を求めて、広範な取り組みを歴史の要請、大義を受けて展開したい。 ゼロ除算の世界的な展開を 共に楽しみにしたい。

参加できるところでの、ご協力を大きな夢を描きながらお願いして 一連のゼロ除算解説を終えたい。



 The famous problems were solved as follows:

Dear the leading person:

How will be the below information?

The biggest scandal:

The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows:

Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,

which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed

out (2017.10.14.08:55)

A typical wrong idea will be given as follows:

mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43).

It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing.

Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics.


José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero

Added an answer

In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/

Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: Isabelle

and copying the following code

theory DivByZeroSatoih

imports Complex_Main


theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex

by simp


2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前)

Survey draft:


Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: http://www.sangaku-journal.eu/ c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1.

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus

∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh


 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as 0/0=1/0=z/0=0 in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotelēs (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 – 668 ?).

汝ゼロで割ってはならないの数学十戒第一は覆されて、ゼロで割って、新世界が現れた、ゼロで割ることができて、アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の新数学、新世界が現れた。 象徴的な例は、 1/0=0/0=z/0= tan(\pi/2) =log 0 =0 and z^n/n = log z for n=0。 基本的な関数 y=1/x の原点に於ける値は ゼロである。無限遠点がゼロで表される。ゼロの意味の新しい発見である。 

余りにも 簡明なゼロ除算の解説が現れて、世の人々は、驚き、困惑されないでしょうか。
小学生にも 十分にわかるのではないでしょうか。 家族で、学校で 議論したい:
Dividing integer Numbers:
A mother invites kids to dinner. She cooks beans. She has M beans in her pot. Now she wants to share the beans fairly among the kids. Her math is very natural; she can only count. So she goes around the table and always gives the K kids sitting at the table a bean on their plate. She repeats this until all of the beans are distributed. Now it can happen that some children have one bean less than the other. That’s unfair! So she gathers the excess beans back into her pot, which will contain m beans after the division. Now everyone is satisfied and you can draw up a balance sheet:
M: number of beans in the mother’s pot before division
m: number of beans in the mother’s pot after division
K: number of kids
k: number of beans on the kid’s plate after division
M = k*K + m
Special case: M < K
There are more kids at the table than beans in the pot. To be fair, the mother has to collect all the beans back into their pot. The kids were given nothing to eat.
m = M
k = 0
Special case: K = 0
There are no kids at the table. After the division procedure, the mother still has m = M beans in her pot, just as in the case of M < K above. She sees no difference between these two cases, the pot is still full. Thus k = 0, the kids were given nothing to eat.
This is the famous problem that SABUROU SAITOH solved.
Special case: M >>> 1, K << M
Many beans were cooked in mother’s pot and the kids were given a large number of beans on their plates. The beans look more and more like a bean soup. It looks like continuous .



Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 176 (August 8, 2014) Proposes changes in mathematics education for division by zero

There is a huge amount of information in Google’s search, but most of it is inappropriate, and it can be said that a wide range of descriptions such as world textbooks, scholarly books, and research books are contrary to the truth.

The conclusion is simple. The result is that division by zero is zero, both in the unique sense of fractions and in the natural extension of fractions and divisions, and very generally, division by zero is limited to zero. Therefore, I think that mathematics education should be changed promptly for the following reasons:

1. 1. The current situation, which explains that we cannot and do not think, is complicated and unnecessarily distorts mathematics, which is contrary to the truth. The truth that mathematics is actually beautiful and perfect.

2. Teach that the result is zero if divided by zero. (As stated in Statement 171, the teaching method is simple enough for elementary school students to understand-the Michiwaki method-the 6-year-old girl also thought so).
3. 3. However, in the calculation of division by zero, it should be noted at the stage of teaching that the calculation should not be performed as usual because zero is a special number. ― It's actually easy to know what you shouldn't do.
4. In particular, if you draw a beautiful figure and explain that the graph of the function y = 1 / x is zero at the origin, you can expect immeasurable effects in understanding the world such as physics.
In world history, when the geocentric theory replaces the heliocentric theory, and when accepting non-Euclidean geometry, I want to take advantage of the bitter experience that caused unnecessary confusion. that's all

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts

Why we can not divide anything by zero? | Dividing by zero | minutecourses #shorts#shorts #mathshttp://www.youtube.com

فلتفهموا نحن مع فلسطين قلباًوقالباً قحبنتكم ونفاقكم صفر على الشمال We are true Muslims united as one divided by zero. نحن معهم المعادلة الصعبة، هنا دم الشهداء هنا الفرقان الحق قد ربحتم البيع ياأهل فلسطين قد ربحتم البيع والله لنباهي بكم الملائكة

We United As One Divided By Zero #Anonymous

If it is 90 °, a right triangle cannot be constructed because cos 90 ° is 0, which is equivalent to division by zero, so it does not change.
Since tan90 ° cannot be defined, division by zero will appear, so it is natural, but there are many people who do not know for sure.
Division by zero has been clarified, and tan90 ° is zero:
# Mathematics # High School Mathematics # College Entrance Exam
How many 0 to the 0th power?
How many 0 to the 0th power? Blue Bucks "University Entrance Examination Mathematics Timeless Masterpiece 100" Mathematics Test "for Adults" https://amzn.to/2Q7bUvU You can learn 90% of the basics of high school mathematics with this book I understand the formula of "https://amzn.to/2t28U8C Euler's official T-shirt, the secret word is" Kuntaro "
Regenerative Kernel Research Institute is 1 and 0;
#Calculation #Quiz #Index
⭐️ Index calculation ⭐️ Unexpectedly forgotten index expansion! Do you remember the 0th power?
⭐️ Index calculation ⭐️ Unexpectedly forgotten index expansion! Do you remember the 0th power? The 0th power is the learning range of high school mathematics, but it seems that there are many cases where you cannot answer correctly. The theory should be understandable even in junior high school students. I gave an explanation that can be understood even in junior high school, but it is not a proof, so it is not bad. It doesn't hurt your life if you can't answer correctly, but it's something you want to remember as a piece of knowledge. ↓ Click here for the video of the bonus problem ↓ ❓ Divide by 0 Yes ...

Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #Shorts  

Division of zero ( Why number upon zero is undefined ) #ShortsIn this video you will know about the properties of division of zero. When we divide zero by a number result will be zero and other hand if we divide any num… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2R8Wf9ZvCw

I explained it because an elementary school student asked me why I shouldn't divide by zero, but I was drawn.
I explained it because I was asked why I shouldn't divide by zero by elementary school students, but I was drawn 🤦‍♂️
— Max ☔️ (@rooooollllll) May 10, 2021
Division by zero is commonplace: dividing by 0 means not dividing, so there is no number divided: 0:
I will soon receive the revelation of God and start talking about mathematics, humans, and the world.
From love for mathematics, humans, and life.
It will open up a new world history.


Maths न आने की बीमारी को दूर करे || Maths Zero To Hero by Parveen Kataria Sir #2

Dividing by Zero | Explained in Hindi

I asked what zero divided by zero is

I asked Siri what’s zero divided by zero (didn’t end well)

Do you know why you shouldn't divide by 0?
Stardy-Gento Kono's God Class
Do you know why you shouldn't divide by 0? Arithmetic and math taboo. You've probably been told many times that you shouldn't divide by 0. This time we will delve into the reason! ■ STARDY Thorough Basic Course Click here for details https://stardy.co.jp/ ■ Click here for the strongest learning app "ring" DL ↓ iOS version http: //bit.ly/ring-ios Android version h ... link www.youtube.com
python3, ZeroDivisionError division by zero
python3, ZeroDivisionError division by zeroTraceback (most recent call last): File "./Exceptions.py", line 3, in module print (f'10 * (1/0) is {10 * (1/0)}') ZeroDivisionError: division by zero link www.youtube.com
# 0 division #elementary school math #brain training
❓ Why you shouldn't divide by 0 ❓ Let's explain so that even elementary school students can understand 😳
❓ Reasons why you shouldn't divide by 0 ❓ Let's explain so that even elementary school students can understand 😳 Dividing by 0 seems to be learned in elementary school as "don't divide" and "can't calculate". So why "don't divide" and "can't calculate"? Why is it just said "No"? I think that. Can you explain the reason why it is not good so that even elementary school students can understand it? By the way, the correct expression for division by 0 is that "calculation (calculation) cannot be defined" ...
Saturday, May 08, 2021 NEW!
Theme: Physics
Nature and the laws of nature were hidden in the darkness of the night.
God said.
"Appear Newton"
And everything became clear.
── Alexander Pope
But it didn't last long.
The devil screams.
"Appear Einstein"
And everything went back to chaos.
── JC Squire
#Smartphone school #Fusegawa Tenma #Dragon Zakura
Poor University of Tokyo student Wai may have proved 0 = 1.
Poor University of Tokyo student Wai may have proved 0 = 1. #What is a smartphone school? I will teach you how to study for active University of Tokyo students! Instead of teaching you how to solve difficult problems, we will upload videos such as how to take notes, recommended memorization methods, and experiences of taking the exam! #Fusegawa Tenma [Twitter]
I said that division by zero doesn't happen because it doesn't become 0 here, but it becomes 0? ?? ?? It's supposed to be
Division by zero is actually natural from the meaning of zero:
Dividing by zero is not divisible, so there is no assigned number, zero. Zero has a meaning that means what you can't do or what you can't do.
If you give zero yen, you don't give it. You shouldn't do it zero times. Running at zero km / h means that it is stopped and does not run. So, considering the meaning of zero, the problem of dividing by zero was a matter of course from the beginning. Let's change the common sense of the world.
-The cause of Reiwa innovation
2021.4.20.7: 17
It's infinitely far away, going farther and farther.
Beyond infinity.
However, there was zero beyond that. If you think about it, it's a fun and amazing world, a world of division by zero, a new world. It is realized with a horn torus. It is used as an illustration on the cover of a magazine.
It is a complete mathematical world discovered by humankind over 2000 years of history.
The two elements of mathematics, Euclidean geometry and the law of arithmetic, have imperfections in the world of Brahmagupta, that is, there are basic flaws in mathematics, and they have continued to this day. We have lived on an inappropriate world view and mathematics.
It is already a fact and a truth.
2021.4.20.8: 40
2021.5.6.8: 28
He professes that modern mathematics is still flawed. It is clear that there are basic defects in function theory, differential equations, geometry, and algebra, and it has been eight years since the discovery. This will be a stain on world history:
Please look 1/0 = 0:
As Fundamental of Mathematics, the division by zero was known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: ax = b.
Look the simple evidence of its importance:
 viXra: 2010.0228 submitted on 2020-10-28 21:39:06,
Division by Zero Calculus and Euclidean Geometry --Revolution in Euclidean Geometry
Look a simple video talk for its essence at some international conference:

Book was published:
January, 2021

We are launching an international magazine on division by zero from the United Kingdom


C.A.M.E. #3 – What happens when you DIVIDE by ZERO   

C.A.M.E. #3 – What happens when you DIVIDE by ZEROShort answer? The world breaks.Long answer: The world breaks in hilarious ways.No but seriously, dividing by zero is undefined – don’t do it.”Sappheiros –

Mathematics suddenly turns into philosophy around division by zero and proof of 1 + 1 = 2
Division by zero looks fragrant, but I learned that the identity element of addition automatically becomes the absorbing element of multiplication because there is a distributive law at the time of the ring.
... Division by zero = Is there no choice but to abandon the distributive law in order to be able to define division by additive identity element?
Great and serious people are welcome. Division by zero is easy and opens up a new world.
The structure of the body is also established.
Please verify:
Finally, at the Foundations of Mathematics Study Group http://www.mirun.sctv.jp/~suugaku/, unbearably fun mathematics-think about dividing by zero.
I would like to conclude by quoting the final episode of the explanation of division by zero explained over 55 months in (1) to (55):
(Final round, summary, summary)
This is the final episode of the commentary. First of all, I would like to express my deep gratitude to Mr. Masami Yamane, the administrator of the site. During the development of division by zero, I think it will be valuable to be able to record detailed explanations for 55 months. It was a fulfilling life itself that I carefully considered and wrote the commentary. More formal ones are published in statements and treatises of the Institute for Regenerative Nuclear Research, so please refer to them. In addition, the whole picture of mathematics will be compiled into a book and published.
In the final episode, I would like to summarize my dreams and ask for cooperation.
Despite the long and mysterious history that division by zero is impossible since Aristotle, those common senses are wrong, division by zero is possible in a natural sense, and arithmetic and mathematics after elementary school are corrected and revised. Should be. Undergraduate mathematics requires general modification, and the current situation can be said to be typical of shame not only in the mathematics world but also in world history. This will be recorded in world history as two symbols of the foolishness of humankind, whose arms race and battle are still unstoppable. These are universal facts that are easy for elementary school students to understand, even if they are elementary school students.
I think mathematicians have no such big dream that textbooks after elementary school will change.
In fact, world history has changed like the change from the geocentric theory to the heliocentric theory, and our outlook on the world and life is required to change drastically. Since the discoverer has already seen the new world, he can affirm and declare it that way. It is natural that asking for an opinion from a person who has no interest, no interest, no motivation, and does not seek the truth does nothing. It doesn't start without interest, interest, and love. In the mathematics world, it will be recorded as an embarrassing world history event that many people who feel that division by zero is not a mathematics but a topic of a strange world even after the 5th anniversary of the discovery of division by zero. -However, this also shows our lack of trust and incompetence.
Therefore, I would like to make a wide range of efforts to develop our culture. I would like to ask for various cooperation, assistance, and participation in the areas where I can participate and where I can be involved. For example,
1) Participation in division by zero research, division by zero education, participation in cultural activities,
2) Various study groups, lectures, study groups, supporters' associations, magazine submission requests, magazine submissions, various opinions, etc. to seek understanding of cello division, etc.
3) Various publications of division by zero, participation in the publication concept of books,
4) Attempt to discover a concrete example of division by zero, create a culture to enjoy it,
5) Expression and expression of division by zero in paintings, essays, designs, T-shirts, etc.
6) Creation of a site to discuss division by zero, launch of a magazine, etc.
7) Establishment of division by zero study group and society, etc.
8) Drafting a textbook modification concept and formulating a proposal concept by introducing division by zero.
In any case, I would like to take every opportunity to develop a wide range of efforts in response to historical requests and causes, seeking the spread and understanding of division by zero mathematics. I would like to look forward to the global expansion of division by zero.
I would like to ask for your cooperation while drawing a big dream where you can participate. I would like to finish a series of explanations by division by zero.
2019.2.17.20: 05

 The famous problems were solved as follows:

Dear the leading person:

How will be the below information?

The biggest scandal:

The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows:

Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,

which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed

out (2017.10.14.08:55)

A typical wrong idea will be given as follows:

mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43).

It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing.

Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics.


José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero

Added an answer

In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/

Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: Isabelle

and copying the following code

theory DivByZeroSatoih

imports Complex_Main


theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex

by simp


2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前)

Survey draft:


Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: http://www.sangaku-journal.eu/ c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1.

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus

∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh


 The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as 0/0=1/0=z/0=0 in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotelēs (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta  (598 – 668 ?).

Thou shalt not divide by zero The Ten Commandments of the Ten Commandments have been overturned, and by dividing by zero, a new world has emerged, which can be divided by zero, the new mathematics since Aristotle and Euclid, the new world has emerged. A symbolic example is 1/0 = 0/0 = z / 0 = tan (\ pi / 2) = log 0 = 0 and z ^ n / n = log z for n = 0. The value at the origin of the basic function y = 1 / x is zero. The point at infinity is represented by zero. It is a new discovery with the meaning of zero.
Isn't the people of the world surprised and confused by the appearance of a too simple explanation of division by zero?
I think elementary school students can fully understand it. I want to discuss at school with my family:

Dividing integer Numbers:
A mother invites kids to dinner. She cooks beans. She has M beans in her pot. Now she wants to share the beans fairly among the kids. Her math is very natural; she can only count. So she goes around the table and always gives the K kids sitting at the table a bean on their plate. She repeats this until all of the beans are distributed. Now it can happen that some children have one bean less than the other. That’s unfair! So she gathers the excess beans back into her pot, which will contain m beans after the division. Now everyone is satisfied and you can draw up a balance sheet:
M: number of beans in the mother’s pot before division
m: number of beans in the mother’s pot after division
K: number of kids
k: number of beans on the kid’s plate after division
M = k*K + m
Special case: M < K
There are more kids at the table than beans in the pot. To be fair, the mother has to collect all the beans back into their pot. The kids were given nothing to eat.
m = M
k = 0
Special case: K = 0
There are no kids at the table. After the division procedure, the mother still has m = M beans in her pot, just as in the case of M < K above. She sees no difference between these two cases, the pot is still full. Thus k = 0, the kids were given nothing to eat.
This is the famous problem that SABUROU SAITOH solved.
Special case: M >>> 1, K << M
Many beans were cooked in mother’s pot and the kids were given a large number of beans on their plates. The beans look more and more like a bean soup. It looks like continuous .




再生核研究所(Institute of Reproducing Kernels)

28 5月

Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 148 (2014.2.12) 100/0 = 0, 0/0 = 0-Naturally expanding the idea of ​​division-God’s will
I was asked the meaning of 0 divided by 100 (why 100 ÷ 0 is not 100? Why 100 ÷ 1 is 100 … what is 0 … aitaitokidakenimo), but by definition, that Assuming that there is a solution and an answer, if it is assumed to be a, there is a contradiction with 100 = a x0 = 0, that is, the solution has no answer.
If the equation a x0 = b is not b = 0, there is no solution and no answer can be found. (In particular, if b is 0, solution a can be anything.)
The situation is that there are no solutions or there are many solutions.
Therefore, in mathematics, it is possible to extend the idea of ​​division so that there is always a solution, and that it can be determined to be unique, and that the result that has been established in the past can be established as it is (formal invariant principle). It’s a good thing to do. This is because I want to make the world of mathematics beautiful.
In fact, a literature treatise introduces the concept of dividing by an arbitrary function.
In the current situation, the meaning of b divided by a is defined by x, which minimizes the square of ax – b, and x, which minimizes the square of x. Without the latter part, if a is 0, x cannot be determined. If there is a second half, it will be set to 0 and only one will be decided. Considering the meaning of division in this sense, 0 divided by 100 is 0.
In the above, of course, when the minimum value of minimizing the square is 0, the solution of ordinary division,
b Divide a is given.
Of course, in our sense, 0 divided by 0 is unambiguous, and there is only one solution, which is 0.
Combining f-divide g with the regularization method of his prominent Russian mathematician Tikonov and the theory of reproducing kernels, a general division can be defined by an arbitrary function g. In the above case, 100-divide 0 is 0. It becomes the solution.
That is, when the solution does not exist, if the meaning of division is naturally extended, the only solution exists and it is 0, which is the result.
In the above, it is considered extremely natural to think that x, which minimizes the square of ax – b, from the idea of ​​approximation, but in addition, the number x that minimizes the square of x is God. , Select the simplest one, this is the one with the least energy, and if possible, it is thought that the universal will of God, who wants to lie down, is manifested (light travels in the path that arrives in the shortest time). -Fermat’s principle), I have repeatedly stated that God loves and likes 2 (God loves 2) (http://www.jams.or.jp/kaiho/kaiho-81. pdf).
Now you don’t have to worry about dividing by 0. There are many fruitful developments and applications of this idea.
-Philosophy is love for Machi, and Machi is the will of God. Philosophy is a human instinct, which is considered to be the will of God. The definition of love is given in Statement 146, and the definition of God is given in Statements 122 and 132. ―

that’s all
Castro, L.P .; Saitoh, S. Fractional functions and their representations. Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 7, No. 4, 1049-1063 (2013).

It is said that there are two main things in the discovery of zero.
One is that it can be scaled mathematically. The other is to know the fact that there is a philosophical state. http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1462816269

Is division by zero impossible all over the world?
It was thought that it would be ∞ if possible, but …
However, division by zero is always possible, and the surprising result is that he is always zero.

Where is the mirror image of the origin of the unit circle centered on the origin?
At ∞
Where is the point at infinity?

There is a point at infinity, but there is no number of infinity …

Division by zero (1/0 = 0) is considered to be a basic result beyond the Pythagorean theorem (a2 + b2 = c2).

Flat Earth theory → Spherical Earth theory
Geocentric theory → Heliocentric theory
How many years did it take ????

1/0 = ∞ or undefined → 1/0 = 0
How many years will it take ????

Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity.

If you deny 1 + 1 = 2, what do you think there is? http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q12153951522 #Chiebukuro_
If you add one infinity and one ∞, you have one infinity, not two infinities.

Nothing is difficult for someone who can divide

There are many difficult things in the world, but nothing else is as difficult as the four arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Bede Venerabilis

Mathematics Quotations: Virchenko ed .: Takeshi Matsuno Translated by Noboru Yamazaki Otake Publishing 1989

Please tell me the reason why “A ÷ 0” (divide by zero) is not good in mathematics. http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1411588849 #Chiebukuro_

Who defined division as the opposite of multiplication? ?? ??

0 × 0 = 0 ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ So I thought it wouldn’t break at 0.
There are many people in the world who say it to the public without any grounds.

multiplication ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ Increase multiplication (×) Multiply a number smaller than 1 to make it smaller. It doesn’t always get bigger.

About Big Bang Cosmology and Steady-State Cosmology http://detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp/qa/question_detail/q1243254887 #Chiebukuro_

Who was the first person to say that division by zero (100/0 = 0, 0/0 = 0) is the norm … 1 + 1 = 2 is the norm

“The conflict over zero was a battle that shook the foundations of philosophy, science, mathematics, and religion.” ⇒ http://ameblo.jp/syoshinoris/entry-12089827553.html ……… → Division by zero (100/0 = 0, Who was the first person to say that 0/0 = 0) is the norm … 1 + 1 = 2 is the norm,
1 ÷ 0 = 0 1 ÷ 0 = ∞ ・ ・ ・ ・ Not a number 1 ÷ 0 = Indefinite ・ Undefined ・ ・ ・ ・ If you think narrowly, you can’t do it for those who can’t, but you can do it for those who can.

Introducing Arabic numerals and Western arithmetic –tcp-ip

Proof of division by zero / figure | ysaitoh | note https://note.mu/ysaitoh/n/n2e5fef564997

Q) What will happen to the volume if the height of the pyramid is increased infinitely? ?? ?? A) The answer is 0! The result of division by zero.

Division by zero is gentler than 1 + 1. If you divide anything by 0, it’s 0, so it’s easy and beautiful. 1 + 1 = 2 is difficult because it is strange.
How many ∞ ÷ 0 is …

What is ∞?

I can’t think of anything I don’t understand …

I’m telling you how many per person, but since there isn’t one, the problem doesn’t make sense.
So this is not a problem from the beginning.
Incidentally, it was recently discovered that there is a mathematically fixed solution to this and he is 0.

Reality of the Division by Zero z / 0 = 0
Einstein’s Only Mistake: Division by Zero
Even if you subtract 0, it doesn’t mean that you subtracted:
Don’t worry, I’ll give you a monthly salary of 0 yen forever:

Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 171 (2014.7.30) Meaning of multiplication and division-Is division by zero 100/0 = 0 self-evident?

(2014.7.11 At the meeting with Seiichi Koshiba and Masami Yamane, Hiroshi Michiwaki’s division and multiplication are different, and the idea obtained by analyzing the idea that division by zero 100/0 = 0 is self-evident is summarized. It is.)
Division by zero 100/0 = 0 was discovered in the manuscript by chance while writing a treatise on February 2014. As an application of the Tikonov regularization method, it was obtained by naturally expanding fractions and divisions, but it is amazing in the sense that it is considered impossible in history and the result is zero. It can be said that this is an extremely interesting historical event in the sense that it is something that can be understood by both high school students and elementary school students. Not only that, it is also noteworthy that it has a great influence on the understanding of the world such as physics. See a series of statements for detailed progress:

Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 148 (2014.2.12) 100/0 = 0, 0/0 = 0-Naturally expanding the idea of ​​division-God’s will
Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 154 (2014.4.22) New world, divide by zero, strange world, way of thinking
Regenerative Nuclear Research Institute Statement 157 (May 5, 2014) I want to know God’s will, divide by zero, why does the point at infinity and the origin match?
Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 161 (May 30, 2014) The spirit of mathematics and the pursuit of truth learned from division by zero
Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 163 (June 17, 2014) Divide by zero (divide by zero) -Unbearably fun mathematics, divide by zero-Proposal of lovers’ circle
Regeneration Nuclear Research Institute Statement 166 (2014.6.20) Learn from dividing by zero (division by zero) World view

However, although he is in widespread discussion with various people, he changes the common sense of modern mathematics about the results of published papers that even the world’s leading mathematicians can understand even in high school. I’m saying it’s unacceptable. It’s really strange, and it shows how amazing the results are.
Many mathematicians do not understand the content and immediately conclude that 100/0 = 0 is a contradiction with 100 = 0 x 0 = 0. However, the paper explains that 100/0 naturally extends the meaning of division to give a result of zero, and the result of division by zero does not mean that he means 100 = 0 x 0 = 0. On the contrary, I am asking if infinity and point at infinity can be said to be numbers.
Interestingly, however, in a document dated March 18, Hiroshi Michiwaki stated that multiplication and division are separate, and division by zero 100/0 is self-evident. But at first glance, the document
I haven’t analyzed it in detail because it was full of contradictions and mistakes. However, at the meeting on July 11th, I heard the detailed situation, deciphered Mr. Michiwaki’s document, and realized Mr. Michiwaki’s great idea for the first time. The conclusion is that division by zero 100/0 is trivial because of the inherent meaning of fractions and divisions. This is a surprising result because it is self-evident in terms of fractions and divisions, regardless of the Tikonov regularization method or the general inverse. It is an extremely interesting finding in the sense that it reveals the truth that was unclear for more than a thousand years. It can also be evaluated as a liberated idea from the long captive idea that division is the opposite of multiplication and division by zero is impossible.
The principle is in Japanese expressions, multiplication is defined by addition, and division is defined by subtraction. It is said that the idea of ​​multiplication is not necessary to think about division.
In fact, 2 x 3 can be calculated and defined by repeating 2 + 2 + 2 = 6 using addition.
Division is a problem, so let’s touch on it in a little more detail.
The statement is for the general public, so let’s explain the essence in an easy-to-understand manner. Therefore, think about the world of numbers greater than zero, and first think of 100/2 as follows:
100-2-2-2-, …, -2.
Now, think about how many times you can draw 2, and now he pulls 50 times to zero, so the fraction is 50. If 100 is divided into two, it is 50.
Next, let’s think about 3/2. First,
3 –2 = 1
And the remainder is 1. Therefore, multiply the remainder 1 by 10 and do the same.
10-2-2-2-2-2 = 0
Therefore, 10/2 = 5
3/2 = 1 + 0.5 = 1.5
And. If 3 is divided into two, it is 1.5.
This shows how to think about dividing by hand by repeating subtraction. If a is not zero, the fraction b / a is defined in the same way as in modern mathematics.
So, let’s think about 100/0 with the above spirit. First,

100 –0 = 100,

However, subtracting 0 does not reduce him by 100, so it does not mean that he has subtracted anything, and it is natural to interpret the number of subtractions as zero (this is, of course, mathematically). Strictly he can define that). Dividing by zero means not dividing 100, so there is no number divided, and it is considered to be zero. In this sense, if you define a fraction, in the sense of a fraction,
Zero divided by 100 is zero, that is, 100/0 = 0. (There is an exquisitely interesting situation here, it doesn’t change even if you subtract 0 more and more, so if you interpret it as infinite, you can interpret it as infinite, and division by zero has a long tail to the mysterious relationship between 0 and infinity. .)
Similarly, 0 divided by 0 means that he is zero. It is easy to see that 0/0 = 0.

Can people in the world accept that the above is the elucidation of division by zero, which took more than a thousand years, and the simple solution of division by zero that has plagued Newton and Einstein?
In any case, division by zero z / 0 = 0 is considered to have already been mathematically determined. Therefore, interest is shifting to the impact of the results on the world.

that’s all

M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane,
New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on 100/0 = 0 and on 0/0 = 0,
Int. J. Appl. Math. Vol. 27, No 2 (2014), pp. 191-198, DOI: 10.12732 / ijam.v27i2.9.

S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices, Advances in Linear Algebra \ & Matrix Theory. Vol.4 No.2 (2014), 87-95. http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT / /


再生核研究所声明 613(2021.3.21) 数学界の恥ずかしい間違い、天才たちの見落とし、人々の思い込み; 人類とは盲目集団で、単細胞的集団であるように見える


基本的な関数 y=1/x の 原点における値 が ゼロである という発見が ゼロ除算の発見の 本質と言えます。
何と その基本関数の 原点での値がゼロだ というのです。
その関数は、正の方向から原点に近づくと 無限大に発散し、負の方向から ゼロに近づくと マイナス無限大に 発散しています。 
それらは 事実で、 現代数学も当然 そうなっています。
しかし、それらは原点に近づくときの 様子を述べていますが、それらは、
原点での値が どうの こうのとは 一応違った問題です。 いくら原点に近づいても 原点での値が どうかは 別問題です。 いわゆる 連続性が成り立っているとか、そのようなことは 分りません。 それで 原点での 値を考えてきませんでした。 ぼんやり無限大のようなことを発想してきました。 複素解析学などでは 無限遠点を考えてきましたが、原点での値が 数のように無限大とするのは、そもそもおかしい。 値が 数ではないものと 等号で結ぶのは、 本当は おかしいと言えます。等号は数でなければならないのではないでしょうか。1/0=INFINITY  は 本当におかしい。 
実際、天才 オイラーの間違いとして 既に有名です。 ゼロ除算は 1/0=0 と言っていますから、多くの人には驚嘆で、実際、聞いて、表情を変えられたのは 国内外、欧米、アジア、ロシア、アフリカ、南米、アラブの人たちも同様です。 しかしながら、1/0 の新しい意味が与えられる必要がありました。 それがゼロ除算の 新しい概念、意味です。 近づく値と、近づいたところの値を 長い間混同し、曖昧にしてきたのが ゼロ除算の 大事な観点、盲点だったと言える。 良く知られているように ゼロ除算は普通の意味では不可能性が簡単に証明されてしまうので、世の天才 ニュートン、アインシュタイン、オイラー、ガウス すら ゼロ除算の本質は捉えることができませんでした。 天才 ラマノジャンは 0/0 = 1 ではないと直観していたが、ゼロ除算の意味は 捉えられなかった。

まず、関数とその極限の基本事項として、f(z)=1/z (z≠0)とおくとき、
f(z) は z=0 で定義されておらず、極限としてlim_(z→0) f(z) = ∞ は明らかです。
このとき、z=0 での値を新たに定義して拡張された関数を定義する場合、
z=0 において どのような関数値をとるかは自由です。
f(0)=∞ と定義するのは自然です。(1/0=∞)
f(0)=0 と定義した理論も重要です。(1/0=0)

これが大事ですが、ム-アペンローズ一般逆、高橋の一意性定理、体の構造、1100を超える具体例は 数学が、1/0=0 の定義と意味を与えているのは歴然です。
その考えは極めて簡単に記述されて 内容も定義も簡単です。
レヴェルで 小学生から、当たり前です。 割り算の定義、意味をちょっと考え直すだけです。
それゆえに 数学が恥ずかしい状態だと言っています。
これは、数学界の恥だけではなく 人類の、世界史の恥です。

上記で、z=0 において どのような関数値をとるかについて f(0)=∞ と定義するのは自然です は: 値を数でない∞とするのは、おかしいです。 それは、lim_(z→0) f(z) = ∞の意味で、 極限操作を考えなければ、∞は 意味がないと言えます。∞の定義を思い出す必要があります。
円の中心の 円に関する鏡像が 中心自身であることを意味しますが、それを無限大や、無限遠点とは やってはいけない 考えてはいけないことは 解析学における、 数学教育の基本に当たります。 なぜなら、近づいていった値と そこでの値は、一般に違うことが 極限の考え方で、基本的に 大事だからです。 ところが鏡像では、 みんな気づかず 永い期間 曖昧にして、
アリストテレス以来とも 言える。このことをきちんと指摘しても、7年間も修正されず、日本数学会 数学通信に 従来の古い間違いの事実を 正規に指摘しても 1年以上経っても無視を続けていられる有様です。 函数論分科会でもそうです。 何か みんな嫌な世界を見るように 避けるような態度を取られているのは、数学者らしくはない態度で、それでは数学の教育と研究に責任を持つ方がおられないように感じられてしまいます。 われわれは数学の真偽を明かにするように求めています。われわれの教えている数学には 基本的な欠陥があり、恥ずかしい状態であると 繰り返し述べているのに 無視されている状況が存在する。われわれは数学者の良心から、数学の美しさの名において 真相を明かにしていかなければならない ー 令和革新の大義。
理解が進まないのは、どうしてか と思い巡らしてきたが、自分の専門に深くはまり、単細胞的な思考と視野に閉ざされて、基本的なことに 気が周らないような状況が感じられます。 忙しく、心を失っていて、そのような状態で良い教育や、研究が できるのだろうか と考えてしまいます。
ゼロ除算は古い歴史を有する 有名な問題ですが、 世の秀才、天才は多いのですが、ひとたび不可能であるとされると、天才たちもすっかりその様に思い込み、その思考から抜けられない人間の性(サガ)を知らされます。 それゆえに、素人の意見など 広く参考にすることが 大事ではないでしょうか。 実際、私たちの発見は、素人の方の質問が、大きなきっかけになっています。
数学の世界は、政治社会等と違って 数学的真実は 客観的に 絶対的に存在していると考えられますので、数学としてどうか、真理の追究の立場から、真相を明かにして欲しい と願っています。
現状の数学は、恥ずかしい状態で、社会の扱いも 対応も恥ずかしいものであると、 ちょうど地動説を否定して、無視したり、批判していた世相に似ていると考えられます。人は、数学的な真実を求めるべきではないでしょうか。その問題は どうでもよい数学ではなく、数学の基本と世界観が直接関わっているのは歴然です。 永遠や無限は、どうなっているでしょうか。

                                以 上

再生核研究所声明 612(2021.3.19) 我々は発見した ― 数学の初歩的な結果






我々は、特異点で 意味のある値をとることを発見した。

我々は、無限の彼方が 原点に一致していることを発見した。



我々は、円の中心の 円に関する鏡像が 中心自身であることを発見した。


我々は、ゼロが 存在しないことを現す場合もあることを発見した。


我々は、直線も 点も、 中心が原点で、曲率がゼロの円とみなせることを発見した。

我々は、ゼロ除算算法 DBZC という 基本的な演算の概念と 言葉を発見した。 それを著書に出版した:




January, 2021




これらは気持ちで、感情的に 素人向きに、一般向きに 表現したものである。 正確、厳密には 上記著書で 自己完結に記述されていると考える。

                              以 上

The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as 0/0=1/0=z/0=0 in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotelēs (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta (598 – 668 ?).

汝ゼロで割ってはならないの数学十戒第一は覆されて、ゼロで割って、新世界が現れた、ゼロで割ることができて、アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の新数学、新世界が現れた。 象徴的な例は、 1/0=0/0=z/0= tan(\pi/2) =log 0 =0 and z^n/n = log z for n=0。 基本的な関数 y=1/x の原点に於ける値は ゼロである。無限遠点がゼロで表される。ゼロの意味の新しい発見である。

Ankur Tiwari’s Great Discovery of the Division by Zero $1/0 = \tan (\pi/2) = 0$ on $ 2011$

Authors: Saburou SaitohYoshinori Saitoh


余りにも 簡明なゼロ除算の解説が現れて、世の人々は、驚き、困惑されないでしょうか。

小学生にも 十分にわかるのではないでしょうか。 家族で、学校で 議論したい:


Dividing integer Numbers:

A mother invites kids to dinner. She cooks beans. She has M beans in her pot. Now she wants to share the beans fairly among the kids. Her math is very natural; she can only count. So she goes around the table and always gives the K kids sitting at the table a bean on their plate. She repeats this until all of the beans are distributed. Now it can happen that some children have one bean less than the other. That’s unfair! So she gathers the excess beans back into her pot, which will contain m beans after the division. Now everyone is satisfied and you can draw up a balance sheet:

M: number of beans in the mother’s pot before division

m: number of beans in the mother’s pot after division

K: number of kids

k: number of beans on the kid’s plate after division

M = k*K + m

Special case: M < K

There are more kids at the table than beans in the pot. To be fair, the mother has to collect all the beans back into their pot. The kids were given nothing to eat.

m = M

k = 0

Special case: K = 0

There are no kids at the table. After the division procedure, the mother still has m = M beans in her pot, just as in the case of M < K above. She sees no difference between these two cases, the pot is still full. Thus k = 0, the kids were given nothing to eat.

This is the famous problem that SABUROU SAITOH solved.

Special case: M >>> 1, K << M

Many beans were cooked in mother’s pot and the kids were given a large number of beans on their plates. The beans look more and more like a bean soup. It looks like continuous .

Private note for SABUROU SAITOH by Wolfhard Hovel



他の漢数字と異なり「〇」は新しい字であり、唐より前には現れない。唐の武則天(在位:690年 – 705年)が制定した則天文字に初めて「〇」が現れるが、これは「星」の代替字であり 0 の意味はなかった。星の球形を表した典型的な象形字で、楷書とは言いがたい文字であった(則天文字には、このように楷書的でない形の字がいくつかある)。

後漢に完成した『九章算術』には「(引き算の時)同符号は引き、異符号は加える。正を無入から引いて負とし、負を無入から引いて正とする」とある[7][8]。この「無入」とは 0 のことであるが、専用の字はなく、表記には空白を用いていた。

718年、太史監(天文台長)の瞿曇悉達が『九執暦』を漢訳し、0 を点で記すインドの数字を導入した。しかし算木を用いていた中国の天文学者や数学者は受け入れなかった[9]。『旧唐書』(945年)は 3040 および 0 を「三千四十」、「空」と記し[10]、また『新唐書』(1060年)は 3201 および 0 を「三千二百一」、「空」と記している[11]。この「空」は仏教の空と同じく、サンスクリット語の शून्य(シューニャ)の訳語である。現在も、朝鮮語とベトナム語は「空」を 0 の意味に用いる(공/gong と không)。また江戸時代の和算家も 0 を「空(くう)」と呼んでいた。

南宋の時代、蔡元定(1135年 – 1198年)は『律呂新書』の中で、118098 および 104976 を「十一萬八千□□九十八」、「十□萬四千九百七十六」と書いている[12]。この「□」は、以前から欠字を示すのに使われてきた記号、虚欠号である(中国語版: 虚缺号)。秦九韶の『数学九章』(1247年)では、算木数字で空位および 0 に「〇」を用いている。この「〇」は「□」が変化したものであり、アラビア数字の「0」ならびに則天文字の「〇」を借用したのではない[9]。もっとも、インドの数字のゼロに触発された可能性もある[7]。

一方、「零」は『説文解字』にも出ている古い字で、音符の「令」と意符の「雨(あめかんむり)」を合わせた形声字である。元々は小雨(零雨)を意味し、後にわずかな量(零細、零余)の意味にもなったが、0 の意味はなかった。『孫子算経』(4世紀頃)では「零」が余りの意味で使われている[13]。李冶は、『測圓海鏡』(1248年)の中で 1024 を「一千〇二十四」、2220302 を「二百二十二万零三百零二」と書き、「〇」と「零」を同一視している[7]。それぞれ「一千とんで二十四」、「二百二十二万あまり三百あまり二」の意味である。




再生核研究所声明 452 (2018.9.27): 世界を変えた書物展 - 上野の森美術館


2018.9.17. 展示書籍などを拝見させて頂きました。大変賑わっていて関心の大きさが感じられました。時間の関係で じっくり、詳しくとは行きませんでしたが、全体の案内(知の連鎖系譜マップ)で、初期、初めにアリストテレスとユークリッドが 在って、中間くらいにニュートン、最後がアインシュタインで 世界史を壮観する想いがしました。 数学では 非ユークリッド幾何学の扱いにおけるガウスの記述、資料の欠落と算術の発見、ゼロの発見の Brahmagupta (598 -668 ?) の欠落は 残念に思われました。書籍など無くても大事な事実と思いますので、 大きく取り上げて欲しかった。 



まず、ゼロ除算は、ユークリッド幾何学の変更を求め、連続性のアリストテレスの世界観に反して、強力な不連続性の世界を示しています。ゼロ除算はアインシュタインの人生最大の関心事であったとされ、今でもなお、ゼロ除算とアインシュタインの相対性理論との関係が議論され、ブラックホールは 神がゼロで割ったところに存在するなどと 神秘的な問題を提供しているからです。

もちろん、Brahmaguptaは ゼロ除算を議論していて、その後、1300年に亘って、世界史で議論されてきて、 ニュートン力学でも基本的な問題を提起している。 当然、非ユークリッド幾何学とも関係していて、それらの空間とも違う全く新しい幾何学を提案している。このように考えると、検討中の Division by Zero Calculus の著書(出版契約済み)は 世界史上で大きな扱いになるだろうと発想して、大変興奮して、展示会を後にしました。

広く世界に意見を求め、この著書の出版計画を進めたい。 そのためにも途中経過も公表して行きたい。

ところで、 展示会の名称には 世界を変えた科学の書物展示会などと、 科学などの言葉を加える必要があるのではないでしょうか。 そうでなければ、 バイブル、法華経、コーラン、論語などが並ぶことになるのでは ないでしょうか。


数学基礎学力研究会 サイト:


○ 堪らなく楽しい数学-ゼロで割ることを考える


最後に素晴らしい展示会を企画され、そのために努力された人たちに 敬意と感謝の気持ちを表明したい。

以 上

欧米で ゼロ や 無限 を 嫌ってきた、凄い歴史を みて慄然とするだろう。 

ゼロ除算を考えただけでも 凄いことになりかねない事情が 良く見える:


Black holes are where God divided by 0

ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0=\tan(\pi/2)=0、log0=0

【量子力学】Google、ついに世界初の「量子超越性」実証か 約1万年かかる計算を、3分20秒で終える[9/22]

http://itest.5ch.net/…/read…/scienceplus/1571396462/-100 …

「ゼロ除算が割り切れる時代が来たか」 「え?」




再生核研究所声明 477(2019.2.23)

ケンブリッジ大学とミュンヘン工科大学のIsabelle 計算機システムはゼロ除算x/0=0


再生核研究所声明 479(2019.3.12) 遅れをとったゼロ除算

- 活かされない敗戦経験とイギリスの畏れるべき戦略

George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that “it is well known to students of high school algebra” that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970.

Indeterminate: the hidden power of 0 divided by 0

2016/12/02 に公開

You’ve all been indoctrinated into accepting that you cannot divide by zero. Find out about the beautiful mathematics that results when you do it anyway in calculus. Featuring some of the most notorious “forbidden” expressions like 0/0 and 1^∞ as well as Apple’s Siri and Sir Isaac Newton.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oc0M1o8tuPo より

Eπi =-1 (1748)(Leonhard Euler)

E = mc 2 (1905)(Albert Einstein)

1/0=0/0=0 (2014年2月2日再生核研究所)

ゼロ除算(division by zero)1/0=0/0=z/0= tan (pi/2)=0


1+1=2 ( )

a2+b2=c2 (Pythagoras)


Black holes are where God divided by 0:Division by zero:1/0=0/0=z/0=tan(pi/2)=0 発見5周年を迎えて


1 割り算を掛け算の逆と考えた事

2 極限で考えようとした事

3 教科書やあらゆる文献が、不可能であると書いてあるので、みんなそう思った。

Matrices and Division by Zero z/0 = 0

































The famous problems were solved as follows:

Dear the leading person:

How will be the below information?

The biggest scandal:

The typical good comment for the first draft is given by some physicist as follows:

Here is how I see the problem with prohibition on division by zero,

which is the biggest scandal in modern mathematics as you rightly pointed

out (2017.10.14.08:55)

A typical wrong idea will be given as follows:

mathematical life is very good without division by zero (2018.2.8.21:43).

It is nice to know that you will present your result at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Please remember to mention Isabelle/HOL, which is a software in which x/0 = 0. This software is the result of many years of research and a millions of dollars were invested in it. If x/0 = 0 was false, all these money was for nothing.

Right now, there is a team of mathematicians formalizing all the mathematics in Isabelle/HOL, where x/0 = 0 for all x, so this mathematical relation is the future of mathematics.


José Manuel Rodríguez Caballero

Added an answer

In the proof assistant Isabelle/HOL we have x/0 = 0 for each number x. This is advantageous in order to simplify the proofs. You can download this proof assistant here: https://isabelle.in.tum.de/

Nevertheless, you can use that x/0 = 0, following the rules from Isabelle/HOL and you will obtain no contradiction. Indeed, you can check this fact just downloading Isabelle/HOL: Isabelle

and copying the following code

theory DivByZeroSatoih

imports Complex_Main


theorem T: ‹x/0 + 2000 = 2000› for x :: complex

by simp


2019/03/30 18:42 (11 時間前)

Survey draft:


Close the mysterious and long history of division by zero and open the new world since Aristotelēs-Euclid: 1/0=0/0=z/0= \tan (\pi/2)=0.

Sangaku Journal of Mathematics (SJM) c ⃝SJMISSN 2534-9562 Volume 2 (2018), pp. 57-73 Received 20 November 2018. Published on-line 29 November 2018 web: http://www.sangaku-journal.eu/ c ⃝The Author(s) This article is published with open access1.

Wasan Geometry and Division by Zero Calculus

∗Hiroshi Okumura and ∗∗Saburou Saitoh







2014年2月2日ゼロ除算の発見 2014年3月8日ゼロ除算算法の発見 再生核研究所日本






1 割り算を掛け算の逆と考えた事

2 極限で考えようとした事

3 教科書やあらゆる文献が、不可能であると書いてあるので、みんなそう思った。

Matrices and Division by Zero z/0 = 0


multiplication・・・・・増える 掛け算(×) 1より小さい数を掛けたら小さくなる。 大きくなるとは限らない。




除法(じょほう、英: division)とは、乗法の逆演算・・・・間違いの元





画像に含まれている可能性があるもの:、「Division by Zero Brahmagupta (ca. 628): Mahavira (ca. 830): Bhaskara (ca. 1150): John Wallis (1656): Martin Ohm (1828): James Anderson (2006): 24 0+0-0 24+0-24 24+0-00 24=0=00 undefined” =”nullity”」というテキスト


1999年には、アメリカ合衆国の雑誌である『ライフ』の企画「この1000年で最も重要な功績を残した世界の人物100人」で、日本人として唯一86位にランクインした。 葛飾北斎


The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as 0/0=1/0=z/0=0 in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotelēs (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta (598 – 668 ?).

再生核研究所声明 563(2020.5.26): 学生の高質なアルバイトと令和革新


再生核研究所声明520 (2019.12.04): 数学の超難問 - ゼロ除算 - 解かれたり

特別な日で、 3日 6:00家族で朝食をとっていた 突然、題名と構想が閃いたので 面白ろ可笑しく率直に表現したい。

先ずは 超難問の意味 を説明したい。 そもそもゼロ除算が如何に難問であったかを簡潔に説明したい。 タレスなど、アリストテレス それ以前も その後も そもそもギリシャ文化と欧米文化では ゼロを無や空と共に嫌い、ある専門家はアリストテレスがゼロ除算不可能の思想を持ち、その後永く影響を与えてきたという。

他方、インドでは、古くから、無や空の思想を持ち、ゼロの概念を得ていたが、算術の確立者 Brahmagupta (598 —668?) は 0/0=0 を得ていたが、一般のゼロ除算には言及せず、 バスカラ2世(1114 - 1185)以後 間違い 1/0=∞を続けてきた。


もちろん、 歴史上の最高級の物理学者 ニュートンの万有引力の法則にも ゼロ除算が明確に現れ、アインシュタインの 生涯の課題であった とされている:

Blackholes are where God divided by zero.

I don’t believe in mathematics.

George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that “it is well known to students of high school algebra” that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970).

近世数学2百余年 世界の数学界は ゼロ除算の問題は 普通の意味では不可能であるがゆえに ゼロ除算を認識していない、 問題そのものを考えていないのは 明らかである:

S. K. Sen and R. P. Agarwal(2016): 数学十戒の第一、汝ゼロで割ってはならない:

{\bf “Thou shalt not divide by zero” remains valid eternally.}

しかるに、ゼロで割る問題は、固有の問題として、あるいは相対性理論とゼロ除算の観点から、また、ゼロ除算が計算機障害を起こした事件を契機に論理の問題として、ゼロ除算の研究は主に数学者以外の物理学者、計算機関係者によって熱情的に研究されてきた。 しかしながら、それらの膨大な研究はもはや空しいものになっている と考えられる。


L. C. Paulson stated that I would guess that Isabelle has used this {\bf convention} $1/0=0$ since the 1980s and introduced his book referred to this fact.

However, in his group the importance of this fact seems to be entirely ignored at this moment as we see from the book.

彼は 現在Isabelle/HOL の責任者の一人で、上記は彼のメールの一部であるが、思うにそのシステムは 1/0=0 を40年も前から出していたが、その意味が分からず、その重要性も認識していないようである。この事実は 最近の彼の論文でのゼロ除算についての言及にも表れている。- 実に面白いことには、

計算機が正しい、正当な結果を出していたのに その意味や重要性が人間によって認知されていなかった と みられることである。

その後、その進んだ計算機システムを用いて、Jose 氏は、我々の得たゼロ除算およびゼロ除算算法を検証し、我々の結果に対する強い保証を与えている。- ゼロ除算は新しい意味で可能であり、新世界をアリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の世界を拓いていると主張し、広く意見を求めている:

汝ゼロで割ってはならないの数学十戒第一は覆されて、ゼロで割って、新世界が現れた、ゼロで割ることができて、アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の新数学、新世界が現れた。 象徴的な例は、

1/0=0/0=z/0= tan(\pi/2) =log 0 =0 and z^n/n = log z for n=0。

基本的な関数 y=1/x の原点に於ける値は ゼロである。無限遠点がゼロで表される。ゼロの意味の新しい発見である。

これらの数学の素人向きの解説は 55カ月に亘って 次で与えられている:

数学基礎学力研究会公式サイト 楽しい数学


数学的な解説論文は 次で公表されている:

viXra:1904.0408 submitted on 2019-04-22 00:32:30,

What Was Division by Zero?; Division by Zero Calculus and New World Health Organization (WHO)

我々は 初等数学には基本的な欠陥がある と述べている。ゼロ除算は数学者ばかりではなく 人類の、世界史の恥である と述べている。

以 上

再生核研究所声明 148(2014.2.12) 100/0=0, 0/0=0 - 割り算の考えを自然に拡張すると ― 神の意志

100割る0 の意味を質問されたが(なぜ 100÷0は100ではないのか? なぜ 100÷1は100なのか… 0とは何…aitaitokidakenimoさん)、これは、定義によれば、その解、答えが有るとして、a と仮に置けば、 100=a x0 = 0 で矛盾、すなわち、解は、答えは存在しないとなる。

方程式 a x0= b は b=0 でなければ 解は無く、答えが求まらない。(特に、bが0ならば、解 a は 何でも良いと言うことに成る。)


そこで、何時でも解が存在するように、しかも唯一つに定まるように、さらに 従来成り立っていた結果が そのまま成り立つように(形式不変の原理)、割り算の考えを拡張できないかと考えるのは、数学では よくやることである。数学の世界を 美しくしたいからである。

実際、文献の論文で 任意関数で割る概念を導入している。

現在の状況では、b 割るa の意味を ax – b の2乗を最小にする x で、しかも x の2乗を最小にする数 x で定義する。後半の部分が無いと、a が0の場合 x が定まらない。後半が有ると0として、唯一つに定まる。この意味で割り算の意味を考えれば、100割る0は 0 であるとなる。 

上記で もちろん、2乗を最小にする の最小値が0である場合が、 普通の割り算の解、

b 割るa を与える。

もちろん、我々の意味で、0割る0は 曖昧なく、解は唯一つに定まって、0となる。

f 割る g を ロシアの著名な数学者 チコノフの考えた正則化法 と 再生核の理論 を併用すると 一般的な割り算を 任意関数g で定義できて、上記の場合は、100割る0は 0 という解に成る。

すなわち、解が存在しなかった場合に、割り算の意味を 自然に拡張すると 唯一つに解は存在して それは0であると言う、結果である。

上記で、ax – b の2乗を最小にする x で、と考えるのは、近似の考え方から、極めて自然と考えられるが、さらに、x の2乗を最小にする数 x とは、神は、最も簡単なものを選択する、これはエネルギー最小のもの、できれば横着したい という 世に普遍的に存在する 神の意志 が現れていると考えられる(光は、最短時間で到達するような経路で進むという ― フェルマーの原理)、神が2を愛している、好きだ とは 繰り返し述べてきた(神は 2を愛し給う)(http://www.jams.or.jp/kaiho/kaiho-81.pdf)。

これで、0で割るときの心配が無くなった。この考えの 実のある展開と応用は多い。

― 哲学とは 真智への愛 であり、真智とは 神の意志 のことである。哲学することは、人間の本能であり、それは 神の意志 であると考えられる。愛の定義は 声明146で与えられ、神の定義は 声明122と132で与えられている。―

以 上


Castro, L.P.; Saitoh, S. Fractional functions and their representations. Complex Anal. Oper. Theory 7, No. 4, 1049-1063 (2013).



世界中で、ゼロ除算は 不可能 か 

可能とすれば ∞  だと考えられていたが・・・

しかし、ゼロ除算 はいつでも可能で、解は いつでも0であるという意外な結果が得られた。


∞ では



ゼロ除算(1/0=0)は、ピタゴラスの定理(a2 + b2 = c2 )を超えた基本的な結果であると考えられる。

再生核研究所声明171(2014.7.30)掛け算の意味と割り算の意味 ― ゼロ除算100/0=0は自明である?

(2014.7.11小柴誠一、山根正巳氏との会合で、道脇裕氏の 割り算と掛け算は別であり、ゼロ除算100/0=0は自明であるとの考えを分析して得た考えを纏めたものである。)

ゼロ除算100/0=0は2014.2.2 偶然に論文出筆中に 原稿の中で発見したものである。チコノフ正則化法の応用として、自然に分数、割り算を拡張して得られたものであるが、歴史上不可能であるとされていること、結果がゼロであると言う意味で、驚嘆すべきことであること、さらに、高校生から小学生にも分る内容であると言う意味で、極めて面白い歴史的な事件と言える。そればかりか、物理学など世界の理解に大きな影響を与えることも注目される。詳しい経過などは 一連の声明を参照:

再生核研究所声明148(2014.2.12)100/0=0, 0/0=0 - 割り算の考えを自然に拡張すると ― 神の意志


再生核研究所声明157(2014.5.8)知りたい 神の意志、ゼロで割る、どうして 無限遠点と原点が一致しているのか?

再生核研究所声明161(2014.5.30)ゼロ除算から学ぶ、数学の精神 と 真理の追究

再生核研究所声明163(2014.6.17)ゼロで割る(零除算)- 堪らなく楽しい数学、探そう零除算 ― 愛好サークルの提案

再生核研究所声明166(2014.6.20)ゼロで割る(ゼロ除算)から学ぶ 世界観

しかるに いろいろな人たちと広く議論しているところであるが、世界の指導的な数学者でさえ、高校生でも理解できる発表済みの論文 その後の結果について、現代数学の常識を変えるものであり、受け入れられない、と言ってきている。まことに不思議なことであり、如何に驚くべき結果であるかを示していると言える。

多くの数学者は、内容を理解せず、100/0=0 は100=0 x 0 =0 で矛盾であると即断している。しかるに論文は 100/0 は 割り算の意味を自然に拡張するとゼロの結果を得るのであって、ゼロ除算の結果は 100=0 x 0 =0を意味しないと説明している。 逆に、無限大、無限遠点は数と言えるかと問うている。

ところが面白いことに 既に3月18日付文書で、道脇裕氏は 掛け算と割り算は別であり、ゼロ除算100/0は 自明であると述べていた。しかし、その文書は、一見すると


原理は日本語の表現にあるという、掛け算は 足し算で定義され、割り算は 引き算で定義されるという。割り算を考えるのに 掛け算の考えは不要であるという。

実際、2 x3 は 2+2+2=6と繰り返して加法を用いて計算され、定義もできる。


声明は一般向きであるから、本質を分かり易く説明しよう。 そのため、ゼロ以上の数の世界で考え、まず、100/2を次のように考えよう:


ここで、2 を何回引けるかと考え、いまは 50 回引いてゼロになるから分数は50であると考える。100を2つに分ければ50である。

次に 3/2 を考えよう。まず、

3 – 2 = 1

で、余り1である。そこで、余り1を10倍して、 同様に


であるから、10/2=5 となり

3/2 =1+0.5= 1.5


これは筆算で割り算を行うことを 減法の繰り返しで考える方法を示している。a がゼロでなければ、分数b/aは 現代数学の定義と同じに定義される。

そこで、100/0 を上記の精神で考えてみよう。 まず、

100 – 0 = 100,

であるが、0を引いても 100は減少しないから、何も引いたことにはならず、引いた回数は、ゼロと解釈するのが自然ではないだろうか (ここはもちろん数学的に厳格に そう定義できる)。ゼロで割るとは、100を分けないこと、よって、分けられた数もない、ゼロであると考えられる。 この意味で、分数を定義すれば、分数の意味で、

100割るゼロはゼロ、すなわち、100/0=0である。(ここに、絶妙に面白い状況がある、0をどんどん引いても変わらないから、無限回引けると解釈すると、無限とも解釈でき、ゼロ除算は 0と無限の不思議な関係を長く尾を引いている。)

同様に0割る0は ゼロであること0/0=0が簡単に分かる。

上記が千年以上も掛かったゼロ除算の解明であり、 ニュートンやアインシュタインを悩ましてきたゼロ除算の簡単な解決であると 世の人は、受けいれられるであろうか?

いずれにしても、ゼロ除算z/0=0は  既に数学的に確定している と考えられる。そこで、結果の 世への影響 に関心が移っている。

以 上


M. Kuroda, H. Michiwaki, S. Saitoh, and M. Yamane,

New meanings of the division by zero and interpretations on 100/0=0 and on 0/0=0,

Int. J. Appl. Math. Vol. 27, No 2 (2014), pp. 191-198, DOI: 10.12732/ijam.v27i2.9.

S. Saitoh, Generalized inversions of Hadamard and tensor products for matrices, Advances in Linear Algebra \& Matrix Theory. Vol.4 No.2 (2014), 87-95.http://www.scirp.org/journal/ALAMT/

再生核研究所声明171(2014.7.30)掛け算の意味と割り算の意味 ― ゼロ除算100/0=0は自明である?



再生核研究所 再生核研究所声明 声明171 割り算と掛け算は別




































Albert Einstein:

Blackholes are where God divided by zero.

I don’t believe in mathematics.

George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that “it is well known to students of high school algebra” that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} [1]:

1. Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970.




1/0=∞若しくは未定義 →1/0=0(628年→2014年2月2日)




意外に地球人は知能が低いのでは? 仲間争いや、公害で自滅するかも。

生態系では、人類が がん細胞であった とならないとも 限らないのでは?

Einstein’s Only Mistake: Division by Zero



1 割り算を掛け算の逆と考えた事

2 極限で考えようとした事

3 教科書やあらゆる文献が、不可能であると書いてあるので、みんなそう思った。

Matrices and Division by Zero z/0 = 0


直線上を どこまでも行ったら、どこに行くでしょうか? 驚くべきことに 行き先があり、意外なところで 止まる。 これすごいことでは? 下記の図をよく見て、美しい解釈を考えてください。

我々の空間は実は そうなっていたと言えると思います。簡単な論文ですが、新らしい世界を拓いている(2016.7.24:06:21): (2016) Matrices and Division by Zero z/0 = 0. Advances in Linear Algebra

& Matrix Theory, 6, 51-58.

http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt   http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007




Published: 26 November 2018

Interrogating the Legend of Einstein’s “Biggest Blunder”

• Cormac O’Raifeartaigh &

• Simon Mitton

Physics in Perspective volume 20, pages318–341(2018)Cite this article


The Road

Fig 5.2. Isaac Newton (1643-1727) and Gottfried Leibniz (1646-1716) were the culprits, ignoring the first commandment of mathematics not to divide by zero. But they hit gold, because what they mined in the process was the ideal circle.

http://thethirty-ninesteps.com/page_5-the_road.php より

COMPLEX ANALYSIS, 3E (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics) (英語) ハードカバー – 1979/1/1

Lars Ahlfors (著)


原点の円に関する鏡像は、実は 原点であった。


ラース・ヴァレリアン・アールフォルス(Lars Valerian Ahlfors、1907年4月18日-1996年10月11日)はフィンランドの数学者。リーマン面の研究と複素解析の教科書を書いたことで知られる。



COMPLEX ANALYSIS, 3E (International Series in Pure and Applied Mathematics) (英語) ハードカバー – 1979/1/1

Lars Ahlfors (著)


原点の円に関する鏡像は、実は 原点であった。


if black holes are where god divided by zero then would karl schwarzschild be god

DBZ(Division by zero)DBZC(Division By ZeroCalculus)

ゼロ除算とゼロ除算算法 の略字が決まりました:


The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as 0/0=1/0=z/0=0 in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotelēs (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta (598 – 668 ?).

汝ゼロで割ってはならないの数学十戒第一は覆されて、ゼロで割って、新世界が現れた、ゼロで割ることができて、アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の新数学、新世界が現れた。 象徴的な例は、 1/0=0/0=z/0= tan(\pi/2) =log 0 =0 and z^n/n = log z for n=0。 基本的な関数 y=1/x の原点に於ける値は ゼロである。無限遠点がゼロで表される。ゼロの意味の新しい発見である。

余りにも 簡明なゼロ除算の解説が現れて、世の人々は、驚き、困惑されないでしょうか。

小学生にも 十分にわかるのではないでしょうか。 家族で、学校で 議論したい:


Dividing integer Numbers:

A mother invites kids to dinner. She cooks beans. She has M beans in her pot. Now she wants to share the beans fairly among the kids. Her math is very natural; she can only count. So she goes around the table and always gives the K kids sitting at the table a bean on their plate. She repeats this until all of the beans are distributed. Now it can happen that some children have one bean less than the other. That’s unfair! So she gathers the excess beans back into her pot, which will contain m beans after the division. Now everyone is satisfied and you can draw up a balance sheet:

M: number of beans in the mother’s pot before division

m: number of beans in the mother’s pot after division

K: number of kids

k: number of beans on the kid’s plate after division

M = k*K + m

Special case: M < K

There are more kids at the table than beans in the pot. To be fair, the mother has to collect all the beans back into their pot. The kids were given nothing to eat.

m = M

k = 0

Special case: K = 0

There are no kids at the table. After the division procedure, the mother still has m = M beans in her pot, just as in the case of M < K above. She sees no difference between these two cases, the pot is still full. Thus k = 0, the kids were given nothing to eat.

This is the famous problem that SABUROU SAITOH solved.

Special case: M >>> 1, K << M

Many beans were cooked in mother’s pot and the kids were given a large number of beans on their plates. The beans look more and more like a bean soup. It looks like continuous .

Private note for SABUROU SAITOH by Wolfhard Hovel


\title{\bf Announcement 600: The 7th birthday of the division by zero $z/0=0$ \\

(2021.2.2)\\ For Founding a new International Journal of Division by Zero Calculus


\author{{\it Institute of Reproducing Kernels}\\

Kawauchi-cho, 5-1648-16,\\

Kiryu 376-0041, Japan\\

{\bf kbdmm360@yahoo.co.jp}\\




The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as $0/0=1/0=z/0=0$ in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotele (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta (598 – 668 ?).

However, note that the division by zero $1/0=0$ having a mysterious long history was, in fact, known as the generalized Moore-Penrose solution of the fundamental equation: $ax=b$.


2020年10月02日(金)NEW !


0 除算は定義されないけど、いろいろ解釈を楽しむのはよいのでは。1 次方程式の解、極限、そしてa÷b をベクトル (a,b) の関数として見るとか。https://twitter.com/numachi11111/status/1311823417935491072

この辺は最近うまく全て解決出来ました。 ご覧あれ。

しかし、新しい数学、理論が必要です:しかし、”0″については0除算ができない以上、「0^1=0」を用いて定義できない。 ただ、関数「x^0」がどんな数でも成り立つように担保するために”x=0″の時も同様に「x^0=1」が成り立つ、とする。そういう定義の仕方もある訳か。

https://twitter.com/umino48/status/1311739892288765952 この辺は最近うまく全て解決出来ました。 ご覧あれ。しかし、新しい数学、理論が必要です:

“Ladies and gentlemen, if I may direct your attention out the port side of the aircraft, we are currently flying over the world’s most incredible natural wr the world’s most incredible natural wonder: the division by zero.”onder: the division by zero.”https://twitter.com/Thunderbir…/status/1311497847653593089

再生核研究所声明520 (2019.12.04): 数学の超難問 - ゼロ除算 - 解かれたり

最初に ゼロ除算を発表した論文が、最初の物です。


Most popular papers in Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory

Generalized Inversions of Hadamard and Tensor Products for Matrices

Saburou Saitoh

Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory Vol.4 No.2, May 15, 2014

DOI: 10.4236/alamt.2014.42006 3,866 Downloads 6,054 Views Citations

Matrices and Division by Zero z/0 = 0

Tsutomu Matsuura, Saburou Saitoh

Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory Vol.6 No.2, June 14, 2016

DOI: 10.4236/alamt.2016.62007 12,928 Downloads 14,550 Views Citations



ゼロ除算について、イギリスとドイツの進んだ計算機が それを検証したは あっても、 

明確に 1/0=0 について、数学者以外の第3者が確信を述べたのは、世界最初と考えられる。 記録した:


Dear Professor Saitoh,

I checked the equation

1/0 = 0

in relation to my work and I am now convinced that it is correct. A problem arose in my algorithm that was elegantly solved using this relation. Thank you for sharing this extremely important finding!

With best regards,

Wolfhard Hövel

Wolfhard Hövel

To: Saburou Saitoh

日付: 2020/10/01 21:10

件名: Re: 1/0 = 0

送信元: th-nuernberg.de

“Ladies and gentlemen, if I may direct your attention out the port side of the aircraft, we are currently flying over the world’s most incredible natural wr the world’s most incredible natural wonder: the division by zero.”onder: the division by zero.”https://twitter.com/Thunderbir…/status/1311497847653593089

再生核研究所声明520 (2019.12.04): 数学の超難問 - ゼロ除算 - 解かれたり

、「Tobias Nipkow Lawrence Paulson Markus Wenzel Tutorial E 2283 Isabelle/HO A Proof Assistant for Higher Order Logic Isabelle Isabele HOL Springer Math

Fallacy of division | Revolvy



In the philosophy of the ancient Greek Anaxagoras, as claimed by the Roman atomist Lucretius,[1] it was assumed that the atoms …. For example, the reason validity fails may be a division by zero that is hidden by algebraic notation. There is a …


ソクラテス・プラトン・アリストテレス その他



The null set is conceptually similar to the role of the number “zero” as it is used in quantum field theory. In quantum field theory, one can take the empty set, the vacuum, and generate all possible physical configurations of the Universe being modelled by acting on it with creation operators, and one can similarly change from one thing to another by applying mixtures of creation and anihillation operators to suitably filled or empty states. The anihillation operator applied to the vacuum, however, yields zero.

Zero in this case is the null set – it stands, quite literally, for no physical state in the Universe. The important point is that it is not possible to act on zero with a creation operator to create something; creation operators only act on the vacuum which is empty but not zero. Physicists are consequently fairly comfortable with the existence of operations that result in “nothing” and don’t even require that those operations be contradictions, only operationally non-invertible.

It is also far from unknown in mathematics. When considering the set of all real numbers as quantities and the operations of ordinary arithmetic, the “empty set” is algebraically the number zero (absence of any quantity, positive or negative). However, when one performs a division operation algebraically, one has to be careful to exclude division by zero from the set of permitted operations! The result of division by zero isn’t zero, it is “not a number” or “undefined” and is not in the Universe of real numbers.

Just as one can easily “prove” that 1 = 2 if one does algebra on this set of numbers as if one can divide by zero legitimately3.34, so in logic one gets into trouble if one assumes that the set of all things that are in no set including the empty set is a set within the algebra, if one tries to form the set of all sets that do not include themselves, if one asserts a Universal Set of Men exists containing a set of men wherein a male barber shaves all men that do not shave themselves3.35.

It is not – it is the null set, not the empty set, as there can be no male barbers in a non-empty set of men (containing at least one barber) that shave all men in that set that do not shave themselves at a deeper level than a mere empty list. It is not an empty set that could be filled by some algebraic operation performed on Real Male Barbers Presumed to Need Shaving in trial Universes of Unshaven Males as you can very easily see by considering any particular barber, perhaps one named “Socrates”, in any particular Universe of Men to see if any of the sets of that Universe fit this predicate criterion with Socrates as the barber. Take the empty set (no men at all). Well then there are no barbers, including Socrates, so this cannot be the set we are trying to specify as it clearly must contain at least one barber and we’ve agreed to call its relevant barber Socrates. (and if it contains more than one, the rest of them are out of work at the moment).

Suppose a trial set contains Socrates alone. In the classical rendition we ask, does he shave himself? If we answer “no”, then he is a member of this class of men who do not shave themselves and therefore must shave himself. Oops. Well, fine, he must shave himself. However, if he does shave himself, according to the rules he can only shave men who don’t shave themselves and so he doesn’t shave himself. Oops again. Paradox. When we try to apply the rule to a potential Socrates to generate the set, we get into trouble, as we cannot decide whether or not Socrates should shave himself.

Note that there is no problem at all in the existential set theory being proposed. In that set theory either Socrates must shave himself as All Men Must Be Shaven and he’s the only man around. Or perhaps he has a beard, and all men do not in fact need shaving. Either way the set with just Socrates does not contain a barber that shaves all men because Socrates either shaves himself or he doesn’t, so we shrug and continue searching for a set that satisfies our description pulled from an actual Universe of males including barbers. We immediately discover that adding more men doesn’t matter. As long as those men, barbers or not, either shave themselves or Socrates shaves them they are consistent with our set description (although in many possible sets we find that hey, other barbers exist and shave other men who do not shave themselves), but in no case can Socrates (as our proposed single barber that shaves all men that do not shave themselves) be such a barber because he either shaves himself (violating the rule) or he doesn’t (violating the rule). Instead of concluding that there is a paradox, we observe that the criterion simply doesn’t describe any subset of any possible Universal Set of Men with no barbers, including the empty set with no men at all, or any subset that contains at least Socrates for any possible permutation of shaving patterns including ones that leave at least some men unshaven altogether.


I understand your note as if you are saying the limit is infinity but nothing is equal to infinity, but you concluded corretly infinity is undefined. Your example of getting the denominator smaller and smalser the result of the division is a very large number that approches infinity. This is the intuitive mathematical argument that plunged philosophy into mathematics. at that level abstraction mathematics, as well as phyisics become the realm of philosophi. The notion of infinity is more a philosopy question than it is mathamatical. The reason we cannot devide by zero is simply axiomatic as Plato pointed out. The underlying reason for the axiom is because sero is nothing and deviding something by nothing is undefined. That axiom agrees with the notion of limit infinity, i.e. undefined. There are more phiplosphy books and thoughts about infinity in philosophy books than than there are discussions on infinity in math books.



An Early Reference to Division by Zero C. B. Boyer



Lea esta bitácora en español

There is a mathematical concept that says that division by zero has no meaning, or is an undefined expression, because it is impossible to have a real number that could be multiplied by zero in order to obtain another number different from zero.

While this mathematical concept has been held as true for centuries, when it comes to the human level the present situation in global societies has, for a very long time, been contradicting it. It is true that we don’t all live in a mathematical world or with mathematical concepts in our heads all the time. However, we cannot deny that societies around the globe are trying to disprove this simple mathematical concept: that division by zero is an impossible equation to solve.

Yes! We are all being divided by zero tolerance, zero acceptance, zero love, zero compassion, zero willingness to learn more about the other and to find intelligent and fulfilling ways to adapt to new ideas, concepts, ways of doing things, people and cultures. We are allowing these ‘zero denominators’ to run our equations, our lives, our souls.

Each and every single day we get more divided and distanced from other people who are different from us. We let misinformation and biased concepts divide us, and we buy into these aberrant concepts in such a way, that we get swept into this division by zero without checking our consciences first.

I believe, however, that if we change the zeros in any of the “divisions by zero” that are running our lives, we will actually be able to solve the non-mathematical concept of this equation: the human concept.

>I believe deep down that we all have a heart, a conscience, a brain to think with, and, above all, an immense desire to learn and evolve. And thanks to all these positive things that we do have within, I also believe that we can use them to learn how to solve our “division by zero” mathematical impossibility at the human level. I am convinced that the key is open communication and an open heart. Nothing more, nothing less.

Are we scared of, or do we feel baffled by the way another person from another culture or country looks in comparison to us? Are we bothered by how people from other cultures dress, eat, talk, walk, worship, think, etc.? Is this fear or bafflement so big that we much rather reject people and all the richness they bring within?

How about if instead of rejecting or retreating from that person—division of our humanity by zero tolerance or zero acceptance—we decided to give them and us a chance?

How about changing that zero tolerance into zero intolerance? Why not dare ask questions about the other person’s culture and way of life? Let us have the courage to let our guard down for a moment and open up enough for this person to ask us questions about our culture and way of life. How about if we learned to accept that while a person from another culture is living and breathing in our own culture, it is totally impossible for him/her to completely abandon his/her cultural values in order to become what we want her to become?

Let’s be totally honest with ourselves at least: Would any of us really renounce who we are and where we come from just to become what somebody else asks us to become?

If we are not willing to lose our identity, why should we ask somebody else to lose theirs?

I believe with all my heart that if we practiced positive feelings—zero intolerance, zero non-acceptance, zero indifference, zero cruelty—every day, the premise that states that division by zero is impossible would continue being true, not only in mathematics, but also at the human level. We would not be divided anymore; we would simply be building a better world for all of us.

Hoping to have touched your soul in a meaningful way,

Adriana Adarve, Asheville, NC



2017年09月01日(金)NEW !


Former algebraic approach was formally perfect, but it merely postulated existence of sets and morphisms [18] without showing methods to construct them. The primary concern of modern algebras is not how an operation can be performed, but whether it maps into or onto and the like abstract issues [19–23]. As important as this may be for proofs, the nature does not really care about all that. The PM’s concerns were not constructive, even though theoretically significant. We need thus an approach that is more relevant to operations performed in nature, which never complained about morphisms or the allegedly impossible division by zero, as far as I can tell. Abstract sets and morphisms should be de-emphasized as hardly operational. My decision to come up with a definite way to implement the feared division by zero was not really arbitrary, however. It has removed a hidden paradox from number theory and an obvious absurd from algebraic group theory. It was necessary step for full deployment of constructive, synthetic mathematics (SM) [2,3]. Problems hidden in PM implicitly affect all who use mathematics, even though we may not always be aware of their adverse impact on our thinking. Just take a look at the paradox that emerges from the usual prescription for multiplication of zeros that remained uncontested for some 5000 years 0 0 ¼ 0 ) 0 1=1 ¼ 0 ) 0 1 ¼ 0 1) 1ð? ¼ ?Þ1 ð0aÞ This ‘‘fact’’ was covered up by the infamous prohibition on division by zero [2]. How ingenious. If one is prohibited from dividing by zero one could not obtain this paradox. Yet the prohibition did not really make anything right. It silenced objections to irresponsible reasonings and prevented corrections to the PM’s flamboyant axiomatizations. The prohibition on treating infinity as invertible counterpart to zero did not do any good either. We use infinity in calculus for symbolic calculations of limits [24], for zero is the infinity’s twin [25], and also in projective geometry as well as in geometric mapping of complex numbers. Therein a sphere is cast onto the plane that is tangent to it and its free (opposite) pole in a point at infinity [26–28]. Yet infinity as an inverse to the natural zero removes the whole absurd (0a), for we obtain [2] 0 ¼ 1=1 ) 0 0 ¼ 1=12 > 0 0 ð0bÞ Stereographic projection of complex numbers tacitly contradicted the PM’s prescribed way to multiply zeros, yet it was never openly challenged. The old formula for multiplication of zeros (0a) is valid only as a practical approximation, but it is group-theoretically inadmissible in no-nonsense reasonings. The tiny distinction in formula (0b) makes profound theoretical difference for geometries and consequently also for physical applications. T


10,000 Year Clock

by Renny Pritikin

Conversation with Paolo Salvagione, lead engineer on the 10,000-year clock project, via e-mail in February 2010.

For an introduction to what we’re talking about here’s a short excerpt from a piece by Michael Chabon, published in 2006 in Details: ….Have you heard of this thing? It is going to be a kind of gigantic mechanical computer, slow, simple and ingenious, marking the hour, the day, the year, the century, the millennium, and the precession of the equinoxes, with a huge orrery to keep track of the immense ticking of the six naked-eye planets on their great orbital mainspring. The Clock of the Long Now will stand sixty feet tall, cost tens of millions of dollars, and when completed its designers and supporters plan to hide it in a cave in the Great Basin National Park in Nevada, a day’s hard walking from anywhere. Oh, and it’s going to run for ten thousand years. But even if the Clock of the Long Now fails to last ten thousand years, even if it breaks down after half or a quarter or a tenth that span, this mad contraption will already have long since fulfilled its purpose. Indeed the Clock may have accomplished its greatest task before it is ever finished, perhaps without ever being built at all. The point of the Clock of the Long Now is not to measure out the passage, into their unknown future, of the race of creatures that built it. The point of the Clock is to revive and restore the whole idea of the Future, to get us thinking about the Future again, to the degree if not in quite the way same way that we used to do, and to reintroduce the notion that we don’t just bequeath the future—though we do, whether we think about it or not. We also, in the very broadest sense of the first person plural pronoun, inherit it.

Renny Pritikin: When we were talking the other day I said that this sounds like a cross between Borges and the vast underground special effects from Forbidden Planet. I imagine you hear lots of comparisons like that…

Paolo Salvagione: (laughs) I can’t say I’ve heard that comparison. A childhood friend once referred to the project as a cross between Tinguely and Fabergé. When talking about the clock, with people, there’s that divide-by-zero moment (in the early days of computers to divide by zero was a sure way to crash the computer) and I can understand why. Where does one place, in one’s memory, such a thing, such a concept? After the pause, one could liken it to a reboot, the questions just start streaming out.

RP: OK so I think the word for that is nonplussed. Which the thesaurus matches with flummoxed, bewildered, at a loss. So the question is why even (I assume) fairly sophisticated people like your friends react like that. Is it the physical scale of the plan, or the notion of thinking 10,000 years into the future—more than the length of human history?

PS: I’d say it’s all three and more. I continue to be amazed by the specificity of the questions asked. Anthropologists ask a completely different set of questions than say, a mechanical engineer or a hedge fund manager. Our disciplines tie us to our perspectives. More than once, a seemingly innocent question has made an impact on the design of the clock. It’s not that we didn’t know the answer, sometimes we did, it’s that we hadn’t thought about it from the perspective of the person asking the question. Back to your question. I think when sophisticated people, like you, thread this concept through their own personal narrative it tickles them. Keeping in mind some people hate to be tickled.

RP: Can you give an example of a question that redirected the plan? That’s really so interesting, that all you brainiacs slaving away on this project and some amateur blithely pinpoints a problem or inconsistency or insight that spins it off in a different direction. It’s like the butterfly effect.

PS: Recently a climatologist pointed out that our equation of time cam, (photo by Rolfe Horn) (a cam is a type of gear: link) a device that tracks the difference between solar noon and mundane noon as well as the precession of the equinoxes, did not account for the redistribution of water away from the earth’s poles. The equation-of-time cam is arguably one of the most aesthetically pleasing parts of the clock. It also happens to be one that is fairly easy to explain. It visually demonstrates two extremes. If you slice it, like a loaf of bread, into 10,000 slices each slice would represent a year. The outside edge of the slice, let’s call it the crust, represents any point in that year, 365 points, 365 days. You could, given the right amount of magnification, divide it into hours, minutes, even seconds. Stepping back and looking at the unsliced cam the bottom is the year 2000 and the top is the year 12000. The twist that you see is the precession of the equinoxes. Now here’s the fun part, there’s a slight taper to the twist, that’s the slowing of the earth on its axis. As the ice at the poles melts we have a redistribution of water, we’re all becoming part of the “slow earth” movement.

RP: Are you familiar with Charles Ray’s early work in which you saw a plate on a table, or an object on the wall, and they looked stable, but were actually spinning incredibly slowly, or incredibly fast, and you couldn’t tell in either case? Or, more to the point, Tim Hawkinson’s early works in which he had rows of clockwork gears that turned very very fast, and then down the line, slower and slower, until at the end it approached the slowness that you’re dealing with?

PS: The spinning pieces by Ray touches on something we’re trying to avoid. We want you to know just how fast or just how slow the various parts are moving. The beauty of the Ray piece is that you can’t tell, fast, slow, stationary, they all look the same. I’m not familiar with the Hawkinson clockwork piece. I’ve see the clock pieces where he hides the mechanism and uses unlikely objects as the hands, such as the brass clasp on the back of a manila envelope or the tab of a coke can.

RP: Spin Sink (1 Rev./100 Years) (1995), in contrast, is a 24-foot-long row of interlocking gears, the smallest of which is driven by a whirring toy motor that in turn drives each consecutively larger and more slowly turning gear up to the largest of all, which rotates approximately once every one hundred years.

PS: I don’t know how I missed it, it’s gorgeous. Linking the speed that we can barely see with one that we rarely have the patience to wait for.

RP: : So you say you’ve opted for the clock’s time scale to be transparent. How will the clock communicate how fast it’s going?

PS: By placing the clock in a mountain we have a reference to long time. The stratigraphy provides us with the slowest metric. The clock is a middle point between millennia and seconds. Looking back 10,000 years we find the beginnings of civilization. Looking at an earthenware vessel from that era we imagine its use, the contents, the craftsman. The images painted or inscribed on the outside provide some insight into the lives and the languages of the distant past. Often these interpretations are flawed, biased or over-reaching. What I’m most enchanted by is that we continue to construct possible pasts around these objects, that our curiosity is overwhelming. We line up to see the treasures of Tut, or the remains of frozen ancestors. With the clock we are asking you to create possible futures, long futures, and with them the narratives that made them happen.


再生核研究所声明 148(2014.2.12) 100/0=0, 0/0=0 - 割り算の考えを自然に拡張すると ― 神の意志 https://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kbdmm360/69056435.html

再生核研究所声明171(2014.7.30)掛け算の意味と割り算の意味 ― ゼロ除算100/0=0は自明である?




Title page of Leonhard Euler, Vollständige Anleitung zur Algebra, Vol. 1 (edition of 1771, first published in 1770), and p. 34 from Article 83, where Euler explains why a number divided by zero gives infinity.

私は数学を信じない。 アルバート・アインシュタイン / I don’t believe in mathematics. Albert Einstein→ゼロ除算ができなかったからではないでしょうか。1423793753.460.341866474681。

Einstein’s Only Mistake: Division by Zero


#divide by zero

es at HTHS and can divide by zero.

Hey look, that genius’s IQ is over 9000!

#divide by zero #math #hths #smart #genius

by Lawlbags! October 21, 2009

divide by zero

Dividing by zero is the biggest epic fail known to TOP DEFINITION


A super-smart math teacher that teachmankind. It is a proven fact that a succesful division by zero will constitute in the implosion of the universe.

You are dividing by zero there, Johnny. Captain Kirk is not impressed.

Divide by zero?!?!! OMG!!! Epic failzorz

#4 chan #epic fail #implosion #universe #divide by zero


divide by zero

Divide by zero is undefined.

Divide by zero is undefined.

#divide #by #zero #dividebyzero #undefined

by JaWo October 28, 2006

division by zero

1) The number one ingredient for a catastrophic event in which the universe enfolds and collapses on itself and life as we know it ceases to exist.

2) A mathematical equation such as a/0 whereas a is some number and 0 is the divisor. Look it up on Wikipedia or something. Pretty confusing shit.

3) A reason for an error in programming

Hey, I divided by zero! …Oh shi-


Run-time error: ’11’: Division by zero

#division #0 #math #oh shi- #divide by zero

by DefectiveProduct September 08, 2006

dividing by zero

When even math shows you that not everything can be figured out with math. When you divide by zero, math kicks you in the shins and says “yeah, there’s kind of an answer, but it ain’t just some number.”

It’s when mathematicians become philosophers.


Let’s say you have ZERO apples, and THREE people. How many apples does each person get? ZERO, cause there were no apples to begin with

Not-math because of dividing by zero:

Let’s say there are THREE apples, and ZERO people. How many apples does each person get? Friggin… How the Fruitcock should I know! How can you figure out how many apples each person gets if there’s no people to get them?!? You’d think it’d be infinity, but not really. It could almost be any number, cause you could be like “each person gets 400 apples” which would be true, because all the people did get 400 apples, because there were no people. So all the people also got 42 apples, and a million and 7 apples. But it’s still wrong.

#math #divide by zero #divide #dividing #zero #numbers #not-math #imaginary numbers #imaginary. phylosophy

by Zacharrie February 15, 2010




The black hole is where God divides by 0


高級な計算機よ、ゼロ除算ができないのか。 恥を知れ。 人間は、恥を知っているが、 計算機は 恥をしらないようだ。

そこで、計算機は何時、1/0=0 ができるようになるでしょうか。 楽しみにしています。 もうできる 進化した 計算機をお持ちの方は おられないですね。

これは 凄い、面白い事件では? 計算機が人間を超えている 例では?

面白いことを発見しました。 計算機は 正しい答え 0/0=0

を出したのに、 この方は 間違いだと 言っている、思っているようです。

0/0=0 は 1300年も前に 算術の発見者によって与えられたにも関わらず、世界史は間違いだと とんでもないことを言ってきた。 世界史の恥。 実は a/0=0 が 何時も成り立っていた。 しかし、ここで 分数の意味を きちんと定義する必要がある。 計算機は、その意味さえ知っているようですね。 計算機、人間より賢くなっている 様が 出て居て 実に 面白い。



Essential Trigonometry for Calculus – David Richeson: Division by Zero

Essential Trigonometry for Calculus

My son is taking a calculus course in high school this year. While talking to him about his homework, I have come to realize that his knowledge of trigonometry is pretty weak. He said that they wer…


歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

2021年02月09日(火)NEW !



そうですね、古い考えに拘るは、研究者や人間の 対応として 良くないですね。 自由な 発想が 人間らしい在りようです。

ゼロ除算も 実は あたりまえで、大きな新世界が隠されていた:現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

3 WAYS to prove why DIVISION by ZERO is UNDEFINED!


1 割り算を掛け算の逆と考えた事

2 極限で考えようとした事

3 教科書やあらゆる文献が、不可能であると書いてあるので、みんなそう思った。

Matrices and Division by Zero z/0 = 0


Une merveilleuse histoire du zéroLe zéro représente le rien, l’absence, mais est pourtant d’une importance capitale en mathématiques. Comment a-t-il été créé ?http://xn--theconversation-4d5nk6awe.com/

C’est Brahmagupta, qui, dans son livre Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta, comprend le mieux la valeur du 0. Le mot indien désignant le zéro était śūnya (çûnya), qui signifie « vide » : quand zéro est ajouté ou soustrait à un nombre, …

ゼロ除算の発見  2021年2月2日 7年を超えました:

思えば 本当におかしな基礎数学、 円や点でも おかしい:

節分の朝、小雨、 次の考えで目を覚ました:

思えば 本当におかしな基礎数学、 円や点でも おかしい:

直線は 円の1種とみなされるは 数学界の既に常識です。 それでは直線の中心と半径は何でしょうか。 現代数学では 中心は分らず、半径は無限大と考えられています。おかしいのではないでしょうか。 中心も半径も分らないのか。 半径無限大、無限大は数でしょうか。 おかしいですね。 ゼロ除算の帰結は、 何と 直線の 中心は原点で、半径はゼロと明快に述べています。 点は、円の特別な場合とみなされるのは 数学界の常識です。 それでは点の 曲率は 幾つでしょうか。 点は半径ゼロですから、曲率は無限大と考えられているのではないでしょうか。 しかし、無限大は数ではないですから、おかしいですね。 ゼロ除算の帰結は 点円の曲率はゼロです。 実は直線の曲率もゼロです。

この問題は、実はゼロ除算の本質が隠されていたことが分ります。ゼロ除算の本質でした。すっきりされたと考える。 2021.2.2.6:35

SMARTNEWS Keeping you current

This 13-Billion-Year-Old Supermassive Black Hole Is the Oldest Ever National Science Foundation (NSF)

Huge black hole is so old it offers a glimpse into the early universe, and so big it challenges ideas of how black holes form


Essential Trigonometry for Calculus – David Richeson: Division by Zero

Essential Trigonometry for Calculus

My son is taking a calculus course in high school this year. While talking to him about his homework, I have come to realize that his knowledge of trigonometry is pretty weak. He said that they wer…


歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

2021年02月09日(火)NEW !



そうですね、古い考えに拘るは、研究者や人間の 対応として 良くないですね。 自由な 発想が 人間らしい在りようです。

ゼロ除算も 実は あたりまえで、大きな新世界が隠されていた:現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

3 WAYS to prove why DIVISION by ZERO is UNDEFINED!


1 割り算を掛け算の逆と考えた事

2 極限で考えようとした事

3 教科書やあらゆる文献が、不可能であると書いてあるので、みんなそう思った。

Matrices and Division by Zero z/0 = 0


Une merveilleuse histoire du zéroLe zéro représente le rien, l’absence, mais est pourtant d’une importance capitale en mathématiques. Comment a-t-il été créé ?http://xn--theconversation-4d5nk6awe.com/

C’est Brahmagupta, qui, dans son livre Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta, comprend le mieux la valeur du 0. Le mot indien désignant le zéro était śūnya (çûnya), qui signifie « vide » : quand zéro est ajouté ou soustrait à un nombre, …

ゼロ除算の発見  2021年2月2日 7年を超えました:

思えば 本当におかしな基礎数学、 円や点でも おかしい:

節分の朝、小雨、 次の考えで目を覚ました:

思えば 本当におかしな基礎数学、 円や点でも おかしい:

直線は 円の1種とみなされるは 数学界の既に常識です。 それでは直線の中心と半径は何でしょうか。 現代数学では 中心は分らず、半径は無限大と考えられています。おかしいのではないでしょうか。 中心も半径も分らないのか。 半径無限大、無限大は数でしょうか。 おかしいですね。 ゼロ除算の帰結は、 何と 直線の 中心は原点で、半径はゼロと明快に述べています。 点は、円の特別な場合とみなされるのは 数学界の常識です。 それでは点の 曲率は 幾つでしょうか。 点は半径ゼロですから、曲率は無限大と考えられているのではないでしょうか。 しかし、無限大は数ではないですから、おかしいですね。 ゼロ除算の帰結は 点円の曲率はゼロです。 実は直線の曲率もゼロです。

この問題は、実はゼロ除算の本質が隠されていたことが分ります。ゼロ除算の本質でした。すっきりされたと考える。 2021.2.2.6:35







それは正規に出版されました。表紙だけでも凄いことが書かれ、 美しい定理の図が 表紙にある。 ご覧あれ。


私は、現代数学には基本的な欠陥があり、数学は恥ずかしい状態だと言っている。 内容も公開している。 国際会議招待講演のビデオ講演も 著書も公開している。 具体的に批判して欲しい。 数学の真実 を明かにして欲しい:


今の数学も 数学教育も おかしいとして、公言、関係者に真相を明かにするように お願いしている。 その事実を公表、議論して欲しい。 情報を隠蔽、無視しているように見える。

具体的に 数学通信の記事には、不適当な記事があると 編集責任者に 申し出ている。 真相を明かにして欲しい。


私は、その様に強く思った。 感じた。

現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:



ゼロ除算算法とは要するに孤立特異点をもつ解析関数にローラン展開の係数C_0を対応させることで、形式的に1/0=0/0=z/0=0 の結果を考慮しながら結果を吟味しながら応用して行くということである。https://twitter.com/aazzoothth0/status/1367756001135325185



再生核研究所が推している ゼロ除算を認めると テレポート タイムスリップなどが おかしな事になると思います。 どうしたら良いんですかね。

おお素晴らしい。 ゼロ除算を理解された人が現れた。令和革新 は 始まった。

初めて理解された一般の人が現れたと思われる:現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。 関数論も、微分方程式も、幾何学も、代数も 基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。これは、世界史の汚点になるだろう:

再生核研究所声明 500(2019.7.28) 数学の令和革新と日本の挑戦、東京オリンピック



再生核研究所は 1/0=0を 1を分けない事 よって 分けられた数もなく 0であるというように 解釈するみたいですね。



再生核研究所によると 100を0で割るとは 100を分けない事であり 分けられた数もない 0であると 考えられるようです。 だから 100/0=0みたいです。 これは 100-0=100を 100から何も引かない と解釈する事からの 発想みたいです。

おお素晴らしい。 ゼロ除算を理解された人が現れた。令和革新 は 始まった。


再生核研究所声明 500(2019.7.28) 数学の令和革新と日本の挑戦、東京オリンピック


再生核研究所声明 456(2018.10.15): ゼロ除算算法発見の瞬間

最後に添付するが ゼロ除算算法の重要性のゆえに ゼロ除算算法発見の瞬間 を回想して 記録を確かなものにしたい。

ゼロ除算算法は 解析学、幾何学など初等数学全般に広い影響を与え、 アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の世界を拓き、微分の概念さえ変え、特に微分方程式論は この新しい概念、算法のゆえに 大きな改変が求められている。

ここで、ゼロ除算算法とは要するに孤立特異点をもつ解析関数において孤立特異点での値をローラン展開の正則部の初項 係数C_0 で定義することで、形式的に1/0=0/0=z/0=0 の結果を考慮しながら結果を吟味しつつ応用して行くということである。ゼロ除算算法は 本質的には定義であり、仮説であり、その重要性のゆえに公理のようなものである。


そこで、その発見の瞬間を振り返って置きたい。 下記の最初の記録は 発見後 宿舎に戻って 直ぐにブログに書いた貴重な記録である。

学内構内にある宿舎から歩いて30分くらいのところにある ジンボーという大きなショッピングセンターを 週に2回くらい歩いて行き、 買い物をして 宿舎に戻る習慣がありました。 当然、週末はよく行きます。 給与を頂き、物価安のポルトガルのアヴェイロ お金のことは気にせず、 買う度に 得をしたように感じられる幸せな時代でした。さらに、身分が研究員でしたので、楽しい自由な研究が職務で 週一回主に外国、学外の方による1時間の講演がありますが、それに出席が義務づけられていた以外は特に業務が無かったので、自由な時間がたっぷりもてた楽しい時代でした。 ショッピングセンターでは 人のよいご夫妻、若い娘さん達の店員がいるレストランで 何でも自由にとって頂ける店で 好物を好きなだけ頂ける夕食をとるのが習慣でした。 ですから幸せ一杯で両手に買った食品をもって キャンパス内を通り、宿舎に向かっていました。 そこで、 学内の池のほとりに差し掛かった時、 何かあると直感して、独りでに 静かに立ち止まりましたら、すると突然閃きました。 その時、確かに月が真上にありました。 電光のように閃めいたのです。 関数 f(z) = e^{1/z} の原点での値は1であると。その時、理由はなく結果だけが閃いたのです。 当時は まだゼロ除算算法は考えられておらず、数値としてのゼロ除算1/0=0/0=0だけが認識されていましたから、 この直感には凄い飛躍が有ります。 実際、 その関数の原点の周辺には 神秘性が漂っていて 深い謎に覆われているときでした。世の常識では その関数は原点で 真性特異点をもち、ピカールの定理で、原点を除いた原点の近傍で 例外の複素数1個(ピカールの除外値)を除いて、すべての複素数を無限回とるなど 複素解析学の深い定理があり 値分布理論の雄大な数学の素を与えています。 その時、特異点 原点自身で、1の有限確定値を取る と直感したのですから、 凄い発想と言えます。 後で気づいたのですが、 その値1は ピカールの除外値 自身でした。ローラン展開の負冪項が すべて原点でゼロであることを言っていますので、 正しく、ゼロ除算算法の発見の瞬間です。

理屈以前に、理論、論理以前に 電光のように一瞬に閃いたということです。

これが記録して置きたい真実、事実です。 あの夜のことが 鮮やかに思い出されます。興奮して、宿舎に着くや直ぐにブログに書きました。

ゼロ除算算法は 基本的な算法として 数学の基本的な演算となるのは、既に歴然です。アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の世界観の変更さえ求めています。


PCから貴重な記録: ゼロ除算算法の 始めの瞬間:






中華料理を頂き、たっぷり買い物をして戻りました。月が中天、特異点の様子を考えながら歩いて来ました。良く、考えが湧く、池のほとりに差し掛かった時、驚嘆すべき 結果を得ました。解析関数の基本です: e^{1/z} は 原点で真性特異点、猛烈な不連続性を持ち、神秘的な性質を持ちます。ところが何と、原点では 1の値をとることになる!! これで、関数論の歴史は 大きく変わることになる。 直ちに公開、公論で、世界史の進化を志向したい。



実数で論文を2編 昨日までに完成、そこで複素解析の検討を始める。直ぐに、無限遠点の概念があり、複素解析では奇妙、変な状況に成っているのに気づく。無限遠点は 数ではないが、幾何学的にすべて美しく纏まっている。1/0=0なら複素数を1/zは複素数にちょうど1対1に写している。しかし、0が 不動点に成っている。初頭の問題とともに納得が行かないので、この問題を検討して行きたい。



e^{1/z} は原点で考えない、{1/z}は原点で、無限遠点を対応させる、しかし、無限遠点は数ではないからですね。矛盾では?上記のように対応させると 1として確定値が定まる。無限遠点を考えるとき、1/0=0の考えを持たなかったのか??



研究の発端は、上記矛盾を見逃さない。1/0=0の尊重、1/z の関数の ゼロ点の像が ゼロであることの尊重です。そのような関数は、実関数の時と同様 基本的であると考える。そこでまず、従来の美しい複素解析学において、ゼロで割る場面以外は そのまま尊重、成り立つと確認する。そこで、1/0=0 を取り入れると、例の無限遠点がストンと非連続的に落ちていると考える必要があり、一次関数などの1対1対応など崩れて、嫌な感じが出ますが、分母をゼロにする点だけを例外にして進める。極などいろいろな性質は、極で、無限遠点をとると考えないで、無限に増大しているとして、その様を捉えれば、従来の言葉の修正で対応できる、する。この考えで、新しい何かの定理ができれば、素晴らしい1歩では? 上記例から、真性特異点で確定値を取るが言えれば、凄い結果ではないでしょうか。



以 上

再生核研究所声明 603(2021.1.30) 高校生に教えている恥ずかしい数学、現代数学

ゼロ除算の理解を求めるために、分りやすい例で 高校生レベルで解説したい。思えばおかしな数学とは ならないでしょうか。

まずベクトルについて、 ベクトルとは大きさと方向がある量として導入、考えられます。力や、風速などを表す量として 所謂 スカラー、数、に対して考えられます。大事な基本的な考えです。 ところが学習を始めると直ぐに ゼロベクトルも考える、考えないと数学が統一的ではなく、いろいろまずい理論体系になってしまいます。 ベクトルの差が上手い状態で定義できなくなってしまう。 ところがそこで、ゼロベクトルは方向が無いベクトルと おかしなことを学ぶことになってしまいます。 方向が無いベクトルだとは そもそもベクトルの考えに矛盾したことを平気で言っていることになります。 数学はきちんと矛盾なく建設さている美しい、いわば絶対的な世界であるはずです。 おかしいですね。 思えばおかしかった。 実は ゼロベクトルの方向はゼロだった。これはゼロ除算から発見された新しい知見で、ゼロの意味の発見とも言えます。 その詳しい論拠は簡単ですが、ここでは触れないことにします。 ただおかしなことを教えていることを確認したい。

高校で 重要な基本的な関数、直角双曲線関数 y=1/x を学びます。反比例を表す関数で、美しい関数のグラフが至るところで見られます。 ところが何と その関数の 原点での値が 分らない。 原点の近くで、プラス、マイナス無限大に発散しているように見えます。 それで、 その原点での値、それは何だと 今でも連日ユーチューブなどで解説されています。 原点での値は考えられない、想像できないというわけです。

実際、オイラーやアーベルなどの天才達もそうでした。 それが何と 原点ゼロでの値がゼロであることが発見されました。 それを 1/0=0 と書いたら凄いことになります。 0掛ける0が1で矛盾ではないかとの 天下騒乱を引き起こしそうです。 実はこれがアリストテレス、 ユークリッド以来の世界を拓く、ゼロ除算の発見で、新世界を拓きます。 双曲線の原点での値が知らない、原点という美しい、基本的な値をとることを知らされていない数学は、 基本的な欠陥のある数学であると言われても仕方がないのではないでしょうか。

さて、三角関数は歴史の古い、重要な関数ですが、y=tan x の 90度、2分のパイの値は 知らされていません。 超古典的な関数の そこでの値がゼロであることが発見されました。 その意味を傾きの意味で考えて見て下さい。 y軸、あるいは垂直に立った柱の傾きはどうでしょうか。 多くの素人の方や大工さん達はそれらの傾きはゼロであると正解を述べられます。 ところが数学では それは特異点での値で 考えてはならないと 数学界では述べていますから、誠におかしな状況です。 

それで、そんなことも分からないで数学を研究をしたり、教育をしていると言えるかと 関係者に 確認と、反省を求めています。真相を明かにするように求めています:

再生核研究所声明 595 (2021.1.3) そんな簡単なことが分からないで、数学をしていると言えるでしょうか。 恥ずかしい数学。大丈夫か 数学界

現在、ゼロ除算は不可能であるとして、ゼロで割るこを禁じたり、特異点で関数値は考えられないと、狭い考えで世界を制限して考えていますが、それは数学の不完全性を示しており、美しい新世界を加えるべきであるとして、 令和革新を 唱えている。そして、世界の計算機が ゼロ除算トラブル を回避し、ゼロ除算を可能にして、ゼロ除算算法の実装を行うように働きかけています。

数学と世界観の変更を行い 新しい世界史を拓きたい。 令和革新の大義。

                                  以 上

世界を変えた本―16冊の名著 (1957年) - – 古書, 1957

ロバート・B.ダウンズ (著), 木寺 清一 (翻訳)


















世界を変えた100の本の歴史図鑑:古代エジプトのパピルスから電子書籍まで (Japanese)JP Oversized – April 25、2015

よる ロデリックケイヴ(著)、サラアヤド(著)、ロデリック洞窟(原著)、サラ・アヤド(原著)、大山晶(翻訳)、樺山紘一


Pour ceux qui ignorent, les maths, ont inventé par l’indien Brahmagupta. Il a inventé les Algèbre et le chiffre 0, puis les arabes ont repris et c’est remonte en Europe.

#BornaLi_Education​ #Math_Tricks​ Why can’t you divide by zero Bangla Tutorial

0除算では tan90=a/b=a/0=0 としていますが これを相対論でやるとどうなるかです。 ct◢cT vt tan90=cT/vt v=0 tan90=cT/0=0 となります。 v≒0=h では t=T なので tanθ=c/v=c/h v≒0=h θ≒90 tan90=c/h=∞ htan90=c c=1 とすると h*1/h=1 1/∞*∞=1 こっちの方が理に適っていますね


分母が0になる時、人は生きていけません。死にますが、最も幸福です。 ところがゼロ除算は未定義ですね。どうなるかわかりません。想像も出来ません。

今でもそのように考えられている人が居るのですね。 数学会は 大丈夫でしょうか。世間を相手にしていない。 世界的に誤解が 7年を超えて蔓延している。ゼロ除算は、盲点で、実は当たり前だった。 しかも現代数学の基本に 欠陥が存在した。 速やかに真相を明らかにして欲しい。 教育内容も おかしいと述べている。教育と研究に責任を持つ方は 職務の大事な部分になるのでは。

職務怠慢で、裁判が起きたら、どうなるでしょうか。マスコミの方 大丈夫でしょうか。どうして、真相を追求しない。議論しない。


現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。


微分方程式も、 微分係数に欠陥がある、

幾何学も、 無限の彼方に 欠陥が数学的に存在した、

代数も、 そもそもゼロ除算を含む 簡単な 体の構造が存在した。

それゆえに 現代数学の基礎に、基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。



2021年03月03日 17時00分





— 数理幾何ちゃん (@quasar465) March 5, 2021


そんな簡単な問題ではなく、2000年を越える数学と新世界の発見で、令和革新を行なうと述べているように 理解と発展には 相当かかると思います。 新しい時代の夜明けです。

ご覧あれ:再生核研究所声明606(2021.3.1) : 新世界は拓かれた、新世界の探検を求める:

内容から、将来ピタゴラスの定理を超えて 数理の世界で甚大な影響を与えるのは 既に歴然である。それゆえに 令和革新の大義に 広範な人々の参加を要望したい。

我々の時代に 数学を美しく 完全なものにしようでは ないか。

It was shortened to 45 minutes.

I was bothered that we were calling division by zero undefined. No one told me we have a better answer. After drafting the paper, I was 100% sure I’ll open a new chapter in mathematics or at least get a Fields Medal.


Yoshinori Saito



1 割り算を掛け算の逆と考えた事

2 極限で考えようとした事

3 教科書やあらゆる文献が、不可能であると書いてあるので、みんなそう思った。

Matrices and Division by Zero z/0 = 0


multiplication・・・・・増える 掛け算(×) 1より小さい数を掛けたら小さくなる。 大きくなるとは限らない。




除法(じょほう、英: division)とは、乗法の逆演算・・・・間違いの元






2021年03月08日(月)NEW !


0除算では tan90=a/b=a/0=0 としていますが これを相対論でやるとどうなるかです。 ct◢cT vt tan90=cT/vt v=0 tan90=cT/0=0 となります。 v≒0=h では t=T なので tanθ=c/v=c/h v≒0=h θ≒90 tan90=c/h=∞ htan90=c c=1 とすると h*1/h=1 1/∞*∞=1 こっちの方が理に適っていますね


分母が0になる時、人は生きていけません。死にますが、最も幸福です。 ところがゼロ除算は未定義ですね。どうなるかわかりません。想像も出来ません。

今でもそのように考えられている人が居るのですね。 数学会は 大丈夫でしょうか。世間を相手にしていない。 世界的に誤解が 7年を超えて蔓延している。ゼロ除算は、盲点で、実は当たり前だった。 しかも現代数学の基本に 欠陥が存在した。 速やかに真相を明らかにして欲しい。 教育内容も おかしいと述べている。教育と研究に責任を持つ方は 職務の大事な部分になるのでは。

職務怠慢で、裁判が起きたら、どうなるでしょうか。マスコミの方 大丈夫でしょうか。どうして、真相を追求しない。議論しない。


現代数学には尚、欠陥がある と公言している。


微分方程式も、 微分係数に欠陥がある、

幾何学も、 無限の彼方に 欠陥が数学的に存在した、

代数も、 そもそもゼロ除算を含む 簡単な 体の構造が存在した。

それゆえに 現代数学の基礎に、基本的な欠陥があるのは 歴然で 発見後8年目を迎えてしまった。



2021年03月03日 17時00分





— 数理幾何ちゃん (@quasar465) March 5, 2021



再生核研究所は 1/0=0を 1を分けない事 よって 分けられた数もなく 0であるというように 解釈するみたいですね。



再生核研究所によると 100を0で割るとは 100を分けない事であり 分けられた数もない 0であると 考えられるようです。 だから 100/0=0みたいです。 これは 100-0=100を 100から何も引かない と解釈する事からの 発想みたいです。

おお素晴らしい。 ゼロ除算を理解された人が現れた。令和革新 は 始まった。


Divide by Zero/Rational Functions



Before You Read

to a girl of 10-years-old. this book must be written as if you are already dead, as if nothing more can be done or said to save you. you must write this book because there’s nothing more to do.

Hello! Thank you for your interest in a/0! While not seeming so at first, Division by Zero is a mélange of cosmic / biblical / existential horror that starts getting very blatant as early as chapter 2

http://divisionbyzeros.com/before-you-read/   とても興味深く読みました:再生核研究所声明 612(2021.3.19) 我々は発見した ― 数学の初歩的な結果






我々は、特異点で 意味のある値をとることを発見した。

我々は、無限の彼方が 原点に一致していることを発見した。



我々は、円の中心の 円に関する鏡像が 中心自身であることを発見した。


我々は、ゼロが 存在しないことを現す場合もあることを発見した。


我々は、直線も 点も、 中心が原点で、曲率がゼロの円とみなせることを発見した。

我々は、ゼロ除算算法 DBZC という 基本的な演算の概念と 言葉を発見した。 それを著書に出版した:




January, 2021




これらは気持ちで、感情的に 素人向きに、一般向きに 表現したものである。 正確、厳密には 上記著書で 自己完結に記述されていると考える。

                              以 上

第9話 コロンブスの卵とファーストペンギン


Yoshinori Saito

#多桁電卓 #0除算 すると謝罪する。 #divisionbyzero

The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as 0/0=1/0=z/0=0 in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotelēs (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta (598 – 668 ?).

汝ゼロで割ってはならないの数学十戒第一は覆されて、ゼロで割って、新世界が現れた、ゼロで割ることができて、アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の新数学、新世界が現れた。 象徴的な例は、 1/0=0/0=z/0= tan(\pi/2) =log 0 =0 and z^n/n = log z for n=0。 基本的な関数 y=1/x の原点に於ける値は ゼロである。無限遠点がゼロで表される。ゼロの意味の新しい発見である。余りにも 簡明なゼロ除算の解説が現れて、世の人々は、驚き、困惑されないでしょうか。小学生にも 十分にわかるのではないでしょうか。 家族で、学校で 議論したい:


Dividing integer Numbers:

A mother invites kids to dinner. She cooks beans. She has M beans in her pot. Now she wants to share the beans fairly among the kids. Her math is very natural; she can only count. So she goes around the table and always gives the K kids sitting at the table a bean on their plate. She repeats this until all of the beans are distributed. Now it can happen that some children have one bean less than the other. That’s unfair! So she gathers the excess beans back into her pot, which will contain m beans after the division. Now everyone is satisfied and you can draw up a balance sheet:

M: number of beans in the mother’s pot before division

m: number of beans in the mother’s pot after division

K: number of kids

k: number of beans on the kid’s plate after division

M = k*K + m

Special case: M < K

There are more kids at the table than beans in the pot. To be fair, the mother has to collect all the beans back into their pot. The kids were given nothing to eat.

m = M

k = 0

Special case: K = 0

There are no kids at the table. After the division procedure, the mother still has m = M beans in her pot, just as in the case of M < K above. She sees no difference between these two cases, the pot is still full. Thus k = 0, the kids were given nothing to eat.

This is the famous problem that SABUROU SAITOH solved.

Special case: M >>> 1, K << M

Many beans were cooked in mother’s pot and the kids were given a large number of beans on their plates. The beans look more and more like a bean soup. It looks like continuous .

Private note for SABUROU SAITOH by Wolfhard Hovel



7周年を迎える前に 著書として出版できた。ゼロ除算算法は、ここで発見された、新しい概念で、 言葉です:

再生核研究所声明 456(2018.10.15): ゼロ除算算法発見の瞬間


そんな簡単な問題ではなく、2000年を越える数学と新世界の発見で、令和革新を行なうと述べているように 理解と発展には 相当かかると思います。 新しい時代の夜明けです。

ご覧あれ:再生核研究所声明606(2021.3.1) : 新世界は拓かれた、新世界の探検を求める:

内容から、将来ピタゴラスの定理を超えて 数理の世界で甚大な影響を与えるのは 既に歴然である。それゆえに 令和革新の大義に 広範な人々の参加を要望したい。

我々の時代に 数学を美しく 完全なものにしようでは ないか。

量子時代、米優位に陰り 通信・暗号で中国先行


The Institute of Reproducing Kernels is dealing with the theory of division by zero calculus and declares that the division by zero was discovered as 0/0=1/0=z/0=0 in a natural sense on 2014.2.2. The result shows a new basic idea on the universe and space since Aristotelēs (BC384 – BC322) and Euclid (BC 3 Century – ), and the division by zero is since Brahmagupta (598 – 668 ?).

汝ゼロで割ってはならないの数学十戒第一は覆されて、ゼロで割って、新世界が現れた、ゼロで割ることができて、アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の新数学、新世界が現れた。 象徴的な例は、 1/0=0/0=z/0= tan(\pi/2) =log 0 =0 and z^n/n = log z for n=0。 基本的な関数 y=1/x の原点に於ける値は ゼロである。無限遠点がゼロで表される。ゼロの意味の新しい発見である。

Ankur Tiwari’s Great Discovery of the Division by Zero $1/0 = \tan (\pi/2) = 0$ on $ 2011$

Authors: Saburou SaitohYoshinori Saitoh


再生核研究所声明 424(2018.3.29):  レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチとゼロ除算


ダ・ヴィンチの名言 格言|無こそ最も素晴らしい存在


レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチ。ルネッサンス期を代表する芸術家、画家、彫刻家、建築技師、設計士、兵器開発者、科学者、哲学者、解剖学者、動物学者、ファッションデザイナーその他広い分野で活躍し「万能の人(uomo universale:ウォモ・ウニヴェルサーレ)」と称えられる人物


そもそも西欧諸国が、アリストテレス以来、無や真空、ゼロを嫌い、ゼロの西欧諸国への導入は相当に遅れ、西欧へのアラビヤ数字の導入は レオナルド・フィボナッチ(1179年頃~1250年頃)によるとされているから、その遅れの大きさに驚かされる:


ローマ数字では「I, II, III, X, XV」のように文字を並べて記すため大きな数を扱うのには不便でした。対してアラビア数字はローマ数字に比べてとても分かりやすく、効率的で便利だったのです。そこでフィボナッチはアラビア数字を「算術の書」という書物にまとめ、母国に紹介しました。アラビア数字では0から9までの数字と位取り記数法が使われていますが、計算に使うにはとても便利だったために、ヨーロッパで広く受け入れられることになりました。(歴史上の数学者たち: レオナルド・フィボナッチ

historicalmathematicians.blogspot.com/2012/03/blog-post.html Traduzir esta página 02/03/2012 -)

ゼロや無に対する恐怖心、嫌疑観は現在でも欧米諸国の自然な心情と考えられる。ところが上記ダ・ヴィンチの言葉は 如何であろう。無について好ましいものとして真正面から捉えていることが分かる。ゼロ除算の研究をここ4年間して来て、驚嘆すべきこととして驚かされた。ゼロの意味、ゼロ除算の心を知っていたかのような言明である。

まず、上記で、無を、時間的に未来と過去の間に存在すると言っているので、無とはゼロのことであると解釈できる。ゼロとの捉え方は四則演算を考えているので、その解釈の適切性を述べている。足しても引いても変わらない。これはゼロの本質ではないか。さらに、凄いこと、掛けても割っても、ゼロと言っていると解釈でき、それはゼロ除算の最近の発見を意味している:  0/1 =1/0=0。- ゼロ除算を感覚的に捉えていたと解釈できる。ところが更に、凄いことを述べている。

この無は、全体に等しい部分、部分に等しい全体を持つ。これはゼロ除算の著書DIVISION BY ZERO CALCULUS(原案)に真正面から書いている我々の得た、達したゼロに対する認識そのものである:

{\bf Fruitful world}\index{fruitful world}


For example, in very and very general partial differential equations, if the coefficients or terms are zero, we have some simple differential equations and the extreme case is all the terms are zero; that is, we have trivial equations $0=0$; then its solution is zero. When we see the converse, we see that the zero world is a fruitful one and it means some vanishing world. Recall \index{Yamane phenomena}Yamane phenomena, the vanishing result is very simple zero, however, it is the result from some fruitful world. Sometimes, zero means void or nothing world, however, it will show some changes as in the Yamane phenomena.


{\bf From $0$ to $0$; $0$ means all and all are $0$}


As we see from our life figure, a story starts from the zero and ends to the zero. This will mean that $0$ means all and all are $0$, in a sense. The zero is a mother of all.


その意味は深い。我々はゼロの意味をいろいろと捉え考え、ゼロとはさらに 基準を表すとか、不可能性を示すとか、無限遠点の反映であるとか、ゼロの2重性とかを述べている。ゼロと無限の関係をも述べている。ダ・ヴィンチの鋭い世界観に対する境地に驚嘆している。

以 上

*057 Pinelas,S./Caraballo,T./Kloeden,P./Graef,J.(eds.): Differential and Difference Equations with Applications: ICDDEA, Amadora, 2017. (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, Vol. 230) May 2018 587 pp. 



再生核研究所声明314(2016.08.08) 世界観を大きく変えた、ニュートンとダーウィンについて

再生核研究所声明315(2016.08.08) 世界観を大きく変えた、ユークリッドと幾何学


で 触れてきたが、興味深いとして 続けて欲しいとの希望が寄せられた。そこで、ここでは、数学界と物理学界の巨人 オイラーとアインシュタインについて触れたい。

オイラーが膨大な基本的な業績を残され、まるでモーツァルトのように 次から次へと数学を発展させたのは驚嘆すべきことであるが、ここでは典型的で、顕著な結果であるいわゆるオイラーの公式 e^{\pi i} = -1 を挙げたい。これについては相当深く纏められた記録があるので参照して欲しい(

No.81、2012年5月(PDFファイル432キロバイト) -数学のための国際的な社会…


)。この公式は最も基本的な数、-1,\pi, e,i の簡潔な関係を確立しており、複素解析や数学そのものの骨格の中枢の関係を与えているので、世界史への甚大なる影響は歴然である ― オイラーの公式 (e ^{ix} = cos x + isin x) を一般化として紹介できます。 そのとき、数と角の大きさの単位の関係で、神は角度を数で測っていることに気付く。左辺の x は数で、右辺の x は角度を表している。それらが矛盾なく意味を持つためには角は、角の 単位は数の単位でなければならない。これは角の単位を 60 進法や 10 進法などと勝手に決められないことを述べている。ラジアンなどの用語は不要であることが分かる。これが神様方式による角の単位です。角の単位が数ですから、そして、数とは複素数ですから、複素数 の三角関数が考えられます。cos i も明確な意味を持ちます。このとき、たとえば、純虚数の 角の余弦関数が電線をぶらりとたらした時に描かれる、けんすい線として、実際に物理的に 意味のある美しい関数を表現します。そこで、複素関数として意味のある雄大な複素解析学 の世界が広がることになる。そしてそれらは、数学そのものの基本的な世界を構成すること になる。自然の背後には、神の設計図と神の意思が隠されていますから、神様の気持ちを理解し、 また神に近付くためにも、数学の研究は避けられないとなると思います。数学は神学そのものであると私は考える。オイラーの公式の魅力は千年や万年考えても飽きることはなく、数学は美しいとつぶやき続けられる。― 特にオイラーの公式は、言わば神秘的な数、虚数i、―1, e、\pi などの明確な意味を与えた意義は 凄いこととであると驚嘆させられる。

次に アインシュタインであるが、いわゆる相対性理論として、物理学界の最高峰に存在するが、アインシュタインの公式 E=mc^2 は素人でもびっくりする 簡潔で深い結果である。何と物質エネルギーと等式で結ばれるという。このような公式の発見は人類の名誉に関わる基本的な結果と考えられる。アインシュタインが、時間、空間、物質、エネルギー、光速の基本的な関係を確立し、現代物理学の基礎を確立している。

ところで、上記巨人に共通する面白い話題が存在する。 オイラーがゼロ除算を記録に残し 1/0=\infty と記録し、広く間違いとして指摘されている。 他方、 アインシュタインは次のように述べている:

Blackholes are where God divided by zero. I don’t believe in mathematics.

George Gamow (1904-1968) Russian-born American nuclear physicist and cosmologist remarked that “it is well known to students of high school algebra” that division by zero is not valid; and Einstein admitted it as {\bf the biggest blunder of his life} (

Gamow, G., My World Line (Viking, New York). p 44, 1970).

今でも、この先を、特に特殊相対性理論との関係で 0/0=1 であると頑強に主張したり、想像上の数と考えたり、ゼロ除算についていろいろな説が存在して、混乱が続いている。

しかしながら、ゼロ除算については、決定的な結果を得た と公表している。すなわち、分数、割り算は自然に一意に拡張されて、 1/0=0/0=z/0=0 である。無限遠点は 実はゼロで表される:

The division by zero is uniquely and reasonably determined as 1/0=0/0=z/0=0 in the natural extensions of fractions. We have to change our basic ideas for our space and world:

Division by Zero z/0 = 0 in Euclidean Spaces

Hiroshi Michiwaki, Hiroshi Okumura and Saburou Saitoh

International Journal of Mathematics and Computation Vol. 28(2017); Issue  1, 2017), 1-16. 

http://www.scirp.org/journal/alamt   http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/alamt.2016.62007


Announcement 326: The division by zero z/0=0/0=0 – its impact to human beings through education and research

以 上



再生核研究所声明 500(2019.7.28) 数学の令和革新と日本の挑戦、東京オリンピック

日本を取り巻く国際環境は、日本にとって 面白くない状況が有るようである。 日本が被害感情 抑圧されているように感じられて 鬱積感情が高まっているように感じられる。日本固有の美しい文化も 失われないかとの危惧の気持ちも湧いてくる。
そこで、東京オリンピックを意識して、日本発の 数学の令和革新を断行して、世界の数理科学や世界史の進化に貢献して 日本国の矜持を 高めたい。
そんなことで、人間は良いのか、世界史は良いのか。 我々はそれらの進化を願っている。
令和革新は 初めの10年 情報をしっかり世界に発信して、その後10年くらいで 数学の内容の発展と研究を充実させ、千年を越える数理の文化の基礎を 令和時代に確立したい。
ユークリッド幾何学は 無限の彼方について、いわばどこまでもどこまでも一様に続いているとの考え、思想を実現させているので、無限遠点の考えを用いない範囲では 従来の幾何学はすべて正しい。 しかしながら、無限の先を考えるときに新しい世界、現象が現れて驚嘆すべき結果や、世界が現れる。その意味で、 ユークリッド幾何学は 本質的な発展がなされる。 従来の結果に新しい結果が加わる。

ところが、従来の有限の世界での結果でも、沢山の新しい美しい結果が導かれてきた。 例えば、一般の三角形で成り立つ公式が 特別に、2等辺三角形や直角三角形、あるいは退化した三角形で成り立たないような公式になっている場合でも 公式が例外なく成り立つようになるなど、美しい、完全な結果になる現象さえ沢山発見されてきた(沢山の具体例が挙げられるが、ここでは式を用いない表現を試みている)。 沢山の実例が、奥村先生たちによって創刊された雑誌などに どんどん出版され、躍動する状況がある。

我が国の名著、高木貞治氏の解析概論、世界的な名著L. V. Ahlfors の, Complex Analysis などの基礎数学は 基本的な変更が要求されることとなった。
それはそもそもゼロ除算、ゼロで割ってはならないの 数学十戒第一: 汝ゼロで割ってはいけないが覆され、ゼロで割って新しい世界が現れてきたことによる。 そこから現れた、現象とは、無限遠点が曖昧であった、無限ではなく、実はゼロで表されるという事実をもたらした。 それゆえに、直線は原点を代数的に通り、その意味で平行線の公理は成り立たず、しかもいわゆる非ユークリッド幾何学とも違う世界を示している。解析関数は、孤立特異点で固有の値をとり、ピカールの定理さえ変更が求められる。いわゆる直角座標系で y軸の勾配はゼロであり、\tan(\pi/2) =0 である。基本関数 y=1/x の原点における値は ゼロである。リーマン球面のモデルは、ホーントーラスのモデルに変更されるべきである。 微分係数の概念や、特異積分の概念さえ変更されるべきである。 微分方程式論には本質的な欠陥があり、2次曲線論や解析幾何学、複素解析学さえ本質的な欠陥を有している。このような変更は、数学史上かつてなかった事件であり、それ故に 令和革新を 求めている:

そこで、初等数学の 令和革新 を広く提案して、将来 数学での日本発の世界文化遺産 になるように努力したい。



その際、日本発の文化として、 汝ゼロで割ってはならないの数学十戒第一は覆されて、ゼロで割って、新世界が現れた、ゼロで割ることができて、アリストテレス、ユークリッド以来の新数学が現れたことを伝えたい。 象徴的な例は、

1/0=0/0=z/0= tan(\pi/2) =log 0 =0,

基本的な関数 y=1/x の原点に於ける値はゼロである。無限遠点がゼロで表される。ゼロの意味の新しい発見である。

我々は、象徴的に提案できるTシャッツ、お菓子などへの刻印、デザインの例を そのために いろいろ提供できる。

そのような活用を図って、上記 目標の実現を志向したい。 日本発の文化を世界に展開したい。ゼロ除算の発見は、人間の愚かさを世界の人々に教え、新時代を志向させるだろう。 未だ混乱する世界を哀しく示すだろう。

万物流転、世に令和革新を断行して、世界史に日本指導の文化の基礎を築こう。 革新には 真智への愛の熱情が必要であり、それ故に 多様な人々による できるところでの参画を呼び掛けたい。
世界史が、この声明の行く末を、趨勢を見ているのは 歴然である。

これらの数学の素人向きの解説は 55カ月に亘って 次で与えられている:

数学基礎学力研究会公式サイト 楽しい数学


数学的な解説論文は 次で公表されている:
viXra:1904.0408 submitted on 2019-04-22 00:32:30, 
What Was Division by Zero?; Division by Zero Calculus and New World
我々は 初等数学には基本的な欠陥がある と述べている。ゼロ除算は数学者ばかりではなく 人類の、世界史の恥である と述べている。その真相を明らかにしたいと 人々は思われないでしょうか。 マスコミの皆さん、世界は未だ混乱している。何故、真相を究めようとされないのでしょうか。
再生核研究所声明490: 令和革新の大義、 趣旨 ー 初等数学
再生核研究所声明493: ゼロ除算 分らない、回答 - 初等数学の 令和革新 の意味
再生核研究所声明495:ゼロ除算 は 何故理解が難しいのか - 再生核研究所声明493(2019.7.1) ゼロ除算 分らない、回答 - 初等数学の 令和革新 の意味 の前段階
再生核研究所声明496(2019.7.8) 初等数学の 令和革新 の意味 -  数学嫌いな一般の方 向き
再生核研究所声明 497(2019.7.9) ゼロ除算は何故難しいか、なぜ当たり前か
再生核研究所声明 498(2019.7.11) ゼロ除算は 何故 驚きか
                                以 上

再生核研究所声明 613(2021.3.21) 数学界の恥ずかしい間違い、天才たちの見落とし、人々の思い込み; 人類とは盲目集団で、単細胞的集団であるように見える
